Arti-106 Project Students

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ARTI-106 | Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques

College of Computer Science and Information Technology Track

Prolog Project: Create your own Expert System

A. Directions
1) Project due Date: by the end of week 12.
2) Percent of the Grade: 10%
3) Submission method: Your project folder must be submitted by BB, no other method of
4) Groups may contain five students at most.

B. Find your area of expertise:

Choose a problem domain that you know and like. Your expert system will have to provide
recommendations on:
• Movie Recommendation: Based on knowledge about a person’s preferences and hobbies,
information about movies, come up with rules to determine the movies that a person may like.
• Restaurants in Dammam
• Crime investigation
• Birthday gift advisor
• A Topic in Computer, Chemistry, Physics, or Biology…
• Health care
• A topic in medicine
• Travel
• Diagnosing and fixing problems in cars
• Gaming
• Wildlife Park
• Or You can suggest one and see if your teacher agree on it.
C. Outlines
Ensure that you follow these outlines when developing your ES:
1. A short description of your ES must be displayed at the beginning of the program (Welcome
message, the purpose of the ES, what the user needs to input, etc.).

2. Define the basic facts relevant to your Expert System. These could represent entities and
their attributes.
3. Define rules that express relationships and logic in your problem domain.
4. Insert the students’ names as a comment in the script.
5. Develop queries that users can input to get answers from your expert system. Prolog's
backward-chaining mechanism will be used to find solutions based on the defined rules.
6. Include variables, constants, lists.
7. Use built-in predicates read() and write() to ensure the dialogue between the user and this
expert system.
8. Use the logical operators (\=, \== , \+).
9. Use looping predicate in an appropriate way.
10. Use comments throughout your script explaining all blocks of code.
11. The application should solve a valid problem.
12. The application should be user-friendly (Users of the ES know what it does, how to enter
questions and understand the output).
13. The application runs with correct results.
14. As you work on your project, consider incorporating creative elements that make it uniquely
yours. Your creativity is valued, and we look forward to seeing the innovative features you
choose to add. (self-learning part).

Good Luck

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