New Sainik Public School Class 7 English

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New Sainik Public school

Annual Examination 2024

Class – 7

Subject – English

M.M 50

Q1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow. (10)

A tortoise and two geese once lived near a lake. They were very good friends. One year there was not enough
rain and the lake became dry. So the three friends decided to go to another lake. It was easy for the geese to
fly, but it was difficult for the tortoise to go with them. But he had a bright idea. He said, “I will place a stick in
mouth and you hold the ends of the stick in your beaks. One of you will be on one end of the stick and the
other will be on the other end.” So the geese held the stick in there beaks. The tortoise held the middle of the
stick in his mouth. They began their journey. They were now flying over a town. Men, women and children
came out of there houses and saw the straight sight. They started shouting and clapping. The foolish tortoise
opened his mouth. He wanted to ask his friend, “Why are people shouting and clapping like that?” But as soon
as he opened his mouth, he lost hold of the stick. Down he fell and died on the spot.

A. Tick the correct option.

1. Who lived near a lake?

a) Tortoise b) Two geese c) Both
2. Who had a bright idea?
a) Tortoise b) Geese c) Both
3. Who came out of the house?
a) Men b) Women and c) Both
4. Who was down fell and died on the spot?
a) Tortoise b) Geese c) Parrot
5. How many friends they are?
a) Three b) Five c) Six

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. A _________ and two _________ once lived near a lake.

2. They were very good __________.
3. One year there was not enough __________.
4. The three __________ decided to go to another lake.
5. It was easy for the __________ to fly.

Q2. Tick the correct options. (10)

1. Why was the driver’s job?

a) Taxi driver b) Librarian c) Writer
2. Why the hitch-hiker called himself a ‘fingersmith’?
a) He invented it b) It’s his favorite word c) Because he hate the word ‘pickpocket’
3. Kalam’s teacher used to teach the class of:
a) Sixth b) Eight c) Ninth
4. Teacher wanted to explain the theory of:
a) Light b) Sight c) Flight
5. Kalam’s teacher drew the attention of all the students towards the:
a) Vultures b) Seabirds c) Peacocks
6. What kind of dinosaur does the poet want?
a) Slow b) Fast c) Any
7. Which dinosaur will do the trick?
a) Rough one b) Cute one c) Spiny one
8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Hughie Erskine’s face?
a) Good looks b) Grey eyes c) Large ears
9. Which of the following is not an attribute of Trevor’s face?
a) Blue eyes b) Rugged beard c) Rough exterior
10. Where was the beggar-man placed in the study of Alan Trevor when he was being painted?
a) On a carpet b) On a chair c) In the comer

Q3. Write answer in one sentence. (10)

1. Why did the driver drive over the speed limit?

2. How did the hitch-hiker and the diver got away from the police?
3. How many minutes did the students take to understand the fundamentals of flight?
4. Who was a very good teacher during the schooling of kalam?
5. Diagram of which did the teacher draw to teach the class?
6. Where did all the students go in evening?
7. Does the poet want a living or a dead dinosaur?
8. What does the word ‘snuggly’ mean?
9. Why do you think that the poet needs a dinosaur?
10. Who brought the sheep at home?

Q4. Write answer in short. (10)

1. Why should enjoyment not be our goal?

2. Why did the narrator stop to give a lift to the hitch-hiker?
3. What was the hitch-hiker’s profession? what did he prefer to call it?
4. What was the turning point for child Kalam?
5. How had Hughie tried to earn money?

Q5. Write synonyms (2)

a) Dull b) Sad c) Lack d) Youth

Q6. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate prepositions. (2)

1. We should not feel jealous _________ other’s wealth. (with , to , of)

2. Virat Kohli is popular __________ his countrymen. (with , for , on)
3. Gautam is quick ___________ English grammar. (for , on , at)
4. All roads lead __________ Rome. (to , towards , through)

Q7. Write an E-mail to your friend inviting him for birthday party. (3)


Write a dairy entry about you visit to historical places.

Q8. Write a paragraph on the following topic (3)

a) Need for education for all b) How to keep fit and fine

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