Mechanics of Solids-I: Module-3

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• Introduction
• Assumptions
• Derivation of Torsion Formula
• Torsional Stress
• Angle of Twist

• Problems of Torsion
• Flanged Bolt Couplings
• Helical Springs
Torque and Torsion: A moment applied about the
axis of member which tends to twist the member is
called twisting moment or torque (T). The
phenomenon of twisting of the member is known as
Torsional Stress: The non-uniform shear stress
produced in a member when subjected to a torque
is known as torsional stress.
Angle of Twist: The angle through which a member
of certain length twists when subjected to a torque
is known as angle of twist (θ).
1. The material is elastic, homogeneous and isotropic.
a) Elastic means that the stresses produced in the member are less than the elastic stress, i.e.
Hook’s law is applicable.
b) Homogeneous means that the elastic properties of materials (Young’s Modulus, Poisson Ratio,
etc.) are same every where in the member.
c) Isotropic means that the elastic properties of materials are same in all X, Y and Z directions of
the member.

2. The member is initially straight

3. Circular section remains circular after application of torque.
4. Plane sections remain plane and do not warp, i.e. a radial line drawn on cross section
remains straight after application of torque.
5. The member is subjected to pure torque. No other forces are acting on the member.
General Procedure for Non-Uniform Stress: The torsional stresses are non-uniformly
distributed on cross section of the member. Generally following steps are followed for
development of relation between stress (shear stress in this case) produced and the
applied force (torque in this case).
1. From the deformed shape which is compatible with boundary condition of the member,
write an expression for the deformations/ strains in the member.
2. Using Hook’s Law convert strains into corresponding stresses.
3. Apply equilibrium condition between the externally applied force and internal
resistance from the stresses developed. The equilibrium condition should be
compatible with the boundary/support conditions.
Consider a shaft fixed at one end and free to twist at the other end. The shaft is subjected to a
torque T
L = length of shaft, d = diameter of shaft
θ = the angle of twist produced in length L of the shaft
δ = angular deformation at any radial distance,  produced at the free end. τ
1. From the deformed shape of the shaft:
δ = ρθ
The shearing strain is given by:
δ ρθ
γ= = −−−−−−−−− −(a)
2. Using Hook’s Law:
ρθ Gθ
τ = Gγ = G = ρ − −(b)
As G, L and θ are constants, the shear stress varies linearly with radial distance . The shear
stress at  = 0 is zero and the shear stress at  = d/2 is maximum.
3. Consider a differential element of area dA. The stress at this differential element is τ, given
by equation (b). The differential force dF on this differential element is given by:

dF = τdA = ρdA
The differential moment resistance offered by the differential element is given by:
Gθ 2
dT = dFρ = ρ dA
Now apply equilibrium condition to relate the internal resistance with
the external torque, T.
Gθ 2 Gθ
T = න dT = න ρ dA = න ρ2 dA
The integral, ‫ ׬‬ρ2 dA gives the polar moment of inertia about the axis of the member,
denoted by J, therefore:
Gθ 2
Gθ Gθ T
T= න ρ dA = J⇒ = −−−−−− −(c)

⇒θ= −−−−− −(d)
Where JG is known as torsional rigidity of the member. Now putting value of Gθ/L from
equation (c) into equation (b)
Gθ Tρ
τ= ρ= −−−−−−− −(e)
Equations (d) and (e) relate angle of twist and shear stress with applied torque, T.
Polar moment of inertia for solid and hollow circular sections are respectively given by:
𝜋𝑑 4 𝜋 𝑑𝑜4 − 𝑑𝑖4
J= , J=
32 32
For solid circular shaft, the shear stress is given by:
Tρ 32T
τ= = 4ρ
J πd
The maximum shear stress is at  = d/2, given by:
32T 32T 16T
τmax = 4 ρ = 4 d/2 = 3
πd πd πd
If a shaft is rotating with an angular velocity  in rad/sec, then the power transmitted by the
shaft is given by:
P = Tω = T 2πf
Where f is the frequency measure in Hertz (Hz), revolutions per second.
Problem 304: A steel shaft 3 ft long that has a diameter of 4 in is subjected to a torque of 15 kip·ft.
Determine the maximum shearing stress and the angle of twist. Use G = 12 × 106 psi.
Given Data:
L = 3.0 ft = 36 in. d = 4.0 in.
T = 15 kip-ft = 15 x 12 = 180 kip-in.
G = 12 × 106 psi = 12 × 103 ksi
Required Data:
θ = ?, τmax = ?
TL 32TL 32x180x36 0.0215𝑥180
θ= JG
= π𝑑4G = π44 12x103 = 0.0215 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 𝜋
= 1.23𝑜 Ans
16T 16x180
τmax = = = 14.32 ksi Ans
πd3 π43
Problem 306: A steel marine propeller shaft 14 in. in diameter and 18 ft long is used to
transmit 5000 hp at 189 rpm. If G = 12 × 106 psi, determine the maximum shearing stress.
Given Data:
d = 14 in. L = 18 ft = 18 x 12 = 216 in.
P = 5000 hp = 5000 x 396 = 1.98 x 106 kip-in/min = 33000 kip-in/sec
f = 189 rpm = 189/60 = 3.15 Hz G = 12 × 106 psi = 12 × 103 ksi
Required Data:
Shearing Stress, τmax = ?
T = P/(2πf) = 33000/(2πx3.15) = 1667.34 kip-in
16T 16x1667.34
τmax = = = 3.095 ksi Ans
πd3 πx143
Problem 311: An aluminum shaft with a constant diameter of 50 mm is loaded by torques applied
to gears attached to it as shown in figure. Using G = 28 GPa, determine the relative angle of twist
of gear D relative to gear A.
A moment may be shown with moment vector shown with double headed arrow. The direction of
moment vector is decided based on the right-hand rule. If the fingers of right hand are rotated
in the direction of moment, the thumb will point to the direction of moment vector.
Torque in each segment may be determined
using equilibrium condition applied to the
free-body diagram.
TAB = -800 N-m
TBC = 1100 – 800 = +300 N-m
TCD = -600 N-m
Problem 311 (Cont..): The relative angle of twist between A and D is:
θAD = θAB + θBC + θCD = (TL/JG)AB + (TL/JG)BC + (TL/JG)CD
θAD = {(TL)AB+(TL)BC+(TL)CD}/(JG)
θAD = {(-800,000 x 2000) +(300,000 x 3000) + (-600,000 x 2000)}/(πx504/32 x 28 x 103)
θAD = 0.1106 rad = 6.34o. Ans
Problem 312: A flexible shaft consists of a 0.20-in-diameter steel wire encased in a stationary
tube that fits closely enough to impose a frictional torque of 0.50 lb-in/in. Determine the
maximum length of the shaft if the shearing stress is not to exceed 20 ksi. What will be the
angular deformation of one end relative to the other end? G = 12 × 106 psi.
If L is the length of shaft in inches, then the applied torque, equal to the frictional torque is:
T = 0.5 L lb-in.
The maximum shearing stress is given by:
τmax = 16 T/πd3 => 20,000 = 16 x 0.5 L/(π x 0.23 ) => L = 62.83 in.
This is the case of variable torque along the length of member.
The average torque is T/2, therefore, the angle of twist is:
θ = TaveL/JG = (0.5x62.83/2)x62.83/(π x 0.24/32x12x106) = 0.524 rad
=> θ = 30o. Ans
Problem 317: A hollow bronze shaft of 3 in. outer diameter and 2 in. inner diameter is slipped
over a solid steel shaft 2 in. in diameter and of the same length as the hollow shaft. The two shafts
are then fastened rigidly together at their ends. For bronze, G = 6 × 106 psi, and for steel, G = 12
× 106 psi. What torque can be applied to the composite shaft without exceeding a shearing
stress of 8000 psi in the bronze or 12 ksi in the steel?
Total torque resisted by the composite shaft is equal to sum of the torque resisted by solid steel
shaft and hollow bronze shaft, i.e.
T = Tst + Tbr.- - - - - -(a)
Since the two shaft are rigidly attached to each other, therefore the angle of twist for both shaft
will be same, i.e.
θst = θbr => (TL/JG)st = (TL/JG)br
=> Tst L/(πx24/32 x12,000) = => Tbr L/(πx(34-24)/32 x6,000)
=> Tst = 0.4923 Tbr - - - - - - -(b)
Problem 317 (Cont..): Putting value of Tst from (b) in (a).
(a) => T = Tbr + 0.4923 Tbr = 1.4923 Tbr - - - -- (c)
(b) => Tst = 0.4923 (T/1.4923) => T = 3.031 Tst - - - -- (d)
Now limiting stress in steel shaft,
τmax = 16 T/πd3 => 12 = 16 x Tst /(πx23) => Tst = 18.85 kip-in
(d) => T = 3.031 x 18.85 = 57.13 kip-in
And limiting stress in bronze shaft,
τmax = 16 T do/π(do4-di4) => 8 = 16xTbrx3/π (34-24) => Tbr = 34.03 kip-in
(c) => T = 1.4923 x 34.03 = 50.78 kip-in
Selecting least value, T = 50.78 kip-in Ans
Problem 319: The compound shaft shown in figure is attached to rigid supports. For the bronze
segment AB, the diameter is 75 mm, τ ≤ 60 MPa, and G = 35 GPa. For the steel segment BC, the
diameter is 50 mm, τ ≤ 80 MPa, and G = 83 GPa. If a = 2 m and b = 1.5 m, compute the maximum
torque T that can be applied.
Let TA and TC are the reaction moments at support A and C respectively.
The equilibrium condition is:
TA + TC = T - - - - - - (a)
From the free-body diagram:
Tbr = TA Tst = TA – T - - - - - -(b)
The compatibility condition is:
θAC = 0 => θbr + θst = 0 => (TL/JG)br + (TL/JG)st = 0
Tbr x 2/(π x 754/32x35) + Tst x 1.5/(π x 504/32x83) = 0
Problem 319 (Cont..):
Tbr = -1.601 Tst => TA = -1.601 (TA-T) => TA = 0.6155 T From equation (b)
Tbr = TA = 0.6155 T
Tst = TA – T = 0.6155 T – T = -0.3845 T
Now limiting stress in bronze shaft,
τmax = 16 Tbr/πd3 => 60 = 16 (0.6155T)/ (πx753)
=> T = 8.075 x 106 N-mm
Limiting stress in steel rod
τmax = 16 Tst/πd3 => 80 = 16 (0.3845T)/ (πx503)
=> T = 5.106 x 106 N-mm
Selecting least value from above two values:
T = 5.106 x 106 N-mm Ans
Problem 325 : The two steel shaft shown in figure, each with one end built into a rigid support have flanges
rigidly attached to their free ends. The shafts are to be bolted together at their flanges. However, initially
there is a 6° mismatch in the location of the bolt holes as shown in the figure. Determine the maximum
shearing stress in each shaft after the shafts are bolted together. Use G = 12 × 106 psi and neglect
deformations of the bolts and flanges.
When the two shaft are bolted together, the mismatch of 6o
will cause twist in both shaft. The compatibility condition is:
θBA + θBC = 6xπ/180 => (TL/JG) BA + (TL/JG) BC = π/30
TA x 78/ /(πx24/32 x12,000) + TA x 39/ /(πx1.54/32 x12,000) = π/30
TA = 9.808 kip-in
Now the maximum shear stress in each shaft is:
τAB = 16 TAB/πd3 = 16 (9.808)/ (πx23) = 6.24 ksi
τBC = 16 TBC/πd3 = 16 (9.808)/ (πx1.53) = 14.80 ksi
Flanged bolt coupling is used to connect two shaft. It consists of flanges
rigidly attached to the ends of shaft and bolted together.
If “n” is the number of bolts of diameter “d” provided at radius “R” and “P” is
the force in each blot, then:
T = P R n = (τ πd2/4) R n - - - - - - (a)
If two rows of bolts are provided at radius “R1” and “R2” having forces “P1”
and “P2”, then
T = P1 R1 n1 + P2 R2 n2 - - - - - - - - (b)
From plane section remains plan, the shear strain is proportional to radial
distance, i.e.
𝛾 1/R1 = 𝛾 2/R2 => τ1/(G1R1) = τ2/(G2R2) => P1/(A1G1R1) = P2/(A2G2R2)
For same bolts in both rows, i.e. A1 = A2 and G1 = G2
=> P1/R1 = P2/R2 - - - - - - - - - - - - (c)
Problem 326: A flanged bolt coupling consists of ten 20-mm-diameter bolts spaced evenly
around a bolt circle 400 mm in diameter. Determine the torque capacity of the coupling if
the allowable shearing stress in the bolts is 40 MPa.
Diameter of bolt, d = 20 mm
No. of bolts, n = 10
Distance of bolt from center, R = 400/2 = 200 mm
Allowable shear stress in bolt, τb = 40 MPa
Capacity of bolt, P = τb πd2/4 = 40 x π x 202/4 = 12,566 N
Torque capacity of coupling, T = P R n = 12,566 x 200 x 10 = 25.132 x 106 N-mm
=> T = 25.132 kN-m
Problem 328: A flanged bolt coupling consists of eight 10-mm-diameter steel bolts on a bolt
circle 400 mm in diameter, and six 10-mm-diameter steel bolts on a concentric bolt circle 300
mm in diameter, as shown in Fig. 3-7. What torque can be applied without exceeding a shearing
stress of 60 MPa in the bolts?
d = 10 mm, τb = 60 MPa
Capacity of single bolt, P = 60 x π x 102/4 = 4712 N
R1 = 400/2 = 200 mm, n1 = 8
R2 = 300/2 = 150 mm, n2 = 6
T = P1 R1 n1 + P2 R2 n2 - - - - -- (a)
P1/R1 = P2/R2 => P2 = P1 R2 /R1 = P1 (150/200) = 0.75 P1
Putting in (a): T = P1 R1 n1 + (0.75 P1) R2 n2 = P1 (200 x 8 + 0.75 x 150 x 6) = 2275 P1
=> T = 2275 x 4712 = 10.72 x 106 N-mm = 10.72 kN-m
Problem 333: A plate is fastened to a fix member by four 20-mm diameter rivets arranged
as shown in figure. Compute the maximum and minimum shearing stress developed.
T = 14,000 x 240 = 3,360,000 N-mm
T = P 1 R1 n 1 + P 2 R2 n 2
P1/R1 = P2/R2 => P2 = P1 R2 /R1 = P1 (40/120) = 0.333 P1
T = P1 R1 n1 + (0.333 P1) R2 n2 = (120 + 0.333 x 40) 2P1
P2 P1
=>3,360,000 = 266.67 P1 => P1 = 12600 N
P2 = 0.333 P1 = 0.333 x (12600) = 4200 N
τ1 = P1/(πd2/4) = 12600/(π x 202/4) = 40.1 MPa P1 P2
τ2 = P2/(πd2/4) = 4200/(π x 202/4) = 13.37 MPa
A spring composed of wire wound in the form of a helix is
called helical spring.
Consider a helical spring composed of a wire of diameter
“d” and radius “r” having a mean helical radius of “R” as
shown in figure. The spring is subjected to tensile force
of “P” which produces an elongation “δ” in the spring.
Now to determine stresses in the spring, consider an
exploratory section as shown. From the free-body
diagram, the internal forces are a direct shear force, V=P
and a torque, T = PR.
Neglecting the effect of curvature of the spring, the stress at any horizontal section of the spring
is equal to algebraic sum of shear stresses produced due to direct shear and torque.
τ = τT  τV = T/J  V/A = PR/J  P/A
At inner side of the spring plus sign is used while at the outer side minus sign is used. At point A
shear stress is maximum and is given by:
τmax = 16PR/(πd3) + 4P/(πd2) = 16PR/(πd3) (1 + d/4R) - - - - - -(a)
If curvature of the spring is considered, then since the length of spring at the inner side is less
than its length at the outer side, the shearing strains and stresses due to torque will be more at
the inner surface. Wahl has developed a relation considering curvature of the spring. The
relation is:
τ = 16PR/(πd3) ](4m-1)/(4m-4) + d/4R] - - -(b)
Where m is the ratio of diameter of spring to the
diameter of wire, m = 2R/d = D/d
For light spring where m is large, the ratio in equation (b), (4m-1)/(4m-4) approaches to unity
and equation (b) takes the form of equation (a).
Spring Deflection:
Consider a differential length dL of the spring in which the angle of twist is dθ. The vertical
deflection associated with this differential length is dδ. From the diagram:
(DE) = (OD) dθ
From similarity in triangles DEF and OCD:
DF/DE = OC/OD => dδ/(OD)dθ = R/OD => dδ = R dθ - - - - (c)
Now dθ = TdL/JG = PRdL/JG
Therefore, (c) => dδ = PR2dL/JG
Integrating this equation for total length of spring, the total deflection is:
δ = PR2L/JG
If “n” is the number of coils in spring, then L = n(2πR),
δ = PR2L/JG = PR2(2nπR) /(Gπd4/32) = 64PR3n/(Gd4) - - - - - (d)
Therefore, the linear stiffness of the spring is:
K = P/δ = 1/[64R3n/(Gd4)] - - - - - (e)
The above expression neglect the deformation in spring caused by direct shear force V = P
which is given by:
δ = PL/AG = P(2nπR) /(Gπd2/4) = 8PRn/(Gd2) - - - - - (f)
This deformation is very small as compared to deformation due to torque given by
equation (d).
If both are considered than:
δ = 64PR3n/(Gd4) + 8PRn/(Gd2) - - - - -(g)
And the spring constant is: K = 1/[64R3n/(Gd4) + 8Rn/(Gd2)] - - - - - (h)
Problem 343: Determine the maximum shearing stress and elongation in a helical steel spring composed of
20 turns of 20-mm-diameter wire on a mean radius of 90 mm when the spring is supporting a load of 1.5 kN.
Use Eq.(3-10) and G = 83 GPa.
d = 20 mm, n = 20, R = 90 mm, P = 1.5 kN
G = 83 GPa = 83,000 MPa
m = D/d = 2x90/20 = 9, (4m-1)/(4m-4) = (4x9-1)/(4x9-4) = 35/32 = 1.09375
The shear stress in spring is:
τmax = 16PR/(πd3) [(4m-1)/(4m-4) + d/4R] = 16 x 1500 x 90/(π 203) [1.09375 + 20/(4 x 90)]
=> τ = 99.87 MPa
If neglect the effect of curvature, then τmax = 16PR/(πd3) [1 + d/4R] = 90.1 MPa
Now the deflection in spring is:
δT = 64PR3n/(Gd4) = 64 x 1500 x 903 x 20 /(83,000 x 204) = 105.4 mm
δV = 8PRn/(Gd2) = 0.65 mm
Problem 347: Two steel springs arranged in series as shown in Fig. P-347 supports a load P. The
upper spring has 12 turns of 25-mm-diameter wire on a mean radius of 100 mm. The lower spring
consists of 10 turns of 20-mm diameter wire on a mean radius of 75 mm. If the maximum shearing
stress in either spring must not exceed 200 MPa, compute the maximum value of P and the total
elongation of the assembly. Use Eq. (3-10) and G = 83 GPa. Compute the equivalent spring constant
by dividing the load by the total elongation.
m1 = 200/25 = 8
τ1,max = 16PR/(πd3) ](4m-1)/(4m-4) + d/4R]=0.038 P => 200 = 0.038 P
=> P = 5246 N
m2 = 150/20 = 7.5
τ2,max = 16PR/(πd3) ](4m-1)/(4m-4) + d/4R]=0.0564 P => 200 = 0.0564 P
=> P = 3544 N,
Selecting least value, P = 3544 N
δ = Σ 64PR3n/(Gd4) = 83.95 + 72.05 = 156.0 mm
K = 3544/156 = 22.72 N/mm

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