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Rico: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the ECC Santa Maria Senior

High School Debate Competition in Asian Parliamentary style!

Bianca: We are thrilled to have you all here today as we witness the intellectual prowess of
our talented debaters.
Rico: I'm [Rico], and joining me is [Bianca], and together, we'll be guiding you through
today's exciting event.
Bianca: We also have our timekeepers, [Grace] and [Chrisanta], who will ensure that the
debates run smoothly and according to time.
Rico: Before we begin, let's introduce our esteemed adjudicators for today's competition.
Bianca: Our first adjudicator is [Ms. Erlina Juita, M.Pd.] from Stikes John Paul , [brief
background is read].
Rico: Next, we have [Ms. Rani] from Education Republic, [brief background is read].
Bianca: And completing our panel of adjudicators is [Ms. Christina, English teacher from
Santa Maria Senior High School].
Rico: Their expertise and fair judgment will guide us in determining the winners of today's

Introduction to the Format:

Bianca: Now, let's familiarize everyone with the Asian Parliamentary debate format for those
who may be new to it.
Rico: In Asian Parliamentary style, each debate features two teams: the Government and the
Bianca: Each team consists of three speakers.
Rico: The debate consists of constructive speeches, rebuttals, and a reply speech.
Bianca: Each speaker has a specific time limit, and our timekeepers will ensure that these
limits are adhered to.
Rico: Points of Information (POIs) are also allowed during the speeches, except for the first
and last minute.
Bianca: And remember, audience participation is strictly limited to applause after each
Rico: Before we begin, let's share an important detail with you all. The motion for today's
debate was taken impromptu just 30 minutes ago.
Bianca: That's right! Each team has had a brief period of time to prepare their arguments
before facing off in the arena of ideas.
Rico: And to maintain fairness, every finalist has been quarantined for approximately 30
minutes to build their cases without external influence.
*Commencement of the Debate:
Rico: Without further ado (basa basi), let's kick off the first round of debates!
Bianca: Our first motion for debate is [State the motion].
Rico: Representing the Government side, we have [Government Team's Name] from
[mention ECC class : XA or XB etc].
Bianca: And opposing them, we have [Opposition Team's Name] from [mention ECC class :
XA or XB etc].
Rico: I would like to call the first speaker of the government Mr/Ms ………… to begin
his/her speech.
Grace/Chrisanta : The first speaker from government/opposition spent ……. Minutes ……
Bianca : Now I would like to call Mr/Ms ………… to begin his/her speech as the second
speaker from gov/opp team.
Grace/Chrisanta : The second speaker from government/opposition spent ……. Minutes
…… seconds.
Rico : Next ,I would like to invite the third speaker of the Government/opp Mr/Ms …to begin
his/her speech.
Grace/Chrisanta : The second speaker from government/opposition spent ……. Minutes
…… seconds.
(Until finish to the reply speaker)
Rico : Alright, let’s give applause for their remarkable debates
Bianca : Next we will jump to the second batch of debate.
Back to : *Commencement of the Debate:
Conclusion of the Debate : (after the opposition reply speaker finished his/her
Bianca: That concludes our debates for today.
Rico: Let's give a big round of applause to all our debaters for their outstanding
Bianca : Now, it’s time for us to hear the comments from the adjudicators if any.
Rico : Let’s start from Ms. Erlina then Ms. Rani ………. (comments given)
Bianca: And a special thank you to our adjudicators for their valuable insights and
Rico: Don't forget to join us for the awards ceremony, where we'll announce the winners of
today's competition.
Bianca: Until then, thank you for joining us, and have a wonderful day!

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