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Nguyễn Đăng Thái Anh - 9A0

Essay topic: Raising a pet can be beneficial to a teenager in many

ways. What is your opinion matter?

Nowadays, there are more and more people raising pets, especially teenagers.
Some people think that raising a pet can be beneficial to a teenager in many ways. In
my opinion, I partly agree with this statement while there are both advantages and
disadvantages of raising pets.
On the one hand, there are a number of benefits while raising a pet. First and
foremost, having a pet can teach responsibility and empathy. Teenagers learn to
prioritize the needs of another living being, fostering a sense of accountability as they
feed, groom, and care for their pet. This responsibility can translate into improved
time management skills and a greater understanding of commitment. Additionally, the
bond formed between a teenager and their pet can provide emotional support,
reducing feelings of loneliness or isolation. Secondly, owning a pet encourages
physical activity and outdoor exploration. Dogs, for example, require regular walks,
prompting teenagers to engage in exercise and spend time outdoors, which can have
numerous health benefits. Pets can also serve as a source of companionship, offering
unconditional love and companionship during the often tumultuous teenage years.
Last but not least, you can learn emotional well-being. Studies have shown that
owning a pet can have numerous positive effects on mental health, including reducing
stress, anxiety, and depression. Interacting with a pet can increase levels of serotonin
and dopamine, neurotransmitters associated with feelings of happiness and well-being.
Teenagers may find solace in spending time with their pet, whether it's cuddling with a
cat, playing fetch with a dog, or watching fish swim in an aquarium.
On the other hand, there also are some drawbacks of raising a pet. First of all,
caring for a pet demands time and dedication, which may conflict with academic or
extracurricular commitments. Teenagers may also face the loss of freedom, as they
cannot simply leave for extended periods without arranging care for their pet.
Moreover, Children may become so focused on playing with or taking care of their
pets that they neglect their schoolwork. Secondly, raising a pet means that teenagers
will have social restrictions. Some teenagers may find that owning a pet limits their
social life or ability to participate in certain activities. For example, they may be
unable to spend nights away from home or attend events that are not pet-friendly. This
can lead to feelings of isolation or resentment towards the pet. Thirdly, teenagers
might feel overwhelmed or guilty if they cannot give their pet the care it needs
because of their own limitations or situation. This can make them feel really upset and
might add to any other worries or problems they're already dealing with. It's like
feeling bad because you want to take care of your pet, but you just can't do everything
you wish you could. This can make teenagers feel even more stressed out and make
their mental health feel even worse.
In conclusion, while raising a pet as a teenager can instill valuable life skills
and provide emotional support, it also requires significant commitment and resources.
Teenagers considering pet ownership should carefully weigh the advantages and
disadvantages before making a decision.

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