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I disagree with the notion that the entrance exam to university should be abolished in favor

of solely considering students' GPA from high school. While GPA can be an important
indicator of academic performance, it doesn't necessarily capture a student's overall
potential or abilities. There are several reasons why I hold this view.

Firstly, standardized entrance exams provide a more equitable and objective measure of a
student's academic aptitude. These exams are designed to assess a wide range of skills and
knowledge, ensuring that all students are evaluated fairly regardless of their educational
background or the rigor of their high school curriculum. Without standardized exams, the
admissions process could become heavily reliant on subjective factors such as personal bias
or the reputation of the high school, potentially disadvantaging students from less privileged

Secondly, entrance exams offer an opportunity for students to showcase their abilities
beyond what is reflected in their GPA. Some students may excel in standardized testing
environments or possess talents and skills that are not adequately captured by their high
school grades. Abolishing entrance exams could limit the diversity of perspectives and
talents within the student body, ultimately detracting from the overall learning environment.

Additionally, standardized exams serve as a valuable tool for universities to assess the
preparedness of incoming students and ensure they have the necessary skills to succeed in
higher education. By relying solely on high school GPA, universities may overlook important
indicators of academic potential and inadvertently admit students who are ill-prepared for the
rigors of university-level coursework.

In conclusion, while GPA is undoubtedly an important factor in the admissions process,

abolishing entrance exams in favor of GPA alone would be shortsighted. Standardized
exams provide a fair and objective means of evaluating students' academic abilities and offer
valuable insights beyond what can be gleaned from high school grades alone. Therefore, I
believe that the entrance exam to university should be retained as a crucial component of
the admissions process.

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