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Introduction to Business Ethics 0

Introduction to Business
Business ethics is the study of how organizations and individuals can make decisions that are
both profitable and morally responsible. It examines the complex relationship between
business practices and societal values.

by 968 Tejas Khattar

Last edited 1 minute ago
Ethical Frameworks in Business
Focuses on maximizing overall societal well-being, even if it means sacrificing the interests of
some individuals.

Emphasizes adherence to moral rules and duties, such as honesty and fairness, regardless of
the consequences.

Virtue Ethics
Examines the character of the decision-maker and whether their actions align with virtues like
integrity and compassion.
Corporate Social Responsibility
1 Environmental Sustainability
Minimizing the environmental impact of business operations through green practices
and resource conservation.

2 Community Engagement
Actively contributing to the wellbeing of the local communities where a business

3 Ethical Governance
Ensuring that a company's internal processes and decision-making adhere to high
ethical standards.
Ethical Decision-Making
Identify the Issue
1 Recognize the ethical dilemma and clearly define the problem at hand.

Consider Alternatives
2 Explore multiple courses of action and their potential consequences.

Evaluate Implications
3 Carefully assess the ethical, legal, and practical implications of each option.

Make a Decision
4 Choose the course of action that best aligns with ethical principles and
organizational values.
Ethical Leadership

Integrity Accountability
Consistently aligning words and actions with Taking responsibility for the consequences of
ethical principles. one's decisions and actions.

Transparency Empowerment
Fostering an environment of openness and Encouraging and supporting ethical
honesty in decision-making. behavior at all levels of the organization.
Ethical Issues in the Workplace
Ensuring fair and equal treatment of all employees regardless of race, gender, age, or
other protected characteristics.

Conflicts of Interest
Identifying and managing situations where personal interests could interfere with
professional responsibilities.

Protecting employees who report unethical or illegal practices within the organization.

Work-Life Balance
Promoting policies and practices that support the wellbeing of employees and their
Sustainability and Business Ethics
1 Resource Conservation
Implementing strategies to reduce waste, conserve energy, and minimize
the use of natural resources.

2 Sustainable Supply Chains

Ensuring that the entire supply chain, from sourcing to distribution, adheres
to ethical and environmentally-friendly practices.

3 Community Engagement
Collaborating with local communities to address environmental and social
challenges in a responsible manner.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Business ethics is a critical component of sustainable and socially responsible business
practices. By aligning their decisions and actions with ethical principles, organizations can
build trust, enhance their reputation, and create long-term value for all stakeholders.

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