Para Quiz 7

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Para quiz 7

Paratenic or transport host is .1

a. an animal which receives all the benefit and the other member is neither benefited
nor harmed
b. Animals harboring the same species of parasites as man
.c. The host harboring the larvae or asexual stage of parasite
d. The host harboring adult or sexual stage of parasite
e. an abnormal host in which some parasitic larvae can survive but can’t develop into

2. The characteristic Ascaris eggs are:

a. broadly oval, measuring 60x40μ and in the 4-8 cell stage when discharged in stool
b. barrel shaped, measuring 50x25μ with a plug at each pole and one cell
embryonated when discharged from stool
c. planoconvex, measuring 55x25μ and fully embryonated when discharged from
d. Oval with one pole rounded and the other pointed, immature embyro in morula
e. subspherical, thick shell, regular albuminous mammilation, immature embryo

3. The daily number of eggs of each Trichocephalus trichura is

a. 2000
b. 20,000
c. 200,000
d. 500
e. 30

4. Which of the following helminthes lives in large intestine

a. Ancylostoma duodenale
b. Enterobius vermicularis
c. Brugia malayei
d. Necator americanis
e. Ascaris lumbericoides

5. Stool examination is of low diagnostic value in diagnosis Enterobius

vermicularis, because:
a. It lives in liver, so eggs not discharged in stool
b. Female is not oviparous
c. About 95 % of eggs are glued to perianal skin
d. There is no specific diagnostic method to Enterobius
e. Female is died before egg deposition

6. Baermann's apparatus is used to diagnose which of the following helminthes

a. Pin worm
b. Old world hook worm
c. Medina worm
d. Whip worm
e. African eye worm

7. Which of the following statement is WRONG about rhabditiform larva of

hook worm ?
a. Its length is 200 × 15 microns
b. It has a long buccal cavity.
c. It hatch in 2 days in the feces or in the soil
d. It needs moist, shaded soil , temperature 23°C- 33°C
e. Penetrate skin or mucous membrane, and then migrate to SI

8. Proctoscopic examination is used to diagnose

a. Giardia lamblia
b. Ancylostoma duodenale
c. Trichocephalus trichuria
d. Ascaris lumbercoides
e. Toxocara spp

The intermediate host for Dracunculus medinensis is .9

a. pig
b. rodent
c. Cyclops
d. salmon fish
e. Culex

?Which of the following filarial worms exhibits diurnal periodicity .10

a. Wuchereria bancrofti
b. Loa loa
c. Mansonella ozzardi.
d. Onchocerca volvulus
e. Mansonella perstans

The diagnostic stage for W. Bancrofti is .11

a. Corticated egg
b. Rhabditiform larva
c. Filariform larva
d. Microfilaria
e. Immature cyst

12. All the following is correct about microfilaria Onchocerca volvulus EXCEPT
a. 300 x 7 m
b. Sheathed
c. The anterior and posterior ends devoid of nuclei
d. Non Periodic
e. Not present in peripheral blood except in immediate vicinity of nodules
Which of the following cestodes exhibits Anapolysis (proglottids remains .13
?attached & eggs are released through uterine pore)
a. Taenia solium
b. Taenia saginata
c. Diphyllobothrium latum
d. Echinococcus granulosus
e. Hymenolepis nana

14. Which of the following cestodes has: an oval, 80x 40 microns, yellowish
brown, operculated immature egg?
a. Taenia solium
b. Taenia saginata
c. Diphyllobothrium latum
d. Echinococcus granulosus
e. Hymenolepis nana

15. Autoinfection occurs in the infection of

a. Taenia solium
b. Taenia saginata
c. Diphyllobothrium latum
d. Echinococcus granulosus
e. Multiceps multiceps

Which of the following techniques has no role in diagnosing human hydatid .16
a. Chest Xray
b. Abdominal Ultrasound
c. Cyst aspitration
d. Cyst biopsy
e. Stool examination

17. A worker in fox fur industry, having a mass in liver. Upon biopsy it was
found that there are small irregular cavities separated by septa. This alveoli
contain gelatinous material and are usually parasitological sterile; it
infiltrates the surrounding tissues and grows to the periphery with central
necrosis. This a probable infection by
a. Taenia solium
b. Taenia saginata
c. Echinococcus multilocularis
d. Echinococcus granulosus
e. Multiceps multiceps

18. An egg characterized by being spherical , measuring 30-40μ, contains mature

hexacanth embryos, not stained by Zeihl – Neelson (acid fast stain) is probably
belong to:
a. Taenia solium
b. Taenia saginata
c. Diphyllobothrium latum
d. Echinococcus granulosus
e. Echinococcus multilocularis

19. Rostellum with rostellum with 1-7 circles of rose-thorn hooks is a

characteristic of
a. Taenia solium
b. Taenia saginata
c. Diphyllobothrium latum
d. Dipylidium caninum
e. Enterobius vermicularis

20. The diagnostic stage for Fasciola gigantica is

a. egg
b. miracidium
c. sporocyst
d. redia
e. cercaria

21. The infective stage in Paragonimus westermani is

a. egg
b. miracidium
c. redia
d. cercaria
e. encysted metacercaria

22. The diagnostic sample in paragonomiasis is

a. Urine sample
b. Stool sample
c. Sputum sample
d. Blood sample
e. Both A & C

23. All trematodes eggs are operculated EXCEPT

a. Heterophyes heterophyes
b. Paragonimus westermanii
c. Schistosoma hematobium
d. Faciola gigantica
e. Fasiolopsis buski

24. Spurious infection occurred in

a. Heterophyes heterophyes
b. Paragonimus westermanii
c. Schistosoma hematobium
d. Faciola gigantica
e. Fasiolopsis buski
25. A trophozoite found on stool examination characterized by thick nuclear
membrane, eccentric karyosome, irregular peripheral chromatin. This probably
belong to
a. Entamoeba histolytica
b. Entamoeba coli
c. Endolimax nana
d. Iodamoeba butschlii
e. Entamoeba gingivalis

26. Morula cells of Mott is a diagnostic feature of

a. L. donovani
b. Trypanosoma gambianse
c. Trypanosoma cruzi
d. L.aethiopica
e. L.mexicana

27. Which stage will be found when culturing ulcer aspirate on NNN media of a
suspected Leishmania tropica case?
a. amastigote
b. promastigote
c. epimastigoe
d. trypomastigote
e. metacyclic trypanosomes

28. Trophozoite is the infective stage in

a. Enteromonus hominis
b. Embadomonus intestinalis
c. Giardia intestinalis
d. Chilomastix mesnili
e. Trichomonus hominis

29. Posterior nuclear shift after animal inoculation occurs in

a. L. donovani
b. Trypanosoma rhodesiense
c. Trypanosoma cruzi
d. L.aethiopica
e. Trypanosoma gambianse

30. Culture of C.S.F. sample on 1.5% non-nutrient agar coated with washed
Escherichia coli at 37˚c is used to diagnose
a. Entamoeba histolytica
b. Giardia intestinalis
c. Trichomonus hominis
d. Naegleria fowleri
e. Leishmania donovani

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