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SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Davinder Kumar



I. Introduction
II. Definitions of Communication
III. Importance of Communication
IV. Communication Process
V. Various Components of Communication Process
The term communication has been derived from the Greek word “Communi- cate”
which means to share. Communication means sharing or exchange of information.
Communication implies to share and exchange the thoughts, ideas and feelings with
fellow human beings.
A conversation may be devoid of any useful information but a communication is only
for the exchange of information. All living beings communicate and it is an innate gift
of God by which living beings exists, survive and grow in a particular environment.
Human beings had developed codes and various instruments of communication.
Communication is an interaction between individuals and it may be for resolving a
crisis, settling a deal, asking a question etc.

Communication can be defined in a number of ways:

Communication is defined as the exchange of information, ideas and knowledge
between a sender and a receiver through an accepted code of symbols.
Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to
Communication may bring about a change in a person or in an organization if used
for a specific purpose.
Communication involves the perception of commonly understood symbolic stimuli
of language.

1. It reduces unnecessary competition and helps employees to work together

2. It helps in team work which in turn increases productivity, integrity and
3. It helps to understand people and removes misunderstanding and creates clarity of
thoughts and expression.
4. Open channels of communication can lead to new ideas and innovations.
5. It produces healthy work environment with positive attitude.
Communication in any form or any medium is an interaction between individuals.
Communication is a complex process and it occurs within a common frame of
reference called communication environment. The origin of a message starts at
different levels of our consciousness and the sender becomes the agents of transmit
it to the receiver. Communication does not end with only transmission of the
message but also depends upon understanding of feeling by the receiver. The
process of communication is affected by the backgrounds, experiences, objectives
and aspirations that both the sender and receiver have in common.
The various components of communication process are:
1. Sources
2. Message
3. Encoding
4. Channel
5. Decoding
6. Receiver
7. Feedback
8. Context
1. Sources: A sources or sender is the most important element of communication
2. Message: Message is equally important as the source. Message is the information
that the sender wants to sends.
3. Encoding: Encoding means to convert information from one system to another
system in the form of codes.
4. Channel: Channel is the medium through which the sender transmits its message
or idea.
5. Decoding: After the proper channels are selected the message enters the decoding
stage of the communication process.
6. Receiver: The person for whom the message is intended is called receiver.
7. Feedback: On sending a message, receiver decodes the message and then sender
waits for a response.
8. Context: Context is defined as the circumstances surrounding a message.
Context is of various types like:-
a. Physical Context
b. Temporal Context
c. Social-Psychological Context

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