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1. Write a program using 8085 Assembly language.

Decimal Addition
; Decimal Addition Program in 8085 Assembly Language

ORG 0000H ; Start address

MVI A, 0AH ; Load A register with first decimal number (e.g., 10)
MOV B, A ; Move A to B for backup

MVI A, 05H ; Load A register with second decimal number (e.g., 5)

ADD B ; Add B to A

MOV C, A ; Move result to C register

HLT ; Halt

END ; End of program

2. HexeDecimals
ORG 0000H ; Set origin to 0000H

MVI A, 0AH ; Load 0AH (10 in decimal) into accumulator A
MVI B, 05H ; Load 05H (5 in decimal) into register B
ADD B ; Add contents of register B to accumulator A
MOV C, A ; Move result to register C

HLT ; Halt the program


3. Subtraction of two Numbers

ORG 0000H ; Origin of the program

MVI A, 20H ; Load the first number into accumulator A
MVI B, 10H ; Load the second number into register B

SUB B ; Subtract the second number from the first number

; The result is stored in the accumulator A

HLT ; Halt the program

END ; End of the program

4. Write a program using 8085 mu p for addition & substruction of two BCD No's.
ORG 0000H ; Origin of the program

MVI A, 65H ; First BCD number (65 in BCD = 101 in binary)
MVI B, 27H ; Second BCD number (27 in BCD = 0100111 in binary)

; Addition
MOV C, A ; Copy first number to register C
MOV A, B ; Move second number to accumulator A
ADD C ; Add the numbers
DAA ; Decimal Adjust Accumulator after addition

; Display result of addition

; Here you would send the result to an output device or display

; Subtraction
MOV C, A ; Copy first number to register C
MOV A, B ; Move second number to accumulator A
SUB C ; Subtract the numbers
DAA ; Decimal Adjust Accumulator after subtraction

; Display result of subtraction

; Here you would send the result to an output device or display

HLT ; Halt the program

END ; End of the program

5. Write a program to perform multiplication and division of two 8 bit numbers

ORG 0000H ; Origin of the program

MVI A, 12H ; First 8-bit number (12 in decimal)
MVI B, 0AH ; Second 8-bit number (10 in decimal)

; Multiplication
MOV C, A ; Copy first number to register C
MOV A, B ; Move second number to accumulator A
MVI D, 00H ; Initialize D register to 0 for result
MVI E, 08H ; Set loop counter to 8 (8 bits)
RLC ; Rotate left accumulator through carry
JNC NOT_ADD; If carry is not set, skip addition
ADD C ; Add first number to result in register D
DCR E ; Decrement loop counter
JNZ MULT_LOOP ; Continue looping until all bits are processed

; Display result of multiplication

; Here you would send the result to an output device or display

; Division
MOV A, C ; Move result of multiplication to accumulator A
MOV B, 03H ; Divisor (3 in decimal)
MVI C, 00H ; Initialize quotient to 0
MVI D, 08H ; Set loop counter to 8 (8 bits)
RLC ; Rotate left accumulator through carry
CMP B ; Compare A and B (divisor)
JC NOT_SUB ; If A is less than B, skip subtraction
SUB B ; Subtract B from A
INR C ; Increment quotient
DCR D ; Decrement loop counter
JNZ DIV_LOOP ; Continue looping until all bits are processed

; Display result of division

; Here you would send the quotient to an output device or display

HLT ; Halt the program

END ; End of the program

6. Write a program to find the largest and smallest no in the array.

ORG 0000H ; Origin of the program

MVI H, 00H ; Initialize HL pair to point to the beginning of the array

MVI L, 05H ; Assuming array starts at memory location 0500H

; Load the first element of the array into accumulator A

MOV C, A ; Initialize smallest number with the first element
MOV B, A ; Initialize largest number with the first element

INX H ; Move to the next element of the array

DCR L ; Decrement array size counter

MOV A, M ; Load the next element of the array into accumulator A

; Compare with current smallest number

JC NOT_SMALL ; If A is greater than or equal to C, skip updating smallest number
MOV C, A ; Update smallest number

; Compare with current largest number

JNC NOT_LARGE ; If A is less than or equal to B, skip updating largest number
MOV B, A ; Update largest number

INX H ; Move to the next element of the array

DCR L ; Decrement array size counter
JNZ FIND_LOOP ; Continue looping until all elements are processed

; Display result
; Now, smallest number is in register C and largest number is in register B
; You would send these values to an output device or display
HLT ; Halt the program

END ; End of the program

7. Write a program to arrange an array of Dates in ascending and descending Number
ORG 0000H ; Origin of the program

MVI H, 00H ; Initialize HL pair to point to the beginning of the array

MVI L, 05H ; Assuming array starts at memory location 0500H

; Load the array into registers

MOV A, M ; Load the first element of the array into accumulator A
MOV B, A ; Initialize the smallest number with the first element
MOV C, A ; Initialize the largest number with the first element
INX H ; Move to the next element of the array

; Find the smallest and largest dates

DCR L ; Decrement array size counter
JC EXIT ; If array size is 1, exit
MOV A, M ; Load the next element of the array into accumulator A

; Compare with current smallest date

JC NOT_SMALL ; If A is greater than or equal to B, skip updating smallest date
MOV B, A ; Update smallest date

; Compare with current largest date

JNC NOT_LARGE ; If A is less than or equal to C, skip updating largest date
MOV C, A ; Update largest date

INX H ; Move to the next element of the array

DCR L ; Decrement array size counter
JNZ FIND_LOOP ; Continue looping until all elements are processed

; Ascending order sorting

LXI H, 0500H ; Point to the beginning of the array
MOV L, C ; Store the largest date at the last position
MOV M, B ; Store the smallest date at the first position
LXI H, 0501H ; Point to the second position of the array

; Descending order sorting

LXI H, 0500H ; Point to the beginning of the array
MOV L, B ; Store the smallest date at the last position
MOV M, C ; Store the largest date at the first position
LXI H, 0501H ; Point to the second position of the array

; Display the sorted array

; Here you would send the array to an output device or display

HLT ; Halt the program

END ; End of the program

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