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bai tap ngu phap 2.


Thời gian làm bài: 40 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)
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I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Câu 1. A huge crowd__________in the pouring rain to cheer the president.
A. dropped in B. help up
C. saw off *D. turned out
Câu 2. __________in several early civilizations, a cubit was based on the legth of the forearm from the tip of
the middle finger to the elbow.
*A. Used as a measurement B. A measurement was used
C. The use of a measurement D. It was used as a measurement
Câu 3. Measles is a highly contagious viral disease__________by a characteristic skin rash.
A. that are accompanied B. is accompanied
*C. accompanied D. accompany
Câu 4. __________seasonal rainfall, especially in regions near the tropics, is winds that blow in an opposite
direction in winter than in summer.
A. That cause B. Causing
*C. What causes D. To cause
Câu 5. Mrs. Smith has__________painting since she retired two years ago.
*A. taken up B. taken off
C. taken over D. taken in
Câu 6. __________further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.
A. Had B. Should *C. Were D. If
Câu 7. __________as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
A. That we refer to *B. What we refer to
C. To which we refer D. What do we refer to
Câu 8. My parents lent me the money. __________, I couldn't have afforded the trip.
A. However B. Therefore
C. Only if *D. Otherwise
Câu 9. __________and terrifying, coral smakes can grow to 4 feet in length.
A. They are extremely poisonous B. The poison is extreme
*C. Exmemely poisonous D. An extreme amount of poison
Câu 10. Although__________cold climates, they can thrive in hot, dry climates as well.
A. sheep adapted well B. well-adapted sheep
C. sheep, well-adapted to *D. sheep are well adapted to
Câu 11. Most of the hotels were full and we had a hard time__________accommodations.
A. to find B. having found
C. is found *D. finding
Câu 12. “It’s not my turn to do the dishes tonight.” I hope mum doesn’t get__________.
A. them by me done B. me doing
C. done by me *D. me to do them

Câu 13. “Did you hear what happened to Charlotte?” “Yeah – She__________.”
A. had someone stealing *B. had her handbag stolen
C. had stolen her handbag D. was stolen her handbag
Câu 14. We found plenty of wood, but we had nothing__________to light our campfire.
A. which with *B. with which
C. that for D. for that
Câu 15. My uncle was a great believer in regular exercise. He always__________.
A. said us to work out regularly B. told us to work out regularly
*C. said to work out regularly D. told to work out regularly
Câu 16. __________each group would work on a different part of the project.
*A. It was agreed that B. To be agreeing that
C. Agreeing that D. Having been agreed that
Câu 17. He stormed out of the hall, __________down several chairs as he went.
A. knocked B. knocks *C. knocking D. to knock
Câu 18. When the delay was announced, we realized that we__________enough time to catch our connecting
A. wouldn’t have had *B. wouldn’t have
C. hadn’t had D. didn’t had
Câu 19. __________by heavy traffic, she was unable to arrive on time.
*A. Having been delayed B. Having delayed
C. Being delayed D. To delay
Câu 20. The mostimpressive profile__________to the editors belonged to a ninety-year-old lady.
A. which was sent B. having sent
*C. that was sent D. sending
Câu 21. After retiring, I decided to__________gardening.
A. go over B. come up with
*C. take up D. get over
Câu 22. __________, we would have lost the game.
*A. Had it not been for Mike’s support B. If Mike didn’t support us
C. Were Mike not to support us D. Without Mike’s support us
Câu 23. These athletes, __________have been interviewed on TV a few times, are quite popular in town.
A. whom B. that *C. who D. whose
Câu 24. A strict vegetarian is a person__________never in his life eats anything derived from animals.
*A. who B. what C. which D. whose
Câu 25. __________you revise the lessons carefully, you can’t do well in your exam.
A. But for B. In case *C. Unless D. If
Câu 26. If I had a million dollars, I__________into space.
A. would have traveled B. had traveled
*C. would travel D. traveled
Câu 27. Before you travel, __________you should do first is make a list of all the things you have to bring
A. that *B. what C. which D. when
Câu 28. We’d better__________early. It’s a very long journey.
*A. set off B. make up C. go back D. go on
Câu 29. A lot of Vietnamese people__________live abroad want to celebrate Tet in Vietnam, their motherland.

A. which B. X C. whose *D. who
Câu 30. When you travel to other countries, you__________expect everyone to speak your language or
*A. shouldn’t B. mayn’t
C. don’t have to D. needn’t
Câu 31. There are many beautiful lakes and mountains__________are worth visiting when you travel in the
A. what B. which C. where *D. that
Câu 32. I will ask my father, __________advice I can always rely on.
A. that B. which C. who *D. whose
Câu 33. Dinner is a valuable time__________our family members stay together after a long day at work.
A. whose B. which C. where *D. when
Câu 34. I__________candles on a birthday cake unless the cake__________large enough.
A. won’t put – were *B. wouldn’t put – was
C. wouldn’t put – had been D. would put – were
Câu 35. I wish you would__________the TV and go outside and get some exercise.
A. call off B. give off C. put off *D. turn off
Câu 36. Scientists are trying to__________out the ways to reduce pollution from aircaft.
A. break B. call C. turn *D. work
Câu 37. No wonder the vacuum cleaner isn’t working. You haven’t__________it__________.
A. brought – in B. give – in
*C. plugged – in D. pull – in
Câu 38. Whoever__________that idea should have won the Nobel Prize.
*A. came up with B. catch up with
C. get on with D. get away with
Câu 39. Why don’t you__________when you install this new electric gadget?
A. get Aaron help *B. have Aaron help
C. have Aaron helped D. have got Aaron help
Câu 40. It’s hard to believe that this film__________completely by computer.
*A. has been generated B. has generated
C. was generated D. had been generated
Câu 41. Thanks to the A.I applications, Internet users__________into a new language in real time.
A. can translate webpages B. can have webpages translate
*C. can have webpages translated D. can get webpages to translate
Câu 42. As soon as Dad__________, we can leave.
A. got the car to start *B. has got the car started
C. got started the car D. was got starting the car
Câu 43. My sister__________her ear pierced last weekend.
A. did *B. got C. made D. has
Câu 44. You’d better get someone__________your house.
A. redecorated *B. to redecorate
C. to be redecorated D. redecorate
Câu 45. I wish my father had bought me a new mobile phone instead of having it__________like that.
A. to repair *B. repaired
C. being repaired D. repairing

Câu 46. If we don’t protect these rare species, they__________by 2030s.
A. have died out B. will die out
*C. will have died out D. die out
Câu 47. Bill asked me why__________to go shopping with me.
*A. I hadn’t invited him B. hadn’t I invited him
C. I hadn’t him invited D. hadn’t I him invited
Câu 48. __________, she worked as a sales representative.
A. Since has graduated from university B. Until she graduates from university
C. When she was graduating from university *D. After she had graduated from university
Câu 49. The conference will begin__________.
A. when all the guests were arriving *B. as soon as all the guests arrive
C. before all the guests arrived D. after all the guests had arrived
Câu 50. My daughter has pursued higher education in the UK__________.
A. after she left secondary school B. before she left secondary school
C. if she would leave secondary school *D. since she left secondary school
Câu 51. We were hiking through the dense forest__________.
A. by the time we see some exotic plants B. after we had seen some exotic plants
*C. when we saw some exotic plants D. since we have seen some exotic plants
Câu 52. __________, it started to rain heavily.
A. Having been taken some photos of the wildlife reserve
*B. When Tien was taking some photos of the wildlife reserve
C. Had Tien taken some photos of the wildlife reserve
D. Unless Tien took some photos of the wildlife reserve
Câu 53. When Sophia moves into her new house, __________.
A. she held a party to celebrate B. she would hold a party to celebrate
C. she has holdena party to celebrate *D. she will hold a party to celebrate
Câu 54. Remember to read the contract carefully__________.
A. when you were signing your name *B. before you sign your name
C. as soon as you signed your name D. after you had signed your name
Câu 55. A new bridge__________to link our village to the city centre next year.
A. will build B. is building
*C. is going to be built D. has been built
Câu 56. A local businesswoman is said__________all of her savings to a local charity last year.
A. to donate B. have donated
C. donate *D. to have donated
Câu 57. Sample CVs__________directly from our website.
A. are downloading *B. can be downloaded
C. have downloaded D. had downloaded
Câu 58. Henry will never forget__________to be the chairperson of the School Youth Union.
A. choosing B. to choose
*C. being chosen D. to be chosen
Câu 59. Burning coal is believed__________the air quality.
A. worsen B. worsening
C. worsened *D. to worsen
Câu 60. Michael hopes__________of the interview result soon.
A. to notify B. notify
C. notifying *D. to be notified
Câu 61. They still remember__________to participate in a seminar on AI technology.
*A. being invited B. inviting
C. to invite D. to be invited
Câu 62. Simpson is thought__________out of college to pursue his artistic dream.
*A. to have dropped B. dropping
C. drop D. have dropped
Câu 63. Her uncle is said__________all of his money to charity when he died.
A. to donate *B. to have donated
C. have donated D. to be donated
Câu 64. Jimmy asked me how long I__________my apprenticeship as a car mechanic.
A. serve B. will serve
C. have served *D. had served
Câu 65. The policeman wanted to know where she__________the night before.
*A. had been B. will be C. is D. would be
Câu 66. The interviewer asked me why I__________my current job.
A. am quitting B. have quit
*C. had quit D. will quit
Câu 67. The tour guide asked us if we__________about that old town.
*A. had heard B. have heard
C. hear D. heard
Câu 68. If James__________a bit taller, he would join the basketball team.
A. is B. had been C. has been *D. were
Câu 69. My mother__________me to translate this sentence into Vietnamese if she__________now.
*A. would help/ weren’t cooking B. would have help/ hadn’t cooked
C. would help/ cookn’t D. would have helped/ hadn’t cooked
Câu 70. If Sebastien__________too fat, he__________to play for the school’s football team.
*A. weren’t/ could be chosen B. weren’t/ could choose
C. hadn’t been/ could be chosen D. hadn’t been/ could be have chosen
Câu 71. Meat and poultry __________or several hours or days to tenderize or add flavour.
A. can marinate *B. can be marinated
C. marinating D. marinated
Câu 72. Mary could have had an accident if she__________a seatbelt.
A. didn’t wear B. doesn’t wear
*C. hadn’t worn D. isn’t wearing
Câu 73. If Susan is free this weekend, she__________her children to the theme park.
A. would take *B. takes
C. would have taken D. will take
Câu 74. If it hadn’t been for their support, I__________from college.
A. hadn’t graduated B. won’t graduate
C. didn’t graduate *D. wouldn’t have graduated
Câu 75. You can use my calculator__________you return it by tonight.
A. if *B. as long as
C. unless D. in case
Câu 76. If it weren’t for the unexpected ending, the film__________perfect.
A. will be B. would have been
*C. would be D. has been
Câu 77. More students would pass the exam if the questions__________simpler.
A. have been B. are *C. were D. will be
Câu 78. His health will be improved significantly if he__________a vegetarian diet.
A. followed B. had followed
*C. follows D. will follow
Câu 79. They say the exams_________they have to take often make them worried, and they have no time to
A. where B. who C. when *D. which
Câu 80. Teenagers_________suffer from exam stress may show a variety of symptoms including loss of
appetite, being unable to sleep and a lack of motivation to study.
A. when B. where C. which *D. who
Câu 81. Computers and smartphones, _________are much cheaper than ever before, help people choose their
favourite programmes quickly and more effectively.
A. where *B. which C. who D. when
Câu 82. Participants are given the chance to visit parts of the world_________are untouched by human
A. who *B. that C. when D. why
Câu 83. They can also provide reassurance to people_________are alone in dangerous situations.
A. which B. when C. where *D. who
Câu 84. They like studying and writing essays and they enjoy the class discussions_________take place.
A. whom *B. which C. where D. when
Câu 85. There is a widespread perception that teenagers' lives nowadays are dominated by technology.
However, the information_________was gathered in a recent study suggests that this view doesn't reflect the
reality of their everyday existence.
A. when *B. which C. where D. who
Câu 86. What is more, “if interns do well, employers would often rather make them full employees than recruit
people _________they don't know”.
*A. who B. when C. which D. where
Câu 87. Teenagers need to learn to say “no” to social pressure and to find friends_________they can talk things
over with when they have a problem.
A. why B. which *C. who D. where
Câu 88. He's marrying a girl_________family don't seem to like him.
A. who B. whom *C. whose D. which
Câu 89. The hotel_________we spent our honeymoon has been demolished.
A. which B. that *C. where D. when
Câu 90. The parcel arrived in the post at 11 am, _________I was still at work.
*A. when B. which C. where D. that
Câu 91. I want to know the reason_________you decide to leave me.
A. what B. which C. when *D. why
Câu 92. Over 200 people attended the ceremony, many of_________had known Harry as their teacher.
A. who *B. whom C. that D. which
Câu 93. He took out a photo of his son, _________he adores.
A. that B. which *C. whom D. whose

Câu 94. He lives in a small city_________is called Chau Doc.
A. who *B. which C. whom D. where
Câu 95. My grandfather, _________is a wise politican, has greatly influenced my life.
A. which B. that C. whom *D. who
Câu 96. The man_________walks along the corridor is our headmaster.
A. which *B. that C. when D. where
Câu 97. Nha Trang, _________known as one of the most beautiful cities in Viet Nam, attracts many tourists
every year.
A. who *B. which C. that D. where
Câu 98. Have you ever met the beauty queen_________Dao mentioned in class this morning?
A. which *B. whom C. who D. whose
Câu 99. I couldn't remember the time_________there was no internet.
A. what B. who C. which *D. when
Câu 100. It was in this house_________I was born.
A. where B. in which *C. that D. when
Câu 101. I liked the friends_________I met on Tet holiday in my hometown.
A. whose B. why *C. whom D. which
Câu 102. I think the Chinese are the people_________habits are the most peculiar to us.
A. which B. whom C. when *D. whose
Câu 103. The people to_________she was speaking didn't know German.
A. who B. whose C. that *D. whom
Câu 104. The restaurant_________we had our dinner was the most expensive in this city.
*A. where B. which C. when D. that
Câu 105. I never forget the time_________my motorbike broke down in a very crowded street.
A. where B. what *C. when D. in which
Câu 106. The top model about_________I was telling you is on TV now.
A. who B. which C. that *D. whom
Câu 107. Mexico City, _________is the fastest growing city in the world, has a very large population.
A. when B. that C. whose *D. which
Câu 108. Before coming to my office, please check the appointment_________are listed in my official
*A. that B. why C. when D. where
Câu 109. She is talking about the author, _________book is one of the best-sellers this year.
A. which *B. whose C. that D. who
Câu 110. He bought all the books_________are needed for the next exam.
*A. that B. what C. those D. who
Câu 111. The reason_________I phoned him was to invite him to a party.
A. what B. whose *C. why D. which
Câu 112. Gregg has passd the final exam, _________is great news
A. what B. who C. when *D. which
Câu 113. The children, _________parents are famous teachers, are taught well.
A. that B. whom *C. whose D. their
Câu 114. Do you know the boy, _________we met at the party last week?
A. which B. whose C. who *D. whom
Câu 115. The man sitting next to me kept talking during the film, _________really annoyed me.

A. that *B. which C. whose D. who
Câu 116. The old lady with_________we were travelling told us her life story.
A. where *B. whom C. that D. who
Câu 117. The purse_________she had lost last week was found yesterday.
*A. which B. what C. whose D. whom
Câu 118. I called my cousin, _________is a mechanic, to fix my car, _________was broken.
*A. who/ which B. that/ all of which
C. who/ all of which D. who/ that
Câu 119. My only blue tie, _________Richard wants to wear, is really an expensive one.
A. that B. whose *C. which D. whom
Câu 120. This is the village_________my family and I lived for six years.
*A. in which B. that C. which D. in where
Câu 121. The engineers_________designed the tower received the highest award.
*A. who B. whom C. which D. where
Câu 122. She is a famous actress_________everybody admires.
A. where *B. whom C. which D. when
Câu 123. The wedding party, _________I was the guest of honor, was jovial.
A. at that B. to which C. to that *D. at which
Câu 124. The food_________I like best of all is pie alamode.
A. who B. whose C. whom *D. that
Câu 125. The old building_________was behind the local church fell down.
A. of which *B. which C. whose D. whom
Câu 126. They would like a teacher_________native language is English.
A. who *B. whose C. whom D. that
Câu 127. The local shop deals in many kinds of hair products__________from reasonably priced shampoos to
rather expensive dyes.
*A. ranging B. are ranged
C. range D. are ranging
Câu 128. The students__________yesterday voiced their objection to the school's new regulations.
A. interview B. who interview
C. interviewing *D. interviewed
Câu 129. These news apps__________a few months ago have become ubiquitous.
A. which launch *B. launched
C. to launch D. launching
Câu 130. The police wanted to ask some residents__________the fire.
A. to witness *B. witnessing
C. that witnessing D. witnessed
Câu 131. The brochure__________all the hotels in the area and their facilities will be given to each guest free
of charge.
A. details B. to detail
*C. detailing D. detailed
Câu 132. The woman__________with the virus has made a speedy recovery.
*A. infected B. infecting C. infection D. to infect
Câu 133. Lucy is the most creative student__________the competition.
A. join B. joined *C. to join D. who join

Câu 134. Those__________part in the seminar will be given a free copy of the book “Road to IELTS”.
A. take B. took C. taken *D. taking
Câu 135. The new president__________a few weeks ago contracted the coronavirus.
A. who elected B. to elect
*C. elected D. electing
Câu 136. These activities__________for young people become less popular.
*A. designed B. designing C. design D. to design
Câu 137. James was the only male student__________in the yoga class.
A. who participate B. participating
C. participated *D. to participate
Câu 138. The students__________truant yesterday were punished by the head teacher.
*A. playing B. to play C. play D. played
Câu 139. You should change your lifestyle by turning off the lights when not in use to reduce the amount of
A. is consuming B. consuming
*C. consumed D. is consumed
Câu 140. Your bill__________$20 should be fully paid by Thursday, September 30.
A. total B. totalled
*C. totalling D. to total
Câu 141. We provide some temporary shelters for those__________by the recent storm.
*A. affected B. to affect C. affecting D. affect
Câu 142. Taj Mahal, __________by Shah Janhan, is one of the most wonderful architectural wonders of the
A. was built *B. built C. building D. to build
Câu 143. Students__________good results in the final exam will receive scholarships from the school.
*A. having B. have
C. are having D. to have
Câu 144. Last weekend, we visited the church__________in the 18th century.
A. to build B. which built
*C. built D. building
Câu 145. Lazada 11 Birthday Show, __________in Hanoi, attracted a lot of people since it had the
participation of many famous singers and MCs.
*A. held B. was held
C. were holding D. holding
Câu 146. The woman__________English at my school is Mrs Brown.
A. taught *B. teaching
C. to teach D. is teaching
Câu 147. The 31st SEA Games, __________ in Vietnam in 2022, left a deep impression on the participants.
A. were held *B. held
C. holding D. was holding
Câu 148. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter franchise is the best-selling book series of all time with 500 million
copies __________over the world.
*A. sold B. were selling
C. selling D. which sold
Câu 149. If she wins this match, she will become the first German tennis player__________the championship.
*A. to win B. who won C. winning D. won
Câu 150. Sri Lanka, __________many places with religious and historic significance, is a well-known tourist
attraction in the world.
A. had *B. having C. is having D. to have
Câu 151. Who was the first human being__________into space?
A. going *B. to go C. gone D. to be go
Câu 152. __________the experiment several times, the scientists finally succeeded in developing a new
A. Have carried out *B. Having carried out
C. Have been carried out D. Have been carrying out
Câu 153. __________from high school, he decided to take a gap year to travel around the world.
A. Graduated B. To graduate
*C. Having graduated D. Have graduated
Câu 154. If__________with necessary skills, these interns will perform better.
*A. equipped B. having equipped
C. to equip D. equipping
Câu 155. __________for 2 hours, they stopped to have dinner at a local restaurant.
A. Walk B. Walked
C. Have walked *D. Having walked
Câu 156. The novel will reach a wider audience if__________in a simpler way.
A. write B. having written
*C. written D. to write
Câu 157. __________to the conference, Lucy realised that she had forgotten to bring her report.
*A. Having come B. Having been come
C. Have come D. Came
Câu 158. Once__________, older people will be less likely to catch the virus.
A. vaccination B. vaccinate
C. vaccinating *D. vaccinated
Câu 159. __________around Vietnam, Mike Dutch was impressed with its friendly people and delicious food.
A. Travelled B. Have travelled
*C. Travelling D. To be travelled
Câu 160. When__________as the leader of the team, he promised to try harder.
A. appoint *B. appointed
C. to appoint D. appointing
Câu 161. __________by a group of skilled workers, the new apartment now looks impressive.
*A. Built B. Have built
C. To build D. Building
Câu 162. __________his tertiary education, Michael got married and had two children.
A. Have completed B. Completed
C. Having been completed *D. Having completed
Câu 163. __________in the 1990s, the charitable organisation helped lots of those in need.
A. Finding B. Having found
*C. Founded D. To found
Câu 164. __________some detailed research on the virus, the scientists claimed that it was deadly.
*A. Having done B. Have done
C. Do D. Did

Câu 165. _________15 litres of drinking water, the machine was out of order.
A. Produced B. Have produced
C. Produces *D. Having produced
Câu 166. __________all the terms and conditions carefully, they signed the contract.
A. Have read *B. Having read
C. Read D. Be read
Câu 167. Linda always depends on her mother's help when__________with difficulties.
A. face B. to face
*C. faced D. have faced
Câu 168. __________the award for the most promising new band of the year, they are now very popular with
international fans.
*A. Having won B. Won
C. Have won D. To be won
Câu 169. He promises that he will do his best to address some of the most pressing environmental problems
A. elect B. electing C. to elect *D. elected
Câu 170. __________from work, Johny realised that his house had been broken into.
A. Return *B. Having returned
C. Have returned D. Have been returned
Câu 171. Once__________a chance to take part in the competition, Bin can demonstrate his talent.
*A. given B. giving C. to give D. give
Câu 172. When__________about their favourite subject at school, these students expressed a preference for
A. asking B. having asked
*C. asked D. ask
Câu 173. __________off the bus, the old lady realised that she had forgotten to take her glasses.
A. Got *B. Having got
C. To get D. Have got
Câu 174. __________with virus, David was fully aware of the importance of wearing face masks.
A. Infecting *B. Infected
C. Have infected D. He was infected
Câu 175. __________divorced, Tim started to earn his living by working as a waiter.
A. Got B. Have got
C. Have been got *D. Having got
Câu 176. __________on a course at IDP, Nam made significant progress in his study.
*A. Having enrolled B. Enrolled
C. To be enrolled D. Have enrolled
Câu 177. Many buildingsin the Gaza Strip__________due to constant bombardment.
A. collapes B. were collaped
C. be collaped *D. collaped
Câu 178. Red roses__________on the grave withered under the scorching heat.
A. lain *B. laid C. laying D. to lie
Câu 179. Teenagers can become more independent when__________opportunities to do housework by
A. giving B. to be given
C. give *D. given
Câu 180. He left the company__________they didn’t appreciate him.
A. though *B. because C. however D. so
Câu 181. He hated being in the army_________he had to obey commands.
*A. because B. because of
C. although D. in spite of
Câu 182. _________we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.
A. Despite B. Even though
*C. Since D. Due to
Câu 183. I asked the teacher if I could be excused from football practice_________my knee still hurt.
A. but B. yet C. so *D. as
Câu 184. The game has been cancelled_________unfavorable weather conditions.
A. because *B. due to
C. in spite of D. although
Câu 185. She felt she had been discriminated against_________her age.
A. since B. even though
C. despite *D. although
Câu 186. We do not own the building. _________, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to
*A. Thus B. Now that
C. Nonetheless D. On the other hand
Câu 187. The whole report is badly written. _________, it’s inaccurate.
A. For example B. Whereas
*C. Moreover D. However
Câu 188. You can take Route 14 to get there, _________it may take you a little longer.
A. or *B. but C. however D. because
Câu 189. We were unable to get funding and_________had to abandon the project.
A. however *B. therefore
C. nevertheless D. otherwise
Câu 190. _________you take a taxi, you'll still miss your train.
*A. Even if B. If only C. Unless D. Until
Câu 191. _________your work has improved greatly, there are still some areas that concern me.
A. When B. Once C. As *D. While
Câu 192. He works slowly and precisely_________I tend to rush things and make mistakes.
A. otherwise B. nevertheless
C. nonetheless *D. whereas
Câu 193. Their economy has expanded, while ours, _________, has declined.
*A. in contrast B. as a result
C. in addition D. for instance
Câu 194. She walked home by herself_________she knew that it was dangerous.
A. in spite of *B. although
C. because D. because of
Câu 195. There are serious problems in our country. _________, we feel this is a good time to return.
A. Moreover *B. Nonetheless
C. Furthermore D. Besides
Câu 196. They may do whatever they like_________it is within the law.

A. as soon as B. in case
*C. provided that D. unless
Câu 197. He couldn't get money from the bank_________he couldn't buy a house.
A. as B. but *C. so D. yet
Câu 198. Once he starts painting a room he won't stop_________it's done.
A. as well as B. as soon as
C. as long as *D. until
Câu 199. I got into the house quietly_________I might wake up my mom.
A. as soon as *B. for fear that
C. in order that D. on the contrary
Câu 200. She gobbled_________she hadn't eaten for ages.
*A. as if B. even if C. unless D. so that
Câu 201. Shall I keep some chicken salad for your brother_________he's hungry when he gets here?
A. as long as B. as though
*C. in case D. although
Câu 202. _________I earn a lot of money every month, I never seem to have any to spare.
*A. Even though B. Because of
C. In spite of D. Because
Câu 203. _________he has a good job and a happy family now, he is always complaining.
*A. Although B. Despite C. Due to D. Because
Câu 204. He managed to eat a big lunch_________having eaten an enormous breakfast.
A. although B. as C. owing to *D. despite
Câu 205. _________our best endeavors, it has proven impossible to contact her.
A. Since B. Because of
*C. In spite of D. Even though
Câu 206. I enjoyed her new book_________it's not quite as good as her last one.
A. due to B. in spite of
*C. though D. since
Câu 207. He came home early_________see the kids before they went to bed.
*A. in order to B. in addition to
C. so as not to D. so that
Câu 208. The kids have to get up before 7 a.m, _________they'll be late for school.
A. unless B. in order that
*C. otherwise D. because
Câu 209. _________it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.
A. Because of B. Despite
*C. As D. Though
Câu 210. Students are not allowed to handle these chemicals_________they are under the supervision of a
A. if *B. unless C. suppose D. providing
Câu 211. _________our lousy noisy neighbors have moved, life is a lot more peaceful.
A. While B. Although C. Hence *D. Now that
Câu 212. You can play in the living room_________you don't make a mess.
A. as soon as B. as well as
C. as far as *D. as long as

Câu 213. He agreed to speak to reporters_________he was not identified.
A. on the whole *B. on the condition that
C. on the contrary D. on the other hand
Câu 214. We'd love to come and see you on Saturday, _________I don't have to work that day.
*A. supposing B. unless
C. in case D. while
Câu 215. __________he worked hard, he could not finish the job.
A. As B. Because *C. Though D. Despite
Câu 216. _________these cars are cheap, they last a long time.
A. Because B. in order that
*C. Although D. after
Câu 217. _________he succeeded, he had to work very hard.
A. While *B. Before C. Once D. If
Câu 218. I knew everything. _________, I tried to pretend I didn't know.
A. Moreover B. Therefore
*C. Nevertheless D. While
Câu 219. He has a good job, and_________he never seems to have any money.
A. since B. so C. if *D. yet
Câu 220. We can go to the concert, _________we've already paid for the tickets.
*A. seeing that B. unless
C. as if D. while
Câu 221. __________the road was icy, many accidents happened.
A. Although B. Because of
*C. Since D. As
Câu 222. If this project fails, it will affect_________our department, but also the whole organization.
*A. not only B. both C. whether D. and
Câu 223. We decided to leave early__________the party was boring.
A. although B. despite
*C. because D. because of
Câu 224. We could reach the house_________the road was flooded.
*A. although B. whether C. as if D. even
Câu 225. She didn't know_________he was laughing_________crying.
A. so – that *B. whether – or
C. neither – nor D. both – and
Câu 226. They were_________sad nor disappointed with their exam results.
*A. neither B. eithher C. not only D. whether
Câu 227. She played_________hockey_________basketball when she was a student.
A. so – that B. no sooner – than
*C. both – and D. such – that
Câu 228. I was tired after my journey, _________I had been forced to bike 20 miles.
A. unless B. so C. but *D. for
Câu 229. They were afraid to complain about the noise_________they annoyed the neighbors.
A. or else *B. lest
C. but D. in order that
Câu 230. My husband only likes classical music – I, _________, like all kinds.
*A. on the other hand B. on the condition that
C. on the whole D. on the way
Câu 231. We__________the puppies carefully and sold them for a good profit.
A. went through *B. brought up
C. fell over D. came up
Câu 232. Peter is an ambitious man who will never__________till he gets what he wants.
A. put on *B. give up C. turn down D. take back
Câu 233. That song__________such fond memories of my childhood.
A. comes back *B. brings back
C. falls behind D. comes in
Câu 234. I don't know what happened – one minute, she was talking to me, and the next minute, she just fell
A. on B. out *C. over D. up
Câu 235. I've__________with that show – can you tell me what happened in the latest episode?
A. dropped out *B. fallen behind
C. gone down D. kept pace
Câu 236. Apparently, Gina__________Dave last week, and now they're not talking to each other at all.
A. came up with *B. fell out with
C. went on with D. went back on
Câu 237. The board must__________a plan to put the city back on its financial feet.
A. go down with B. come around
*C. come up with D. drop out of
Câu 238. I think she__________all of that money when her grandmother died.
*A. came into B. came round
C. came off D. came on
Câu 239. There are job vacancies from time to time. I'll let you know if anything__________.
A. gets by B. puts on
*C. comes up D. carries out
Câu 240. It's__________that several ministers received payments from the company.
A. made for *B. come out
C. carried on D. set up
Câu 241. Tom's brother asked him to__________the music so that he could sleep.
A. close down B. go up
*C. turn down D. stand up
Câu 242. The performance on the first night__________pretty well.
A. made out B. fell out *C. came off D. put up
Câu 243. I__________him in the library after work, and we had a great conversation about Hemingway.
A. came into *B. came across
C. got into D. carried out
Câu 244. I__________while the meeting was in progress, so I waited in the back.
A. got in *B. came in C. made out D. set off
Câu 245. After Lily fainted, we used smelling salts to get her to__________.
*A. come around B. set up
C. put aside D. make up

Câu 246. My electric car doesn't__________sports cars in terms of speed, but I'd rather have one that doesn't
require gasoline.
A. make up for B. make away with
*C. come up to D. take out
Câu 247. I'm so sorry that you had to__________such a traumatic experience.
A. take out B. look down
*C. go through D. turn into
Câu 248. Oh, we're__________our weekend plans – I refuse to let a little rain stop us!
*A. going on with B. holding back
C. showing off D. filling in
Câu 249. After the power__________. I spent the night reading by candlelight.
A. held back *B. went out C. called up D. broke out
Câu 250. Well, the party must__________, whether we have caterers or not!
A. break out *B. go on C. hold back D. give off
Câu 251. I only__________for a few minutes-how did I miss that key detail in the episode?
A. tried on B. held on
*C. went away D. gave in
Câu 252. I can't believe you're__________school after all these years.
*A. going back to B. trying on
C. holding up D. caring for
Câu 253. People are beginning to worry that the president is going to__________his campaign promises.
A. hold over B. break into
C. account for *D. go back on
Câu 254. The whole building had to evacuate because the smoke alarm__________.
A. filled in B. gave off C. tried out *D. went off
Câu 255. Can you__________these instructions again? I'm still a little confused.
A. show off B. care about
*C. go over D. break down
Câu 256. You shouldn't let this great opportunity__________just because you're mad at your sister.
A. break down B. account for
C. look up to *D. go by
Câu 257. House prices in our neighborhood have__________significantly, so we're thinking of selling.
A. take on *B. gone up
C. called for D. filled in
Câu 258. Stocks in the company have__________for the third straight week in a row.
A. made up *B. gone down
C. stood up D. taken up
Câu 259. Volunteers will come around and__________pamphlets before the lecture.
A. give out B. pass out *C. hand out D. come out
Câu 260. That senator needs to__________the times and stop saying things that are wildly inappropriate in
today's world.
*A. keep up with B. go in for
C. cut down on D. go on with
Câu 261. When I__________, I don't want an elaborate funeral.
*A. pass away B. go back

C. cut off D. get around
Câu 262. Due to new regulations__________to us from our managers, I'm no longer authorized to give refunds
for any reason other than defective goods.
A. dropped in on *B. passed down
C. turned down D. cut off
Câu 263. Unfortunately, we'll have to__________that old tree because the inspector thinks it could fall on our
house in a bad storm.
*A. cut down B. turn down C. pass down D. come down
Câu 264. If the school board__________funding for the arts, then what will become of the theater program?
A. passes down *B. cuts off
C. hands out D. gets around
Câu 265. Mom is always using the phone in her office to__________on my conversations!
A. get in *B. cut in C. turn in D. pass in
Câu 266. My doctor told me that I need to__________eating fried foods in order to improve my cholesterol.
*A. cut down on B. get around
C. hand out D. go back on
Câu 267. It took her nearly four months to__________that bout of pneumonia.
A. make over B. make up *C. get over D. go on
Câu 268. Once I__________my last year of school, I'm taking a long vacation, that's for sure!
A. make out B. put down
C. go back on *D. get through
Câu 269. We're in the last row, so it's going to take us a while to__________the plane.
A. go by B. come in C. go out *D. get off
Câu 270. Will you get Uncle Joe__________the bus? He isn't sure where the stop is.
A. in B. over *C. on D. by
Câu 271. I've been working 14-hour days for the last two months, and I am seriously__________fumes at this
A. putting across B. getting through
C. coming into *D. running on
Câu 272. Are you boys looking for Mike? He just__________toward the creek.
A. took off B. put on
*C. ran off D. carried on
Câu 273. The store__________bottled water and canned food after the government issued the hurricane
A. put up *B. ran out of
C. carried on D. set on
Câu 274. I really like my job, for the most part, but I do have to__________a lot of tedious busywork.
A. make up for B. go back on
*C. put up with D. make for
Câu 275. I don't really feel like going out tonight. Let's just stay in and__________a cheesy.
A. carry on B. make for
C. account for *D. put on
Câu 276. Why did I keep__________working on this essay? Now I'll be up all night writing it.
A. running on B. getting around
*C. putting off D. getting up

Câu 277. My mom's family always got up at midnight on Christmas morning to open presents, and she has
carried that tradition__________with us.
A. over B. off *C. on D. in
Câu 278. This project has been floundering for a while, but with your shared passion for it, I'm confident that
you two can carry it__________.
A. on B. in *C. out D. over
Câu 279. Can you believe he set the charity__________when he was just 15?
A. off B. on C. in *D. up
Câu 280. I'm__________for New York tomorrow to attend a business meeting.
*A. setting off B. making out
C. standing up D. taking on
Câu 281. We all had to do extra work to__________Harry, who was very tired from being out late the night
A. carry up *B. make up for
C. get on with D. pick up
Câu 282. She had been sitting for so long that it was a pleasure to__________.
A. come out *B. stand up C. make for D. show off
Câu 283. The picture's red frame makes it__________against the green wall.
*A. stand out B. take over
C. look up D. come into
Câu 284. Percy was changing so rapidly that no one could tell whom he would eventually__________.
A. put on B. run off
*C. take after D. get on
Câu 285. Mimi became jealous when Jack's career started__________.
A. dropping in B. going on
*C. taking off D. coming on
Câu 286. I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all__________.
A. on B. off C. out *D. in
Câu 287. They had to__________two of his teeth.
A. go through B. go back on
*C. take out D. come into
Câu 288. Take these chairs__________– we don't need them.
A. up B. on *C. away D. over
Câu 289. Don't__________too much work – the extra cash isn't worth it.
A. get on *B. take on
C. go through D. come by
Câu 290. We're pleased to announce that Mr. Schmidt will be__________as Executive Director.
A. running off B. putting away
C. carrying on *D. taking over
Câu 291. Peter will__________the management of the finance department.
A. stand up for *B. take up
C. make up of D. take out
Câu 292. If you don't know what it means, look it__________in the dictionary.
A. on B. over C. off *D. up
Câu 293. He believes the inspector should ensure children are reasonably well__________, not change a
school's culture.
*A. looked after B. stood up for
C. looked into D. turned out
Câu 294. The speaker finished her speech and__________to see if there were any questions.
A. made out *B. looked around
C. called up D. gave in
Câu 295. After all, he is a member of an elite media establishment that both fears and__________the talk
*A. looks down on B. gives out
C. holds back D. breaks up
Câu 296. Today even 16-year-old boys on street corners__________those who attend college.
A. call for *B. look up to
C. pick up D. care for
Câu 297. Look__________that! What a horrible mess!
A. off B. in *C. at D. on
Câu 298. Mathie was__________work after he decided to pull the plug on the 20-year-old classic emporium.
*A. looking for B. caring about
C. filling in D. turning into
Câu 299. She would find herself__________their meetings and to their conversations even if they were slightly
strange sometimes.
A. making away with B. taking after
*C. looking forward to D. putting up
Câu 300. We rode a little, walked, talked, played cards in the evening and I__________Poppy.
A. got through *B. looked out for
C. passed down D. went into
Câu 301. Jake__________his computer and checked his mail.
A. cut down B. went off
*C. turned on D. came up
Câu 302. She__________the water and stepped out on to the rug, dried herself, and dressed in jeans and a shirt.
*A. turned off B. came in
C. fell out with D. brought up
Câu 303. I'd almost hope of finding a house I liked, and then suddenly this one__________.
A. fell behind B. asked after
C. gave up *D. turned up
Câu 304. Hollywood discovered her and turned her__________a star.
A. on B. over *C. into D. off
Câu 305. I was a bit doubtful at first, but it__________to be a really good idea.
A. went away B. brought back
*C. turned out D. passed down
Câu 306. Six times in eight years he pleaded that they send him and six times they turned him__________.
A. off B. on *C. down D. in
Câu 307. Dealing with children who are so damaged__________immense tact and sensitivity.
*A. calls for B. cuts down
C. gets through D. puts across
Câu 308. Rescuers had to__________the search because of worsening weather conditions.
A. stand up B. bring over

*C. call off D. take out
Câu 309. He__________the letter and read it.
A. gave in B. called out
C. looked up to *D. picked up
Câu 310. Put those heavy bags__________for a minute.
A. over *B. down C. off D. on
Câu 311. “Where's Diana?” “She just left to__________the kids from school.”
A. give out B. hold back *C. pick up D. care for
Câu 312. He__________the usual trader's form offering to sell the car to the finance company.
A. broke out B. held on
*C. filled in D. showed off
Câu 313. We spent half an hour looking for the keys, but eventually__________and went home.
A. passed down B. went by
*C. gave up D. put off
Câu 314. The wood__________a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned.
A. made up *B. gave off
C. looked around D. took on
Câu 315. Jenny kept begging me for a new bicycle, and I finally__________.
A. stood up B. called off
*C. gave in D. filled in
Câu 316. My money was beginning to__________and there were no jobs to be found.
A. break down B. account for
*C. give out D. hold back
Câu 317. We're__________a free diary with tomorrow's newspaper.
A. coming on *B. giving away
C. going by D. falling over
Câu 318. I'm__________a new computer.
A. going in for B. falling over
C. cutting off *D. trying out
Câu 319. We were expecting 30 people to come, but half of them never__________.
A. fell over *B. showed up
C. went out D. brought back
Câu 320. They felt the British economy was being__________by excessive government controls.
*A. held back B. set up
C. gotten off D. put offs
Câu 321. Hold__________a minute! Isn't that your brother's car over there?
A. over B. off C. back *D. on
Câu 322. Humans have managed to learn so much because generations of adults put effort
A. going back B. setting up
*C. caring for D. putting out
Câu 323. She didn't come to the party because her car__________on the way here.
A. got off *B. broke down
C. went by D. cut down

Câu 324. Someone must be__________our system – how else would the media know such classified
*A. breaking into B. coming up to
C. bringing up D. falling over
Câu 325. I'm so sad to hear that Mara and John__________– I thought those two would be together forever.
A. put on *B. broke up C. got into D. went over
Câu 326. Elena really__________her mother in both appearance and character.
A. looks back B. goes on
C. gets out *D. takes after
Câu 327. It was Johnny who was able to__________a brilliant idea for increasing sales.
A. go down with B. make up for
*C. come up with D. put up with
Câu 328. The advertisement for dragon fruit instant noodles__________on social media in the past few weeks.
A. was sharing *B. has been shared
C. has been sharing D. is shared
Câu 329. Please go to my office__________.
A. before you arrived *B. upon your arrival
C. prior to your arrival D. after you had arrived
Câu 330. I had heard a lot from Mrs. Kim__________.
A. as we first meet B. after we had first met
C. as soon as we first meet *D. prior to our first meeting
Câu 331. Recent research suggests that, contrary to popular opinion, muscular performance__________by
lactate production during exercise.
*A. is actually improved B. should actually improve
C. will actually improve D. be actually improved
Câu 332. Under the pressure coming from the post-pandemic economic crisis, banks are increasing mortgage
rates __________higher property rentals.
A. like signifying *B. likely signifying
C. which likely signifies D. to likely signify
Câu 333. The terrible weather in Sapa spoiled what__________a perfect family vacation during the festive
A. would other than that would be B. would just as soon be
*C. would otherwise have been D. had better would have been
Câu 334. Without the heavy rain, Desti__________at the conference on time.
A. would arrive *B. would have arrived
C. will arrive D. had arrived
Câu 335. Ms. Latta usually uses her car to get to work, but she finds it simpler to commute via bus
than__________ with city traffic.
A. deals *B. to deal
C. is dealing D. has been dealing
Câu 336. __________, he was determined to improve the sales of the enterprise.
A. As promoting to chief executive B. Having promoted to chief executive
C. He has been promoted to chief executive *D. Having been promoted to chief executive
Câu 337. After__________ the restaurant, they all felt as if the waiter had overcharged them unfairly.
*A. leaving B. left C. had left D. leave

Câu 338. The university welcomes every of its students to participate in the graduation ceremony. It starts at 8
am and__________to end at 10 am.
A. schedule B. is scheduled
*C. schedules D. scheduled
Câu 339. Viktor Axelsen is one of those few personalities who has all three of qualities, __________amazing
looks, incredible talents and hard work.
*A. which are B. which is
C. that is D. that
Câu 340. Martin, __________father is Spanish, speaks both Spanish and English fluently.
A. which B. who *C. whose D. whom
Câu 341. If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I__________the first 55
minutes thinking about the problem, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than
five minutes.
A. spent *B. would spend
C. would have spent D. had spent
Câu 342. Fishing is all about relaxing, enjoying nature and__________food for yourself.
A. provided B. to provide
C. to be provided *D. providing
Câu 343. __________on the verge of a breakup.
*A. The celebrity couple is rumored to be
B. It is rumored that the celebrity couple have
C. It is rumored that the celebrity to be
D. The celebrity couple is rumored to have
Câu 344. While the new software__________on the computers, employees were given a brief break.
*A. was being installed B. had been installed
C. was installed D. has been installed
Câu 345. The new art gallery__________she's excited to visit just opened downtown.
A. where *B. which C. whose D. what
Câu 346. I came across an old book__________forgotten in the attic when I was cleaning the house.
A. to lay B. to be laid
*C. laying D. laid
Câu 347. I forgot to__________my essay yesterday, so I will have to ask the professor if I can submit it late.
A. write down *B. hand in
C. pass down D. read out
Câu 348. Plenty of complaint letters bring him__________from the mayor position.
A. at *B. down C. in D. for
Câu 349. She is currently seeing a psychiatrist to__________her fear of height.
A. draw up B. hand around
C. get on *D. get over
Câu 350. Come here next week because the boss will be__________.
A. falling behind B. carrying out
C. putting forward *D. going away
Câu 351. I__________the school to find out the status of my application.
A. tried on B. went away
*C. called up D. hurried up
Câu 352. That restaurant was terrible – I’m never__________there again.
A. giving up B. going back
*C. filling in D. waking up
Câu 353. He__________with four shopping bags and drumped them on the table.
A. came on *B. came in C. came down D. mixed up
Câu 354. We__________the train at Plymouth and went up to London.
A. went up B. got over *C. got on D. let out
Câu 355. The meeting__________because both sides were sick of flighting.
*A. came about B. put forward
C. worked out D. stayed in
Câu 356. The government has announced that this Friday they will__________the new law and the citixens
must follow appropriately.
*A. bring in B. try on C. go up D. fill in
Câu 357. I can’t walk in these high-heeled boots. I keep__________.
A. coming in B. letting out
*C. falling over D. putting of
Câu 358. I am late because my alarm clock never__________this morning.
A. came on B. set up
*C. went off D. got through
Câu 359. I__________at seven o’clock on weekdays, but lie in till noon at the weekend.
A. get through B. go back
*C. get up D. fill in
Câu 360. That song always takes me__________to when I was at university.
*A. back B. after C. on D. off
Câu 361. We don’t have a house at the moment, but I’m sure something will__________.
A. wash up *B. turn up C. take on D. find out
Câu 362. We really can’t__________living like this – we’ll have to find a bigger house.
A. carry out B. go away
C. write down *D. go on
Câu 363. The price of petrol has__________sharply because of the increase in duty in the Government’s
A. hurries up B. let out
*C. gone up D. taken back
Câu 364. I__________my coat up before we went out.
A. looked B. gave *C. put D. came
Câu 365. Chico is a strange man; I cannot__________.
A. take him back B. wake him up
*C. make him out D. give him away
Câu 366. None of the ideas that I__________have been accepted.
*A. put forward B. turned up
C. noted down D. set up
Câu 367. The council has had to__________twenty extra employees to handle their increased workload.
A. get on B. take off C. get off *D. take on
Câu 368. After being denied several times, Max__________his own business which surprised me so much.
A. put forward B. gave up
C. got up *D. set up

Câu 369. The sofware house really__________when they produced the latest version of their DTP package.
*A. took off B. laid down
C. knocked out D. set up
Câu 370. The coastal city is__________extra buses during the summer because of a considerable increase in the
number of tourists.
A. ringing up B. getting through
*C. putting on D. going off
Câu 371. I didn’t know the correct spelling so I had to look it__________in the dictionary.
A. for B. forward C. off *D. up
Câu 372. The concert’s been__________until next mounth because the singer’s got a throat infection.
A. plugged in B. gave up
C. filled in *D. put off
Câu 373. The room was too hot, so she__________the heating__________.
*A. turned … down B. took … back
C. got … over D. put … forward
Câu 374. The research will be__________over a seven-mounth period.
A. turned up B. picked up
C. won back *D. carried out
Câu 375. The reporters eventually__________the truth about the affair.
A. fell over B. stepped down
*C. dug up D. turned down
Câu 376. He will was__________by a solicitor and witnessed by two colleagues.
A. taken on B. gotten on
C. gotten through *D. drawn up
Câu 377. Companies will encourage customers to__________questionnaires about themselves.
A. dig up B. work out *C. fill in D. bring out
Câu 378. He decided to give his new album__________in magazine.
*A. away B. up C. back D. off
Câu 379. When I got back from Tokyo, I realizes that I had__________quite a few Japanese words.
*A. picked up B. sorted out
C. plugged in D. washed up
Câu 380. She told the chidren to__________for dinner.
A. turn up B. pay back
*C. wash up D. hand around
Câu 381. I cannot solve this exercise because these figures__________differently each time I do.
A. take off B. print out C. send out *D. work out
Câu 382. After such heavy losses, 200 workers at the factory have been__________.
*A. laid off B. carried out
C. lay down D. step down
Câu 383. The bond offers great benefits for issuers without__________any harm to investors.
A. getting *B. doing C. putting D. taking
Câu 384. She made generous__________to various charities. She's always willing to help those in need.
A. noise *B. donations
C. announcements D. choices
Câu 385. Jenny, you__________responsibility for collecting up the books after the class.

A. take *B. have C. get D. make
Câu 386. I want to make friends__________all the people I am going to be working with.
A. in B. for C. to *D. with
Câu 387. My class is__________a project on medieval towns.
A. carrying *B. doing C. making D. keeping
Câu 388. It isn't often she__________her employees compliments, so you should really feel proud.
A. hits B. meets *C. pays D. earns
Câu 389. I felt that my friends were taking advantage__________me as a free babysitter.
*A. of B. at C. for D. with
Câu 390. It isn't easy to__________a distinction between these two words.
A. take B. break C. have *D. make
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Câu 391. I’m sure that it was the sound of the rain that disturbed me.
A. It could have been the sound of the rain that disturbed me.
B. It must would been the sound of the rain that disturbed me.
C. It must might been the sound of the rain that disturbed me.
*D. It must have been the sound of the rain that disturbed me.
Câu 392. Jane regretted speaking so rudely to the old lady.
A. Jane wishes he would spoke more poliety to the old lady.
B. Jane wishes he would have spoken more poliety to the old lady.
*C. Jane wishes he had spoken more poliety to the old lady.
D. Jane wishes he spoke more poliety to the old lady.
Câu 393. In no way can Keith be held reponsible for the accident.
*A. Keith certainly can’t be held reponsible for the accident.
B. Keith certainly may be held reponsible for the accident.
C. Keith certainly can be held reponsible for the accident.
D. Keith certainly mightn’t be held reponsible for the accident.
Câu 394. “I have many assignments to complete,” said Tom.
*A. Tom said he had many assignments to complete.
B. Tom said I had many assignments to complete.
C. Tom said I have many assignments to complete.
D. Tom said he has many assignments to complete.
Câu 395. “I will help you with this homework,” said Susan to me.
A. Susan threatened to help me with that homework.
*B. Susan offered to help me with that homework.
C. Susan refused to help me with that homework.
D. Susan admitted helping me with that homework.
Câu 396. “If I were you, I would book flight tickets in advance,” said Phillips to me.
A. Phillips told me not to book flight tickets in advance.
B. Phillips reminded me not to book flight tickets in advance.
C. Phillips suggested that I not book flight tickets in advance.
*D. Phillips advised me to book flight tickets in advance.
Câu 397. “Where did your family visit last year?” asked Joey.
A. Joey asked me where did my family visit last year.

B. Joey asked me where my family had visited last year.
C. Joey asked me where had my family visited the year before.
*D. Joey asked me where my family had visited the previous year.
Câu 398. “Don’t touch the elephant”, said the man.
A. The man told us to touch the elephant.
B. The man advised us to touch the elephant.
*C. The man warned us against touching the elephant.
D. The man asked us to touch the elephant.
Câu 399. “Don’t forget to return the book before the due date,” said the librarian.
A. The librarian asked me not to return the book before the due date.
B. The librarian told us not to return the book before the due date.
C. The librarian warned me against returning the book before the due date.
*D. The librarian reminded me to return the book before the due date.
Câu 400. “I cannot attend your birthday party,” said Jack to me.
A. Jack said he couldn’t attend your birthday party.
B. Jack said he cannot attend my birthday party.
C. Jack said I couldn’t attend your birthday party.
*D. Jack said he couldn’t attend my birthday party.
Câu 401. “Don’t tell him this secret,” said Mary to me.
A. Mary told me to tell him that secret.
B. Mary urged me to tell him that secret.
*C. Mary asked me not to tell him that secret.
D. Mary reminded me to tell him that secret.
Câu 402. “I think you should join the volleyball club,” said Henry to me.
*A. Henry advised me to join the volleyball club.
B. Henry agreed to join the volleyball club.
C. Henry asked me to join the volleyball club.
D. Henry denied joining the volleyball club.
Câu 403. “Have you ever travelled abroad, Mai?” asked Tung.
A. Tung asked Mai whether had she ever travelled abroad.
B. Tung asked Mai whether I had ever travelled abroad.
C. Tung asked Mai whether has she ever travelled abroad.
*D. Tung asked Mai whether she had ever travelled abroad.
Câu 404. “I will prepare some cupcakes tonight,” said my mother.
A. My mother refused to prepare some cupcakes that night.
*B. My mother agreed to prepare some cupcakes that night.
C. My mother denied preparing some cupcakes that night.
D. My mother admitted preparing some cupcakes that night.
Câu 405. “How long have you volunteered in this hospital, Luke?” asked Laura.
A. Laura asked Luke how long he has volunteered in this hospital.
B. Laura asked Luke how long had he volunteered in that hospital.
*C. Laura asked Luke how long he had volunteered in that hospital.
D. Laura asked Luke how long has he volunteered in this hospital.
Câu 406. “Are you keen on protecting the environment, Sam?” asked the teacher.
A. The teacher asked Sam if she is keen on protecting the environment.
*B. The teacher asked Sam whether she was keen on protecting the environment.
C. The teacher asked Sam if she had been keen on protecting the environment.
D. The teacher asked Sam whether she has been keen on protecting the environment.
Câu 407. “Would you like to join our reading club?” asked James.
A. James told me not to join their reading club.
B. James warned me against joining their reading club.
C. James reminded me to join their reading club.
*D. James invited me to join their reading club.
Câu 408. “What is your part-time job?” asked his father.
*A. His father asked what his part-time job was.
B. His father asked what your part-time job was.
C. His father asked what his part-time job had been.
D. His father asked what his part-time job has been.
Câu 409. “We have saved more than 30 sea turtles this year,” said the volunteers.
A. The volunteers said they have saved more than 30 sea turles this year.
B. The volunteers said they saved more than 30 sea turtles that year.
*C. The volunteers said they had saved more than 30 sea turtles that year.
D. The volunteers said they would save more than 30 sea turtles this year.
Câu 410. “I won’t change my opinion,” said Lucy.
A. Lucy threatened to change her opinion.
*B. Lucy refused to change her opinion.
C. Lucy agreed to change her opinion.
D. Lucy offered to change her opinion.
421 “I am so sorry. I haven’t finished the essay,” the student told her teacher.
A. The student apologised to her teacher for not finishing the essay.
B. The student warned her teacher against finishing the essay.
C. The student told her teacher not to finish the essay.
D. The student reminded her teacher not to finish the essay.
Câu 411. “I broke your favourite tea cup,” said Luke to me.
A. Luke refused to break my favourite tea cup.
B. Luke denied breaking my favourite tea cup.
*C. Luke admitted breaking my favourite tea cup.
D. Luke agreed to break my favourite tea cup.
Câu 412. “I will return to my hometown after graduation,” said Trang.
A. Trang said she will return to her hometown after graduation.
*B. Trang said she would return to her hometown after graduation.
C. Trang said she would return to my hometown after graduation.
D. Trang said she will return to my hometown after graduation.
Câu 413. “Why don’t you see a doctor?” asked my brother.
A. My brother asked me not to see a doctor.
B. My brother advised me not to see a doctor.
C. My brother apologised to me for seeing a doctor.
*D. My brother suggested that I see a doctor.
Câu 414. “I’m going to meet my old friends tomorrow,” said my mother.
A. My mother said that she is going to meet her old friends the next day.
B. My mother said that she was going to meet her old friends tomorrow.
C. My mother said that I was going to meet my old friends the next day.
*D. My mother said that she was going to meet her old friends the next day.
Câu 415. You got an A in Chemistry. Congratulations!” Peter said to his classmate.
A. Peter encouraged his classmate to get an A in Chemistry.
B. Peter persuaded his classmate to get an A in Chemistry.
C. Peter insisted on getting an A in Chemistry for his classmate.
*D. Peter congratulated his classmate on getting an A in Chemistry.
Câu 416. “I didn't give John the money,” said Mary.
*A. Mary denied giving John the money. B. Mary admitted giving John the money.
C. Mary suggested giving John the money. D. Mary remembered giving John the money.
Câu 417. “I'll call you as soon as I arrive at the airport,” he said to me.
A. He objected to calling me as soon as he arrived at the airport.
*B. He promised to call me as soon as he arrived at the airport.
C. He denied calling me as soon as he arrived at the airport.
D. He reminded me to call him as soon as he arrived at the airport.
Câu 418. “It can't be Mike who leaked the document, it might be Tom.” said our manager.
*A. Our manager suspected Tom of having leaked the document, not Mike.
B. Our manager blamed Tom for having leaked the document instead of Mike.
C. Our manager showed his uncertainty about who leaked the document: Mike or Tom.
D. Our manager made it clear that Tom was the one who leaked the document, not Mike.
Câu 419. “You broke my glasses,” said the woman to me.
A. The woman insisted on breaking her glasses.
B. The woman advised me to break her glasses.
C. The woman told me to break her glasses.
*D. The woman blamed me for breaking her glasses.
Câu 420. Mary said: “I am sure that you broke my vase, Jim”.
*A. Mary accused Jim of having broken her vase.
B. Mary said she knew that Jim broke her vase.
C. Mary asked Jim of having broken her vase.
D. Mary told Jim to break the vase.
Câu 421. “Shall I carry the suitcase for you, Mary?” said John.
A. John offered Mary to carry the suitcase for Mary.
*B. John offered to carry the suitcase for Mary.
C. John offered carrying the suitcase for Mary.
D. John offered Mary if he should carry the suitcase for her.
Câu 422. “You did a great job! I'm proud of your achievement,” said the woman to her grandchild.
A. The woman said that her grandchild's job was great and she was so proud of his work achievement.
B. The woman told her grandchild that she was proud of his achievement at work.
C. The woman told her grandchild to do a great job so that she could be proud of his achievement.
*D. The woman complimented her grandchild on his achievement.
Câu 423. Peter said “I wish I hadn't lent him some money.”
*A. Peter regretted lending him some money.
B. Peter thanked him for lending him some money.
C. Peter wished not to lend him some money.
D. Peter suggested not lending him some money.
Câu 424. “You did not tell the truth, Lucy!” said Nick.
A. Nick warned Lucy not to tell the truth.
*B. Nick criticized Lucy for not telling the truth.
C. Nick accused Lucy of telling the truth.
D. Nick decided that Lucy was to blame for telling the truth.
Câu 425. “Please bring me some chicken soup,” he said to the waitress.
A. He asked the waitress bring him some chicken soup.
B. He asked the waitress to bring her some chicken soup.
*C. He asked the waitress to bring him some chicken soup.
D. He asked the waitress bring her some chicken soup.
Câu 426. “I will tell her the truth if you go on behaving like that,” said Tim.
A. Tim promised to tell her the truth if I went on behaving like that.
*B. Tim threatened to tell her the truth if I went on behaving like that.
C. Tim warned me to tell her the truth if I go on behaving like that.
D. Tim refused to tell her the truth if I went on behaving like that.
Câu 427. Nam doesn’t have access to the Internet. He can’t go online.
*A. If only Nam had access to the Internet, he could go online.
B. If Nam doesn’t have access to the Internet, he can’t go online.
C. Provided that Nam had access to the Internet, he couldn’t go online.
D. If Nam had had access to the Internet, he could have gone online.
Câu 428. It’s impossible for Lan to finish the project before 3 P.M. You should help her.
A. But for your help, Lan would be able to finish the project before 3 P.M.
B. Provided that you helped her, Lan wouldn’t be able to finish the project before 3 P.M.
*C. Unless you help her, Lan won’t be able to finish the project before 3 P.M.
D. Lan won’t be able to finish the project before 3 P.M if you help her.
Câu 429. You can borrow this book. Make sure you return it by Friday.
A. If you don’t return this book by Friday, you can borrow it.
*B. You can borrow this book so long as you return it by Friday.
C. You could borrow this book if you didn’t return it by Friday.
D. If only you had returned this book by Friday, you could have borrowed it.
Câu 430. She had an impressive performance at the interview. She was offered the job.
*A. But for her impressive performance at the interview, she wouldn’t have been offered the job.
B. If she didn’t have an impressive performance at the interview, she would be offered the job.
C. Without her impressive performance at the interview, she wouldn’t be offered the job.
D. Unless she has an impressive performance at the interview, she won’t be offered the job.
Câu 431. It can be cold in Paris. You should bring some warm clothes.
A. Unless you bring some warm clothes, it can be cold in Paris.
B. Provided that you bring some warm clothes, it can’t be cold in Paris.
C. If you didn’t bring some warm clothes, it could be cold in Paris.
*D. You should bring some warm clothes in case it is cold in Paris.
Câu 432. People believe that the installation of security cameras partly reduces crime levels.
A. It was believed that the installation of security cameras partly reduces crime levels.
B. The reduction in crime levels can only be attributed to the installation of security cameras.
*C. The installation of security cameras is believed to partly lead to the reduction in crime levels.
D. The installation of security cameras is believed to mainly reduce crime levels.
Câu 433. Tim must have been delighted when hearing the news.
A. I think Tim should have been delighted when hearing the news.
*B. I strongly believe that Tim was delighted when hearing the news.
C. I'm not certain whether Tim was delighted when hearing the news.
D. Tim was probably delighted when hearing the news.
Câu 434. It is believed that organic farming methods have greatly preserved the environment.
A. Organic farming methods were believed to have greatly preserved the environment.
B. Organic farming methods are believed to have had a negative effect on the environment.
C. People believe that the environment has been degraded due to organic farming methods.
*D. The environment is believed to have shown a great improvement thanks to organic farming methods.
Câu 435. I'm certain that they had rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
A. They might have rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
B. They couldn’t have rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
C. They shouldn’t have rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
*D. They must have rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
Câu 436. They believe that recent adjustments will result in an overall improvement in the country's
educational quality.
*A. Recent adjustments are believed to lead to an overall improvement in the country's educational quality.
B. The country's educational quality was believed to be the consequence of recent adjustments.
C. It is believed that recent adjustments are caused by an overall improvement in the country's educational
D. It was believed that recent adjustments would bring about an overall improvement in the country's
educational quality.
Câu 437. I'm sure that the two brothers had practiced hard for Britain's Got Talent as they won the
A. The two brothers couldn't have practiced hard for Britain's Got Talent as they won the championship.
B. The two brothers shouldn't have practiced hard for Britain's Got Talent as they won the championship.
*C. The two brothers must have practiced hard for Britain's Got Talent as they won the championship.
D. The two brothers might have practiced hard for Britain's Got Talent as they won the championship.
Câu 438. It is announced that the voyage was delayed about 2 days because of mechanical problems.
A. The voyage was announced to be delayed about 2 days because of mechanical problems.
*B. The voyage is announced to have been delayed about 2 days because of mechanical problems.
C. The voyage is announced to be delayed about 2 days because of mechanical problems.
D. The voyage was announced to have been delayed about 2 days because of mechanical problems.
Câu 439. The teacher did not let me off this time. I missed many classes.
A. If I hadn't missed many classes, the teacher would not have let me off this time.
*B. Had I not missed many classes, the teacher would have let me off this time.
C. Unless I missed many classes, the teacher would let me off this time.
D. But for the fact that I missed many classes, the teacher let me off this time.
Câu 440. Janet sat there waiting for James, which was totally unnecessary.
A. Janet might not have sat there waiting for James.
B. Janet couldn't have sat there waiting for James.
*C. Janet needn't have sat there waiting for James.
D. Janet may not have sat there waiting for James.
Câu 441. He can be Tim because he's about the same height.
*A. He is probably Tim because he's about the same height.
B. He is certainly Tim because he's about the same height.
C. He is obviously Tim because he's about the same height.
D. He is exactly Tim because he's about the same height.
Câu 442. People believe that a healthy lifestyle partly reduces the risk of cancer.
A. It was believed that a healthy lifestyle partly reduces the risk of cancer.
B. The reduction in the risk of cancer can only be attributed to a healthy lifestyle.
*C. A healthy lifestyle is believed to partly reduce the risk of cancer.
D. A healthy lifestyle is believed to mainly reduce the risk of cancer.
Câu 443. You are not allowed to take photos in the museum.
A. You may take photos in the museum. B. You should take photos in the museum.
*C. You mustn't take photos in the museum. D. You needn't take photos in the museum.
Câu 444. I'm certain that Joe attended the ceremony as he can vividly recount the event
A. Joe could have attended the ceremony as he can vividly recount the event.
*B. Joe must have attended the ceremony as he can vividly recount the event.
C. Joe mightn't have attended the ceremony as he can vividly recount the event.
D. Joe needn't have attended the ceremony as he can vividly recount the event.
Câu 445. I thought it was not necessary to book tickets for the film in advance, but I was wrong.
A. I needn't have booked tickets for the film in advance.
B. I couldn't have booked tickets for the film in advance.
*C. I should have booked tickets for the film in advance.
D. I must have booked tickets for the film in advance.
Câu 446. I'm sure that they had practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals.
A. They couldn't have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals
*B. They must have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals
C. They shouldn't have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals
D. They might have practiced hard for the games as they won a lot of medals.
Câu 447. It was wrong of you to criticise your son in front of his friends.
A. You could have criticised your son in front of his friends.
B. You must have criticised your son in front of his friends.
C. You mightn't have criticised your son in front of his friends.
*D. You shouldn't have criticised your son in front of his friends.
Câu 448. A bee was biting Hoa while she was sitting in the garden.
A. Hoa being bitten by a bee while she sitting in the garden.
*B. Hoa was being bitten by a bee while she was sitting in the garden.
C. Hoa was bitten by a bee while she was sitting in the garden.
D. Hoa be bitten by a bee while she was sitting in the garden.
Câu 449. The meeting is going to hold in this hall.
A. The meeting is being hold in this hall.
B. The meeting is going to be hold in this hall.
C. The meeting is being held in this hall.
*D. The meeting is going to be held in this hall.
Câu 450. It is important that you always stay focused while doing exams.
A. Staying focused while doing exams is considered to be unimportant.
*B. You should be focused when you do exams.
C. Being ignorance during exams is highly recommended.
D. It is said that you always stayed focused while doing exams.
Câu 451. It isn't necessary for you to worry about these trivial things.
A. You mustn't wory about these trivial things.
B. You needn't have woried about these trivial things.
C. You shouldn't wory about these trivial things.
*D. You don't have to wory about these trivial things.
Câu 452. You stay in locally owned accommodation and buy products from local people. You will
support the local community.
A. You will support the local community unless you stay in locally-owned accommodation and buy products
from local people.
*B. You will support the local community if you stay in locally-owned accommodation and buy products
from local people.
C. If you stayed in locally owned accommodation and buy products from local people, you would support
the local community.
D. If you had stayed in locally owned accommodation and bought products from local people, you would
support the local community.
Câu 453. It is difficult for me to wake up early in the morning.
*A. I find waking up in the morning difficult.
B. Waking up early in the morning cause me a lot of difficulties.
C. I intend to wake up early in the morning.
D. There should be no difficulties in waking up early in the morning.
Câu 454. My aunt gifted me a new blue Uniqlo shirt.
A. A new Uniqlo blue shirt is gifted to me by my aunt.
B. A new blue Uniqlo shirt is gifted to me by my aunt.
C. I was gifted a Uniqlo new blue shirt by my aunt.
*D. I was gifted a new blue Uniqlo shirt by my aunt.
Câu 455. If I hadn't taken an exam, I would have gone to the park with you.
*A. Because I had to take an exam, I couldn't go to the park with you.
B. I would go to the park with you when I had taken an exam.
C. An exam couldn't prevent me from going to the park with you.
D. I never go to the park with you if I take an exam.
Câu 456. They say that many people are homeless after the earthquake.
A. They say many people to be homeless after the earthquake.
*B. Many people are said to be homeless after the earthquake.
C. They say many people to have been homeless after the earthquake.
D. Many people are said to have been homeless after the earthquake.
Câu 457. An old lady now wants to swim the English Channel. She did a parachute jump.
A. The old lady now wants to swim the English Channel which a parachute jump.
*B. The old lady who did a parachute jump now wants to swim the English Channel.
C. The old lady now wants to swim the English Channel is a parachute jump.
D. The old lady who wants to swim the English Channel is a parachute jump.
Câu 458. I'm sure Luisa was very disappointed when she failed the exam.
A. Luisa must be very disappointed when she failed the exam.
*B. Luisa must have been very disappointed when she failed the exam.
C. Luisa may be very disappointed when she failed the exam.
D. Luisa could have been very disappointed when she failed the exam.
Câu 459. I really believe my letter came as a great surprise to John.
A. John might be very surprised to receive my letter.
B. John might have been very surprised to receive my letter.
C. John must be very surprised to receive my letter.
*D. John must have been very surprised to receive my letter.
Câu 460. Sally paid for her travel in advance, but it wasn't necessary.
*A. Sally needn't have paid for her travel in advance.
B. Sally might not have paid for her travel in advance.
C. Sally may not have paid for her travel in advance.
D. Sally couldn't have paid for her travel in advance.
Câu 461. You needn't have taken so many warm clothes there.
A. It is not necessary for you to take so many warm clothes there.
B. You have taken so many warm clothes there that I don't need.
C. There's no need for you to take so many warm clothes there.
*D. You took lots of warm clothes there but it turned out not necessary.
Câu 462. Mary should never have been allowed to try to swim in the sea alone.
A. When Mary let to swim in the sea alone, she said new what she was doing.
B. It would probably be wrong to let Mary swims in the sea on her own.
C. No one could have stopped Mary from trying to swim in the sea by herself.
*D. Someone ought to have stopped Mary from attempting to swim in the sea on her own.
Câu 463. It was impossible that he forgot to wear the helmet.
A. He should have worn the helmet.
*B. He must have worn the helmet.
C. He might have forgot to wear the helmet.
D. He needn't have forgot wearing the helmet.
Câu 464. The fishes had died. I'm sure he forgot to feed them.
*A. He must have forgot to feed the fishes. B. He should have fed the fishes.
C. He needn't have fed the fishes. D. He might have forgot feeding the fishes.
Câu 465. His parents complained about his absence from school. It's wrong of him not to tell them about
*A. He should have told his parents about his absence from school.
B. He might have told his parents about his absence from school.
C. He must have told his parents about his absence from school.
D. He can have told his parents about his absence from school.
Câu 466. I'm sure that she didn't kill him because she was with me at the Supermarket when the murder
A. She mustn't have killed him because she was with me at the supermarket when the murder happened.
B. She needn't have killed him because she was with me at the supermarket when the murder happened.
*C. She can't have killed him because she was with me at the supermarket when the murder happened.
D. She shouldn't have killed him because she was with me at the supermarket when the murder happened
Câu 467. Perhaps he will return before you call.
A. He may be returning before you called.
B. He might have returned before you called.
C. He should have returned before you called.

*D. He may return before you call.
Câu 468. You don't need to type the letter right now. You can do it later.
A. You mustn't type the letter right now because you can do it later.
B. You can't have typed the letter right now because you can do it later.
*C. You needn't type the letter right now because you can do it later.
D. You needn't have typed the letter right now because you can do it later.
Câu 469. It's against the law if you hunt the endangered species.
A. You don't need to hunt the endangered species.
*B. You mustn't hunt the endangered species.
C. You needn't hunt the endangered species.
D. You can't hunt the endangered species.
Câu 470. I'm sure he knew all about the secret because he was there when we were talking.
A. He must be knowing all about the secret because he was there when we were talking.
B. He should have known all about the secret because he was there when we were talking.
*C. He must have known all about the secret because he was there when we were talking.
D. He might have known all about the secret because he was there when we were talking.
Câu 471. It isn't mandatory to submit my assignment today.
A. I mustn't submit my assignment today.
B. My assignment must have been submitted today.
*C. I needn't submit my assignment today.
D. My assignment is required to submit by today.
Câu 472. Tom went on and on apologizing about it, which was quite unnecessary.
A. Tom can't have apologized. I quite understand.
B. Tom shouldn't have apologized. I quite understand.
C. Tom wouldn't have apologized. I quite understand.
*D. Tom needn't have apologized. I quite understand.
Câu 473. It's possible that she didn't hear what I said.
A. She might have not heard what I said. B. She might not hear what I said.
C. She may not hear what I said. *D. She may not have heard what I said.
Câu 474. It's was wrong of you to betray her because she was kind to you.
*A. You shouldn't have betrayed her because she was kind to you.
B. You needn't have betrayed her because she was kind to you.
C. You can't have betrayed her because she was kind to you.
D. You mustn't have betrayed her because she was kind to you.
Câu 475. I'm sure he did this because I saw him standing there.
*A. He must have done this because I saw him standing there.
B. He can have done this because I saw him standing there.
C. He need have done this because I saw him standing there.
D. He may have done this because I saw him standing there.
Câu 476. I'm sure it wasn't Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
A. It mustn't have been Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
*B. It can't have been Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
C. It mightn't be Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
D. It couldn't be Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
Câu 477. You have to clean the house every morning because there is a lot of smoke out there.
A. The house should be cleaned every morning because there is a lot of smoke out there.
B. The house may be cleaned every morning because there is a lot of smoke out there.
*C. The house must be cleaned every morning because there is a lot of smoke out there.
D. The house can be cleaned every morning because there is a lot of smoke out there.
Câu 478. It isn't necessary for you to send her a letter today.
A. Her letter must have been sent today. B. I mustn't send her letter today.
C. Her letter was required to send today. *D. You needn't send her a letter today.
Câu 479. Is it possible for me to phone you at about 10 pm tomorrow?
A. Will I phone you at about 10 pm tomorrow? *B. Can I phone you at about 10 pm tomorrow?
C. Must I phone you at about 10 pm tomorrow? D. Could phone you at about 10 pm tomorrow?
Câu 480. It's time for me to start to think about the job I will do in the future.
*A. I should start to think about the job I will do in the future.
B. I may start to think about the job I will do in the future.
C. I needn't start to think about the job I will do in the future.
D. I must have started to think about the job I will do in the future.
Câu 481. James should have been told the news a long time ago.
A. James did not tell the news a long time ago.
B. James had not told the news for a long time.
C. James was not told the news although it was necessary for him.
*D. James has not been told the news for a long time although he should know it.
Câu 482. Smoking is not allowed in public places such as: hospitals, schools.
A. You needn't smoke in public places such as: hospitals, schools.
*B. You mustn't smoke in public places such as: hospitals, schools.
C. You don't smoke in public places such as: hospitals, schools.
D. You may smoke in public places such as: hospitals, schools.
Câu 483. It is compulsory for all the students to obey the class rules.
A. All the students needn't obey the class rules.
B. All the students needn't obey the class rules.
C. All the students can't obey the class rules.
*D. All the students must obey the class rules.
Câu 484. The students are required to keep silent during the exam.
A. The students may keep silent during the exam.
*B. The students must keep silent during the exam.
C. The students needn't keep silent during the exam.
D. The students shouldn't keep silent during the exam.
Câu 485. It is necessary for people to wear face masks when going out during the Covid-19 pandemic.
A. People can wear face masks when going out during the Covid-19 pandemic.
B. People must wear face masks when going out during the Covid-19 pandemic.
*C. People should wear face masks when going out during the Covid-19 pandemic.
D. People may wear face masks when going out during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Câu 486. The workers at the factory are required to wear protective clothing.
A. The workers at the factory should wear protective clothing.
*B. The workers at the factory must wear protective clothing.
C. The workers at the factory need to wear protective clothing.
D. The workers at the factory may wear protective clothing.
Câu 487. Katherine had done her homework. She then listened to her favorite songs.
A. Katherine had listened to her favorite songs before she did her homework.
*B. Having done her homework, Katherine listened to her favorite songs.
C. Having listened to her favorite songs, Katherine did her homework.
D. After Katherine had listened to her favorite songs, she did her homework.
Câu 488. Perhaps we will be late for the meeting.
A. We must get to the meeting on time. B. We should get to the meeting on time.
C. We needn't get to the meeting on time. *D. We may not get to the meeting on time.
Câu 489. His lights are on so I’m pretty sure Dan is at home.
A. Dan need be at home as his lights are on.
*B. Dan must be at home as his lights are on.
C. Dan should be at home as his lights are on.
D. Dan can be at home as his lights are on.
Câu 490. Perhaps he had left before you called.
A. He may be leaving before you called. *B. He may have left before you called.
C. He should have left before you called. D. He must have left before you called.
Câu 491. It’s very likely that the company will accept his application.
A. The company needs accept his application.
*B. The company might accept his application.
C. The company must accept his application.
D. The company should accept his application.
Câu 492. I'm certain that they had rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
A. They might have rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
B. They couldn’t have rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
C. They shouldn’t have rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
*D. They must have rehearsed hard for the plays because they won a lot of awards.
Câu 493. She is not allowed to meet her children until the operation has finished.
A. She may not meet her children until the operation has finished.
B. She needn't meet her children until the operation has finished.
*C. She mustn't meet her children until the operation has finished.
D. She shouldn't meet her children until the operation has finished.
Câu 494. Lan didn’t apply for the job in the library. She regrets it now.
*A. Lan wishes she had applied for the job in the library.
B. Lan wishes she hadn’t applied for the job in the library.
C. Lan wishes she would apply for the job in the library.
D. Lan wishes she applies for the job in the library.
Câu 495. He doesn’t have any car. He really wants to know how comfortable it is.
A. He doesn’t have any car so that he knows how comfortable it is.
*B. He wishes he had a car and could know how comfortable it is.
C. While he doesn’t have any car, he still knows how comfortable it is.
D. Until he has a car, he doesn’t know how comfortable it is.
Câu 496. He broke up with her. But now he thinks that was a mistake.
*A. He wishes he hadn't broken up with her.
B. He wishes not to have broken her up.
C. He regrets having not broken up with her.
D. He was mistaken with breaking up with her.
Câu 497. She lives so far away. He really wants her to visit him more regularly.
A. If she doesn’t live so far way, she will be able to visit him more regularly.
*B. He wishes she lived near here and could visit him more regularly.
C. If only she had lived near here and could have visited him more regularly.
D. As long as she lives near here, she will be able to visit him more regularly.
Câu 498. You are not in my situation. I really need your advice on what to do now.
*A. I wish you were in my situation and could give me advice on what to do now.
B. You are not in my situation, so I need your advice on what to do now.
C. Now that you are not in my situation, I need your advice on what to do now.
D. If only you had been in my situation and could have given advice on what to do now.
Câu 499. You are not tactful. That is why you are always offending other people.
A. You must have offended other people because you are not tactful.
B. If you were tactful, you would satisfy other people.
*C. I wish you were tactful so that you don't offend other people.
D. You should have been tactful so that you didn't offend other people.
Câu 500. Her mother doesn’t stay with her. She really needs her to understand how she feels.
A. Her mother doesn’t stay with her because she doesn’t understand how she feels.
*B. She wishes her mother stayed with her and could understand how she feels.
C. As long as her mother stays with her, she understands how she feels.
D. While Her mother doesn’t stay with her, she still understands how she feels.
Câu 501. His parents are away on holiday. He really needs their help now.
A. As long as his parents are at home, they will be able to help him.
*B. He wishes his parents were at home and could help him now.
C. If his parents are at home, they can help him now.
D. If only his parents had been at home and could have helped him.
Câu 502. I didn't read the book from which the film was made. I can't tell you about it.
A. If had read the book from which the film was made, I could have told you about it.
B. I wish I had read the book from which the film was made.
*C. I wish I had read the book from which the film was made and could tell you about it.
D. As long as I didn't read the book from which the film was made, I can't tell you about it.
Câu 503. He doesn't have any money now. He can't lend his friend some.
A. As long as he has much money now, he can lend his friend some.
B. If he has much money now, he can lend his friend some.
*C. He wishes he had money now and could lend his friend some.
D. If only he had had money now and could have lent his friend some.
Câu 504. Her father is away on business. She really needs his help now.
A. If only her father had been at home and could have helped her.
B. As long as her father is at home, he will be able to help her.
C. If her father is at home, he can help her now.
*D. She wishes her father were at home and could help her now.
Câu 505. His mother has gone to London. He really needs her advice now.
A. If only his mother had been at home and could have given him some advice.
*B. He wishes his mother at home and could give him some advice.
C. As long as his mother is at home, she can give him some advice.
D. If his mother is at home, she can give him some advice now.
Câu 506. Nam’s friends have all gone to the movie. He really needs their help now.
A. If Nam’s friends are here, they can help him now.
B. If only Nam’s friends hadn’t gone to the movie and could have helped them.
*C. Nam wishes his friends were here and could help him now.
D. As long as Nam’s friends are here, they will be able to help him now.
Câu 507. I have to do my homework. I can’t go out with my friends.
A. As long as I don’t have to do my homework, I will be able to go out with my friends.
B. If I don’t have to do my homework, I can go out with my friends.
*C. I wish I didn’t have to do my homework and could go out with friends.
D. If only I hadn’t had to do my homework and could have gone out with my friends.
Câu 508. We are too busy with chores. We really want to go camping now.
A. As long as we weren’t busy with chores, we will be able to go camping.
B. If we aren’t busy with chores, we can go camping now.
*C. We wish weren’t busy with chores and could go camping now.
D. If only we hadn’t been busy with chores and could have gone camping.
Câu 509. She doesn’t have any apartment. She really wants to live comfortably here.
A. If only she had had an apartment and could have lived comfortably here.
B. Unless she has an apartment, she will be able to live comfortably here.
*C. She wishes she had an apartment and could live comfortably here.
D. Even if she doesn’t have any apartment, she wants to live comfortably here.
Câu 510. He was promoted to chief executive because he was diligent.
A. Unless he was diligent, he wouldn't be promoted to chief executive.
B. If he had been diligent, he wouldn't have been promoted to chief executive.
*C. Without his diligence, he wouldn't have been promoted to chief executive.
D. He wouldn't have been promoted to chief executive because he wasn't diligent.
Câu 511. Thanks to numerous battle scenes in the movie, it was incredibly absorbing.
A. If there had been numerous battle scenes in the movie, it would have been incredibly absorbing.
*B. But for numerous battle scenes in the movie, it wouldn't have been incredibly absorbing.
C. Without numerous battle scenes in the movie, it wouldn't be incredibly absorbing.
D. Suppose that there were numerous battle scenes in the movie, it would be incredibly absorbing.
Câu 512. Linda bought a villa in a small village. She regrets it now.
*A. Linda wishes she hadn’t bought a villa in a small village.
B. If Linda bought a villa in a small village, she would regret it.
C. Linda regrets not having bought a villa in a small village.
D. If only Linda had bought a villa in a small village,
Câu 513. She didn’t take her father’s advice. That’s why she is bored with her work.
A. If she took her father’s advice, she wouldn’t have been bored with her work.
B. If she takes her father’s advice, she won’t be bored with her work.
C. If she had taken her father’s advice, she wouldn’t have been bored with her work.
*D. If she had taken her father’s advice, she wouldn’t be bored with her work.
Câu 514. They are too busy with their work. They really want to go for a picnic.
A. Provided that they aren't busy with their work, they can't go for a picnic.
B. If they hadn't been busy with their work, they couldn't have gone for a picnic.
*C. They wish they weren't busy with their work so that they could go for a picnic.
D. If only they hadn't been busy with their work, they couldn't have gone for a picnic.
Câu 515. You don't understand the lesson. You keep talking in the class.
A. As long as you didn't pay attention in the class, you would understand the lesson.
B. I wish you pay attention in the class, you will understand the lesson.
C. Unless you paid attention in the class, you won't understand the lesson.
*D. If only you paid attention in the class, you would understand the lesson.
The house will need painting before we move in.
A. We will need to have the house painted before we move in.
B. We will need to have the house to paint before we move in.
C. We will need to get the house paint before we move in.
D. We will need to get the house to paint before we move in.
The lion which was lying under the tree was one of the biggest one I had ever seen.
A. Under the tree was lying the lion which was one of the biggest one I had ever seen.
B. The lion that was laying under the tree was among the largest I had ever perceived.
C. The lion that was resting beneath the tree was one of the largest I had ever observed.
D. The lion which laid under the tree was one of the biggest one I had ever seen.
III. Finish each of the following sentenes in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write the answeres on your answer sheet.
Câu 516. Martha regretted buying the second-hand laptop.
Martha wished she hadn’t bought the second-hand laptop.
Câu 517. The storm completely wiped out all my crops.
⟶ I had all my crops completely wiped out by the storm.
Câu 518. “I am sorry I was rude to you yesterday.” Said the boss to me.
The boss apologized to me for being rude to me the day before/ previous day.
Câu 519. You didn’t think carefully enough before you applied for the job in Manchester.
You ought to have thought carefully enough before applying/ you applied for the job in Manchester.
Câu 520. There have been rumors that Peter and Jane are getting married.
Peter and Jane have been rumoured to be getting married.
Câu 521. I lent him a book. It was written by Daniel Defoe.
I lent him a book which was written by Daniel Defoe.
Câu 522. Yoga is a type of exercise. Many people enjoy it.
Yoga which many people enjoy is a type of exercise.
Câu 523. My boy friend has decided to buy a motorbike. His bicycle was stolen last night.
My boy friend, whose bicycle was stolen last night, has decided to buy a motorbike.
Câu 524. Last year I visited a small town. They filmed The Little Girl there.
Last year I visited a small town where they filmed The Little Girl.
Câu 525. I don’t feel confident in interviews because my English is not very good.
If my English were good, I would feel confident in interviews.
Câu 526. “Why don’t we go out for a drink after class,” said Tom.
Tom suggested going out for a drink after class.
Câu 527. “I found an interesting book at the bookstore last week,” said Juliet.
Juliet said she had found an interesting book at the bookstore the week before.
Câu 528. “Where are you going this weekend?” asked my sister.
My sister asked me where I was going that weekend.
Câu 529. “I have some work to do tonight,” said Lan.

Lan said that she had some work to do that night.
Câu 530. “If I were you, I would buy this book,” Mai said to me.
Mai advised me to buy that book.
Câu 531. “How long have you been waiting here?” John asked me.
John asked me how long I had been waiting there.
Câu 532. “Do you enjoy watching this show?” She asked me.
She asked me if I enjoyed watching that show.
Câu 533. “I did some voluntary work last year,” Phuong said.
Phuong said that she had done some voluntary work last year.
Câu 534. Nam was so rude to them last night. Now he feels regretful.
Nam wishes he hadn't been so rude to them last night.
Câu 535. He didn't write his letter of application earlier. He regretted that.
He wishes he had written his letter of application earlier.
Câu 536. She is busy with her work. She really wants to go out with them for dinner.
She wishes weren’t busy with her work and could go out with them for dinner.
Câu 537. It is a good idea for us to excercise regularly to maintain good physical health.
We should excercise regularly to maintain good physical health.
Câu 538. More people will use solar energy in the future.
Solar energy will be used by more people in the future.
Câu 539. Although the weather was dreadful, we continued our trip to Da Nang.
⟶ In spite
Câu 540. Women around the world, who have traditionally been without political power, are beginning
to gain influence in politics and government.
⟶ Having
IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
Câu 541. After he had been offered a job in a small company, he turned it down and kept on applying for
a more suitable one. (HAVING)
Câu 542. “I didn’t break your antique vase,” Hoang said to his mother. (DENIED)
Hoang denied breaking his mother’s antique vase.
Câu 543. Judgind from her notes, Sharon wasn’t concertrating very hard on the lesson. (CAN’T)
Sharon can’t have been concentrating/ can’t have concentrated on the lesson as her notes are incomplete.
Câu 544. “Do I have to book a place in advance?” Kane asked me. (NECESSARY)
Jane wanted to know if/ whether it was necessary to book a place in advance.
Câu 545. “Don’t forget to take an umbrella with you,” my mother said. (REMINDED)
My mother reminded me to take an umbrella with me.
Câu 546. “I read your diary,” Nam said to me. (ADMITTED)
Nam admitted reading my diary.
Câu 547. “Don’t use this sharp knife,” Linh said to me. (WARNED)
Linh warned me against using that sharp knife.
Câu 548. “I always want to be your close friend,” she said. (DREAMED)
Câu 549. It’s clear to everyone that he’s excellent at his job. (DENYING)
Câu 550. Daisy brought her coat along when going out but it wasn’t cold. (NEEDN’T)
Daisy needn’t have brought her coat along when going out but it wasn’t cold.

V. Read the following sentences and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Câu 551. Read the following sentences and identify which is a simple sentence.
A. I did see a candle, and its burning glow helped me to feel warm during the night.
*B. My lack of knowledge about Japanese cuisine and my very limited knowledge of the Japanese language
caused me to go home empty-handed that night.
C. According to studies, the volume of music changes how people shop.
D. Quiet music is good foe products that take time and information to buy.
Câu 552. Read the following sentences and identify which is a compound sentence.
A. The directors have arrived, but not for long.
*B. The company had bought some land, and then they built some buildings there.
C. The President has come out the building and is going to make a speech.
D. You won’t believe in what I say, but you need to hear it.
Câu 553. Read the following sentences and identify which is a complex sentence.
A. He stayed in his room and concentrated totally on his studies.
*B. Henry thinks Claire is wonderful.
C. He loves her madly, and he dreams of marrying her, but unfortunately, he is rather old for her.
D. They found a spare ticket for me.
Câu 554. Read the following sentences and identify which is a complex sentence.
A. The notion of working, earning a decent salary, and enjoy life is no longer viable.
B. This lack of understanding or ability makes people feel uncomfortable in their jobs, so they begin to look
for other work.
*C. Smoking increases blood pressure, tighten arteries, and causes irregular heartbeats, all of which put
added stress for the heart.
D. The workers may try their best to adapt themselves to the work.
Câu 555. Read the following sentences and identify which is a compound-complex sentence.
A. Coronary heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide.
B. In fact, it kills more than 12 million people across the global each year.
C. Most people are aware that genetics do indeed play a role in determining a person who will become
afflicted with heart disease.
*D. I do not know how long they had been there, but the sight of them filled me with sorrow.
Câu 556. Read the following sentences and identify which is a complex sentence.
*A. Although women in the United States could own property, they could not vote until 1920.
B. Poland was the first Eastern European country to turn away from communism; others soon followed.
C. Nuclear accidents can happen, so nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
D. I wanted to travel after I graduated from college; however, I had to go to work immediately.
Câu 557. Read the following sentences and identify which is a compound-complex sentence.
*A. I could not decide where I should work or what I should do, so at first I did nothing.
B. Because the cost of education is rising, many students must work part-time.
C. Globalization means more travel for businessmen and women.
D. Freshwater and salt water do not boil and do not freeze at the same temperatures.
Câu 558. Read the following sentences and identify which is a compound-complex sentence.
*A. I was so relieved that no one else was hurt, but I hoped the driver would survive.
B. If he hadn't reacted quickly, there could have been a terrible accident.
C. I realized the bus was out of control when I was speaking to the students on the microphone.
D. They were going to start a course at the International Language Academy in Bournemouth.
Câu 559. Read the following sentences and identify which is a compound sentence.
*A. The driver's legs were over the pedals, and I had difficulty reaching the brake.
B. A young English teacher saved the lives of 30 students when he took control of a bus after its driver
suffered a fatal heart attack.
C. A robot is a mechanical device that can perform boring, dangerous, and difficult tasks.
D. At the beginning of the New Year, I and my family members sat in the living room watching TV and
eating together.
Câu 560. Read the following sentences and identify which is a simple sentence.
*A. He had worked regularly with the school and was very well regarded by staff
B. Police allowed protests outside the meeting, but stopped people trying to get inside.
C. Having finished writing the email, he sent it to Marry.
D. When I came home, I found a cat lying on the floor.
Câu 561. Read the following sentences and identify which is a simple sentence.
*A. John has won 5 gold medals in the city level math competition, making him and his family very proud.
B. Disappointed with the attitude of employees, the CEO of the company decided to deduct wages and
discipline those who are late to work.
C. Check back tomorrow; I will see if the book has arrived.
D. David wanted a camera, and he was determined to buy one when he had the money.
Câu 562. Read the following sentences and identify which is a compound sentence.
A. Harry bought a chocolate cake, a can of fizzy drink, and a cheeseburger sandwich yesterday.
B. Although they said construction was complete, there were builders working on the hotel when we arrived.
C. Reading also helps you to socialise and understand what other people think.
*D. We could eat a salad for lunch, or we could eat a hambuger and fries.
Câu 563. Read the following sentences and identify which is a compound sentence.
A. When I went to the store, my parents wanted ne to pick up some milk, but I didn’t have enough money.
B. If I want to get a good grade, I’ll have to study more, take better notes, and improve my concentration.
*C. We wanted to go to the beach; however, it started to rain and we stayed at home.
D. Accepted into the College of Commerce, we will start a new semester next week.
Câu 564. Read the following sentences and identify which is a compound-complex sentence.
A. The Nha Trang Sea Festival is famous for the street carnival; therefore, it has attracted thousands of
foreign visitors.
*B. Throughout his early life, he struggled with poverty, but he became successful after he finish college.
C. Invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison, the inandescent light bulb remains a great human invention until
D. He didn’t return my calls, nor did he repond to any of my texts.
Câu 565. Read the following sentences and identify which is a complex sentence.
A. Reading and literature are important for several reasons, and one could easily fill countless bookshelves
with books about the importance of books.
*B. The dog barked, growled and scratched until his owner let him back in the house.
C. My husband and I wnet to Costa Rica, for it was our five-year anniversary.
D. I didn’t think that it would snow so early in the year, nor did the weather forecast.
VI. Read the following sentences and identify which are simple, copound, complex, or compound-complex
Câu 566. Mar probes have photographed rocks with water markings on them, yet there is no water there now.
Câu 567. Three weeks before the end of the term, I had not started my paper, nor had I even chosen a topic.
Câu 568. We may not be able to communicate with other life forms, for we will not know their language.
Câu 569. My roommate scored high on the English placement test; as a result, he is exempt from taking English
Câu 570. The practice of yoga strengthens the body and promotes flexibility; it also strengthens the mind and
refreshes the soul.
Câu 571. When students from other countries come to the United States, they often suffer from culture shock.
Câu 572. Economists are concerned that the rate of inflation will double if the government does not take
immediate steps to control it.
Câu 573. Student should declare a major by their junior year unless they have not made up their minds.
Câu 574. I will take the classes that my college adviser recommends.
Câu 575. Engineers, who have an aptitude for drafting and mechanics, must also be artistic and imaginative.
Câu 576. Information and communication technology is reaching out to help people in the poorest countries
improve their lives; for example, fishermen on the Bay of Brngal can now receive online weather reports that
tell them when it is safe to go out.
Câu 577. Furthermore, when the fishermen bring in a boatload of fish, they can find out the current market
prices for their fish, which will help them bargain with the middlemen to whom they sell their catch.
Câu 578. The cost of the cheapest computer is at least $200, and since this is more than an individual fisherman
can afford, several fishing villages together can pool their money and buy one to share.
Câu 579. The worldwide reach of the Internet is also providing employment opportunities in developing
countries, and as greater numbers of people learn the technology, these opportunities will expland.
Câu 580. When you call your U.S. bank, you may find yourself speaking to a customer service representative
who is sitting in the Philippines or Puerto Rico, and when you need technical support for your home computer,
you will probably get help from a programmer in New Delhi.
Câu 581. I find peace in the vastness of the universe, a speck in its grand design.
Câu 582. The sound of flowing water soothes the weary traveler, a constant companion on the journey.
Câu 583. I felt small yet inspired by the endless possibilities of the urban landscape.
Câu 584. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the sound of bustling chatter in the cozy café on the
Câu 585. I marveled at the majestic trees and listened to the whispering winds weaving tales of old.
VII. Read the following sentences and identify the mistake in each sentence.
Câu 586. I wake up at 7 am every morning, and I do exercise, and I make my breakfast, then I go to school.
A. Choppy sentence *B. Stringy sentence
C. Comma splice D. Run-on
Câu 587. I quit the job. Because it was boring.
*A. Sentence fragment B. Comma splices
C. Run-on sentences D. Not parallel
Câu 588. Last summer, I went to Italy, it was a wonderful trip.
A. Sentence fragment *B. Comma splices
C. No subject D. Subject – verb agreement
Câu 589. He took the laptop he said it belonged to him.
A. Sentence fragment B. Comma splices
C. Stringy sentence *D. Run-on sentence
Câu 590. You can charge both at restaurants and when you say at hotels.
A. Sentence fragment B. Run-on sentence
C. Subject – verb agreement *D. Not parallel
Câu 591. Twin brothers Freddie and Felix often played tricks at school, one day they went to far.
A. Sentence fragment *B. Comma splices
C. No subject D. Subject – verb agreement
Câu 592. In my country, people lives near the coast because the interior is too dry.
A. Sentence fragment B. Comma splices
C. No subject *D. Subject – verb agreement
Câu 593. The disadvantages of using a credit card are overspending and you pay high interest rates.
*A. Not parallel B. Subject – verb agreement
C. Comma splices D. No subject
Câu 594. Credit cards are acceptd by department stores, airlines, and they can be used in some gas stations.
A. Sentence fragment B. No subject
C. Subject – verb agreement *D. Not parallel
Câu 595. Many people want neither to pay off their balance monthly nor do they like paying interest.
A. Comma splice B. Choppy sentence
*C. Not parallel D. No subject
Câu 596. Evidence that the wave reached a height of 80 feet (24 meters) when coming ashore along the
coastline and rose to 100 feet (30 meters) in some areaas when traveling inland.
A. Choppy sentence B. Comma splice
*C. Sentence fragment D. Subject – verb agreement
Câu 597. Electric cars are powered solely by batteries. The new hybird vehicles switch between electricity and
*A. Choppy sentence B. Not parallel
C. Run-one sentence D. Stringy sentence
Câu 598. He enrolled in an intermediate calculus class, but he found it too easy, so he dropped it, and he signed
up for the advanced class.
*A. Stringy sentence B. Choppy sentence
C. Run-on sentence D. Comma splice
Câu 599. The team of engineers, along with their supervisor, is working tirelessly to complete the project ahead
of schedule.
A. Not parallel *B. Subject – verb agreement
C. Confusing word D. tense
Câu 600. The company's decision-making process came under scrutiny due to questioning practices, prompting
stakeholders to demand transparency and accountability in order to address concerns effectively.
A. Comma splice *B. Confusing word
C. Stringy sentence D. Sentence fragment
VIII. Read the following sentences and identify the mistake in each sentence.
Câu 601. Taking a class on a pass basis is sometimes better than to get a grade of C.
Câu 602. The desire of all humankind to live in peace and freedom, for example.
Câu 603. Education in a free society teaches children how to think. Education in a dictatorship teaches children
what to think.
Câu 604. A printed encyclopedia becomes out of date almost as soon as it is published also it is quite expensive
to purchase.
Câu 605. If you cannot find any information on a subject, you can always ask a librarian to help you, they are
paid to assist students.
Câu 606. The student in my engineering class could not do the homework, so we got together and worked for
several hours, and we finally solved all the problems.
Câu 607. Each of the students in the class were asked to submit their research papers by the end of the week.
Câu 608. Last summer, I have traveled to Europe for the first time, exploring the historic landmarks and
immersing myself in the local culture.

Câu 609. Although once criticised for its mishandling the financial crisis, the government has recently been
commended for its reception to immigration policies.
Câu 610. The group of tourists, along with their guide, are exploring the ancient ruins of the city.
IX. Read the following sentence and identify what part of speech is the underlined part.
Câu 611. Family business owners need to think about how decisions are made.
A. Adjective clause *B. Noun clause
C. Adverbial clause D. Prepositional phrase
Câu 612. The town where I lived only have one tiny town.
*A. Adjective clause B. Noun clause
C. Adverbial clause D. Prepositional phrase
Câu 613. Prisoners at a jail in Iowa in the US were trying to think of a way of escaping.
*A. Noun phrase B. Prepositional phrase
C. Verb phrase D. Adverbial phrase
Câu 614. A comparison of the size of glaciers and icebergs over the past hundred years reveals that they are
shrinking in size.
*A. Noun phrase B. Prepositional phrase
C. Adjective phrase D. Adverbial phrase
Câu 615. The patient wants to know if Dr. Chen practices acupuncture or not.
*A. Noun phrase B. Prepositional phrase
C. Adjective phrase D. Adverbial phrase
Câu 616. John asked which chapters the exam would cover.
*A. Noun phrase B. Prepositional phrase
C. Adjective phrase D. Adverbial phrase
Câu 617. Since electricity is expensive, Europeans buy energy-saving household applicances such as washing
machines that use less water.
A. Noun phrase B. Prepositional phrase
C. Adjective phrase *D. Adverbial phrase
Câu 618. Modern Olympic equestrian event emphasize style, whereas the ancient Greek events emphasized
A. Noun phrase B. Prepositional phrase
C. Adjective phrase *D. Adverbial phrase
Câu 619. Yesterday I spent an hour in the library reading the article from Scientific A merican that the intructor
had put on reserve.
A. Noun phrase B. Prepositional phrase
*C. Adjective phrase D. Adverbial phrase
Câu 620. The secrets of the universe, having fascinated people for centuries, are slowly being revealed.
A. Noun phrase B. Prepositional phrase
*C. Adjective phrase D. Adverbial phrase
X. Read the following sentence and identify what what type of clause they are.
Câu 621. New orders are coming in so rapidly that she has expanded her production facilities.
Câu 622. Families whose incomes are below a certain level pay no income tax.
Câu 623. The fact that climate change is accelerating necessitates immediate global cooperation and innovative
solutions to mitigate its devastating impacts on our planet.
Câu 624. The understanding that socioeconomic disparities significantly influence access to healthcare
underscores the urgency of implementing equitable healthcare policies worldwide.

Câu 625. The fact that climate change is accelerating necessitates immediate global cooperation and innovative
solutions to mitigate its devastating impacts on our planet.
Câu 626. The majestic mountains, clothed in a blanket of snow, create a breathtaking panorama that captivates
all who behold their beauty.
Câu 627. The majestic mountains, clothed in a blanket of snow, create a breathtaking panorama that captivates
all who behold their beauty.
Câu 628. Having completed his studies abroad, John returned to his hometown with a wealth of knowledge and
a newfound perspective on life.
Câu 629. Standing atop the rugged cliffs, battered by the relentless waves crashing against the shore below, we
were struck by the raw power and breathtaking beauty of the ocean stretching out endlessly before us.
Câu 630. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the horizon, we gathered around the
crackling bonfire, sharing stories and laughter under the vast expanse of the star-studded sky.
XI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The White-tail and Black-tail Deer
Of all of North America's large animals, the most numerous is the white-tail deer. This species of deer is
known by its habit of raising and flopping its tail over its back, revealing its white underside and
buttocks. People often observe this telltale marking as the deer runs away from them. When the tail is
down, it is brown with a white fringe. Varying with the seasons, the color of the white-tail deer is reddish
in summer and grayish in winter. An adult male, known as a buck, grows to over a meter at shoulder
height and weighs about 110 kilograms. Males grow antlers, which occasionally become entangled with
those of another male, dooming each animal to a slow death.
Also known as the Virginia deer, the white-tail deer inhabits most of the continental United States as well
as southern Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the northern countries of South America. It has also
been introduced into northern Europe, especially in Finland.
White-tails are highly adaptable. Though they most often live in densely forested areas, they can also
adapt to open savannas, such as the plains of Texas or the Venezuelan llanos. Mating season is in the fall,
and bucks will attempt to copulate with as many females (called does) as possible. Does give birth to one
or two fawns in late spring. A doe leaves her fawn alone for hours at a time, as its natural camouflage-a
spotted coat and the absence of scent-makes it invisible to most predators. As a result, the fawn is safe
while its mother looks for food. The doe returns periodically to feed the fawn.
With sufficient food and shelter, white-tail deer populations grow rapidly, sometimes too rapidly for a
locality. They often become a nuisance to farmers, whose crops serve as food for the deer. Also, they
frequently collide with automobiles as they bound across roadways, causing their own deaths and injury
or death to human drivers. Regulated hunts are scheduled to thin out an excessive population. Indeed,
deer hunting is a significant cultural ritual in many areas, where it even serves as an important boost to
the local economy. The cutting down of forests to make way for commercial development has deprived
many herds of their natural habitat, leading to their starvation or increased vulnerability to highway
The black-tail deer descended from its white-tail relative millions of years ago. Scientists believe that the
white-tail deer migrated down the east coast of the North American continent, across Mexico, and up the
California coast, where it ultimately evolved into the black-tail deer. Their common ancestry explains
why the two species resemble each other, both in physical appearance and psychological traits. Indeed,
the two are often hard to distinguish. Though the black-tail's tail is, of course, black, it shares the white-
tail's habit of raising its tail, displaying some white coloring underneath. And the males of both species
have similar antlers. But the black-tail is found only along the western edge of the continent, extending
from British Columbia in Canada to southern California. Moreover, the black-tail is slightly smaller than
its white-tailed cousin.

Until recently scientists believed that the black-tail deer was a subspecies of the mule deer. But DNA
testing has proved that it is a separate species. The mule deer evolved into a distinct species from
breeding with the white-tail and black-tail.
Experienced hunters report that the black-tail is the hardest deer species to hunt. One reason is that
black-tails inhabit a much hotter climate, with daytime temperatures around 100 degrees Fahrenheit in
the summer, during archery season in California. In that heat, black-tail bucks stay quiet during the day
and move only under the protective cover of darkness. In the rainy season the black-tail will be active
during the day, but few hunters want to venture out in bad weather. Black-tail hunting is further
complicated by the fact that the hunting season in western states ends before the mating season, when
many bucks are most active while searching for females. Thus they are most accessible at a time when
hunting is not permitted.
Despite the relative difficulty of hunting black-tail deer, hunters eagerly seek them out, often successfully.
In fact, California hosts about 200,000 deer hunters each year, reaping about $450,000 for its economy.
Câu 631. The word “adapt” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
*A. adjust B. submit C. reconcile D. move
Câu 632. According to paragraph 1, what is the best way of identifying a white-tail deer?
A. It is the most numerous of deer species in North America.
B. It runs away from humans.
*C. It lifts its tail, showing its white underside.
D. It weighs about 110 kilograms.
Câu 633. According to the passage, white-tail deer live in all of the following EXCEPT__________.
A. Finland B. the continental United States
C. South America *D. Alaska
Câu 634. The word “nuisance” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. competitor B. obligation
C. attraction *D. annoyance
Câu 635. Does are able to leave their fawns alone for several hours because__________.
A. fawns have no natural predators
*B. fawns are hard to see or smell
C. fawns are born in the winter when other animals are hibernating
D. fawns can run faster than their predators
Câu 636. What does this passage say about the white-tail deer's ability to survive in different environments?
*A. They can live in flat lands. B. They can only live in forests.
C. They cannot adjust to cold weather. D. They do not like hot weather.
Câu 637. The word “it” in the passage refers to__________.
A. mule deer *B. black-tail deer
C. white-tail deer D. subspecies
Câu 638. Which of the following can be inferred about hunting black-tail deer?
A. It is too difficult to be very popular.
B. It is better for the economy than white-tail hunting.
*C. It is permitted only in the daytime during hunting season.
D. It occurs only during the winter..
Câu 639. The phrase “venture out” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. get into trouble B. manage to survive
C. start a hunting business *D. risk going outside
Câu 640. The word “reaping” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.

*A. earning B. saving C. spending D. printing
XII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Ancient Cave Painting
Though pre-historic cave paintings have been extant since the Upper Paleolithic Era, from 40,000 to
10,000 BC, they were not rediscovered until 1879, in a cave in Spain. At first they were suspected of being
a hoax. But their authenticity became accepted as cave art was found in other sites around the globe.
Modern techniques of carbon dating have confirmed their ancient origin. Other impressive work has
been located on the walls of caves in France, Italy, Africa, Australia, and Southeast Asia.
The 1879 find was the work of the Magdalenian people, so named after the nearby town of Magdalena,
Spain. They lived from about 18,000 to 10,000 BC. Magdalenian art is distinctive, characterized by
recurring themes and style. The most popular subjects were animals, especially bison, deer, horses, and
the woolly mammoth, which is now extinct. Realistic human subjects were rare, limited to abstractions of
human shapes. But recognizable human hands, which an artist might have included as his or her
"signature," can be seen.
Cave paintings remained hidden as long as they did because of two factors. First, artists chose to do their
work deep inside the caves, where their stone-wall "canvases" were protected from the weather. These
locales were often inaccessible to modern searchers for signs of ancient civilizations. Second, once a cave's
art is detected and announced to a curious public, excavations are made that expose the work to both
people and the elements, from which it had been protected for thousands of years. Thus, a treasure trove
of paintings identified in France during World War I disappeared within six months of becoming open to
the public. Air conditioning can preserve some sites for viewing, but most are closed to tourists. Scholars
must apply for access, and then they are permitted to study the artwork for only short periods.
Despite cave art's relative inaccessibility, scientists have managed to infer much about the methods and
materials used by ancient artisans. The earliest works were finger drawings in soft clay on the surface of
rock, which depicted animals' claw marks. Artists then adopted engraving methods, using stone tools to
carve figures into rock walls. Using their own skill as well as specialized implements, artists could alter
the tone, color, and depth of a scene.
The last technique to evolve was wall painting. Few colors were available, as the Paleolithic people were
limited to what they found in nature. They manufactured their colors from various minerals and trees.
For example, red was extracted from oxidized iron and white from mica. From burned wood they
obtained carbon to make a black pigment.
Even with their primitive resources, the artists nonetheless showed ingenuity in mixing and applying
colors. Nearly 200 color-producing mineral fragments have been found in barnacle shells, in which the
pigments were mixed. One artist used a human skull to mix his colors. Cave water containing calcium
was used as a mixing agent, and animal and vegetable oils bound the pigments. Though no paint brushes
have survived, the finished works show telltale brush marks. Paint was sometimes sprayed onto surfaces
covered by prepared stencils, with blow pipes serving as paint sprayers.
Painting was a profession. It was too difficult and expensive to be practiced by casual amateurs, who had
to spend all their time hunting and inventing means of survival. One difficulty was illuminating the dark
cave walls. Scientists theorize that ancient painters worked by torches fueled by animal fat. Another
problem was the inaccessibility of some wall surfaces. Some scenes could only have been painted lying
down in narrow openings, and others were so high from the floor as to have required elaborate
The locales chosen for painting offer anthropologists important clues about the lifestyles of the Upper
Paleolithic people. Despite their popular label, they did not actually live inside caves. Cave walls served as
their canvasses for the practical reason that open-air work quickly disappeared. So caves sheltered and
preserved the art. They wanted the art to last, not simply for their own entertainment but also because of
the cultural function it served. Art was the medium through which prehistoric civilizations passed on
their history and honored their traditions and ancestry.
Câu 641. The word “hoax” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
*A. fake B. exception C. mirage D. copy
Câu 642. The word “excavations” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. journeys B. sightings C. drawings *D. diggings
Câu 643. According to the author, each of the following is true about Magdalenian art EXCEPT__________.
*A. It is found as far east as Southeast Asia.
B. Most of its themes involve animals.
C. Artists signed their work with paintings of their hands.
D. It is named after the inhabitants of a town in Spain.
Câu 644. The word “their” in the passage refers to__________.
*A. cave paintings found in Spain B. sites around the world
C. cave painters from Spain D. techniques of carbon dating
Câu 645. The word “it” in the passage refers to__________.
A. excavations B. the public
*C. artwork D. painters
Câu 646. In paragraph 3, why does the author mention cave paintings found in France?
A. To show that cave paintings are found all over the world
*B. To illustrate how cave art can disappear once exposed to the elements
C. To indicate that some cave art is considered to be a "treasure"
D. To give an example of cave paintings that are still preserved after being excavated
Câu 647. The word “ingenuity” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. boldness B. timidity
*C. cleverness D. reluctance
Câu 648. According to paragraph 3, one reason cave paintings were NOT discovered until the late 19 th century
was that__________.
A carbon dating was not invented before then
B scholars did not search for them before then
C. many were destroyed in World War I
D they were located on walls deep inside caves
Câu 649. Which of the following can be inferred about the site of cave paintings found in France during World
War I?
A. It was destroyed by bombing during the war.
B. It was first discovered in 1879.
*C. It was destroyed by exposure to weather and people.
D. It is still visited by scholars today.
Câu 650. The word “illuminating” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
*A. lighting B. covering C. finding D. coloring
XII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
California Gold Mining
Gold can be found in many places in the world, however, when it comes to the ease with which to retrieve
the gold, California wins hands down. In fact, in California, there are several ways to mine gold,
including just picking nuggets up off from the stream bed, panning, placer mining and quartz mining.
While picking nuggets up off the stream bed may sound easy, a person might have to walk a long way
before finding a nugget. So the early miners used to find a bend in the river which had an eddy below the
bend and then, using trees and rocks, create a dam which diverted the river around where the eddy was
located. This meant the eddy no longer had any water flowing around in a circle and the prospectors
could then see if any nuggets had ended up on the bottom where the eddy previously was.
Panning for gold requires a flat bottom pan with sloping sides. A person scoops up some sediment from
the bottom of the stream along with some water. Since gold dust is heavier than dirt particles, as a person
slowly swirls the water around, dissolving the dirt particles and washing them over the edge of the pan, if
there is any gold dust, it will end up on the bottom of the pan. This method not only takes some practice
to become good, it is also slow since there might not be any gold dust in the sediment that was scooped up
and there is no way to ensure success.
Today, science and technology are employed to mine gold in placer mining. The goal of placer mining is
to remove gravel, sand, clay, dirt sediment and any other foreign materials from the gold nuggets and
gold dust. In placer mining, just like in panning, water is used to separate the gold from the other
undesirable materials. One way of doing this is through sluicing, where water is washed over the gold
bearing sediment and this water dissolves the dirt and washes it away with the smaller particles of sand.
The larger stones are picked out by hand. Hydraulics is used to increase the force of the water used to
wash away hillsides where gold deposits are thought to be located. The force of the water quickly
dissolves the dirt and it washes away. Since the miners buy their water from a company, they hope for a
return of at least three cents worth of gold for every cubic foot of soil that is washed away and it takes
around one hundred inches of water to wash away one hundred and fifty thousand cubic feet of soil.
While the water costs between $20 and $50 for the needed water, the miner hopes that it returns about
$4,500.00 worth of gold and this makes the hydraulic placer mining profitable although environmentally
The other way science and technology are commonly used in California to obtain gold is quartz mining
where the gold is found in veins within quartz deposits or it is actually mixed into the quartz. One thing
not lacking in California is quartz. Quartz mining, while more expensive, it is also more profitable. In
order to separate the gold from the quartz, machines are employed to break the quartz, which is harder
than the gold. The costs of quartz mining can vary greatly depending on how hard it is to get to the gold.
If the gold is at the surface of the earth, then the cost is low, but if a shaft has to be sunk and the quartz
ore hauled to the surface then the costs will be a lot higher. Since the richest part of a gold-bearing quartz
vein is on the bottom, just because gold is not seen doesn't mean it isn't lurking just below eyesight.
Quartz mining tends to be a lot more environmentally friendly than placer mining, since copious amounts
of water aren't needed and sediment isn't washed into streams and rivers but anything that disturbs the
integrity of the earth's surface does cause some harm to the environment.
Câu 651. According to paragraph 2, the term “eddy” can best be explained as a__________.
A. large pool in a stream *B. whirlpool in a body of water
C. method of mining gold D. naturally occurring dam
Câu 652. According to the passage, what makes panning for gold possible is that__________.
A. California has many swift moving streams
B. people are willing to work hard to find gold
*C. gold is heavier than other forms of sediment
D. gold is valuable enough to make panning worthwhile
Câu 653. The word “them” in the passage refers to__________.
A. people panning for gold *B. dirt particles in water
C. the pans used to find gold D. the steams in which people pan for gold
Câu 654. The word “ensure” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
*A. guarantee B. predict
C. attain D. recognize
Câu 655. According to the passage, what rold does hydraulics play in placer mining?
A. Hydraulics is used to transport the large amounts of gold generated.
B. Hydraulics is used to decrease the cost of placer mining.
C. Hydraulics is used to clean up after the mining operation is completed.
*D. Hydraulics is used to allow the water to more efficiently wash away sediment.
Câu 656. According to paragraph 4, what can be inferred about placer mining?
A. Most people oppose its use.
*B. It is usually conducted on a large scale.
C. It requires large amounts of energy.
D. It is the most common method of gold mining.
Câu 657. Why does the author discuss the cost of water in paragraph 4?
A. To better illustrate the environmental impact of placer mining.
*B. To better explain why placer mining is so profitable.
C. To show that the water is put under intense pressure.
D. To better illustrate an essential step in placer mining.
Câu 658. The word “employed” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. designed B. hired
*C. utilized D. engineered
Câu 659. All of the following are mentioned in the author’s discussion of quartz mining EXCEPT__________.
A. its environmental impact B. the technologies required
C. factors affecting its profitability *D. its use in other gold producing areas
Câu 660. The word “integrity” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. honesty *B. completeness
C. nature D. beauty
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Child Labor
Child labor has been an accepted practice throughout much of human history. In traditional agrarian
economies, large families were considered an asset because they provided more hands to help with the
farm work. This form of child labor was relatively benign, because children worked within their own
families, who had a vested interest in their children's welfare for both practical and emotional reasons.
During the advent of the Industrial Revolution, this widespread acceptance of child labor meant that
children made up a large percentage of those who moved from the farm to the factory. In 1833, nearly
two thirds of the factory workers in Leeds, a major industrial center in England, were under the age of
15. Nor was England the only nation where children formed a majority of the factory workforce. As the
Industrial Revolution spread throughout Europe and the United States, so did this new form of child
labor. Child labor in Industrial Revolution factories, however, quickly proved to be far less benign than
child labor on the homestead. There were no laws controlling children’s working hours, conditions, or the
wages they were paid. With no legal safeguards, children working in the factories of this time were little
more than the chattel of indifferent factory owners. It was typical for a child to work more than ten hours
a day under miserable conditions for 30-40% of the wages paid for an adult. Furthermore, children were
subjected to harsh punishments when they failed to keep pace with older workers. Children were
routinely whipped, dunked in cold water, or subjected to other inhumane punishments when they failed
to meet their work quotas. Children who ran away to escape such treatment were occasionally chained to
their work stations.
The results of such conditions were horrific. In Leeds, the mortality rate for children was nearly 10%.
Even considering the inferior medical technology of the time, this was an unprecedented number.
Children who survived the factories often did not fare much better. Little thought was given to their
safety, and many children had their limbs mangled in the dangerous machinery of the factory. The strain
of doing heavy lifting and working long hours warped their soft, still growing bones, so that as they grew
up, these factory children were often left as deformed parodies of men and women.
Conditions for child laborers reached their lowest point in the early 1830s. At that point, society began to
take notice of their plight. The first child labor law was introduced in 1833. It was a weak law that did
little except limit the hours children could work. However, other laws followed, and the conditions for
child laborers slowly improved. By the turn of the century, child labor laws had established relatively
humane conditions throughout the industrialized West.
Issues of child labor, however, did not disappear. During the 20th century, much of the Third World
underwent an industrial revolution of its own, a revolution which is still ongoing today. It is estimated
that there are currently 246 million children under the age of 15 engaged in child labor worldwide. Of
that number, nearly three fourths are engaged in work that is classified as potentially hazardous. The
largest proportion of these children is found in Asia, where nearly 19% of all children (126 million) are
engaged in some form of child labor. Africa also has significant problems with child labor, and nearly one
in every three African children (48 million) works.
Resolving modern child labor problems, however, is a complex issue. Many of the nations where child
labor presents the greatest problems are among the poorest in the world, and the income from child labor
is desperately needed to support the family. Furthermore, these nations have little or no social safety net
for orphans, so the choice for children who have lost their parents is either to work or to starve.
Therefore, passing laws that simply ban child labor is often unenforceable and ineffective. For example,
when the US banned car exports from Nepal in the 1990s due to that nation's lack of child labor laws,
nearly 7,000 Nepalese children were forced into prostitution to make up for the income lost due to the
reduction of factory jobs. Therefore, when dealing with modern child labor issues, thought must be given
to the broader social problems that often necessitate that labor.
Câu 661. The word “benign” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. necessary B. acceptable
C. common *D. gentle
Câu 662. According to the passage, why were children treated so much worse in factories than in earlier forms
of child labor?
A. The factories wished to protect their profit margins by cutting corners on safety.
*B. The factory owners saw no reason to protect the children as their families had.
C. Children often made mistakes that damaged valuable machinery.
D. Children were slow workers and couldn't keep pace with the adults.
Câu 663. According to paragraph 2, why did children make up such a large percentage of the factory workforce
during the Industrial Revolution?
A. The adults were still required to work on the farms.
B. Factory owners were able to pay children less than adults.
*C. Centuries of agrarian life had accustomed people to child labor.
D. The limited space on the factory floor made the use of children more efficient.
Câu 664. The word “chattel” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. victims B. employees
*C. property D. dependents
Câu 665. In paragraph 2, the author mentions all of the following as hardships for child laborers during the
Industrial Revolution EXCEPT__________.
A. long work hours B. poor work conditions
C. severe punishments *D. random firings
Câu 666. In paragraph 2, why does the author discuss the wages paid to children?
*A. To emphasize their unfair treatment in the factories
B. To suggest they were expected to do less work than adults
C. To explain the economic benefits of child labor
D. To explain why many families needed their children to work
Câu 667. The word “quotas” in the passage is closest in meaning to
*A. allotments B. shifts
C. abilities D. demands
Câu 668. Based on the information in paragraph 3, it can be inferred that child mortality rates__________.
A. are largely independent of factory conditions for laborers
*B. were higher during the Industrial Revolution than in earlier times
C. caused a significant decline in overall population during the Industrial Revolution
D. were highest among those children whose bones had been deformed in the factories
Câu 669. The word “parodies” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. patients B. products
C. offspring *D. mockeries
Câu 670. According to paragraph 5, why is child labor currently an issue in many Third World countries?
A. They have more relaxed attitudes towards child labor.
B. Large segments of their populations are under the age of 15.
*C. They are currently converting into industrial economies.
D. They have many hazardous, industrial jobs.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
In the early 20th century, most approaches to psychology were introspective in nature. They focused on
the analysis of inner feelings and mental states, as well as the causes of those fellings. The emphasis that
psychologists such as Freud placed on the subconscious and the heavy use of dream analysis in therapy
are both reflections of this. Behaviorism, however, rejected this approach. Behaviorism focused entirely
on the analysis on observable behavior, completely rejecting any consideration of inner feelings.
According to behaviorists, any behavior could be explained as a response to an external stimulus.
Behaviorism was heavily influenced by the work of Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov discovered that he could
condition the behavior of dogs through the use of rewards. Each time Pavlov fed his dogs, he rang a bell
first. Eventually, his dogs would get excited and begin to salivate when exposed to this stimulus, even in
the absence of food. Behaviorists took his ideas of conditioning a step futher. If instinctual behavior, such
as salivation, was influenced by external stimulus, it was reasoned that more complex, voluntary
behaviors were as well. Behaviorists were interested in answering two basic questions. First, they wished
to identify the exact stimulus that prompted a particular behavior. Second, they wished to discover how
they could manipulate different stimuli in order to influence behavior.
The most prominent behaviorist of the 20 th century was undoubtedly B. F. Skinner. Skinner wrote his
most important papers on behaviorism during the 1940s and 1950s. While some of his ideas on society
were highly controversial and poorly received, his theories on behavior and behavior modification were
widely hailed as important breakthroughs. Skinner's most significant contribution to behaviorism was his
theory of operant conditioning, which he first proposed in his landmark book, The Behavior of
Organisms: An Experimental Analysis.
Unlike earlier behaviorist theories, which focused on the stimuli that preceded a particular behavior.
Skinner's operant conditioning focused on stimuli which would result in the repetition of a behavior.
According to Skinner, any voluntary behavior, which he referred to an operant, could be modified
through the use of reinforcers and punishers. A reinforcer was any stimulus that resulted in an increase
in the frequency of a behavior, while punishers decreased its frequency. According to Skinner,
reinforcers were a far more effective means of modifying behavior than punishers. Punishers generally
did not truly result in the abandonment of a behavior, but simply in the development of strategies to
avoid the punishment. For example, a child who is punished for fighting with a sibling is unlikely to stop
such behavior. Instead, the child will simply learn not to fight in front of his or her parents in order to

escape punishment. On the other hand, a child who is rewarded for playing peacefully with his or her
sibling is more likely to repeat that behavior in the future.
Another discovery of Skinner's was that while reinforcement is the most effective method of behavior
modification, excessive reinforcement could have unintended consequences. Unlike other behaviorists,
Skinner was interested in the motivations for behavior, and he made a distinction between what he called
intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. When a behavior is motivated by an inner desire to engage
in that behavior, that is an example of intrinsic motivation. The person does something because the
person sees the action itself as valuable. However, when a person engages in a behavior due to the desire
for a reward, the motivation is extrinsic. In this case it is the reward, not the action itself, which is seen as
valuable. If reinforcers are used too frequently, a shift is made to an entirely extrinsic motivation. The
person no longer sees the value of that behavior, but only in the receipt of the reinforcer. Therefore, if the
reinforcer is taken away, the person no longer has any motivation to engage in that behavior. If a child is
rewarded for sharing his or her toys every time he or she does so, the child will fail to see the act of
sharing itself as valuable, and will only share if he or she sees the possibility of a reward. Therefore,
Skinner claimed that reinforcers must be used judiciously in behavior modification.
Câu 671. According to paragraph 1, behaviorists rejected earlier forms of psychology because__________.
A. they lacked respect for Freud and his work regarding the analysis of inner feelings
B. they found dream analysis to be unscientific because dreams are unobservable
*C. they were confident that behavior could be explained without considering inner feelings
D. they feared that their external stimuli could not be used to explain inner feelings
Câu 672. Why does the author mention “Ivan Pavlov”?
A. To illustrate the practical applications of behaviorism al 19inion or con
*B. To provide a short background on the origins of behaviorism
C. To explain how behaviorism influenced other areas of science
D. To mention one of the greatest behaviorists in history
Câu 673. The phrase “this stimulus” in the passage refers to__________.
A. the excitement of the dogs B. the feeding of the dogs
C. the salivation of the dogs *D. the ringing of the bell
Câu 674. Based on the information in paragraph 2, what can be inferred about instinctual behavior?
A. It is more easily modified than more complex behaviors.
B. It is of no interest to behaviorists.
*C. It is involuntary in nature.
D. It is only present in dogs and lower animals.
Câu 675. The word “manipulate” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
*A. utilize B. recognize
C. demonstrate D. develop
Câu 676. According to the passage, all of the following are true of Skinner EXCEPT__________.
*A. His ideas and viewpoints were universally accepted in America
B. His theories on behaviorism were seen as groundbreaking
C. He differed from traditional behaviorists in a number of ways
D. He felt that some forms of stimuli were more useful than others for behavior modification
Câu 677. The word “hailed” in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
A. accepted *B. praised
C. employed D. disseminated
Câu 678. What was the major difference between Skinner's theory of operant conditioning and earlier
behaviorist theories?
A. Skinner's operant theory was more popular and utilized more often.
*B. Skinner's theory focused on stimulus as a reaction to behavior.
C. Skinner's theory described the connections between behavior and stimulus more accurately.
D. Skinner's theory only dealt with behaviors caused by repeated stimuli.
Câu 679. According to paragraph 4, why are reinforcers more effective than punishers?
A. Reinforcers are remembered for longer periods of time.
B. Reinforcers have a stronger connection to behavior than punishers.
C. Punishers result in an increase in negative behaviors.
*D. Punishers often only teach the avoidance of punishment.
Câu 680. What method would Skinner most likely have recommended for behavior modification?
A. Immediate and frequent punishment for incorrect behavior.
B. Immediate and frequent reinforcement of correct behavior.
C. Occasonal punishment for incorrect behavior.
*D. Occasonal reinforcement for correct behavior.
Read the following passage and mark each statement as T (True) or F (False).
The Battle Against Malaria
Malaria is a serious health problem. It is a leading cause of death in many countries. It occurs mostly in
tropical and subtropical parts of the world, including parts of Africa, Asia, South America, Central
America, and the Middle East. The place most intensely affected by malaria is Africa south of the Sahara
Desert. About 60% of the world's malaria cases and 80% of malaria deaths occur there. Even though the
causes of malaria in this region are well understood, international health agencies are finding that
controlling it is still an enormous and difficult task.
Because malaria is passed from mosquitoes to people and from people to mosquitoes, we can think of the
disease as a cycle'. The malaria cycle begins with tiny parasites that reside in the bodies of Anopheles
mosquitoes. These deadly parasites cause malaria. When a female mosquito bites a human, the mosquito
draws off blood. It also leaves malaria parasites in the human's skin. These parasites quickly multiply
inside the human and cause the individual to feel sick.
If a mosquito bites a human who is sick with malaria, parasites from the human enter the body of the
mosquito. When that mosquito bites another human, it will leave parasites in the other human's skin. In
the malaria cycle, humans get parasites from mosquitoes and they also give parasites to mosquitoes.
Becoming infected with malaria is a medical emergency. The first symptoms of malaria are fever, chills,
sweating, intense headache, and muscle pains. Nausea and vomiting often accompany these symptoms.
Immediate medical treatment must be a priority for people who are infected. They must take medicines
that will kill the parasites. If medical treatment is started soon enough, sick individuals can be cured. If
they do not, malaria can cause serious illness or even death.
Malaria in tropical Africa could be controlled in two ways. First, it could be controlled by killing the
parasites that cause the illness. If every infected person quickly took malaria medicine, most would be
well in a few days. Mosquitoes could not get malaria parasites from healthy individuals, so malaria would
not spread. Unfortunately, many people live in far-away villages without access to quick medical care.
Another problem is that the ability of quinine (the primary medicine used against malaria) to kill
parasites has declined over time. There is hope, however, for a new drug combination, called ACT. It is
being used successfully to treat people who have malaria.
Malaria could also be controlled by stopping the mosquitoes. One way would be to get rid of the pools of
water where they lay their eggs. Also, insecticide could be sprayed in wet areas and around buildings to
kill mosquitoes. Finally, people could be told to sleep under bed nets to prevent mosquitoes from biting
them at night. Bed nets sprayed with insecticide would both stop and kill mosquitoes.
It is very difficult, however, to implement these plans. People in this region are poor – and made poorer
by malaria because they may be too weak to work. They cannot afford to pay for medical care or to buy
bed nets. If they are not educated, the people may be unwilling to cooperate with government efforts to
help them. Their old beliefs about illness may conflict with modern attempts to cure or prevent malaria.
There are other problems, too. Health ministries do not have the money to build clinics or hire trained
medical practitioners. They do not have the money to buy insecticide and pay a labor force to spray
regularly. And the frequent rainfall would make it impossible to get rid of pools of water where
mosquitoes lay eggs.
Helping African nations control malaria is now a top priority of many relief organizations. The World
Health Organization and Doctors Without Borders are just two of many organizations offering help –
and hope – to the people of sub-Saharan Africa.
Câu 681. Malaria occurs mostly in tropical and subtropical parts of the world.
Câu 682. Deadly malaria parasites reside in the bodies of mosquitoes.
Câu 683. Intense coughing and sneezing often accompany the fever of malaria.
Câu 684. Old beliefs may conflict with modern ways to cure or prevent illness.
Câu 685. Getting fast medical attention after becoming ill is a priority.
Câu 686. Sleeping under bed nets would lead to a decline in malaria.
Câu 687. Health ministries in poor countries often carinot afford to implement plans to control malaria.
Câu 688. Most people in tropical Africa have easy access to medical practitioners.
Câu 689. Educated people are not willing to cooperate with government plans to help them.
Câu 690. A large labor force would be needed to spray insecticide regularly.
Read the following passage and mark each statement as T (True) or F (False).
What Your Clothes Say About You
People wear clothes to protect their bodies from the cold or the burning sun, from insect bites and
injuries, and from the unwelcome eyes of strangers. However, what people wear can also convey a
message about who they are and their role in society.
For example, visit nearly any country in the world and you will notice that young people everywhere are
wearing fashionable blue jeans, not for work, but for social occasions such as parties and concerts. The
jeans are somewhat of an index of how these young people view themselves: I'm modern and stylish. I'm
and confident. I'm different from the traditional older generation. I'm sexy. Jeans make such an important
statement that, in some groups, a person might be judged by the brand of jeans he or she is wearing. As a
result, some young people feel pressured into spending hundreds of dollars to acquire a single pair of
designer jeans just to be in fashion.
An even more direct means whereby people make statements about themselves is via messages printed on
T-shirts. One says Oxford University. Another reads Italy 2006 World Cup. There are many kinds of T-
shirt messages. They can convey allegiance to schools and sports teams, advertise places or products,
make political statements, serve as wearable travel souvenirs, and commemorate important occasions.
These wearable messages are seldom ambiguous. They clearly tell others, This is what I want you to know
about me.
Just as blue jeans and T-shirts say a great deal about the people who are wearing them, so does the
Western business suit. It says that the person wants to impress others with his or her professional status.
A fitted jacket and matching trousers constitute a man's suit, while a fitted jacket and matching skirt
constitute a woman's suit. A collared shirt and a necktie are integral parts of the man's outfit, while
stockings and high-heeled shoes complete the woman's. Often this attire is not what the person chooses to
wear, but it is what a company requires its top-level employees to wear. The business suit is so
conventional that it is analogous to a uniform in other occupations.
A uniform identifies the occupation of many people. Military personnel are easy to identify by their
uniforms. The same is true for civil emergency personnel like police officers and fire fighters. Medical
workers, airline pilots, and members of religious orders are other examples of people whose work can be
identified by their clothing. In certain contexts, special clothing is worn to differentiate not only the
occupation. of people, but also their authority. For example, when a court of law convenes, the judge's

robe is a clear indicator of her role and authority. Similarly, the chef's tall white hat indicates his job and
that he's in charge in the restaurant's kitchen.
Clothing might also show which group a person belongs to. For example, Scotsmen wear distinctive
tartans to show their clan affiliation, just as city street gangs wear colored headscarves to show their gang
membership. Similarly, school uniforms identify children as students at a certain school.
Societies choose different ways to show marital status. In Western societies, women – and often men –
wear wedding rings on their left hands. Other cultures use different symbols. Hindu women, for example,
wear a red powder in their hair after they marry. Unmarried Amish women wear black bonnets on their
heads, while married women wear white ones.
Clothing serves many functions beyond just protecting our bodies. Clothing can tell a lot about the people
who wear it.
Câu 691. People send messages about themselves via what they wear.
Câu 692. For many people, jeans are somewhat of an index of their identity.
Câu 693. A young person might spend a few dollars to acquire a pair of designer jeans.
Câu 694. T-shirt messages that show allegiance to a school or sports team are often ambiguous.
Câu 695. A suit and necktie are integral parts of men's and women's business attire.
Câu 696. A jacket and matching trousers constitute the uniforms of military personnel.
Câu 697. Business suits are analogous to uniforms because both men and women wear them.
Câu 698. Civil emergency personnel, such as police officers and fire fighters, are easily identified because they
wear uniforms.
Câu 699. When a court of law convenes, people can differentiate the judge from other people by her special
Câu 700. Wearing veils of different colors is the means whereby Amish women show if they are married or
Read the following passage and mark each statement as T (True) or F (False).
Solving a Crime with Science: A True Story
On the morning of June 11, 1986, Sue Snow woke up with a headache. She took two Extra-Strength
Excedrin capsules and within minutes she collapsed to the floor. She was rushed to a hospital, but died
hours later.
Doctors were unable to explain Sue's death. They asked the hospital laboratory to do some tests to
establish the cause. One test detected cyanide, a poison that can rapidly kill a person who swallows even a
small amount. The hospital immediately called the police. They began their investigation by interviewing
members of Sue's family.
Mrs. Snow's daughter recalled that her mother had a headache the morning she died and that she had
taken two Extra-Strength Excedrin capsules. When a police laboratory subsequently tested the capsules
remaining in the Excedrin bottle, the capsules were found to contain cyanide.
The police consulted the manufacturers of Excedrin. The drug company used its authority to have stores
immediately remove all bottles of Extra-Strength Excedrin from their shelves. The police crime
laboratory tested capsules from these thousands of bottles and found two that also contained cyanide.
These bottles came from stores in two nearby towns. Police visited the two sites but learned nothing.
Through the media, they warned people about the poisoned medicine and asked them to phone if they
had any useful information.
Six days after Sue Snow's death, a woman named Stella Nickell phoned the police to report that her
husband, Bruce, had died suddenly on June 5 after taking Extra-Strength Excedrin capsules. When the
police searched Stella Nickell's house, they found two bottles of poisoned Extra-Strength Excedrin
A police detective thought something was very odd. The crime laboratory had tested over 740,000 Extra-
Strength Excedrin capsules and found poisoned capsules in only five bottles: two from sites in nearby
towns, one in Sue Snow's house and two in Stella Nickell's house. Mrs. Nickell claimed that she had
bought her two bottles at two different stores on two different days. Contrary to what she claimed, the
detective thought that it would be nearly impossible for one person to coincidentally buy two of the five
poisoned bottles.
Could Stella Nickell have poisoned the capsules that killed her husband and Sue Snow? It didn't seem
likely. She was a grandmother and worked as an airport security guard. Friends and family said that she
and her husband seemed happy. Then detectives learned that Stella and her husband were deeply in debt.
They also learned that Bruce Nickell had a life insurance policy that would pay Stella $31,000 when he
died, but
would pay her $176,000 if his death were accidental.
The detectives knew that money can be a strong motive for murder. They concluded that Stella had put
cyanide in five Excedrin bottles. She kept two and placed three others in nearby stores. Sue Snow bought
one of those bottles. Stella probably hoped that a careless drug company or a crazed person would be
blamed if people died from the poisoned capsules. Stella probably thought she had created a clever
scheme to make her husband's death seem accidental so she could collect $176,000.
Although the detectives felt certain that Stella had poisoned the Excedrin, technically they were unable to
link her to the poison. They wondered how she had learned about cyanide. At a public library near
Stella's house, a librarian told detectives that Stella had borrowed several books about poison. One was
named Human Poisoning. A crime laboratory examined these books and found 84 instances of Stella's
fingerprints, most of them on pages about cyanide.
When confronted with the specific evidence against her, Stella admitted that she had put poison in the
Excedrin capsules. A jury panel found her guilty of murder, and a judge sentenced her to 99 years in
prison. Logical thinking, persistent detective work, and science worked together to help the police solve
the crime.
Câu 701. Doctors in the hospital established that Sue Snow died of a headache.
Câu 702. A laboratory detected cyanide in a bottle of Excedrin found at Sue Snow's house.
Câu 703. The police consulted with the drug company to find out which stores were selling Excedrin.
Câu 704. The drug company used its authority to close the stores where Excedrin was sold.
Câu 705. Instances of poisoned bottles of Excedrin were found at five sites.
Câu 706. Contrary to what Stella claimed, it would have been possible for her to buy two poisoned bottles of
Excedrin coincidentally.
Câu 707. The police concluded that Stella's motive for poisoning the Excedrin was to get $176,000 from her
husband's insurance policy.
Câu 708. The police believed that Stella had poisoned the Excedrin but they were technically not able to link
her to the cyanide.
Câu 709. One specific book, named Human Poisoning, had Stella's fingerprints on 84 pages.
Câu 710. A combination of science, logical thinking, and good luck helped the police solve the crime.
Read the following passage and mark each statement as T (True) or F (False).
Forensic Science
Sherlock Holmes, a fictional detective of a century ago, was one of the first to use forensic science – the
scientific analysis of physical evidence to solve crimes. Holding a big magnifying glass, Holmes inspected
crime scenes for footprints, broken glass, hair – anything that might help identify the person who
committed the crime. In today's world, Holmes might be a CSI, or crime scene investigator.
Today, when a crime is reported, a murder for instance, the police immediately send a medical examiner
(ME) and a CSI team to the crime site. The ME and CSIS will be part of a panel of technical experts in
the investigation.
At the crime scene, the ME examines the body of the victim and looks for wounds or marks that might be
related to the crime. The ME also takes many photographs of the body. The body is subsequently taken
away for a detailed examination that will establish the cause and time of the victim's death.

Meanwhile, CSIs first take hundreds of photographs of the crime site. Next they check the site for
fingerprints. Most fingerprints form when sweat or another oily substance on a fingertip leaves an
invisible imprint on a glass, tabletop, or other object. CSIS dust a black powder on objects at the crime
site to make these prints visible. The CSIS then look for drops of blood, strands of hair, pieces of ripped
cloth, or other evidence that might link someone to the crime site.
"Every contact leaves a trace," according to an authority in forensics. This means that whenever a crime
involves physical contact, the criminal either leaves something at the site, takes something from the site,
or both. This might be any number of substances, including hair, animal fur, sand, grass, and fibers from
clothing or carpeting. Such trace evidence is usually difficult to detect, so, like Sherlock Holmes, CSIs rely
on handheld magnifying glasses to examine the crime scene. CSIs might even vacuum the entire area to
collect tiny samples. They carefully label each piece of evidence as they collect it.
The collected evidence is then sent to a forensics laboratory. There, forensic scientists will analyze it to
establish how and when the murder took place, where it took place, and who did it. Sometimes the
evidence will even show why it took place, that is, the motive for the killing.
Among all the evidence found at the site, fingerprints are conclusive in linking a specific person to the
crime scene. This is because no two people have the same fingerprints. Fingerprints from a crime scene
are analyzed by computer to determine if they match the prints of a known criminal or crime suspect.
DNA is another conclusive means of identification because each person's DNA is unique. DNA is
contained in cells of the body, so that evidence of hair, blood, tears, sweat, or other bodily fluids found at
a crime scene can be used to link a specific person to the crime. Like fingerprints, DNA samples are
analyzed by computer to determine if they match the DNA of a known criminal or a suspect.
Voices, too, are unique. Samples of voices from security camera tapes, telephone answering machines, or
other recording devices can be scanned electronically. A printout of the scan will show patterns of highs
and lows, rhythm, and volume that can be compared to patterns of a suspect's voice. However, authorities
have contrary opinions about using voiceprints for identification. Some argue that voices can change over
time as people age or suffer illnesses, so old voiceprints are not always reliable.
In the laboratory, forensic scientists use an electron microscope to scan samples of the substances that
were collected at the crime scene. Then they enlarge the samples (up to 150,000×) on a visual display unit.
This allows them to easily compare those samples with samples found at another location or on a
suspect's clothing.
Forensic laboratories have on file the shoe print patterns of thousands of kinds of shoes. These can be
compared to shoeprints found at a crime scene to establish the size and kind of shoes worn by a suspect. If
the shoeprint was made in a soft material, like mud, the lab may be able to tell the height and weight of
the person by the depth of each step and the distance between steps.
After all of the evidence has been analyzed, the police chief consults with panel members. Based on the
evidence, they determine if it is logical to accuse and arrest a crime suspect. If it is, members of the panel
may later be asked to present their forensic evidence in a court of law as proof of a suspect's guilt.
Câu 711. Holmes inspected a crime site for anything related to the crime, for instance footprints, broken glass,
or hair.
Câu 712. CSIs are part of a panel of technical experts in a forensic investigation.
Câu 713. Forensic laboratories establish when and where a murder took place by taking hundreds of
Câu 714. To identify footprints, forensic laboratories consult files of footprints of known criminals.
Câu 715. CSIs use handheld magnifying glasses to detect trace evidence at crime scenes.
Câu 716. Authorities have contrary opinions about using fingerprints for identification.
Câu 717. DNA analysis can conclusively establish the motive for a crime.
Câu 718. Samples of a suspect's voice can be compared to voice samples from surveillance tapes or telephone
answering machines.

Câu 719. A suspect will be arrested if, based on the evidence, it seems logical that he or she committed the
Câu 720. Fingerprints found at a crime scene can be linked to a specific individual if they match the individual's
Read the following passage and mark each statement as T (True) or F (False).
Saving the Oceans
The oceans of the world occupy over 70% of the earth's surface. They provide food for billions of people,
serve as places of recreation, and facilitate the transportation of passengers and cargo. For all of human
history, people regarded the oceans as an indestructible and infinite resource. Until recently, humans had
little impact on the oceans. However, as the earth's population increases, human activity will ultimately
destroy the oceans unless immediate steps are taken.
Over-fishing is one major threat. Fish are being taken out of the oceans faster than the remaining fish can
reproduce. A big fish – tuna, cod, shark, or swordfish-yields many pounds of delicious seafood when it
reaches maturity. However, to meet the increasing demand for these fish, commercial fishermen began
catching small, immature fish. In the process, they depleted the species. Ocean scientists estimate that
90% of these big fish are now gone from the oceans, and about 30% of all fished species have been
Of the earth's 6.5 billion people, over one billion rely on fish as a source of protein. Billions more eat fish
frequently because of its health benefits and its good taste. Throughout the world, food from the sea
provides between 5% and 10% of the total food supply. But when fish disappear from the oceans, they
will also disappear from our dinner plates. The impact on those who rely on fish could be malnutrition or
even starvation.
Humans are impacting ocean life not only by what they take out of the oceans, but also by what they put
into the oceans. Carelessly discarded cans, bottles, plastic cups, and baby diapers find their way into the
stomachs of fish, often killing them. Toxic chemicals and industrial trash are also discarded into the
oceans, either accidentally or thoughtlessly. Such conduct pollutes the water and kills sea life. Spills from
a single oil tanker can contribute 200,000 tons of oil to the already polluted oceans. In the United States,
an estimated 15,000 tons of automobile oil annually washes off roads into rivers and streams and
ultimately into the sea.
Along with the harmful oil, however, run-off also carries tons of nutrients in the form of plant matter,
fertilizers, animal waste, and garbage that can be traced to cities, farms, factories, and forests. These
nutrients may seem like a good thing at first, but poisonous algae and bacteria (microscopic plants and
animals) in the ocean feed on the nutrients. As the run-off increases, the aggregation of algae and bacteria
increases, further eroding the marine environment. Small fish that feed on the algae and bacteria are
sickened or killed by the poisons they contain. When larger fish feed on the smaller ones, they too are
sickened by the poisons. Ultimately, humans who eat the flesh of poisoned fish will be sickened, too.
Are healthy oceans compatible with an industrialized world? What can be done to terminate the steady
destruction of the oceans? Among other steps, countries can set limits on the number of fish that
fishermen can legally catch. Governments can also create sea reserves, areas where fishing is temporarily
until the fish population increases. Commercial enterprises can develop open-ocean aquaculture to grow
fish in underwater cages miles from land. And individuals can refuse to buy fish in restaurants and
markets if the species is threatened.
Governments can also protect the sea by enacting strict controls on ocean dumping. They can demand
that oil tankers have higher safety standards. They can process run-off water to remove toxic substances.
Individuals can properly dispose of leftover household and garden chemicals so they do not add to the
toxic run-off into the oceans.
Scientists agree that it's not too late to save the oceans, but we must begin at once to take the necessary
Câu 721. Humans had little impact on the oceans until recently.
Câu 722. Humans occupy over 70% of the earth's surface.
Câu 723. For all of human history, people thought of the oceans as a resource that was infinite and
Câu 724. Steps must be taken to terminate human activity that may ultimately erode the quality of the oceans.
Câu 725. Over-fishing may temporarily benefit certain species of fish.
Câu 726. The conduct of discarding trash into the oceans greatly contributes to pollution.
Câu 727. Increases in the aggregation of algae and bacteria can be traced to the nutrients in run-off from cities,
farms, factories, and forests.
Câu 728. Oil tankers annually spill 200,000 tons of oil into the oceans.
Câu 729. It isn't possible to process run-off water to remove toxic substances.
Câu 730. Healthy oceans are compatible with an industrialized world if necessary steps are taken to protect the


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