Class 5 E.V.S

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New Sainik Public School

Annual Examination 2024

Class - 5

Subject - E.V.S

M.M 50

Q1) Tick the correct answer: (10)

1. Plants that float on water are called

a) Submerged plants b) Free-floating plants c) Fixed plants
2. Cow dung is used to make
a) Hydropower b) Wind energy c) Gobar gas
3. The first women to have gone into space was
a) Valentina Tereshkova b) Hillary Cliton c) Sunita Williams
4. A clove is a dried
a) Leaf b) Bud c) Root
5. Which of the following is biodegradable waste?
a) Glass bottle b) Newspaper c) Bucket
6. Fuel is required by the vehicles that run on
a) Engines b) Legs c) Paws
7. Solar energy is the energy obtained from the
a) Air b) Sun c) Water
8. Our earth belongs to the galaxy the
a) Sweet way b) Sour way c) Milky way
9. World’s highest mountain peak is
a) Mountain Everest b) Mount Annapurna c) Mount Etna
10. A baby flower is called a
a) Tree b) Leaf c) Bud

Q2) Write True or False (5)

1. Mount Everst does not lies in the Himalayas.

2. The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in Darjeeling provides training for mountaineering.
3. When we burst a firecracker, the environment gets affected.
4. Instead of using public vehicles, we should use private vehicles.
5. We should throw old medicines down the sink drain.

Q3) Fill in the blanks (3)

1. Whales and dolphins are _____________ that live in water.

2. We ear the cauliflower and broccoli as _____________.
3. A mosquito is a parasitic insect that feeds on _____________.

Q4) Write answers in one sentence (10)

1. Give one example of biodegradable waste?

2. What do we call a substance that pollutes the environment?
3. What do we call a loud and unpleasant sound?
4. Which is the most common aquatic animal?
5. Which is the rich source of fat?
6. Name any two aquatic bird?
7. Name any two nutrient required by our body?
8. What flower are commonly used to make perfume?
9. Name two big and colourful flower?
10. Who was the first Indian to have gone into space?

Q5) Write answer in short (10)

1. Where should be factories be located?

2. Why is burning waste in the open harmful?
3. What is horticulture?
4. What are carbohydrates?
5. Why is food essential for us?

Q6) Read the passage and give answer (10)

The sun is the star, just one of billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Although it is very huge
and can fit around 1,400,000 earths inside it, the sun is smaller than the other stars.

Do you know how the sun shines? The sun consists almost entirely of hydrogen and helium gas.
At its centre, the temperature is very high and it helps in turning hydrogen into helium. This produces
a lot of energy which keeps the sun shining. The sun lies at the center of the solar system and there
are eight planets in the solar system. Among these planets, the earth is the only planet which has
water, which is needed for life to exist. The earth’s distance from the sun produces exactly the right
temperature range needed for living organisms to survive.

Jupiter is the largest of all the planets. It is big enough to contain all the other planets together.
Jupiter is also known as a ‘gas giant’, because of its thick Gassy outer layer. Saturn is the second
largest planet. It has many bright rings around it. Saturn has a large number of moons like Jupiter.

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Is the sun a planet or a star?

2. Name the two gases found in the sun?
3. What lies at the center of the solar system?
4. Which is the largest of the planets?

B. Fill in the blanks with words from the passage.

1. The sun is a ____________, just one of billions of stars in the ___________ ___________.
2. The earth is the only planet which has ______________.
3. Saturn has many ____________ ____________ around it.
4. ____________is also known as a ‘gas giant’.

Q7) Draw a diagram of parts of flower. (2)

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