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Dear, Andra

I had a lot of fun spending this weekend with in London visiting the city and experiencing a new
culture. I felt very delighted that we were able to meet up after so many years talking to each other
only on the phone.

This reunion felt exactly like when we were in college and we needed a break from everything and
everyone. It was a nostalgic throwback for me and I hope for you too. When we went to see The Big
Ben I was mesmerised by the view. You were so scared because you are afraid of heights and I
thought you were not anymore, but I guess you still are. It was like taking a trip down the memory

I particulary enjoyed the dinner we had at that famous restaurant in the city centre. Everything was
perfect from the food to the music and especially the company I had. It was nice hearing about your
family and your new job and I was shocked that you are plannig to move to a big city alone, but I
know you will survive there.

The next time we see each other is it in Santorini in July. I have already imagined us on a beach with a
cocktail in hand watching the sun set. I really hope that this trip will take place because I desperatly
need a tan.

I can’t no longer wait to see you and to have my bestfriend by my side. See you in Rome!

With love, Delia


Science is not an easy subject and, as a result, the majority of the students are not really interested in
studying it. How can we encourage them to enter this field? The answer is there are multiples ways to
boost their interest in science.

First of all, watching TV programmes can be useful in making people curious about the field of
science. Promoting constantly the breakthroughs made by scientists from all over the world can make
people see the advantages of science. However, the media, nowadays, focuses mostly on reality TV
shows or sports programme, not paying attention on subjects related to science.

Second of all, having a lot more career opportunities might trigger students’ interest in science. For
some students who finish college having a stable job which pays well is very important and crucial.
Goverments should invest more in science and facilitate students access to well-equiped laboratories
and this way they can put in practice what they learn at courses. Young people are very stubborn and if
they see they are not supported and that they don’t have the necessary resources they would give up.

In conclusion, I believe advertising is the best way to make science sound appealing to students,
because when they would see that scientific research is really valuable to us as a society, they will
become more and more interested in studying it and even making out a carrer out of it.

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