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Experiment: Preparation of different concentration of Potassium in ppm for

flame photometry
Parts per million (ppm) is a unit used to describe very small concentrations of a
substance in a larger solution. ppm means 1 per every 1,000,000 or 1/1,000,000. The
ppm solution are so much used in research work to analyze samples by analytical
instruments such as flame photometer etc. Parts per million (ppm) is a commonly
used unit when talking about very small concentrations of a solution. In chemistry it
can be used to describe the amount of dissolved minerals or pollutants in the water.
Flame photometry, is a technique used to analyze potassium in low concentration
such as ppm. So there is need to know how to prepare low concentrations in ppm
instead of higher concentration such as % and molar/normal etc.

Test tubes, test tube stand, beaker, pipet, measuring flask, distilled water,
potassium chloride (KCl)
i. Take requied glassware and wash it.
ii. Then prepare 1000 ppm stock solution of potassium from KCl salt
iii. To prepare stock solution from KCl as per following ppm formula

iv. By using above formula prepare 1000 ppm K

Calculations to prepare 1000 ppm K solution directly from Salt
39.098 g/mol K present in KCl contains = 74.55g/mol KCl
1g K present in contains KCl =74.55/39.098= 1.906 g KCl

So 1.906 g dissolved in 1L water will make 1000 ppm with respect to K potassium
i. Then prepare 25, 50 75, 100 and 125 ppm from 1000 ppm stock
solution using dilution formula.
e.g. Preparation of 25 ppm from 1000 ppm potassium stock
1000xV1? = 25 x10
V1= 25x10/1000
= 0.25 ml from 1000 ppm K solution + 9.75 ml water

Preparation of 50 ppm from 1000 ppm potassium stock solution

1000xV1? = 50 x10
V1= 50x10/1000
= 0.50 ml from 1000 ppm K solution + 9.50 ml water
Preparation of 75 ppm from 1000 ppm potassium stock solution

1000xV1? = 75 x10
V1= 75x10/1000
= 0.75 ml from 1000 ppm K solution + 9.25 ml water
Preparation of 100 ppm from 1000 ppm potassium stock solution

1000xV1? = 100 x10
V1= 100x10/1000
= 1 ml from 1000 ppm K solution + 9.00 ml water
Preparation of 125 ppm from 1000 ppm potassium stock solution

1000xV1? = 100 x10
V1= 125x10/1000
= 1.25 ml from 1000 ppm K solution + 8.75 ml water

Preparation of different concentrations of potassium in ppm

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