Sérgio Alamisso Fernando, Syntax I, Assignment 1 - 2024.

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This essay is to be submitted in the Faculty of Education at

Universidade Licungo for Evaluative Purpose.
Tutor: Msc. Manuel Miguel Jossias.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................4
1.1 Objectives....................................................................................................................4
1.1.1. General objectives................................................................................................4
1.1.2. Specific objectives...............................................................................................4
1.2 Methodological research.............................................................................................4
2. Describing the Concept of Structure.............................................................................4
3. Defining and Contrasting Between the Concepts of Phrase and Constituent...............5
4. Relating Phrase to Sentence..........................................................................................6
5. Applying the Notion of Structure to Phrase and Sentence............................................6
6. Analysing the different types of constituents tests........................................................6
Reference List....................................................................................................................9

1. Introduction

This is the Essay of an Introduction to English Syntax I, one of the subjects of 3 rd level,
first term in the current year from high school, which is aimed to sum up the Following
topics: Structure, phrase and sentence by defining, contrasting and relating them,
applying the notion of structure, analysing the types of tests and identifying constituents
at the level of phrase and sentences using tests. Therefore it will hold the next structural
organization: an introductory paragraph, the objectives (general and specifics)
methodological research, the development, conclusion and the respective reference list.

1.1 Objectives

This essay is aimed to design the following objectives:

1.1.1. General objectives

 To know the concept of sentence, structure, phrase and sentence;

 To comprehend the relation between phrase to a sentence.

1.1.2. Specific objectives

 Identify different types of constituents in a sentence;

 Define the sentence, phrase and the structure;
 Apply the notion of structure to sentences and phrases.

1.2 Methodological research

To accomplish this essay, there was a need of conducting a bibliographic research

which is the one elaborated from material that have already been published, such as
books, magazines, publications in journals and scientific articles, newspapers, bulletins,
monographs, dissertations, theses, cartographic material, internet, with the aim of
putting the researcher in direct contact with all the material already written on the
subject of the research (Byard, 54).

2. Describing the Concept of Structure

Noel Burton-Roberts, a prominent linguist and author of "Analysing Sentences: An

Introduction to English Syntax (2022)," defines the concept of structure as a
fundamental aspect of the study of syntax. According to this Author, structure refers to
the arrangement of constituents, or parts, of a complex thing, whether it's a bicycle, a
commercial company, or a carbon molecule.

In the context of syntax, structure is characterized by four key features:

a) A complex thing is divisible into parts (constituents);

b) There are different kinds of parts (different categories of constituents;

c) The constituents are arranged in a specifiable way, and

d) Each constituent has a certain specifiable function in the structure of the thing as a

Burton-Roberts emphasizes that constituents of a complex thing are often themselves

complex and may consist of further parts, leading to a hierarchy of parts and
hierarchical structure.

This concept is crucial in understanding the organization and function of words and
phrases in sentences, which is the primary focus of his book. By analysing the structure
of sentences, readers can visualize the relationships between words and phrases,
enabling them to communicate more effectively and accurately in English language.

3. Defining and Contrasting Between the Concepts of Phrase and Constituent

Noel Burton-Roberts, in his work "An Introduction to English Syntax," discusses

phrases and constituents in the context of sentence structure and functions.

A phrase is a group of words that functions as a unit in a sentence, while a constituent is

a word or group of words that forms part of a larger structure in a sentence.

E.g. My Dog Bobby bit the postal carrier on the ankle.

Constituent 1: My Dog Bobby, and

Constituent 2: bit the postal carrier on the ankle.

Burton-Roberts provides examples of different types of phrases, such as Noun Phrases

(NP) and Verb Phrases (VP), and explains how they function within sentences.

For instance, in the sentence "The old Nigerian English teacher” has several different
interpretations, the Noun Phrase "The old Nigerian English teacher" can have multiple
interpretations depending on the structural analysis.

He also emphasizes the importance of understanding the functions of bracketed
constituents within sentences, indicating that a constituent's function is determined in
relation to its sister constituent within the same larger structure.

4. Relating Phrase to Sentence

The relationship between a phrase and a sentence lies in how they function within a
sentence. A phrase is a group of words that does not contain a subject and a verb, while
a sentence consists of at least one independent clause with a subject and a verb. Phrases
can act as building blocks within a sentence, providing additional information, but they
cannot stand alone as complete thoughts. In contrast, a sentence conveys a complete
idea with a subject and a verb.

For example, "The cat in the hat" is a phrase, while "The cat in the hat is sleeping"
forms a complete sentence.

5. Applying the Notion of Structure to Phrase and Sentence

The notion of structure in phrases and sentences refers to how words are organized to
convey meaning. In phrase structure grammar, phrases are represented by rules that
show how words combine to form units like noun phrases or verb phrases.

For example, in the sentence "The Baby sat on the mat," the noun phrases "The Baby"
and the prepositional phrase "on the mat" demonstrate how words are structured to
create meaning.

Similarly, sentences are structured with subjects, verbs, and objects to form complete
ideas, like in the sentence "She reads a book".

6. Analysing the different types of constituents tests

Noel Burton (2022) discusses various tests for constituents, including replacement by a
pronoun, sentence fragments, echo questions, and cleft sentences.

These tests rely on native speakers' intuitions to identify word groupings within

For example, in sentence (26), the structure "Kim wrote that book with the blue cover"
is represented with a tree diagram showing the subject NP and predicate VP.

NP: Kim; and

VP: wrote that book with the blue cover

These tests help determine which sequences of words form constituents in a sentence.
7. Identifying the Constituents at the level of phrase and sentence by using Tests

To identify constituents at the phrase and sentence level, various tests can be used.

These include: Replacement tests, Movement tests, It-clefts, and Answers to questions.

For instance, in Replacement tests, you can replace a string of words with a pronoun to
see if the sentence maintains the same meaning.

Another method is the Cleft test, where the string of words in the "focus position" of a
cleft sentence must be a constituent.

These tests help determine the structure of sentences and phrases by observing how
words behave in different contexts.


Reached at this stage the best thing to remember is the way that Burton-Roberts defines
phrases as units of words functioning together in a sentence, and constituents as parts of
larger structures. And He provides examples of different types of phrases and their
functions, and stresses the significance of understanding the roles of constituents within

From this view it is quite understandable that constituents plays a crucial paper in the
sentences to maintain a cohesive understanding between two or more people of a certain
language. In the same perspective He points out that the concept of a structure in a
sentence is crucial in understanding the organization and function of words and phrases
in sentences, which is the primary focus of his book. By analysing the structure of
sentences, readers can visualize the relationships between words and phrases, enabling
them to communicate more effectively and accurately in English language

Additionally to identify to constituents at the phrase and sentence level, various tests
can be used. And these include: Replacement tests, Movement tests, It-clefts, and
Answers to questions.

Reference List

ROBERTS, N. Burton, (2022). Analyzing the sentences, An introduction to English

Syntax, fifth Edition. By Routledge 2, Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14

CARNIE, A. (2011). Modern Syntax, COURSE BOOK. Cambridge University Press

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK.

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