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STARHEALTH, SUNDAY 26 MAY 2019 Child Health 3

Nature vs nurture
Maximising potential So, what can parents do to
maximise their child’s potential?
HUMANS are the dominant spe- It all starts even before concep-
cies on Earth because of our supe- tion.
rior intelligence, compared to the
other living beings on this planet.
The journey to maximising your child’s brainpower starts as According to Prof Wong, nutri-
tion is very important for women
Our intelligence evolved, not so
much due to the size of our brain,
soon as you get pregnant, when nurturing their potential comes who are ready to try for a baby.
Aside from ensuring that you
but because of the ratio of our
brain’s weight to the weight of our
into play. are eating a balanced diet, he
advises mums-to-be to start taking
body. folate, also called folic acid, sup-
Of all creatures, humans have plements.
the largest brain to body weight Parents are probably aware
ratio, meaning that we have rela- that folate is one of the required
tively heavy brains for our body supplements – along with iron –
size. that mothers have to take during
In addition, the cerebral cortex their pregnancy.
in humans is the largest, relative to This is because folate is known
body weight, among all the mam- to help prevent neural tube
mals, which are the only living defects that can result in condi-
beings to have a cerebral cortex. tions like spinal bifida and anen-
This area is crucial to our intelli- cephaly (where a large part of the
gence as part of the cerebrum, brain and skull is absent).
which is responsible for our think- As neural tube defects are most
ing, judgement, memory and com- likely to form during the first few
munication skills, among others. weeks of pregnancy when most
According to consultant paedia- women might not even know they
tric neurologist Prof Dr Wong Chee are pregnant, it is ideal to start
Piau, there are three major stages taking folate supplements as soon
in the development of a normal as you are ready to try conceiving.
brain. “The second thing is stress –
“When we talk about brain maternal stress does affect the
development, we look at three formation of the fetus,” he says.
major events. He notes that extreme physical
“First, obviously, you have to stress like running a marathon
form the brain, which is called already stretches a person’s physi-
neurogenesis. cal limits, what more if that per-
“Once you have formed the son is carrying another person
brain, then you have to connect the within her.
brain, which is called synaptogene- “So, I would say moderate phy-
sis. sical activity is welcome, but
“Then the third thing is to speed extreme physical activity is not.”
up the processing, which is called As for mental stress. Prof Wong
myelination,” he explains. says that it can result in three
things that may affect the baby’s
development: lack of sleep or
Forming our brain insomnia, hormonal changes and
For such an essential organ, our A computer monitor displays a colourful array of brain connections at a University of Washington research lab substance abuse, which is a prob-
brain actually reaches its full deve- in Seattle, United States. Building these connections is the second stage of our brain development. — TNS lem on its own.
lopment when we are about 25 He notes that substances like
years of age. maximum potential.” alcohol, cannabis and heroin,
After that, it plateaus, and even- For example, as we have the when taken by mum during preg-
tually starts to decline as we hit ability to learn how to walk, we nancy can also adversely affect
our senior years. can eventually learn how to run her baby.
Says Prof Wong: “In the womb, fast. “For example, if mum drinks a
neurogenesis, or the formation of But no matter how fast we can lot of alcohol, her baby will end
the brain’s structures, occurs as run, we will never be able to run up with fetal alcohol syndrome.
early as six weeks into the preg- beyond a certain speed – say, for “This is bad news for the child’s
nancy. example, faster than the speed of brain – the child will have a lot of
“Very simply put, it starts with a sound (343 metres per second) – as learning difficulties, a lot of
few neural cells, then it forms a it is not within our physical ability behavioural problems, etc.”
sheet, then it forms a tube, then it to do so. He also notes that if mum-to-be
forms a ball, then the ball eventual- Meanwhile, nurture helps to is on any medications, particular-
ly divides into two halves (the left maximise a person’s potential and ly long-term ones, she should see
and right hemispheres), and is the part that we can affect for her doctor to ensure that the
towards the end, the two halves our children and ourselves. medication will not adversely
become wavy (with grooves and “The nurture part is obviously affect her future baby.
bumps) as per the familiar appea- multi-factorial and very complex. “For example, women with epi-
rance of the brain. “For example, nutrition definite- lepsy who take sodium valproate
“And all this forms before we are ly plays a big part – if children might want to see if it is possible
born.” don’t eat well, their brains won’t to either reduce their dose, or bet-
Although the brain develops grow well. ter still, change to another anti-
until young adulthood, the most “Putting them into an enriching epileptic drug, as sodium val-
active period of development starts environment where they learn the proate affects the baby’s develop-
from conception until about two right things is important (i.e. stimu- ment, resulting in fetal valproate
years of age. lation). syndrome,” he explains.
“That is probably the most “And giving them tender loving For both parents-to-be, advanc-
intense period (of brain develop- care – a caring environment – is ing age is also an important issue.
ment) – some people call it the exu- also very important,” says Prof Says Prof Wong: “What happens
berant period,” he adds.
According to Prof Wong, we are born with a certain amount of natural Wong. is that our body constantly gets
Prof Wong notes that we are ability and nurturing this ability will help us make the most of it. — He gives the example of a child injured and we constantly repair
actually born with more brain cells KAMARUL ARIFFIN/The Star brought up in an orphanage, who ourselves.
than what we end up with when has the same potential (nature) and “Same thing with our genetic
the brain completes its develop- helps improve the brain’s connec- tant function of substantially nutrition as one who lives in a sta- material – it constantly gets
ment. tions, similar to how pruning a speeding up the transmission of ble, loving home. damaged and repaired.
“It’s almost like saying when you bonsai tree improves its growth electrical impulses in our brain.” The first child is less likely to “When we are young, the repair
build a house, you buy a lot of and appearance. This enables us to think and achieve as much as the second one, efficiency is much better.
bricks; then, when you finish build- The final part of brain develop- react quickly, and may influence due to a less enriching and loving “As we grow older, we find that
ing the house, there are some ment is to speed up the connec- our learning ability, as it speeds up environment. the gene repair is not as good and
bricks left over and those bricks get tions between our brain cells the processing of information. “Even with maximum potential, it can be faulty, and if you pass
thrown away.” through myelination. there is a lack of nurturing to push that faulty gene on to your baby,
This is because the next part of “Myelination is the maturing them to the max, and that is quite you might have a problem.”
brain development – synaptogene- process of the brain connections,”
Nature and nurture important,” he says. An example of this is Down syn-
sis – is crucial in making the brain says Prof Wong. Now, the million-ringgit ques- As for us adults, the bad news is drome, which is associated with
work. “In our brain cells, we have a tion, of course, is if there is any that our number of brain cells is advancing maternal age.
“There are a lot of brain cells. cord called an axon, which is like way to make yourself or your child fixed, and will probably decrease “We know that advanced pater-
Some will connect, and those will the central metal cable in wiring. more intelligent. as we age due to natural cell death. nal age is also associated with
remain because they become func- “The myelin will form a sheath This is where both nature and However, don’t despair, the key subtle problems in the baby – not
tional. covering the axon – that is the pro- nurture come into play. to maximising what we do have is as clearly linked as Down syn-
“Those that do not connect are cess of myelination.” Says Prof Wong: “You are born to ensure we continually stimulate drome is with maternal age, but
not functional and will disappear,” He adds: “While we say that the with a certain amount of ability and use our brains throughout our we do know that certain syn-
he explains. covering of wiring is for protection, and I think it’s quite difficult to go lives. dromes are associated with
He adds that the latter process is myelin is not only for protection, beyond what you have. As Prof Wong says, “You have to advanced paternal age,” says Prof
known as synaptic pruning, which but it also serves the very impor- “Nature is such that it limits your use it or lose it.” Wong.

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