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Bhakti Sastri OBA-2023-24 UNIT-II (Bhagavad Gita 7-12) Sunil Kumar

Q 2. Present, in your own words, points relevant for your personal application with specific
references to Sanskrit words and phrases, and Prabhupada’s purport, from 10.8-11:

Ans 2): - Introduction: -

In these four verses Lord Krsna summarizes the essence of Bhagavad Gita, Pure Bhakti (10.8 to
10.11 often called as catuh sloki gita). In the 8 th sholka, Krsna has described his opulence so that
everyone engages themselves in the devotional service by all their hearts. The pure devotees
always glorify the lord and experience the joy in conversing about lord and serving him. He
reciprocates by destroying the darkness in their hearts and enlightening them from within their

I- BG 10.8 Krsna is the source of everything.

ahaà sarvasya prabhavo, mattaù sarvaà pravartate
iti matvä bhajante mäà, budhä bhäva-samanvitäù
I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who
perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.

Philosophical Understanding:-
 ahaà sarvasya prabhavo:- I(Krsna) am the cause of the existence and manifestation of
everything-both material and spiritual. Therefore, Krsna is the also the supreme controller of
the entire unlimited material universes and the spiritual world.
 mattaù sarvaà pravartate- From the naval of Lord Narayan, the creator Brahma was created
and from the Brahma Lord Siva and others are born. “The Narayana is also an expansion of
Lord Krsna”(bg 10.8 p).
 iti matvä bhajante mäà:- The who knows that Krsna is origin and his greatness, render
service to Krsna by engaging all his senses in the service of Krsna as per the teachings of Lord
 budhä bhäva-samanvitäù:- In the purport, Srila Pabhupada explains that one Learned
(Budha) who understands Krsna perfectly from a bona fide spiritual master will worship him
with great love and attention.

Personal Application:-
 There is no alternative but surrender only to Krsna not to the other demigod.
 Each and every living entity must be respect as they are the part and parcel of Krishna.
 All the sense must be engaged in the service of Krsna i.e. Chanting and taking parsadam with
tongue, going to temple form legs & to fix mind on the lotus feet of Krsna.
 Taking proper guidance from bona fide spiritual mater at each and every step. Not to read
unauthorized commentaries and interpretation of Bhagavad-Gita and also on the unauthorized
website like Wikipedia etc.

Bhakti Sastri OBA-2023-24 UNIT-II (Bhagavad Gita 7-12) Sunil Kumar

II- BG 10.9 Symptoms of pure devotees of Krsna.

mac-cittä mad-gata-präëä, bodhayantaù parasparam
kathayantaç ca mäà nityaà, tuñyanti ca ramanti ca

The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and
they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing
about Me.

Philosophical Understanding:-
 mac-cittä mad-gata-präëä:- Krsna is the life of his devotees and they cannot live without him
as the fish cannot without water (Smarana).
 bodhayantaù parasparam(sravanam):- The devotes of the Lord explain each other his form,
name qualities and pastimes by hearing the literature like Srimad Bhagavatam.
 kathayantaç ca mäà nityaà(Kirtanam):- The devotees always engaged themselves in singing
& discussing with each other about Krsna.
 tuñyanti ca ramanti ca:- The devotees get continual pleasure and satisfaction in association of
Krsna like “a young boy and girl take please in association” (bg 10.8 p).

Personal Application:-
 There is no alternative but surrender only to Krsna not to the other demigod.
 Each and every living entity must be respect as they are the part and parcel of Krishna.
 All the sense must be engaged in the service of Krsna i.e. Chanting and taking parsadam with
tongue, going to temple form legs & to fix mind on the lotus feet of Krsna.
 Taking proper guidance from bona fide spiritual mater at each and every step. Not to read
unauthorized commentaries and interpretation of Bhagavad-Gita and also on the unauthorized
website like Wikipedia etc.

As stated by Lord Krsna himself in bg 6.47, Bhakti yoga is the best process because in this a
yogi concentrate his attention only on the ultimate goal of life, Krsna (sac-cid-ananda). People in
general are short-lived, slow in spiritual realization and always disturbed by various anxieties,
therefore it is very difficult to get result by adopting slow process which requires strict
concentration of mind in a secluded/sanctified place in other yoga system but in Bhakt Yogi a

Bhakti Sastri OBA-2023-24 UNIT-II (Bhagavad Gita 7-12) Sunil Kumar

bona fide spiritual master which is very kind in nature bestowed his causeless mercy on a
disciple. So, he can easily concentrate on the supreme lord, Krsna and all the Vedic Knowledge
automatically revealed in the heart of yogi. Therefore, a yogi need not to go step by step as
prescribed in yoga ladder besides this Bhakti yoga is like using elevator where his all the duty
already self-illuminated (bg 6.47 & 3.17 p) and a yogi is sure to reach the ultimate goal of life to
serve the sac-cid-änanda-vigrahaù of Lord Kåñëa (bg 2.47 p).

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