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Alexander the Great and Cyprus.

During Alexander the Great who was the king of Macedonian from 336 to 323
BCE rule born in July 356 BC, He had accomplished many things like conquering
the eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, and parts of Asia.He had also led campaigns for
his empire and even increased it from Greece to all the way to Persia, Babylon,
Egypt and far more places. This is now where Cyprus comes in during his
Alexander’s rule, he had defeated the Persian empire which was the best empire
during Alexander’s time and once he had destroyed the empire, Alexander gained
control of Cyprus and far many countries in 333 BCE. When Alexander the Great
got control of Cyprus, he used Cyprus’s resources and bases for his campaigns in
the Eastern Mediterranean and to empower his empire. After he had destroyed the
Persian empire, he had turned attention to the city-state of tyre which had lots of
defenses and was on the ocean boarded with huge walls which made Tyre the most
difficult cities to conquer. For Alexander the Great to get Tyre, he had a plan which
was for his soldiers to use natural sandbar to build a way to Tyre since Tyre is on
water and as I said surrounded by huge walls and the most defended city.
Alexander the great’s plan had worked and after he built the sandbar way, he
started placing siege towers and catapults on top at the end. During all this was
helping, Alexander had gotten lots of materials from Cyprus and even used the
Cypriot fleet which helped him a lot more. When Alexander the Great finished
building his plan, it was time, when they started fighting, Alexander had almost
died by an arrow. After all of this was done and the city of Tyre was under
Alexander’s rule, on his campaigns he died in Babylon on June 10,323 BCE and
for the empire he built was left with no leadership since no one knew who should
take after it and some of the empire military commanders were left to fight each
other on the leadership for the small piece of the empire. For Cyprus, some lucky
generals of his empire had split the empire between them selfies and were fighting
to include Cyprus in their empire. I chose tο write about Alexander the Great and
his interest in Cyprus, because I like to read about Greek mythology and he was an
important historical figure that symbolized bravery and power.

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