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Animal Totems & Spirit Animals

The Shamanic Approach

By Carly van Heerden
Content copyright © 2012 Carly van Heerden. All rights reserved.

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Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

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Neither the publisher nor the individual author(s) shall be liable for any physical, psychological,
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Every effort has been made to be accurate. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for errors
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A Poem


Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Native American Indians

Chapter 2: What Was Once Primitive May End Up Being Our Salvation

Chapter 3: Understanding the Great Spirit

Chapter 4: Know the Animal Totem that Represents Your Time of Birth

Chapter 5: The Difference Between Animal Totems and Spirit Animals

Chapter 6: Animal Totems A to D

Chapter 7: Animal Totems E to I

Chapter 8: Animal Totems J to R

Chapter 9: Animal Totems S to Z

Chapter 10: Ailments Associated to Specific Birth Times and Plant Medicines That Can Heal Them

Chapter 11: The Final Word

A Poem
From the day we are born we want to explore.

We crawl on the floor and through open doors.

We enter a forest never having been in one at all,

wondering how do the trees stand so high; grow so tall?

We feel like we belong there, amongst what's real.

In the forest there is so much to feel.

The excitement of life, the dare, the wonder.

You can smell the moisture, and in the distance hear the thunder.

As we grow we choose to remember or to forget

all the spirits that surround us, and those we have met.

As children we understood that the spirits mean no harm.

That's why some return as adults to the forest; to feel calm.

We can hold the beauty of nature with us wherever we go,

allowing it to teach us, guide us, and help us grow.

We choose to live closer to the Great Spirit, closer to earth,

because we know what a spiritual life is really worth.

As children in nature we felt no fear
Understanding Shamanism

"Shamanics is not a religion or a philosophy. There are no doctrines to be believed, no concepts to be

argued, no spiritual leaders requiring allegiance, no hierarchy demanding obedience, no guru to be

It goes beyond the boundaries of belief, for it is a process of attaining a 'knowingness' through the
experience of doing.

The answers to some of life's most perplexing mysteries lie beyond the constraints imposed by
historical, social and political conditioning that every culture has imposed upon itself.

Shamanics identifies an essence that runs through them all, and by releasing this essence from a
cultural, religious, and racial context it is brought into the twenty-first century and is made available
for use and for the benefit of all.

Shamanics bares no similarity to mind training systems that are conditioned by methods and require
adherence to a strict disciplinary code in order to be effective.

Shamanics is not an exercise of mind over matter, but a natural process that will enable you to take
control of your own life through the spirit - and find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in it.

Shamanics is a way of connecting with nature and what is inherent in your life - so it is not only the
most natural, but also the most practical of all metaphysical systems.

Although nature based, it advocates not a 'worshipping' but rather an 'honoring' of nature."

Inspired By Kenneth Meadows - Where Eagles Fly: A Shamanic Way to Personal Fulfilment (1995)
Chapter 1
An Introduction to the Native American Indians
B efore the cities, before the cars, before the Internet, in fact before electricity; a percentage of mankind
lived in harmony with nature. They gave thanks for every aspect of life, from the sunshine to the
breeze over the plains. They only took what they needed to feed and clothe themselves. They kept close
bonds with their family members, friends and loved ones, and defended themselves from those who
threatened to disturb their peace or destroy their way of life.

Their battle became more difficult as those who could not understand their ways pushed them and their
Great Spirit aside and told them, 'make way for our roads, make way for our cars, make way for our

A Shaman in Ritual Dress

While some individuals have been taught by their forefathers to believe that Native American Indians
were savages that scalped people and stole livestock from travelers, others who sense a deeper
connection to the wisdom that kept the Native American Indian communities alive know that they were
perhaps the purest, most sincere beings the planet has ever been home to.

Granted, certain tribes used harsh methods to obtain what they wanted; but they weren't too different from
military officials these days who drop missiles on unsuspecting third world villages. Members in these
tribes were seen by the wise elders in other tribes as misguided.
These days, anything that is not a 'part of' or 'made from' some or other form of highly advanced
technology seems to be seen as 'primitive'. Often the word 'primitive' has a stigma attached to it. If
something is 'primitive', it's probably useless unless you're an antique collector.

Many children these days no longer play in the meadows and search for butterflies. They no longer make
swings from long pieces of rope tied to a nearby tree. They no longer swim naked in the cool brooks that
run through the forests. This is what children from primitive cultures did, all day.

The same way that men and woman in the twenty-first century go to work each day to put food on their
tables for their families, the Native American Indians would hunt for buffalo and other smaller animals.
They would use the buffalo's meat as food, its hide as clothing; in fact every part of an animal killed by a
Native American Indian was used, even if it were for medicines. They only killed when they needed too.
It wasn't a sport; it was a means for survival.

Today, many men and women find themselves in jobs that make them truly unhappy, but they have no other
choice but to work at them, because work is scarce due to machines now being employed for faster more
efficient production of various products and commodities.

Here lies the difference.

The Native American Indians loved life. Not only did they work from home, they were free to come and
go as they pleased. Children were not thrown into brick structures and told to learn to read and write.

Instead they were taught the importance of nature, respect for fellow beings; whether insect, plant, bird or
fish. They were taught how to preserve their resources, so they would never lack them. Children and
parents lived together and their bonds were strong. Every occurrence in nature had meaning. The earth
was their mother and the radiance of the sun, giving life to everything on earth, their father.

The Bushmen Tribes of Southern Africa followed a similar set of principles, and too were pushed out of
their homelands, and forced to live among twenty-first century men and women, where their heritage and
culture are also ignored and often disrespected.
The Earth & The Sun

These days it's all about technology. Some parents see their children for no more than fifteen minutes in an
entire day, if at all. Taxes need to be paid in order for asphalt to be laid on the ground. Nuclear power,
designed to provide electricity to the masses, threatens to destroy half of mankind. Most families can
never financially afford to leave their homes in the city, due to poor salaries, and never get to see nature
in its glory.

Children play computer games, Xboxes, Playstations, watch cartoons and feel insufficient without the
latest remote controlled toys that all their friends have. Yes - this is a generalization, but the fact that this
is so even for the minority is sad enough.
How Young They Start

Why were the Native American Indians pushed aside? What were they doing wrong?

Much of modern man's wrong doings are responsible the strife mankind will soon face. They ignore the
warnings from the Great Spirit that tell them to be careful, or soon all will be lost.

It makes little sense that one of the only cultures in the history of mankind, that did everything they could
do within their power to protect earth and it resources, was broken down and is now merely a topic
discussed in a history class.

When will other humans begin to see the mistakes modern man has made? When will they begin to see that
the Native American Indians were actually doing things right?

Fortunately, regardless of whether or not modern medicines and theories flood this planet, the teachings of
the Native American Indians will always remain.
Chapter 2
What Was Once Primitive May End Up Being Our Salvation
W hat does primitive mean? Primitive means: 'being the first or earliest of a kind or in existence,
especially in an early age of the world'.

Where do the words; unintelligent, freeloaders, savages, thieves or stupid feature in that definition.
Nowhere. So, why are primitive cultures like the Native American Indian culture ignored and treated with
such disrespect by certain individuals on this planet?

Native American Indians lived a primitive life because they were primitive beings; the earliest in
existence. They were primal because all they needed to do was fulfill their primal needs; these being the
need for food, water and shelter. Mothers raised their children with love and affection, and the men
protected and provided for their families.

While these days primal thoughts are often related to negative aspects like sexual urges, diet, hunting, the
urge to kill, and the urge to dominate; primal instincts also include positive aspects like love, the need for
order, the need for affection, play and dance, and the need for family bonding and security.

Primitive cultures acted on their primitive instincts, which in fact involved the same needs we have today,
in the twenty-first century.

However, due to technology, our primal needs are conveniently fulfilled; or have they simply been put
aside? Many have replaced their primal needs with needs for material luxuries like high performance
cars, high definition entertainment systems, and even Kindles - like the one you're reading this book on
right now!

For everyone there comes a time when primal memories come to the surface; and when they do, those
living a life filled with technology and advancement may find it more difficult than others do to
understand their memories, urges and needs due to the fact that the 'primal needs' concept was never
really noted as being worth a mention during their learning years.

These individuals often end up needing the help of a psychologist or therapist, or even a dietician. Some
of them may turn to drastic measures like rape or theft, just to fulfill the negative aspects of their primal
urges. They seldom find balance in their lives.

Strangely enough, this is when medical professionals prescribe mind-numbing medication, and then take
the opportunity to say; 'Let nature take its course'. How ironic.

However, had these individuals been informed about their primal needs during their learning years, and
how they could one day be affected by them emotionally if they are suppressed or ignored, they could
have healed their pains themselves, with the help of the wisdoms from primitive cultures, who understood
'feelings' and 'urges' whole-heartedly.

Had they been aware of primal urges, perhaps they would never have gone to such extremes to experience
or fulfill them. Instead they would have understood the importance of emotional balance.
The Native American Indians are therefore honest beings, and honesty is priceless. Being honest means
that everything you do will be rewarded with an honest result. This is why the Native American Indians
lived abundant lives filled with cheer, laughter, love and light - until the greedy man came along.

Today some Native American Indians live among us and live their lives as we do, sadly against their true
will and at the cost of their culture some of the time.

Because they did not choose to pursue the benefits of technology, does this mean they weren't intelligent?

The fact that it was technology that destroyed many of them in the first place is a very good reason why
they chose to avoid it.

As mentioned previously, their way of life involves respecting the earth and all its inhabitants. They
thanked the animals for their meat that fed their tribes, and for their spiritual teachings.

They listened to the winds, seeing them as powers of the Great Spirit that could change reality on earth.

They listened to the wisdom of the 'standing people'; the trees, which were respected as guardians that
provide oxygen for all to breath.

Everything they did is according to a set of laws; laws that were implemented to protect the earth (the
provider and their mother) and all it resources.

In this day and age, mankind has technology; but how has this technology aided in protecting our
resources, our earth?

It's a known fact that food is slowly becoming a commodity that soon only a few will be able to afford.
Water may also soon be as valuable as gold. Then there's the issue regarding the extinction of nearly a
quarter of the planet's animals, insects, amphibians and birds due to pollution caused by humans, due to
the greed of humans, and due to human illnesses.
What can survive in this?

Who are the stupid ones really?

Perhaps there will come a time when a solar flare or some other natural catastrophe will hit the earth and
cause mass panic. Civilization as we know it may be jeopardized by the simple loss of electricity. In
which case who will teach those, who have only ever known how to use gadgets and technology, how to
make a fire or catch their own food?

Twenty-first century men and women would automatically need to turn to the 'primitives' for advice. No
matter how much money those men and women have; should they give a dollar to a Native American
Indian he would more than likely turn around and say: 'Thank you, but I really can't eat this'.

Maybe they really do have something to teach the rest of the world after all. If only the rest of the world
would just take a moment to listen.
Chapter 3
Understanding the Great Spirit
Why the Native American Indians Turn to Nature for Everything

N ative American Indians believe that each creature on this planet is equipped with qualities and
potentials that the individual creature will need in order to face the situations and circumstances it
will face during its life on earth. These qualities and potentials are aspects of, and gifts from, the Great
Spirit or God.

They believe that at birth energy patterns within a creature's genes formulate the creature's personality
traits and potentials. These traits and potentials culminate with the natural forces that are influencing life
on earth at the creature's time of birth; namely the seasons.

They believe that each cardinal direction; north, south, east, and west has its own presence that affects all
living things.

The Cardinal Directions

Because these 'cardinal directions' cannot be seen they are likened to winds, and when these winds blow,
the Indians believe that messages are being brought to them from the presence or power of the direction
from which they come.

Each directional wind; north, south, east, and west is represented by a spirit keeper - an animal totem.
The direction of North is associated with the power of renewal, quickening, purity and clarity. It is
associated with the mind, our thoughts and intelligence. The animal totem used to represent the North is
the Buffalo. Buffalo used to provide Indians with everything they needed for survival; food, fat, skin,
medicine and so on. The Buffalo to the Indians indicates compacted orderly power.

The Buffalo

The direction of West is associated with the power of transformation, introspection, consolidation, and
grounding. It is associated with our physical body and to endurance and stability. The animal totem of the
West is the Grizzly Bear. The Indians respected the Grizzly Bear for its inner strength and introspection.

The Bear
The direction of East is associated with the power that enables light to be. The power to disperse
darkness and ignorance, the power to illuminate and make known, and the power of awakening and the
newness of life. This direction is associated with spirit and represents far-sightedness and spirituality. It
is represented by the animal totem, the Eagle. The Eagle is known by the Indians as the bird that flies
closest to the sun, which is the source of light and radiance.

The Eagle

Finally, the direction of South is associated with the power of organic growth, discovery, teachability,
unfolding, and the power of intuitive knowing. This direction is associated with our emotions and
represents closeness and vitality. It is represented by the animal totem, the Mouse. The Indians see the
Mouse as a tiny animal associated with rapid growth that teaches us the difference between power and
The Mouse

The Native American Indians thank the Great Spirit for manifesting its wisdom through these animals,
which are therefore seen as sacred creatures.

The Great Spirit is ultimately love - God - the creator of all things good, keeping in mind that all things
are created good, until they decide to be otherwise.

The Indians therefore turn to these animals and others for their wisdom. They connect with them when
they need to, knowing these spirits will be with them and help them through their difficult times.

In this book we take a closer look at animals and the aspects of the Great Spirit that they are home to -
helping you to know which animal can assist you through a certain stage of your life.

Before we do, however, we will take a look at the animal totems that represent specific 'birth times' in the
Chapter 4
Know the Animal Totem that Represents Your Time of Birth
K nowing which animal represents your time of birth is a starting point when it comes to asking animal
spirits or guides to help you along your journey. By knowing your totem you will learn more about
yourself; in fact being introduced to your birth animal totem may be enough to see you through any

Once you understand the characteristics of the time you were born unto, you will gain a clearer
perspective of your own potential.

In this next chapter you will discover which animal totem represents your time of birth. You will see that
the dates vary according to the Northern and Southern hemispheres. This is due to the fact that when it is
spring in the Northern hemisphere, it is autumn in the Southern. Choose your birth month according to the
hemisphere you were born in.

Birth times and the animal totems that represent them:

The Falcon

The Awakening Time

Northern Hemisphere: 21 March to 19 April

Southern Hemisphere: 22 September to 22 October

You were born during a time when dormant forces start to come to life. You too are enthusiastic about
what's happening around you, showing no concern for the past or what is still to come.

Like the falcon you enjoy exploring; new ideas, new places, and new experiences. Like the falcon flies
high, you too enjoy hovering among your aspirations.

Like the falcon you take off with ease; however, if you can't find what you are looking for, you're quick to
abandon your search.

Part of your journey is to learn to be persistent and tenacious. You can learn from nature by considering
the seed, then the sprout, then the stem, the branch, the flower and then the fruit, then back to the seed
again. This is the sequence of life and it seldom happens over night.

You are quick to motivate others, and are inspired by new circumstances and ideas; however, you are just
as quick to loose interest if something more appealing comes along.

Your lively imagination gives you the tendency to fantasize. Sometimes your fantasies aren't in sink with
reality, and this could lead to your making mistakes.

Like the falcon you are ultimately a high-flyer energetic and enthusiastic, but be aware of your impulsive
streak, as it can lead you to make unwise decisions.

Your purpose is to transform your aspirations into realities, and this requires persistence. If you find
yourself in the same situation often, consider these situations as opportunities for you to develop patience
and humility.

You will discover that happiness comes from sharing, and that your individuality does not need to veer
toward selfishness. Instead, you can find those whom you can express your individuality with,
The Beaver

The Growing Time

Northern Hemisphere: 20 April to 20 May

Southern Hemisphere: 23 October to 22 November

You were born during a dramatic time when life lays down its roots and secures itself. You seek firm
foundations and solid progress. Like the beaver you are highly constructive, and thrive on your
organizational skills, often trying to organize the lives of others.

Like the beaver you are constantly busy, trying to alter and improve your surroundings. Although you learn
quickly, you find it difficult to make up your mind. Although you are creative, you are more concerned
with material prosperity.

You are warm and affectionate by nature, but you have streak of vengeance that you may find difficult to
hide from those who hurt you.

You enjoy having possessions that render pleasure and comfort, but you will need to practice avoiding
self-indulgence and possessiveness.

You are industrious and manage to achieve most things even within tight limitations, determined to
consolidate and secure your goals.

Part of your journey will be to learn the difference between situations that lead to a permanent outcome
and those that may only be temporary.
You will find that your most difficult times will be related to close attachments to relationships, which
may lead to your being possessive. Through life you will learn to cultivate flexibility, adaptability, and

You will need to accept others as they are, and give them their space, just as you expect them to do to you.
The Deer

The Flowering Time

Northern Hemisphere: 21 May to 20 June

Southern Hemisphere: 23 November to 21 December

You were born during the last cycle of spring, when the trees are full of leaves and the flowers are
blooming. This is the time of expansion in nature, and your nature also seeks stimulation and variety.

Your expressions tend to change suddenly; enthusiastic about things that are immediately appealing and
lethargic over other matters.

You are prone to moodiness, but are sensitive and quickly recognize the needs of others sometimes,
before you even recognize your own.

You make the best of your resources; even the most basic materials. Like the deer you have boundless
energy to put towards things that catch your attention. However, you are easily distracted, which leads
you to jump from one attraction to another, often without stopping.

You are easily distracted and are prone to restlessness, and this lack of concentration often prevents you
from achieving everything you are capable of achieving.

You are a warm being and affectionate too. However, your moods can cause you to undermine even your
most valued relationships from time to time.
Your sheer curiosity and love for variety draws you toward new experiences. Although you thrive on this
versatility, you prefer a cheerful atmosphere and positive companionship.

Throughout your journey you will need to learn the value of self-discipline and consistency. Many of the
traumas that you experience in life will be reminders of unfinished endeavors. Endurance is your key to

You will also find that the faults you see in others are often faults you actually see in yourself. You will
also notice that things that appear to be derogatory are often actually complimentary.
The Wood Pecker

The Long Days Time

Northern Hemisphere: 21 June to 21 July

Southern Hemisphere: 22 December to 19 January

You were born during the beginning of summer when everything that spring promised is now coming into
reality. You have nurturing and protecting qualities that are strongly apparent throughout nature at this time
of year.

You are devoted and willing to make sacrifices for the benefits of those closest to you. This can even be
seen sometimes as self-inflicted martyrdom. Like the woodpecker, you like to hold onto things that you
consider being rightfully yours, and this often applies to personal relationships.

You are emotional and sensitive which leads to your being possessive and often vulnerable. You show
warmth to those closest to you, but are often aloof to strangers. You are easily hurt and emotional set
backs can lead to self-pity, and even bitterness.

Although you are warm, those who expose your inadequacies are a threat to your security.

Your overactive imagination may often cause you to exaggerate, or 'make mountains out of molehills',
which also leads you to worry about issues that may have no foundation in reality.

You will need to treasure the moment, and not dwell on the past or expectations that you may have for the
future. You must realize that all power to make changes can be found in the now.
During your journey you will learn to mature through experiencing closeness. Closeness and attachment
are two separate realities, and due to your possessive nature you may mistake attachment for closeness
and love. The test of love is often in the letting go.
The Salmon

The Ripening Time

Northern Hemisphere: 22 July to 21 August

Southern Hemisphere: 20 January to 18 February

You were born during a time when summer is at its peak and all of nature is baring fruit in abundance.
This is a time of openness and activity.

You are caring, zestful, and thrive on close relationships, and the sense of being wanted.

Although you are energetic, enthusiastic, and have a warm heart you will need to be sure that your self-
confidence is never compromised by self-importance and arrogance.

You are well-equipped to take charge of your own life, but may fall short when you try to control the lives
of others.

Like the salmon moves through the waters, you will need to be cautious; avoid causing waves of
disturbance and unnecessary friction.

You are easily disappointed and prone to emotional upsets more than others are, and this is why love and
affection are important to you.

Through your journey you will need to master your emotions. You will frequently be faced with situations
that challenge your resistance to change. However, these situations will teach you to become more
flexible and will help you to adapt to the needs of others.

You will learn that fulfillment comes from allowing things to happen, rather than forcing them to.
The Brown Bear

The Harvesting Time

Northern Hemisphere: 22 August to 21 September

Southern Hemisphere: 19 February to 20 March

You were born during the time of the year when the seeds that have been sown have grown and are ready
to be harvested. You endeavor to harvest the full potential that lies within you.

Like the brown bear, you can stand on your own two feet, without having to rely on others. You are not
prone to change and prefer familiarity rather than things that are new to you.

You enjoy fixing things and putting things back together, whether these things are objects or situations in
the lives of others; situations which may be causing their lives to go wrong. Due to your good eye for
detail, you enjoy seeing the improvements you can make, and enjoy seeing your repairs function

You do tend to have a vivid imagination even though you are practical, and this can often lead you to think
that things are different from what they truly are.

You will need to allow your ideas and aspirations to be incentives that will help you to achieve what you
need to, while keeping your feet on the ground. Dreams can become realities when they became grounded.

Your journey will lead you to realize that whatever you search for will usually be where you are. You
will learn when to exert your energy to create change, and when to accept things that simply cannot be
The Crow

The Falling Leaves Time

Northern Hemisphere: 22 September to 22 October

Southern Hemisphere: 21 March to 19 April

You were born during a time when nature begins to slow down and prepare for the winter period that lies
ahead. You concentrate on developing your inner resources to deal with challenges that lay on the outside.

Like the crow, the company of others provides you with a sense of security, and you therefore work best
in partnerships or groups. Due to this fact, you have empathy for others and are open to various points of

You are an easy-going person and don't like confusion, clutter, emotional upsets and unnecessary trauma,
and attempt to keep the peace in all situations.

You are organized and make a good communicator, but will not be hurried into making decisions on any
level, which you may regret later.

During your journey you will be faced with situations that lead you to co-operate with others without
loosing your individuality and independence.

You will gain inner strength by conveying your convictions firmly, and will acquire the wisdom that
comes from making the right choices.
The Snake

The Frost Time

Northern Hemisphere: 23 October to 22 November

Southern Hemisphere: 20 April to 20 May

You were born during the final days before the start of winter, similar to the time of sunset.

Like the snake you have a need to want to know what lies beneath.

Like the snake that sheds its skin for a new one, you are able to free yourself from attachments, leave the
past behind you and make drastic changes to your life. This is something only a few others can do.

You are usually filled with ideas, and can get frustrated when these ideas do not lead to immediate
changes, or are inappropriate.

You adapt very well to any new situation and have strength and endurance that allow you to make the best
of situations, even if they seem adverse.

Like the snake you are capable of reaching great heights, but at the same time - can fall into the depths of

You will see during your journey that your impatience can cause you pain. This is the way you will learn
the importance of correct timing. Formidable tasks and difficult tests will prove your regenerative nature.
These challenges may even push you beyond your self-limitations on occasion.
The Owl

The Long Nights Time

Northern Hemisphere: 23 November to 21 December

Southern Hemisphere: 21 May to 20 June

You were born during the time of the year when the air is crisp and clear, and like this time you have a
clear insight of what you want, what you want to achieve, and where you want to go.

Like the owl you have a good eye for detail and an inquisitive nature. You will often break away from
situations that seem tiresome, preferring to spend time on your own for consideration and reflection.

You are resourceful and rely on yourself. You have the ability to adapt to new situations or environments
without too much difficulty.

You have an inner drive that urges you to embrace new opportunities and accept new challenges.

You need support from those that you are close to, and may even cling to them for their responsiveness
and support. You don't like confinement and thrive on the freedom to express yourself.

You will need to manage your potentials without scattering yourself around in too many directions. You
will gain the inner-sight needed to perceive things beyond the obvious, as well as a warm heart which
will allow you to show compassion to those, who unlike the owl, cannot see in the dark.
The Goose

The Renewal Time

Northern Hemisphere: 22 December to 19 January

Southern Hemisphere: 21 June to 21 July

You were born during the most baron time of the year. However, beneath this baron surface lay forces that
are preparing to come alive. Like the goose you like to see into the future and are willing to explore
unfamiliar territory.

When your explorations are paired with the purity of intent, the impossible becomes possible, as long as
you never lose sight of your goal.

You like to be on the move and accomplish tasks with sheer enthusiasm. You are a perfectionist at heart,
and this allows you to perform even the most mundane tasks exceptionally well.

You enjoy keeping company with those who have standards as high as your own, and are provoked by
those with minor issues in life. This idealism can lead you to be misunderstood.

You journey will lead you to bring all of your objectives to completion, and this is how you will gain
understanding that can only be achieved through attainment.

You will learn through your efforts to arrange and conserve, to be self-reliant, self-sufficient, and to
establish your own identity.
The Otter

The Cleansing Time

Northern Hemisphere: 20 January to 18 February

Southern Hemisphere: 22 July to 21 August

You were born during the time of the year when nature is being cleansed in preparation for new life. You
are a conservationist as well as a visionary.

Like the otter you have a strong sense of order and need everything to be clean, at home and at work.

Your mind is constantly busy, which is one of the reasons why you enjoy getting involved with people.
You may even find that you have a tendency to take on too many commitments at once.

You are constantly reforming in a constructive way, but tend to veer away from too many rules. You tend
to invent your own rules, even though they may sometimes seem impractical.

Your journey will lead you to experiences that will help you to find the courage to act on your own inner-
knowing, rather than to rely on the expectations of others. Your struggles and adversities are ways for you
to learn how to turn your visions into practical realities.
The Wolf

The Blustery Winds Time

Northern Hemisphere: 19 February to 20 March

Southern Hemisphere: 22 August to 21 September

You were born during the time of the year when nature is changing rapidly, and all are anticipating new
life that will come through nature.

You are highly sensitive and intuitive, and are able to determine the attitudes and intentions of others,
regardless of how well hidden they may be.

However, you have a tendency to allow sentiment to influence you and due to your sensitivity and
compassion, may find yourself gullible and vulnerable to emotional suffering.

You enjoy the aesthetics, especially through sound and sight, and enjoy creative endeavors.

You will need to find ways to express yourself, without expressing what others expect of you. You will
learn that refreshment and renewal can only come from within.

Your journey will lead you to face situations that require you to discriminate between the demands that
are made on you. You will learn to break free from entanglements that limit and restrict you, and will
learn to further your horizons.

Remember, although those born in the same time or even on the same day will share these basic qualities
and potentials, every creature or individual is unique. The attributes mentioned above are guidelines that
will help you to understand the true nature of your own life's journey. By understanding your own animal
totem and time of birth you will experience these potentials within yourself.
Chapter 5
The Difference Between Animal Totems & Spirit Animals
What is Spirit?

T otobegin with, a 'spirit guide' presents itself to an individual with the purpose of helping the individual
understand the specific experience he or she is facing in their life at the given time of the spirit
guide's visit.

Many people are confused by the term; 'spirit'. They start to think of ghosts, a stereotypical depiction of
spirit. A spirit is not a ghost, even though a spirit may be represented by the memory of a being you once
knew; spirit itself is not ghostly.

To put it in a way that will be easy for just about anyone to understand, a spirit can either be
predominantly positive (good) or predominantly negative (bad). All spirits can be felt. For example,
despondency would be a negative spirit, and cheerfulness would be a positive spirit.

Due to the fact that there are so many emotions to be felt, spirits come in variations. All of them can be
perceived or felt, and all of them hold value.

When an individual is told to keep their spirits high, this simply means that they should only consider
feeling emotions that are high; happy.

When an individual's spirits are low or bad, this individual is usually feeling depressed or as though they
would like to give up.

Each time an individual feels negative, or low, they should not feel as though they are being possessed by
a so-called evil spirit; instead they should understand the purpose of the feeling they have; understand the
spirit that is with them at the time, and ask what it is that they are supposed to learn from the spirit's

For example, being despondent can teach you that nothing comes from giving up. Once the individual has
learnt that lesson, they can then ask for guidance out of their despondency, and turn to a spirit that will
help them up again.

For example, they will want to turn to and be guided for that time by a spirit that teaches encouragement,
or tenacity.

So, spirits are not evil and good only. They are negative and positive, much like the yin and the yang.
Choosing to discard negative spirits without recognizing them, and what they are trying to show you about
yourself, will lead to your failing to learn that life lesson - and the chances of the circumstances
reoccurring in your life are highly possible.

This is why it is always best to face your spirits, and learn from them whether they are negative or
positive. The great thing to remember is that your positive spirits really are only ever a thought away.
Besides animal guides, spirits can also come through people. You may meet an individual who you may
feel a strange association with. You spend time with his individual and then never see them again. They
leave you with something to think about, a lesson to learn.

The important thing to remember is that no spirit can hurt you. This is not the intention of the Great Spirit.
All spirit is good, but like a child may be given a spanking for stealing candy from a store, a spirit may
enter an individual's life one day to teach them about their wrong doings, and this may come across as a
less positive spirit; a negative spirit (it may feel like guilt) even though its intention is to render a positive
result in the individual's life.

Never fear what you feel, never fear the spirits; instead listen to them, listen to your feelings, and if you
understand yourself and the spirits through the dark times, you will in turn be able to experience time with
your positive guides and feel the flight, the love, the illumination and the excitement that is 'the other side'.
Spirit Animals

When it comes to animals, a spirit animal will present you with one of life's lessons. A spirit animal will
show you what you need to deal with. You will learn from the nature of the spirit animal.

For example, a brown bear would teach you about life's lessons regarding the power of transformation,
introspection, consolidation, and grounding. It will teach the importance of your physical body, endurance
and stability. It may appear to an individual who fails to see their own worth, physically and

However, a spirit animal will not guide you; it will only show you the lesson to be learnt.

Your spirit animal may be an animal that repeatedly shows itself to you over a short period of time. For
example, a weasel that visits your garden every morning for a week, or a crow that sits on your post box
for a few days at sunrise, or a deer that spends a few minutes in your garden grazing for a few mornings,
and then disappears never to be seen again.

A deer may be grazing in your garden

You must remember, you cannot choose your spirit animal, it will choose to reveal itself to you.

How will you know that it's a guide and not just a crow in your garden? You will be drawn to it; it most
certainly will not be just a crow in your garden. Remember, the purpose of a spirit animal is to awaken
your spiritual awareness, therefore when you see it you feel a part of yourself awakening.
Animal Totems

An animal totem is one you can choose. You will call on an animal totem, asking the animal to impart its
wisdom and skills on you; asking it to serve as your guardian, your protector, and your guide.

The following chapters discuss various animals and the potentials and skills they were created with.

Any of these animals may appear to you in your life, physically, as your spirit animal; in which case
knowing as much as you can about the animal will help you to understand what it is trying to teach you.

Alternately, you may use any of these animals as one of your animal totems, to help you through a specific
area of your life. You can stay close to your animal totem by carrying a picture of it with you, by keeping
a small statuette of the animal with you, or by wearing an item of jewelry that takes the shape of the
animal you have asked to assist you. You won't need to have the animal in your presence physically. If
you do get the chance to make contact with the animal you have asked to be your totem be very grateful.

All animals are beautiful, unique, and each of them carries their own wisdom.

This is the wisdom of nature. For any human on this earth, there could be no better way to be invited into
the world of spirituality, awareness and light, than to be invited by a spirit animal, and then guided by
nature and all its power through an animal totem.

Embrace the opportunity.

Chapter 6
Animal Totems A to D
The Alligator

The alligator is known for its maternal potential, having strong survival instincts and is a master of
stealth. They are also respected for their quick movements during ambush during which they are notably
The Anteater

The anteater is known as being lethargic in movement, highly curious, and is characterized as being noisy.
They show little fear and are not afraid to explore, or to be seen or heard.
The Antelope

Antelope are known for being agile and active. They tend to jump or leap when they run and are also
noted for their willingness to make sacrifices and take action.
The Armadillo

The armadillo is noted as being grounded with boundaries. They are concerned with their safety and with
self protection.
The Badger

The badger is courageous and this courage can border on aggression when manifested in certain
situations. They are strong willed, and could even be termed passionate. They have healing potentials and
can channel energies effectively, yet may have issues when it comes to relating with others. Hence, they
usually stay close to their relatives.
The Bat

The bat is somewhat mysterious which emphasizes the element of secrecy. They are associated with
rebirth, transition and change on a personal and spiritual level. They have extremely good hearing. They
are noted for their longevity and their ability to initiate opportunities that lead to improvements.
The Bear

Bears are strongly associated with self preservation, will-power, sovereignty, courage and physical
strength. Their gentle natures represent healing and love. Bears are known for being industrious and
introspective. They are also respected as guardians.
The Beaver

Beavers are noted for their determination and strong will. Being tenacious builders they are associated
with goal achievement. They are also protective and watchful.
The Boar

The boar symbolizes prosperity, spiritual strength and self reliance. They are fearless and organized, and
have healing potential.
The Buffalo

The buffalo is sacred. It is one of the only animals that represent abundance in life. They are associated
with gratitude and appreciation. They are noted as having healing potential as well as the potential to
bring good fortune. They are also associated with self-sufficiency.
The Butterfly

Butterflies symbolize the magic of metamorphosis. They therefore represent transformation and
persistence. Due to their beauty they represent joy and harmony. They are also associated with the
willingness to accept change. They therefore also represent balance.
The Caribou

Caribous are noted for being long distance travelers. They therefore represent mobility, and can adapt to
adverse environments. They are also known to stay together and prefer to be nomadic as a herd.
The Cat (domestic)

Cats are noted for their mysterious behavior. They are associated with magic, the supernatural, and
sensuality. They are also known for being unpredictable, independent and autonomous. They prefer to live
a life of detachment, yet are seen as guardians.
The Cheetah

Cheetahs are noted for their maternal behavior. They are respected for their ability to concentrate and
focus. Cheetahs are highly flexible and have the insight needed to resolve their circumstances.
The Cougar

Cougars are seen as courageous leaders. They are associated to the power of balance. They are noted for
their gentleness, honesty and loyalty. They are also noted for their potentials relating to foresight and
The Coyote

The coyote is known for its charm, humorous characteristics, and is noted as being a trickster. They are
highly intelligent, wise and innocent. They are quick to realize their mistakes. They are masters of stealth
and are often termed 'mischief makers'.
The Crane

Cranes represent solitude, longevity and vigilance. They are noted as being highly independent and their
stature represents justice. They are also respected for their determination during migration, and are
associated with the initiation of the change from summer into winter.
The Crow

Crows are respected as the keepers of sacred law. They are seen as messengers with the ability to shape-
shift or change form. They are associated to the power of the intellect. They represent lawfulness and
justice, and the gateway to the supernatural. They are noted for forming strong communities that exhibit
spiritual strength, energy, creativity and balance. They are also associated with the power of illusion and
The Deer

The deer is one of the only animals that fully represents compassion, gentleness, kindness and grace. They
are associated with subtlety, peace, innocence and the beauty of nature. They are also associated with the
power of the intellect and femininity.
The Dog (domestic)

Dogs are noted as being noble. They are appreciated for their loyalty, protection and guidance. They
represent selflessness, companionship, faithfulness and true love.
The Dolphin

Dolphins are respected for their intelligence and wisdom. They are family orientated, and stick together
for most of their lives. They are a symbol of happiness, playfulness, joy, salvation and harmony. They
show us how to be compassionate and kind through our life journey. They also represent the rhythm,
breath, and the life force that runs through every living being. They are capable of deep emotion.
The Dove

The dove is seen as a cross-world communicator; a spirit messenger. They represent peace, love,
gentleness and kindness.
The Duck

The duck is associated with the power of water and the ability to see and deal with emotions; their own
and in others. These emotions are those less seen by others - turbulent emotions, insecurity and intense
emotions; and are like rough waters which the duck can float over.
Chapter 7
Animal Totems E to I
The Eagle

The eagle is closely associated with the divine spirit. They are intelligent, balanced, courageous and
prepared to take risks and make sacrifices. They represent the connection to the creator and higher realms,
and are respected for their strength. They have healing potential and are also associated with renewal and
vision. They are appreciated for their ability to represent true freedom.
The Elephant

The elephant is a symbol of strength and wisdom. They are respected for their close family bonds; their
affection, loyalty and their ability to care and love unconditionally. They are dignified and represent the
power of enlightenment.
The Elk

The elk is a symbol of strength, pride and power. They are majestic, noble and independent. They have
immense stamina and are agile. They also represent purification.
The Falcon

The falcon represents the spirit of adventure. Falcons are seen as guardians and leaders. They are
passionate, perceptive and are associated with new beginnings.
The Fox

The fox is respected for its ability to adapt and integrate. They are well camouflaged and are therefore
associated with invisibility. They are diplomatic and observant, as well as cunning and slightly devious.
They are associated with the unseen magic of femininity. They are also quick witted and agile, with a
wild nature.
The Frog

The frog is a symbol of rebirth. They represent the cleansing power of water and transformation through
tears. They are highly sensitive and are associated with peace, adaptation and hidden beauty. They are
respected for their medicinal potential. They tend to make poor character judgments and lack power. They
are also symbolic of spiritual growth.
The Giraffe

The giraffe is noted for its far sightedness, which relates to intuition and communication. They represent
meditation, centeredness and the ability to attain the unreachable.
The Goat

Goats are noted for their sure-footing, diligence and tenacity. However, they are also noted as being
stubborn. They are also highly independent.
The Goose

The goose is noted for its strong paternal nature. They are productive and reliable. They are also vigilant
and prudent. They symbolize safe return and the love for home. They are also noted as being self-
The Gorilla

Gorillas are respected for being family orientated. They are seen to keep the peace through aggression.
They are highly intelligent and also represent strength. They are seen as environmental protectors.
The Hawk

The hawk is seen as a messenger of truth with strong foresight. They are noble and persistent. They
represent intuition, recollection, cleansing and healing. They are also associated with visionary power
and integrity. They are seen as guardians and are associated with illumination.
The Hippopotamus

The hippopotamus is noted for its power. It is respected for its ability to adapt. It is associated with
creation and the imagination. It is also noted for its willingness. However, the hippopotamus is also seen
as being an aggressive creature, using aggression as a means to protect what is rightfully theirs.
The Horse

The horse is a true symbol of freedom and stamina. They represent spiritual power and intuition. They are
associated to mobility, land travel, and are respected as the carriers of burdens. They are also
appreciated for their charisma.
The Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are seen as messengers that bring messages associated with pure love, joy and happiness.
They are incredibly receptive and don't tire easily. They are also associated with timelessness and have
been seen as warriors with the power to heal. They also represent the celebration of life.
Chapter 8
Animal Totems J to R
The Jaguar

The jaguar is associated with power. It represents communication and flexibility. Jaguars are also noted
for their presence amongst chaos and their ability to remain steadfast, even if it means turning to
aggression. They are also noted as being shapeshifters.
The Kangaroo

The kangaroo represents forward motion and progression. They are noted for their stamina, swiftness and
balance. They are highly focused and are also associated with creativity and elusiveness.
The Lion

Lions are noted as being family orientated animals. They represent strength and courage, as well as pride.
They are noble yet can be cunning. They also represent achievement, leadership and teamwork. They are
also seen as guardians and protectors.
The Llama

The llama's main purpose is to bring comfort to others, creating a sense of security.
The Mole

The mole represents searching. It is seen as a guide through the darkness and is noted for its super
The Monkey

The monkey is respected for its ability to change its environment. It is noted for its genius potential and
intelligence. Monkeys are known for being social and adaptable. They are associated with health and
The Moose

The moose represents longevity and wisdom. It is closely associated with self esteem, assertiveness and
steadfastness. They are noted for being headstrong.
The Mouse

Mice are highly organized and have a good eye for detail. They represent order and scrutiny. They are
highly resourceful and persistent, yet cautious. They are associated with success.
The Opossum

The opossum is noted as being a clever deceiver. They are strategists with the ability to create
diversions. They are noted for their appearance and are highly practical.
The Otter

Otters represent the power of balanced feminine energy, and earth and water. They are sharing, dynamic
creatures. Otters are associated with playfulness, friendship, helpfulness and joy.
The Owl

Owls are known as being clairvoyants. They are respected for their wisdom and the knowledge they hold.
They are seen as omens that can initiate spiritual awaking. They are noted for their insight and also have
the ability to be deceptive if necessary.
The Parrot

The parrot represents communication, diplomacy and negotiation. They are also noted for their beauty.
They are seen as bringers of essential rain and seed. They are seen as guides to wisdom that have also
mastered the art of mockery, and are known to think before they speak.
The Peacock

The peacock represents dignity and self-confidence. They are associated with immortality. They also
represent recognition and are self-assured and proud.
The Pelican

The pelican is a symbol of abundance and plenty. They are highly resilient and unselfish. They are
therefore noted for their ability to rise above adverse conditions.
The Penguin

The penguin is seen as a walker between the worlds. They are known to work in teams and are family
orientated. They are balanced, patient and self-confident. They represent self-discipline, grace and
The Porcupine

The porcupine is a symbol of innocence and trust. They represent true companionship and wonder. They
are incorruptible and gentle. They are also a symbol of self-protection.
The Rabbit

Rabbits have long been a symbol of fertility and good luck. They represent the ability to overcome fears
and limiting beliefs. They are also associated with rebirth. Rabbits are timid, often nervous, and have
learnt the lessons of humility. They are also noted for their quick movements and ability to trick predators.
The Raccoon

Raccoons are noted for their curiosity and inquisitiveness. They are associated with intuition and
awareness. They also enjoy cleanliness and are skilled seekers.
The Ram

The ram represents strength and determination. They are sensitive and are noted for their ability to
persevere. They are also associated with the imagination and are highly curious.
The Raven

The raven is a symbol of introspection. They are known as the bringers of magic and light, and are
associated with creation and the knowledge thereof. They are courageous and self-knowledgeable.
The Rhinoceros

The rhinoceros is a solitary creature. They symbolize inner and ancient wisdom. They are associated with
durability. They are insightful, patient and solid.
The Road-runner

The road-runner is noted for its agility and speed. This relates to mental agility, and teaches others to
embrace their opportunities.
Chapter 9
Animal Totems S to Z
The Salmon

The salmon is dependant on its own strength. They symbolize renewal and inspiration. They are also
associated to pride, confidence and wisdom, and are seen to be knowledgeable about the intensities of
The Seagull

The seagull is noted for its easy-going nature and its ability to make itself heard. They are associated with
laziness and the carefree attitude. They are also associated with creativity and freedom, and are noted for
their versatility.
The Seahorse

The seahorse is a symbol of confidence. They represent the ethereality and distinctiveness. They are also
appreciated for their grace and are known to bring good luck. They are also associated with the strengths
required in fatherhood.
The Seal

The seal is a symbol of the dream world. They are associated with the active imagination and creativity.
They also represent contentment. They are inquisitive and organized. They are also associated with love,
longing and the dilemmas involved with both.
The Shark

Sharks are hunters with keen senses. They adapt easily to their surroundings and are respected for their
methods of survival. They are also respected for their stamina and their ability to travel long distances in
search of resources.
The Skunk

The skunk is associated with reputation and repulsion. They are cautious yet highly confident. They are
noted for their self-defense mechanisms and for their ability to make their presence known. They are also
noted for their strength, considering their size.
The Snake

Snakes are ultimately symbols of transformation. They show initiative and are therefore associated with
creativity, rebirth and wisdom. They are associated with impulsiveness and shrewdness. They are also
intelligent. They represent transmutation, the power of life's cycles and the power of the life force. They
are also symbolic of sexual potency. Due to their wisdom they are also aware of their limitations.
The Spider

The spider is a symbol of creativity and communication; the web of life. They represent balance, talent
and the wisdom behind symbolism. They are noted as being able to weave a story.
The Squirrel

The squirrel is noted as being a self-sufficient gatherer. They are respected for their planning potentials
and foresight. They are therefore associated with preparation. They are also clever, attentive and can
thrive under most conditions.
The Stag

The stag is seen as the lord of the forest. It represents masculine power and the power of regeneration.
They are also associated with signs in life that lead others to learn life's lesson.
The Swan

The swan is symbolic of a creature's will to surrender to a universal plan. It represents grace, love,
beauty and innocence, and represents the soul and its connection to the Great Spirit. They are sensitive
creatures that also represent balance.
The Tiger

The tiger is respected for its absolute strength. It is a symbol of power, and represents the energy in
passion and fire. It is also associated with forcefulness fueled by good intent.
The Turkey

The turkey is a strong symbol of generosity. They are associated with sharing and self-sacrifice. They are
seen as life-givers.
The Turtle

The turtle is symbolic of mother earth. They are nurturing and protective creatures. They tend to be shy
and therefore also represent temperance. They are also associated with fertility and harmony.
The Weasel

Weasels are associated with stealth. They are noted as information gatherers that posses the ingenuity
needed to see themselves through life. They are also associated with strength and energy.
The Whale

The whale is a symbol of wisdom, and is seen as a historical record keeper. They are gentle and kind, as
well as intelligent. They are seen as providers with strong intuition. They are noted for their
clairaudience, and are seen as guardians. They are also respected for their ability to travel long distances.
The Wolf

The wolf represents loyalty with the correct balance of independence. They are noted for their
perseverance and spirit. They are associated with success and freedom. They are also seen as wise
teachers of new ideas, and are pathfinders. They also represent camaraderie. They are also noted for
being highly decisive.
The Woodpecker

The woodpecker is respected for its persistence. They are highly protective and devoted. They are
associated to change.
The Zebra

Zebras are respected for their ability to form close communities. Within these communities they develop
their independence and individuality. They are also noted for their strong sense of diplomacy.

When calling on an animal totem to help you, the list above should lead you to choose your correct guide.
Chapter 10
Ailments Associated to Specific Birth Times and Plant Medicines
That Can Heal Them
C hemistry within the human body is influenced by the body's surroundings. An imbalance of chemicals
in the body can lead to disorders, diseases, and general illness that can be seen as manifestations of
issues in one's life that are not being dealt with.

This is when your spirit animal may visit you, to point out the specific area in your life causing you
discomfort. It's also the time when you can work with your animal totems, when you can ask them to guide

In this chapter, you will discover the ailments that commonly occur in those born during your birth time.
Along with the ailments are plant medicines provided by nature; herbal medicines that can counteract the
effects of these ailments and in most cases render healing.

Herbal/Plant Medicines

Please remember, it is never advisable to attempt to use plant medicines without consulting a herbalist or
your General Health Practitioner before hand. Certain individuals may incur allergic reactions to certain
The Falcon

Northern Hemisphere: 21 March to 19 April

Southern Hemisphere: 22 September to 22 October

Common Ailments

Falcon people may experience ailments concerned with the head, face, brain, eyes, muscles, and the
pineal gland. They may therefore experience headaches, sinus problems, head colds, migraines and nose
bleeds. Falcon people can be accident prone and tend to become restless and irritable when ill.

Plant Medicines

Head cold:

Fenugreek, ginger, mullein and lobelia, coffee as a decongestant

Sinus infections:

Coneflower, eyebright, eucalyptus, garlic and ginger, goldenseal


Feverfew, willow bark, butterbur

Nose bleeds:

Sliced onion


Valerian, hops, chamomile

Muscle cramps:

Thyme, ginger, B complex vitamins, yarrow, chamomile, lavender oil

The Beaver

Northern Hemisphere: 20 April to 20 May

Southern Hemisphere: 23 October to 22 November

Common Ailments

Beaver people may experience ailments around the neck; including the throat, thyroid, larynx, lower jaw,
ears, tongue, vocal chords, jugular vein and tonsils. They therefore may experience weight problems,
tension, throat infections, asthma, and ear and dental infections. Because beaver people enjoy pleasure,
some can turn to excessive eating and therefore need regular exercise.

Plant Medicines


Vitamin c, butterbur, boswellia, coffee as a decongestant

Ear and nose infections:

Garlic, kelp, Echinacea, calendula, fenugreek, great mullein

Throat infections:

Garlic, kelp, Echinacea, slippery elm, marshmallow root, licorice, golden seal, myrrh

Weight watching:

Gymnema, bitter orange, hoodia gordonni, coleus, garcina cambogia, green tea

Dental infections:

Cloves, golden seal, turmeric, dandelion juice


Licorice root, chamomile, St. John's wart, lemon balm, kava kava

Neck ache:

Arnica, St. John's wart, hops, beeswax, passion flower

The Deer

Northern Hemisphere: 21 May to 20 June

Southern Hemisphere: 23 November to 21 December

Common Ailments

Deer people may experience ailments concerning their hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, upper ribs, lungs,
bronchial tracts, thymus gland, nerves and nervous system. Because deer people are thinkers they also
experience fatigue, restlessness of the mind, nervous constraints, insomnia and sometimes amnesia. Deer
people will need to find time to relax to avoid exhaustion.

Plant Medicines


Ginseng, coltsfoot, Echinacea, eucalyptus, gingko biloba, golden seal


Chamomile, lavender, valerian root, passion flower, hops


Hawthorn berry, oats, lavender essential oil


Ginseng, gotu kola, yerba mate, flax seed, licorice root

Sore ribs and chest:

Ginger, mullein, pleurisy, eucalyptus, pine

Nervous system:

Parsley, alfalfa, sage plantain, peppermint, chickweed

Lung infections:

Mullein, angelica, ginger, garlic cinnamon, elecampane, coltsfoot, thyme

The Woodpecker

Northern Hemisphere: 21 June to 21 July

Southern Hemisphere: 22 December to 19 January

Common ailments

Woodpecker people can experience ailments concerned with the breasts, breastbone, alimentary canal,
stomach, womb, lower ribs and pancreas, which could lead to illness like digestive disorders, breast
disorders, lymphatic system disorders and even obesity. They may also experience kidney problems and
due to their tendency to worry will need to cut down on rich foods and eat enough fresh produce.

Plant Medicines

Alimentary canal:

Hemp oil, wormwood, flaxseed oil, slippery elm, yellow saffron tea

Breast disorders:

Fenugreek, saw palmetto, wild yam, fennel, red clover, black cohosh

Womb/uterus disorders:

Red raspberry, dong quai, Shepard's purse, blue cohosh

Lymphatic system:

Cleavers, poke, Echinacea, plantain, black cohosh, Virginia snake root

Kidney disorders:

Gravel root, milk thistle, nettle, grape seed, horsetail

Digestive disorders:

Slippery elm, marshmallow, aloe, chamomile, calendula, peppermint, fennel, ginger

Stomach disorders:

Fennel, lemon balm, slippery elm, licorice, rhubarb, geranium

The Salmon

Northern Hemisphere: 22 July to 21 August

Southern Hemisphere: 20 January to 18 February

Common Ailments

Salmon people may experience ailments concerning their spine, upper back, heart, spleen and aorta. They
may also experience blood circulation problems. High or low blood pressure, blood disorders, heart
problems and back problems are often experienced by salmon people. They can overwork themselves and
can therefore also experience ailments related to stress. They will need to have a strong constitution in
order to recover quickly.

Plant Medicines

High blood pressure:

Rauwolfia, hawthorn, mistletoe, garlic, fish oil, folic acid


Hawthorn berry, oats, lavender essential oil, red clover, chamomile, tarragon, dill, rosemary


Cramp bark, black cohosh, lobelia, kava kava, St John's wart, Jamaican dogwood, prickly ash, sweet

Poor blood circulation:

Ginkgo biloba, horse radish, rosemary, ginger, cayenne, motherwort

Low blood pressure:

Rosemary, motherwort, hawthorn, ginger, ginseng, scotch broom, stinging nettle

Heart problems:

Garlic, hawthorn, ginkgo, prickly ash, vitamin c, mistletoe, violet blossoms, cinchona

Spinal pain:

Arnica, horsetail, rice bran extract, black cohosh, whey powder, oil of cajeput, eucalyptus, peppermint
The Brown Bear

Northern Hemisphere: 22 August to 21 September

Southern Hemisphere: 19 February to 20 March

Common Ailments

Brown bear people can experience ailments concerning the nervous system, the intestines, stomach, lower
dorsal nerves, abdomen, bowels and spleen. They may also experience problems with their nails. They
are prone to anxiety, tension, bowel disorders and abdominal disorders. Brown bear people are sensitive
and their imagination may often cause an ailment to appear worse than it really is. Because of their
sensitivity and nervousness they often experience digestion disorders.

Plant Medicines


Oat straw, German chamomile, lemon balm, skullcap, valerian


Catnip and fennel, dill and cumin and anise, slippery elm and hot milk

Digestive problems:

Chamomile, slippery elm, marshmallow, aloe, calendula,

Nervous system:

Parsley, alfalfa, sage, plantain, peppermint, chickweed


Rosemary, horsetail, nettles, flaxseed, evening primrose oil

Abdominal disorders:

Chamomile, lemon balm, fennel, gentian, ginger, peony, peppermint

Intestinal disorders:

Aloe Vera, evening primrose oil, soft cooked veg, psyllium seed husks, water


Licorice root, chamomile, St. John's wart, lemon balm, kava kava
The Crow

Northern Hemisphere: 22 September to 22 October

Southern Hemisphere: 21 March to 19 April

Common Ailments

Crow people may experience ailments concerning their lumbar region or lower back, lumbar nerves,
buttocks, kidneys, adrenal glands, blood vessels and skin. Crow people are sensitive and dislike
disharmony. When faced with conflict they may develop kidney disorders. Because crow people prefer
balance in their lives they will need regular meals and regular sleep, without which they tend to be

Plant Medicines


Evening primrose, soapwort, cardamom, yarrow, Echinacea, fresh mint juice

Kidney stones:

Lemon juice, hydrangea, cramp bark, golden rod, gravel root, horsetail, yarrow, Shepard's purse, St.
John's wart, nettles

Lumbar region:

Devils claw, ginger, willow bark, turmeric, chamomile, garlic pods and mustard oil, Indian aloe, nutmeg


Borage, Siberian ginseng, huang qi, milk thistle, rosea, licorice root, Chinese mushroom

Blood vessels:

Hawthorn, Ginkgo biloba, garlic

The Snake

Northern Hemisphere: 23 October to 22 November

Southern Hemisphere: 20 April to 20 May

Common Ailments

Snake people can experience ailments associated with the cervix (in women) genitals, bladder, anus,
urinary tract, and prostate gland. They are prone to disorders related to their reproductive and excretory
systems. Due to snake people tending to push themselves as far and as fast as they can go, they will
experience circumstances that will show them the need for limits.

Plant Medicines

Bladder infection:

Birch leaves, cranberry juice, dandelion, garlic, barberry

Irritable bowel syndrome:

Slippery elm, alfalfa and chlorophyll, cascara sagrada, peppermint, garlic

Menstrual cramps:

Si wu tang, pennyroyal, aloe, rosemary, thyme, lady's mantle, yarrow raspberry, celery seeds, strawberry

Fatigue and exhaustion:

Ginseng, gotu kola, yerba mate, flax seed, licorice root

Male reproductive system:

Couchgrass, horsetail, damania, saw palmetto, ginseng, peppermint, valerian


Goldenseal, myrrh, white oak, bayberry

The Owl

Northern Hemisphere: 23 November to 21 December

Southern Hemisphere: 21 May to 20 June

Common Ailments

Owl people may experience ailments associated with their liver, thighs, hips, arterial system, and femur.
Owl people may experience inflammation, swelling or growths whether malignant or benign. They also
have the tendency to over indulge and can form addictions. They are also prone to ailments like sciatica,
liver disease and rheumatism.

Plant Medicines


Evening primrose oil, wild yam, Chinese nutmeg yew, devil's claw


Turmeric, chamomile, garlic pods and mustard oil, Indian aloe, nutmeg

Liver disorders:

Milk thistle, dandelion, yellow dock, licorice, ginger, turmeric

Arterial disorders:

Ginkgo, green and black tea, grapes, apple, honey, asparagus, safflower oil


Meadowsweet, Jamaican dogwood, boswellia, turmeric, feverfew

The Goose

Northern Hemisphere: 22 December to 19 January

Southern Hemisphere: 21 June to 21 July

Common Ailments

Goose people can experience ailments related to the joints, bones, knees, skin and teeth. Goose people
may therefore experience dental problems, skin disorders and arthritis. Because they are prone to
worrying they can also develop skin rashes and eczema, and may have poor blood circulation.

Plant Medicines


Alfalfa, cayenne pepper, celery, devil's claw, ginger, oregano


Essential oils mixed with water or natural oils (camphor, sandalwood, peppermint, lavender) blueberry
leaves, blueberries and oatmeal, burdock leaves and marshmallow root and chickweed


Aloe, apple cider vinegar and burdock, Oregon grape root, tea-tree oil, chamomile, red pepper

Restless leg syndrome:

Herbal soap (oatmeal, lavender, lemon) St. John's wart tea

Dental disorders:

Cloves, golden seal, turmeric, dandelion juice

Blood circulation:

Ginkgo biloba, horseradish, rosemary, ginger, cayenne, motherwort

The Otter

Northern Hemisphere: 20 January to 18 February

Southern Hemisphere: 22 July to 21 August

Common Ailments

Otter people may experience ailments concerning their circulatory system, Achilles heal, ankles, calves,
shins, breath and sight. Therefore they may experience muscular spasms, circulatory problems, may
develop varicose veins, arthritis, and may experience palpations and anxiety. Otter people generally have
strong convictions but tend to feel tense which can lead to poor health conditions. Otter people are natural
and often find themselves under pressure from others. They will need to know their own weaknesses.

Plant Medicines


Oat straw, German chamomile, lemon balm, skullcap, valerian

Restless leg syndrome:

Herbal soap (oatmeal, lavender lemon) St. John's wart tea


Hawthorn berry, oats, lavender essential oil

Blood circulation:

Ginkgo biloba, horse radish, rosemary, ginger, cayenne, motherwort

Muscular spasms and cramps:

Celery seed, goldenrod, rosemary, wild yam, yarrow

Varicose veins:

Horse chestnut, butchers broom, violet flowers, pansies, witch hazel, calendula


Motherwort, hawthorn, bugleweed, passion flower, flaxseed oil

The Wolf

Northern Hemisphere: 19 February to 20 March

Southern Hemisphere: 22 August to 21 September

Common Ailments

Wolf people may experience ailments related to their feet, hormones and immune system. They may
experience glandular problems, chilblains, in-growing toenails, hormonal imbalances, swollen ankles and
fluid retention. Because wolf people are strong-willed they will need to watch their intake of addictive
substances. They will also need plenty of fresh air and a healthy diet.

Plant Medicines

Immune system enhancement:

Ginseng, bayberry, fenugreek, licorice, black radish, dandelion, milk thistle, boxthorn, wisteria


Cayenne, rosemary, ginger, eucalyptus, slippery elm

In growing toenails:

Lemon, vitamin c, tea-tree oil, St. John's wart oil, calendula

Hormonal imbalance:

Dong quai, black cohosh, chasteberry, macafem, Oregon grape, Echinacea, cleavers, red clover, burdock

Glandular disorders:

Blessed thistle, blue cohosh, damiana, dong quai, false unicorn, licorice root, red raspberry, saw
palmetto, ginseng, wild yam

Fluid retention:

Dandelion, grape seed extract, bilberry extract, gotu kola, juniper, celery seed.

Once Again: Please remember, it is never advisable to attempt to use plant medicines without consulting a
herbalist or your General Health Practitioner before hand. Certain individuals may incur allergic
reactions to certain herbs.
Chapter 11
The Final Word

M uch of the world we live in today is based on pure illusion. Many individuals are bombarded by
media from the moment they open their eyes in the morning, until they fall asleep at night.

This can be avoided, and by avoiding too much exposure to illusion, you will find yourself moving closer
to what is real.

If you want to listen to music; listen to music you prefer, instead of listening to the radio - where all you
will hear every few minutes are advertisements telling you what you don't need to hear. Your mind is a
sacred place; you really do need to take care of what you allow in.

If you are in the mood for mild entertainment in the form of a movie, rather rent one - avoiding the
advertisements that tend to crowd television screens.

Spend as much time as you can outdoors, in nature - because in all honesty, nature is all that truly is real
these days.

Remember to eat healthy foods, and to get exercise as often as you can.

Be as creative as you can be whenever you can be; whether writing a poem or painting a picture, or even
knitting a sweater. The creative realm is often the most appropriate channel for your guides to use to visit
to you.
Start to listen to your thoughts. We often misunderstand our thoughts, when in fact it's those very thoughts
that could be the answers to specific issues in our lives. If you take the time to listen to them; perhaps
even have a debate with yourself, you'll find some pretty good answers. Don't fear your conclusions;
instead you should choose to rationalize with those you don't feel comfortable with. Rationality is often a
perfectly fitting key.

Find out more about the Native American Indians if you like; find out more about shamanism. Kenneth
Meadows is an inspiring writer, with wisdom to share with all of us.

Avoid too many material worries in life, try to focus on a; "if I have it that's great, if not it can wait" way
of thinking.

Spend time with friends you know you can trust. If there aren't any around, spend time with yourself. Don't
bother yourself with trying to keep up a social life if it's merely to have a social life.

True friendship is truly rewarding whereas superficial fly-by-night acquaintances may only lead you
deeper into the illusion. Take care of whom you keep good company with.

Finally - take care of yourself knowing that nature is always there to help you.

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