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Apple Mission and Vision Statement 19/03/24 10:30

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Apple’s mission statement is “to bring the best user
experience to customers through innovative hardware,
software, and services.” Apple’s vision statement is “to
make the best products on earth and to leave the world
better than we found it.”
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Apple is a technology corporation that has exemplified
innovation, elegance, and design since its establishment POPULAR POSTS
in 1976. Its mission and vision statements have served to
define its strategies for success within the global market, FEATURED POSTS 第1/17⻚
Apple Mission and Vision Statement 19/03/24 10:30

while motivating employees to support and contribute to

the business’s competitive advantage.
Apple’s business strategy, intensive growth strategies,
and business statements are used by the company to Definitive
grapple with competition from rivals such as Samsung, Guide
Google, IBM, Dell, Lenovo, and PayPal. Over the years,
these statements have been constantly adjusted
according to any changes taking place in the organization

under both Steve Jobs and Tim Cook’s leadership. Their What
messages now encapsulate diversity in strategic is it
approaches essential for success across multiple and
industries like computer technology, consumer How
electronics, cloud computing services, and it
semiconductors. works

The company faces intense competition, which is why its Business
mission statement should reflect the efficient strategies Model
needed to stay competitive while progressing into a future
of authority in the global arena, as indicated by its vision

1. Apple’s Mission Statement Business
1.1. Best User Experience Model
1.2. Innovative Products
1.3. Quality Service Delivery
2. Apple’s Vision Statement
2.1. Product Design Leadership ADVERTISEMENT
2.2. Carbon Neutral
3. Apple’s Core Values
3.1. Accessibility
3.2. Education 第2/17⻚
Apple Mission and Vision Statement 19/03/24 10:30

3.3. Environmental Responsibility

3.4. Inclusion & Diversity
3.5. Privacy
3.6. Supplier Responsibility
4. Conclusion

Apple’s Mission Statement

Apple’s mission statement, “bringing the best user

experience to customers through innovative hardware,
software, and services,” is centered around delivering the
best possible user experience for their customers.
Through innovative technologies and services, Apple
strives to provide products that meet the needs of its

From hardware — such as the iPhone, the AirPods, and

the MacBook Pro — to software — like iOS, macOS,
iPadOS, and tvOS —, Apple continuously looks for ways
to improve upon existing products and create new ones to
satisfy customer demands. The mission statement
encapsulates this goal, with a focus on continually
innovating and providing world-class experiences no
matter what product or service they offer. Ultimately, it 第3/17⻚
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serves as a driving force behind all decisions made at

Apple, while also highlighting their commitment to
customer satisfaction through every stage of their

Apple’s mission focuses on three key areas: best user

experience, innovative products, and quality service

Best User Experience

Apple’s mission statement focuses on delivering the best

user experience for its customers. Apple does not merely
design products to be user-friendly, but frequently
improves existing features to deliver a superior
experience. Apple takes pride in creating products that
are both sophisticated and easy for users to navigate.

A prime example of this commitment was the new

location and Bluetooth permissions that were unveiled in
iOS 13. These measures served as an added security
feature that could protect personal information while also
giving users more control over what data they gave
companies access to.

The ad-tracking opt-in feature unveiled in iOS 14 also

offered another layer of privacy protection, which can
further improve the user experience with Apple devices.
Consumer advocates have widely praised these changes
as they have given end-users greater control over their
data processing practices.

Apart from these large updates, Apple continues its focus 第4/17⻚
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on providing the best user experience through small

changes such as adding new emojis or releasing software
updates with bug fixes, faster experiences, and more
secure data storage options for its customers’ peace of
mind. By offering these features, Apple strives to provide
superior customer service, which boosts consumer loyalty
and trust in the brand — further cementing its position as
one of the leading tech companies worldwide.

Innovative Products

Apple is well known for its innovative products that meet

the ever-changing needs of customers around the world.
From groundbreaking iPhones, iPads, and Macs to top-
of-the-line Apple Watches and AirPods, Apple’s product
range has been consistently evolving since its founding.
Apple designs these products with the intention of making
them simple and elegant, while also creating an intuitive
user experience. As a result, they often solve complex
problems in creative ways that no one else has thought of

Take their award-winning iPhone as an example — it

revolutionized how people communicate by combining a
computer, communication device, entertainment center,
and camera all into one package. This same level of
innovation can be seen across Apple’s portfolio, such as
the iPad, which provides portability and ease of use;
various lines of Mac computers, including iMac desktops;
watches like the revolutionary Series 4 and 5 that detect
heart irregularities; headphones like AirPods with high
audio fidelity; powerful tablets like iPad Pros for business
users; etc. 第5/17⻚
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In healthcare specifically, Apple has made great strides

toward improving healthcare outcomes through its
innovative products. In particular, their watchOS 6
features fall detection technology to alert emergency
services if a patient falls and does not respond afterward
within 60 seconds. It provides access to health records on
iPhones for patients — allowing real-time updates about
events such as hospital visits or doctor appointments
without needing to visit a medical facility or call your
provider — thus saving precious time and money when
seeking medical care.

More than 40 years ago, Steve Jobs co-founded the

company with dreams of revolutionizing how technology
could be used to make life better — today, this remains
true with its constantly evolving suite of product offerings
explicitly designed with customer usability & satisfaction
at heart every step of the way — delivering unparalleled
value & experiences across markets ranging from
education to business & most significantly healthcare,
where some truly groundbreaking advancements are now
being made possible due to their relentless focus on

Quality Service Delivery

Apple strives to continually provide its customers with a

consistently high level of quality service delivery. From
product design to post-sale customer support, Apple
carefully oversees every detail to ensure that each user’s
experience is as positive and enjoyable as possible.

One key aspect of Apple’s commitment to quality service 第6/17⻚
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delivery is the App Store, which offers a wealth of apps

whose interfaces are designed with both form and
function in mind. Every app available on the platform
undergoes rigorous evaluation before it can be approved
for release, ensuring only top-notch options make their
way into users’ hands. The same goes for hardware
products: Apple has strict design guidelines that adhere
to the company’s engineering standards, helping ensure
that products — like the iPhones, the iPad, and the
MacBook — not only look extraordinary, but also perform
at their peak capabilities.

The next piece of Apple’s puzzle is its implementation of

customer service programs like Apple Care and tech
support. All staff members employed by these services
have received extensive training so that they can offer
world-class assistance when faced with any product or
software-related query or problem from customers; from
basic troubleshooting advice to more complex technical
issues, all get addressed quickly by trained professionals
who have access to relevant resources needed for a
successful resolution.

Both customers and industry professionals acknowledge

Apple’s commitment to providing outstanding service. In
2020, a survey deemed Apple’s online support 51/60,
phone support 34/40, and cumulative tech support score
of 85/100 — demonstrating the exceptionally high level of
customer care they give. This impressive rating reflects
how seriously Apple considers its responsibility to ensure
users are completely satisfied with their technological
purchases by offering unparalleled assistance at every
stage of their experience. 第7/17⻚
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Apple’s Vision Statement

Apple’s vision statement, “To make the best products on

earth and to leave the world better than we found it,”
drives the company’s ambition to continually innovate
with an eye towards providing more meaningful
experiences for their users and making a positive impact
on society. This mission serves as a North Star for
Apple’s employees, from leadership down to product
teams and support staff.

This statement comprises two parts:

Product Design Leadership

Apple’s product design leadership is well established,

both in terms of its sheer scope and its success. For
example, the company has created iconic products such
as the iPhone, the AirPods, the MacBooks, M1
microchips, etc. With each release of updated and new
devices, Apple seeks to continuously push for novel
innovations that set the standard for industry performance
and usability. As a testament to this commitment to 第8/17⻚
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leading product design leadership, in April 2021, Apple

unveiled their next-generation iPad Pro, featuring an M1
chip that surpasses the competition with ultra-fast 5G

With its fantastic speed, the iPad Pro enabled Apple to

cement its place at the forefront of mobile device
technology, while at the same time offering customers
unprecedented levels of speed and data access when
they needed it most. With this level of innovation from
Apple, it comes as no surprise that many analysts expect
them to maintain their current market share lead in mobile
computing for many years ahead.

The company has also been successful at protecting its

leadership in other product sectors, such as wearables
like AirPods and smartwatches with features like heart
rate monitoring that provide consumers access to lifestyle
tracking capabilities unheard of just a few years ago.
Beyond these traditionally considered consumer
products, Apple’s AirTag item tracker gives users a whole
new way to ensure tracking lost items or ensuring other
items stay securely stored away like wallets or keys —
another testament, if ever needed — to how seriously
they take providing innovative solutions across all
industries they are now involved in by leveraging cutting
edge technologies while keeping one eye on potential
advancements down the line.

Carbon Neutral

Apple’s vision to attain zero net climate impact across all

its operations has resulted in the company committing to 第9/17⻚
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carbon neutrality by 2030. As part of this commitment,

Apple released an Environmental Progress Report in
2020 that outlines their plan for reducing their carbon
emissions by 75% and developing innovative solutions by
2030 for the remaining 25% of their footprint.

The plan developed in Apple’s Environment Progress

Report focuses on three steps: reducing current
emissions from operations, developing innovations to
supplement reductions, and making investments in
nature-based solutions such as restoring forests. To
reduce current emissions, Apple plans to use energy
sources such as renewable energy and recycled
materials instead of virgin materials wherever possible. In
addition to green initiatives like these, there are also
targets set internally at Apple that seeks to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions associated with the
transportation of products.

Innovation is also key when it comes to Apple attaining

carbon neutrality by 2030. One example is the
development of new energy sources, such as hydrogen
fuel cells, that could be used in computers or other
consumer devices while still providing affordable
electricity without disrupting the environment. Apple plans
on researching novel technologies, such as advanced
recycling techniques designed to extract more usable
materials from already recycled goods that could be
reworked into new parts for consumer products rather
than relying solely on production from natural resources.

Nature-based solutions are essential for achieving carbon

neutrality within Apple’s operations. For instance, 第10/17⻚
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investing funds in projects that focus on conservation

efforts like forest restoration can help offset some of the
emissions created during production processes at
facilities around the world by establishing alternative
reservoirs of stored atmospheric CO2, which would not
have existed without human interference or intervention
with ecosystems elsewhere on earth. This element can
then provide a buffer against further CO2 buildup, thus
helping mitigate any additional impact from operations
already accounted for directly under their umbrella —
thus helping maintain carbon neutrality over time even if
no changes were ever made internally again after 2030,
reaching a zero balance relationally between what was
emitted versus what was immediately reabsorbed back
into nature actively through strategic investment efforts
for decades leading up until then and hopefully beyond.

Tim Cook’s quote sums up why achieving carbon

neutrality is essential: “With our commitment to carbon
neutrality, we hope to be a ripple in the pond that creates
a much larger change.” Achieving true sustainability and
reducing environmental impacts starts with individual
action, and Apple’s goal of becoming completely carbon-
neutral sets an admirable example demonstrating how
one company can make lasting positive change when
they commit themselves fully towards tangible goals such
as these — providing something measurable that others
can reference and aspire towards too.

Apple’s Core Values

Apple’s core values include: 第11/17⻚
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Inclusion and diversity


Supplier Responsibility

Apple’s core values lie at the heart of its mission and

vision statements. Apple strives to be an innovative
leader in technology that is accessible, educational, and
protective of the environment, while also supporting
diverse cultures, privacy, and responsible supplier

Apple demonstrates its commitment to accessibility
through initiatives such as the “VoiceOver” feature, which
reads out text elements on iPads and iPhones to those
who are visually impaired. In addition, by implementing
Braille display support into their products, they inspire
blind or limited-vision customers to explore Apple
products without any stigma or insecurity — paving the
way for enhanced accessibility for all.


As part of its focus on education, Apple has partnered

with ConnectEd, a program dedicated to providing
technology resources and support services that create
learning opportunities for students from underserved
communities across the United States. Through this 第12/17⻚
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initiative alone, Apple has provided more than $100

million worth of equipment and software solutions
specifically tailored toward helping these students
succeed academically.

Environmental Responsibility

Apple takes environmental responsibility seriously by

emphasizing energy efficiency across its product line, as
well as establishing renewable energy sources wherever
possible. The company uses recycled materials when
manufacturing products both internally and externally
while encouraging customers to use their improved
recycling program called Apple Trade-In, which offers
either credit or recycling for old devices depending on
eligibility criteria set out by the program.

Inclusion & Diversity

At present, approximately 45% of Apple’s staff come from
minority backgrounds; this statistic has continuously
grown year-on-year thanks primarily to recruitment tactics
designed solely around diversity. The company constantly
invests heavily in creating welcoming teams with
dissimilar experiences sharing one common goal —
advancing human progress through technology.

With an emphasis placed firmly upon data privacy, users
are enabled to take control over what information they
share when using any device belonging to the Apple
“constellation” — via features like the Face ID and the
Touch ID —, which add protection for user access control 第13/17⻚
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while leaving third parties well outside their personal data


Supplier Responsibility
As part of its supplier responsibility policy, Apple holds
itself and its suppliers accountable for creating quality
products for customers while also ensuring a safe
working environment free from discrimination,
harassment, abuse, excessive overtime, and involuntary
labor, among other conditions for which it has full
knowledge of applicable laws, regulations, and standards.

Apple’s mission and vision statements have been
instrumental in helping the company become one of the
most successful and influential tech companies in the
world. These two guiding principles serve as a reminder
to Apple’s employees and shareholders of why they are
doing what they do: making life more accessible, more
sustainable, more connected, and more enjoyable
through their products.

Apple’s goal is to leave a lasting legacy by creating

experiences that inspire people everywhere, from
students in the classroom to professional athletes on the
field. From its innovative culture and design-focused
approach to its commitment to protecting user privacy
and the environment, Apple continues to push boundaries
and offer incredible products for everyone around the
world. With their vision of “leaving the world better than
they found it,” there is no doubt that Apple will continue to 第14/17⻚
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impact our lives for years to come.

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