ESL Brains de Google Your Life TV 7915

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De-Google your life!

1. Look at the response of Google’s initial investor when the business was first explained to him and
say what aspect of the business you think he was convinced by.
If students are interested, you can tell them that the founders are Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and the
investor’s name is Andy Bechtolsheim.

“Instead of discussing all the details, why don’t I just write you a check?”

2. Evaluate which of the areas you would struggle with most if you stopped using Google and explain
your reasoning.

research communication navigation productivity work

3. You’re going to watch the first part of a video [] (to 02:40) about a
woman who attempts to ‘de-Google’ her life. Watch the video [] (to
02:40) to answer the questions.
A. Why has Google been receiving criticism? The company’s been accused of capturing large amounts
of consumer data, especially location data. [00:15]
B. What tools did she decide to use instead of Google’s? Firefox (browser), DuckDuckGo (search
engine), Apple Maps, MapQuest, Apple Calendar, Proton and Riseup (email services) [01:17]
C. What does the blocker do? It blocks Google’s IP addresses and prevents its servers from
communicating with her devices, thus preventing Google’s trackers and ad networks from seeing
her. [02:27]

4. Look at the questions A–D and find the words or phrases that match the definitions 1–4. Then,
discuss the questions.

A. She said that revoking access to Google’s services was fairly straightforward. Does this surprise
you? Why/Why not?
B. She remarked that seemingly infinite data space makes us all digital hoarders. Do you consider
yourself to be a digital hoarder? Why/Why not?
C. To prevent the company from monetizing her data, she had special blocking software installed to
hide her devices from Google. Do you think this measure was too drastic?
D. The woman said she was apprehensive about the block. Do you think it went as badly as she feared?
How would you feel in her position?

Copyrights by ESL Brains. For use only with license.

De-Google your life!

1. worried apprehensive
2. remove consent or authorisation revoke access
3. a person who collects too much computerized data digital hoarder
4. making money from digital information monetize data

5. You are going to watch the second part of the video. Predict which of the following de-Googling
challenges will be mentioned and explain why you think so.
A. issues with logging into platforms
B. difficulties with searching for and retrieving information
C. inhibited file sharing
D. impaired app functioning
E. charges for alternative services
F. errors with events and reminders
G. increased screen time and inability to disconnect

6. Watch the video (from 04:07) to check your answers in ex. 5.

The video mentions: A [04:19], C [04:33], D [04:48] and E [05:57].

7. Discuss the questions.

• What did you think of the Google block idea? Would you do it?
Why/Why not?
• Would any of these be a dealbreaker for you:
- not being able to access some apps/services like Uber or
- the fact that some apps you access rely on Google anyway
(e.g. Yelp using Google maps) and/or apps don’t have full
functionality without Google?
- you need to pay for some services because they don’t monetize your data?
• Have you ever experienced the kind of tech frustration expressed in the video? If so, what
• Do you think that de-Googling is a viable long-term option? Or is the concept better suited to a
short break?

Copyrights by ESL Brains. For use only with license.

De-Google your life!

8. Choose the correct verb to complete the phrase and then match the phrase with its example.

block exercise give hinder

A. give alternative apps a 1. An internet user installs Privacy Badger, a browser

whirl 3 extension which helps to prevent their online activity being
B. block third-party trackers
1 2. A tech company sells data to an advertiser and violates
privacy agreements.
C. hinder workflow 4
3. An avid Facebook user tests out some other platforms like
D. exercise nefarious use 2
Instagram and X.
4. An electricity outage disrupts communication and creates
connectivity issues, seriously impacting productivity.

9. Choose a word from the options in bold and complete the sentences with your opinions.
• Certain apps end up unintentionally hindering workflow due to/despite/while simultaneously…
• Internet users are misinformed about/unconcerned with/never confronted with nefarious use
exercised by tech giants, because…
• Blocking third-party trackers is the only way/a shallow solution/a worthy attempt to…
• The biggest appeal/misconception/concern when it comes to giving alternative apps a whirl is…

10. Discuss the tech giants and their use in your daily life.

Amazon Apple Microsoft Meta

You can mention some of each tech giant’s tools/services to help students:

T Amazon:, Prime Video, Fire TV, Echo, Kindle; Microsoft: Windows, Skype, LinkedIn, Xbox;
Meta: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Reality Labs; Apple: iPhone, MacBooks, Appstore, Apple
Watch, AirPods
• Which do you use the most?
• Which would you be willing to cut out of your life? Why?
• Would cutting them out be as problematic for you as de-Googling was for the woman in the video?
• Which is your favourite in terms of convenience and compatibility? Why?

Copyrights by ESL Brains. For use only with license.

De-Google your life!

• Which do you feel violates your data protection the most, if any? Why?
• Are there any other apps or services that you would like to cut out of your life? Which ones and

11. Consider the future of big tech and expand on whether these will be likely or unlikely in the next ten

tougher data increased monetization stricter international the rise of alternative

privacy laws of data regulation on big tech platforms

This worksheet includes an additional task that you can use as homework or revision. It’s only
T available in the teacher’s version of the worksheet. The task with the answer key is below, while the
students’ version is on the last page. Print it and hand it out to your students.

Complete the gaps in each pair of sentences (B–G) with the same phrase in the box. You might have to
change the form of the phrase in some sentences. Then, match each comment (1) to its response (2).

EXAMPLE: A. 1. Do you think Instagram makes much by monetizing our data? How do they do it?
2. Not really! I love that Google Drive retains all my documents, and best of all—it’s
free! I guess that’s because they’re monetizing my data, though.
comment A.1.–response C.2.

B. 1. Do you ever feel like you’re turning into a digital hoarder? I’m block third party trackers
holding on to work contracts from 10 years ago!
digital hoarders
2. You should do a spring clean of all your documents. Being a
digital hoarder can really disrupt your productivity, as well as exercise nefarious use
slowing down your computer! give alternative apps a whirl
B.1.–A.2. hinder workflow
C. 1. Can you recommend a solution for blocking third-party monetize data
trackers? I’ve had it with Google knowing my every move.
revoke access
2. I think they do it through advertising. That’s why I always
block third-party trackers when online shopping, so my browser isn’t full of ads for weeks!

Copyrights by ESL Brains. For use only with license.

De-Google your life!

D. 1. Did you hear about that tech giant which sold its customers’ data? They’re exercising nefarious
use over our privacy.
2. I’m thinking about it! I feel like so many of the tech giants exercise nefarious use over consumer
data without us ever knowing it… I hate feeling like I’m not in control of my privacy.
E. 1. Do you ever think technology is hindering workflow more than helping it? I feel like I spend half
my day searching for the right files.
2. It’s a complicated process, and it might hinder workflow at first, but it’s worth it in the end.
F. 1. Do you think revoking access to data trackers will take a lot of time?
2. It’s unacceptable! I’m going to start revoking access to all unnecessary cookies.
G. 1. Have you considered giving alternative apps a whirl? I’m looking into some data-respective
substitutes because I think the larger companies are up to no good.
2. Sure! I recommend you give some alternative apps a whirl, like DuckDuckGo or Firefox.

Copyrights by ESL Brains. For use only with license.

De-Google your life!

Complete the gaps in each pair of sentences (B–G) with the same phrase in the box. You might have to
change the form of the phrase in some sentences. Then, match each comment (1) to its response (2).

EXAMPLE: A. 1. Do you think Instagram makes much by monetizing our data? How do they do it?
2. Not really! I love that Google Drive retains all my documents, and best of all—it’s
free! I guess that’s because they’re monetizing my data, though.
comment A.1.–response C.2.

B. 1. Do you ever feel like you’re turning into a ______________? block third party trackers
I’m holding on to work contracts from 10 years ago!
digital hoarders
2. You should do a spring clean of all your documents. Being a
______________ can really disrupt your productivity, as well exercise nefarious use
as slowing down your computer! give alternative apps a whirl
C. 1. Can you recommend a solution for ______________? I’ve hinder workflow
had it with Google knowing my every move.
monetize data
2. I think they do it through advertising. That’s why I always
revoke access
______________ when online shopping, so my browser isn’t
full of ads for weeks!
D. 1. Did you hear about that tech giant which sold its customers’ data? They’re ______________ over
our privacy.
2. I’m thinking about it! I feel like so many of the tech giants ______________ over consumer data
without us ever knowing it… I hate feeling like I’m not in control of my privacy.
E. 1. Do you ever think technology is ______________ more than helping it? I feel like I spend half my
day searching for the right files.
2. It’s a complicated process, and it might ______________ at first, but it’s worth it in the end.
F. 1. Do you think ______________ to data trackers will take a lot of time?
2. It’s unacceptable! I’m going to start ______________ to all unnecessary cookies.
G. 1. Have you considered ______________? I’m looking into some data-respective substitutes
because I think the larger companies are up to no good.
2. Sure! I recommend you ______________, like DuckDuckGo or Firefox.

Copyrights by ESL Brains. For use only with license.

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