X, PHYSICS 2020-21 (Sample Paper 1) by Shalini Sharma

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Samble frpe- las (20od0-1Jn Srali Srm

Deuan Publc Schot

SqubicetScHnce (Physued
Setton AJ (me marck questicn ebsesvation hat ohen a beam af
1ohieh eect is ilusbadedt by beseme USjhle ous. ()
a unugat erters a dusty Aotm, then path
State zhoo e t s trodu ced by he dtatterung o4 light byhe atmozphe
2- Aayaf Aight 4 goimg onards thu foaus af a cencave Aens.
a ray oliagram hos tre ßah h4 ray dght afs naetin
thsough h Ans
3-Wth Ahe fosmula ora lns cenmectng mage distne (), sj
distance (B) nd he focal r h ( ) . How dous thu lens formula
diffes iom he mros fosmula (1
4 1 h a t hafpars ehen a t r e t - tasyng. esnducbr a placed n a

G5- 2 an eledic motr, ushdA ehufollohing hmains fired
and wohch Aotates wh hu coll Cemmutctor Bruh. (()
66-Stak taro fattoss n hwh h ebecbucal energy Consumed by an
cledrical afplamce duptnds. (
7-Read hu 7ollonin amd ansher ny bur questens fhon 7(i)
Magonomical kelwepe plial instaument shch u tuad to see
boelies ike Aters,blanet,
ahe magnified èmege distant evenly
Autelit amd galaociei et. Jhe final ènage fomel by n asthnmal
teluepe ii aluiays wstual,inveded amd hagrifieel
pr ashonomtcal delzscope cenaists tvo éenver lineus ian ejeetrue
Lens O aro am eje piece E. hu pvcal ungth fo u skjaetur bhs
is large ad comAared fo he fral trgdh e s'he
sthon arial telacope

a Aight ima the oistantvéjuet

didtant t e i t and fonm nu fitet at thi
ons and he yt pleuy ends
Bath th hjvctnt ah
Alidtng kubes, at a
suitable diSance f\m aah
loo skvet (such
Tt ah ould be moted p a rag
that, a as

Atass, plames os sakellrt) formed by an asnon0mirl eltsvehe

Butt deis0
a l n a nvtal wh dpeet to the o/eE.
an aunommirl telse
mates" ohethes he mage fomea by
i invetel a not, aa all he heavny boctics au uially
Apheoricad r Ahape
Jhere avw hhee prumuny pea phal elucepe .

(). afactoss, uehch ude lnse

) , Catadigb taic telus.
. e ctoss, whch we miiro
shioh cemb ine Lenses and mirors
F Fo e

inkimul DNE


). Based en abpve diagsam, 0 and E sepseserds

(. Conte ocumatin . pole Gy.eptial cunbu o . fous U)
7he ebjeat a plac
'). A cenNex lunspocluces a magnifticatiom +5.
(). atfocus (b. betw eenfard 2f (). at lus thanf Zenbezmd24
il).Jhe coverging fonlas m zepiece aatao7omical felutgse
(C). lus th0n hat jectnt.
m o r e than hat a
. eaual o dhat objeutinthat
be more or eec than ef 06jealerie.

D. Can

w) Jhe fonal ina4e frmeo asthomomical tlsuepe u.

WAtual, h u t and magnifiel
(0). amd dminishad
(. Vnltal, dimnisha
e n t armol
(c). ial,
imwitod and mag nifiel
(cd). utual Conventros forenses,
dDAding #0 New, lantesioam krses
(V) ed fe ebjatue and eyrce
focal lengfhs fo tliscobe is
hespeetively , af abonom cal bott (C). pos1tve fos
for bofh b egalre for
(a). Bosttveand eyefpLere j . pasitire foreyeiece
objcetve megaturt for
megalane r ibjoctoit.
sam i ) +
a7K NES my four quesans
Ge-Read dhe falloheg
Aslam A a weldlts by faofession wsho was wonkirg at mohan house
making anSailing by uig eluebrtc welding uxh nakal eyea,
lam nas ing a ghindes m t to smosthen hu helding oins. Je
Ahen ome bwtilA fell irto ttlamns
eye. He star t e chyny wnh ban
mohan hired an auto anel dook hirí o an e holpitat. 2n he
hsputatdoctor e d a levice cenne
necteod o °roo electsic wir
oemDve the particle rom,telams * trlam auted mhan ushat
hud talen inko Aiu ye and what Jvw as wo by hu dodes t
hemove hat podicleom hu
eye. Bung a
fclan Z, tuence Atuded
Mohan tzplaied eveylhig im tlam and aked
Lstue .mehan Pxhlained hat thu olorto ued an tobe areful o

Aemove fhe hny Mon paxtel

pom hu ( hlorn)ye. mchan fuhy
Ltantegi vng, himn hu
He told thät tpu
hene aliferont pu magnet
u l tuso
magnet natural and
autificial natural magnet is a pLece f an ve
ohich attra
Lome mateuab we Dmen,
weak, am H Meg ular dn
micka , tobalt et. Bul, naturd muget
shape. So for
magnetr vu wd. Ghen ounz asedprastial purpotu, antifas antifud
a magnetrc rDugh dhe
feld u devedoped onound tt. Jhu u noun ou condupo
het uwhase working u basad on eledrma
Led n mobo veholla o s0tate he
magnete tect fcwsent. nagnet ib
ushtil. mágneti leiatien tran
magnett. E doa not
heed Wheat. 1tot above th brask by
Aong hagnetrcforne pocluted by cerefub-Controled electnomgnek
e n caakd ament -caying cenduator can be docata du o h
magnehic teel annrt by uig a plti canpo For sumtle,
a ploting toropay u movel ena wiall, ih meedle uil 4how dejkhon
at re place uhe cuant- Caraumg wre u Cencealed.
Jhe fodul whah fell 4nto tlams eye Wu.
(). Stee!(. Ctpper 9. 2%cn "a. michreme
. e devu ued by dhu doctor to hamove thu pardul frem
(0Voltnet (b). Electromag netS (). penanent magned), cel)
whuh tteet curent can be utilised r tha working magehc
Jeviaticn boin ?
Heating t t q nant; (D.chemicnd yfes 4 current c). Emz
1aaretu ettont uTent
) . A bencopled ewrend umying Conductor can be located by ulnga
a). heos1at (6), mivosupe )magnetc eecdle, w. ammetes 1)
V). he attors affecting
he thength a n Electromag net are
10). numb urns dn u cil (6). cwnt flowing n the coil,t
Jength f air gap bdwten t pola j (d au f thu huu (a)BRe)
uhdt lighk hmk: up n t i t Componentr ushula fyauin

h gast fouim.. Irw a ay cuaram
w G h o Me
pathof rdys
. d i f f v n t colbtured ayp eviale cffrenty tn a frism P )
ElTer kulbs e cenected na seue cieut t a peuer 4pply
Jne Tr Ldadia! bulb; au connert ed n e farallel cuaul" t
n identiru fhjer etdy une
ushith. init uenl tare hu highut, voltage awLs rach hul?
n ohih s u i t uwnuld h u bulb PLe hughlés ?
iy n uohioh oireuut, iFne buh bisis
V. whiech cicuut would ave le CunentE
out, al ethu will sp gloing ?
Sectrn-C h marks questim)
- ) 8ehine nagnification rooducecl by sphorial lenses.
(i. Aeismime totfas an objest must"be laced n fint afa cmveg-
ing ena foal lngth locm n order to #roctuce an ereet (epright)
Lmage o linear magnification 4.
Seetron-D| (fure- marrks Guuwstromy
boh at 2oV, are
& lambs, one mted 4ow at A20 Vgnd thi Ghes
Cemnested in Barallel to h e electhic sapbly a t A2oV.
aw a ciscuit diagram to how thi Cemecthms
i . Calculate Me cuneht alhasn fm he elecbie suppg
-Calelate the oal ener consimel by h two lamnps #ogehs ushn
ahey oprte for cme houl
(0. Skah that would haahen do re dieatis e Aotabin a mobr
. the current Were rewersed i . he magnete field were rversed
i . both curent and magnehe Held were Aeversed simultaneouud
(b. shat h e oles Carbon biushes a d amatire in hë
WOnking a n electic motor P S..Shalii Shav
Cantt Meeuty-

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