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Education for the poor is nearly impossible today. A labourer who earns daily wages is unable
to educate his children. The money which he earns will only fulfil his basic necessities. At
times even the basis necessities aren't fulfilled. His desire to educate his children will
sometimes force him to get loan and finally pushes him to a debt trap.To identify solutions,
it is crucial to identify and analyze the problems that restrict access to quality education,
especially in rural and remote areas. Here are some of these problems:

1 Under-resourced government schools: It is widely acknowledged that Indian public

schools, to say the least, lack adequate resources. The quality of education provided by
government schools is subpar at best.
2 A significant problem affecting the education system is the excessive focus on rote
learning and memorization to obtain marks. The emphasis is placed on theoretical
learning rather than experiential learning and creativity.
3 This particular problem is predominantly observed in rural areas and is prevalent among
the poorest communities. There is a high dropout rate, particularly at the high school
level. This is particularly unfortunate as a majority of those affected are girls.

If government school can provide competative education in par with private school children
belonging to the poor sections of society can get a good education. But sadly the state of
government school is "pathetic". We find that government money is spent on unessesary
spendings neglecting the womb of the poor. This also leads to the monopoly of private school
the money earned frontace from people for eg. GST, VAT income tax, Professional Tax etc.
can be made into good use by improving the education for poor. There are more solutions
that can be followed by government they are :

4 Utilizing local ISPs for educational institutions: If available, the government can
collaborate with local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to improve connectivity in
educational institutions. This partnership can help enhance internet access, enabling
students and teachers to utilize online educational resources effectively. Moreover, it can
also create employment opportunities within the local community by promoting the
growth of the ISP industry.
5 Establishing community learning centers: The government can set up community
learning centers as centralized hubs for learning and computer-based training. These
centers can serve as access points for educational resources, technology, and vocational
training. They can provide a space for students and community members to engage in
interactive learning activities, workshops, and skill development programs. By
establishing these centers, the government can facilitate equitable access to quality
education and promote lifelong learning within remote areas.

Implementing a stricter hiring process for government schools in India, where written
examinations are replaced with teacher demonstrations, can be a viable approach to ensure
the selection of qualified and competent educators. Additionally, establishing a transparent
fund management system and a robust mechanism for reporting corrupt teachers can
enhance accountability and efficiency within the education system.

6 Stricter Hiring Process with Teacher Demonstrations: Instead of solely relying on written
examinations, teacher demonstrations can be incorporated into the hiring process. During
the selection process, candidates would be required to deliver mock teaching sessions in
front of a panel of experienced educators and administrators. These demonstrations
would evaluate their teaching skills, subject knowledge, classroom management abilities,
and overall teaching effectiveness. This hands-on approach provides a more practical
assessment of a candidate's teaching capabilities, helping to identify the best candidates
for the job.
7 Transparent Fund Management System: To prevent the misuse of funds allocated to
government schools, a transparent fund management system should be established. Each
school should be required to maintain a detailed record of all expenses, including
infrastructure development, teaching materials, and teacher salaries. Regular audits
should be conducted by independent auditors to ensure accountability and proper
utilization of funds. This system would promote financial responsibility and transparency
in the administration of government schools.
8 Three-Tiered Level of Security for Reporting Corruption: Creating a robust system to
report and address corruption within the education system is essential. The three-tiered
level of security involves:
a) Anonymous Reporting Mechanism: Establishing an anonymous reporting channel through
which staff and stakeholders can report corruption without fear of retaliation. This can be a toll-
free helpline or an online platform where complaints can be filed confidentially.
b) Internal Whistleblower Protection: Providing protection to whistleblowers within the school
system who report corruption. This protection should safeguard them from any adverse
consequences resulting from their reporting, ensuring they are encouraged to come forward
without fear.
c) Independent Oversight Committee: Forming an independent oversight committee comprising
representatives from the community, educational experts, and government officials. This
committee would investigate reported cases of corruption and take appropriate action against
those found guilty.

By adopting a stricter hiring process, implementing transparent fund management, and

establishing a robust system to address corruption, the government schools in India can
enhance the quality of education and foster a culture of accountability and integrity within
the education system. These measures would lead to the selection of more capable teachers
and ensure that allocated funds are used efficiently for the benefit of students and the
education system as a whole.

It is not only the government but also the people who are responsible and can contribute
differently in whatever they could to help to improve education for poor. There are some
steps here:

9 We must take the initiative as citizens. Change will be slow if everyone sits around and
waits for the government to take action. First, we must establish educational centers. To
do this, a lot of funding is required. We can secure funding through sponsorships from
companies like Infosys, who have shown support for education initiatives in rural India.
Additionally, NGOs can also provide financial assistance.

10 The citizens can also take part in the campaizn for "education for all".

11 A teacher can contribute free education to the poor spending a few hour of a time.

12 Business Enterprises can contribute towards infrastructure in Education.

13 People can donate in money goods or services for the education of the poor. People can
be recognized as Best Citizen for their contribution to the education for all, by giving
them award.

Next, we need to establish a training center for teachers. We can leverage the fact that
senior students and fresh graduates of MSW and Education can temporarily work as
teachers, providing support and guidance. It is important that the center is registered as a
trust to ensure transparency and accountability.
To achieve these goals, we must fully utilize technology. Technology can be employed for:
14 Interactive teaching methods that encourage student participation and engagement.
15 Promoting conceptual learning that focuses on understanding rather than memorization.
16 Incorporating experimental learning through virtual simulations and practical activities.
17 Implementing value-based learning to instill ethical and moral values in students. v)
18 Embracing computer-oriented, gamified learning approaches that make education
enjoyable and interactive.
This surely can make change in the Society. In our country, We have a larger poor population
especially belong poverty level and it is duty of government to up lift them to education for
all. This inturn will help to develop our nation with the powerful youth population, who are
strong wealthy educated and hold values. Healthy and educated youth population is the pillar
of strength to a nation. We as Indians should feel proud and happy as we have large "youth"
population according to the data. And another menace is bribary people who involve in
bribary should be punished severly. It should create fear in the mind of the person. It should
be made legal that anyone who involves in bribary should be punished by preventing him from
getting pension amount and other retirement allowances and confiscate his properties, his
qualification and his national identity and also send him to exile.Seeing this no one should
think about bribe.

In this way we can check activities of government & work hard and strike towards
"Education for all".




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