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1. We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can .............. theirs.

A. keep up with
B. pass down
C. find out
D. face up to
2. The artisans in my village can ............. basket weaving.
A. turn down = refuse/reject
B. bring out = publish/launch
C. live on
D. come up with = nay ra y tuong
3. I don't remember exactly when my grandparents ............... this workshop.
A. set off = start a journey
B. look forward to = be thinking with pleasure about something to come
C. get on with = have a good relationship with
D. set up = start doing business
4. I don’t feel very well today. I think I’ve ............... the flu.
A. get out of = thoat ra khoi
B. come up with = nay ra y tuong
C. come down with
D. look after = take care of
5. The worst ............. . He should start to recover in a few days.
A. is over
B. is about to go
C. is in
D. is into = be interested in
6. When his father died, he must have ............... a bit of money.
A. come back = return
B. come into = inherit
C. come against = gap kho khan
D. come to an end = finish
7. How can I .................... this mess I’m in?
A. get up = get out bed
B. get off = xuong tau/xe
C. get rid of = loai bo
D. get out of
8. My car ...................... on the highway today.
A. broke down = stopped working
B. broke into = dot nhap
C. broke up = chia tay
D. broke out = bung phat
9. Can you ................. the children after school?
A. bring out = publish
B. pick on = xen vao viec gi
C. pick up = don
D. look up = tra cuu
10. The doctor has told me to ............... smoking.
A. take up = start a sport/a hobby
B. give up = stop
C. start up = khoi nghiep
D. set off = start a journey
11. I don’t know how she ............... him. He's so annoying.
A. gets rid of
B. takes after = giong ve ngoai hinh/tinh cach
C. looks down on = coi thuong
D. puts up with
12. I .................... an old friend of mine yesterday while I was out shopping.
A. picked up = don/nhat len
B. took over = tiep quan
C. ran through = diem qua/xem qua
D. ran into
13. Can you please ............... all those books lying around?
A. put away
B. take away = mang di
C. take care (of) = look after
D. give out = phan phat
14. We’ve .................. coffee again. Could you get some on the way home?
A. run into = tinh co gap
B. run over = can ngang qua
C. run out of = het/ have no more of
D. run away = bo chay
15. She really ................... her boss. He has taught her many things.
A. look up = tra cuu
B. look through = read
C. looks up to
D. look into = investigate
16. Burglars .................. my house last night.
A. passed down = transfer from generation to the next
B. broke into = dot nhap
C. faced up to = accept, deal with
D. looked forward to = be thinking with pleasure about something to come
17. The football game should be ................... due to the heavy rain.
A. put aside = de danh, tiet kiem
B. put on = mac vao
C. put up with = chiu dung
D. put off = delay
18. OK, can we just .................. the main points again?
A. run through
B. run into
C. run over
D. run out of
19. Although the job was well-paid, she ............... his offer.
A. turned out = hoa ra la B. turned up = arrive
C. turned down D. turned into = change from sth to sth
20. You’ve just missed the plane: it ............... a few minutes ago.
A. took up = start a sport/a hobby B. took over = tiep quan
C. took after = giong ai ve ngoai hinh/tinh cach D. took off

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