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Genesis of a New Slab Tear Fault in the Indo-Australian Plate, Offshore

Northern Sumatra, Indian Ocean

Article in Journal of the Geological Society of India · May 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s12594-014-0076-4


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2 authors:

Basab Mukhopadhyay Sujit Dasgupta

Geological Survey of India Geological Survey of India


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Earthquake-Landslide-Flood Siang River Catchment View project

Tectonics, Geology, Seismicity View project

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Vol.83, May 2014, pp.493-500

Genesis of a New Slab Tear Fault in the Indo-Australian Plate,

Offshore Northern Sumatra, Indian Ocean


*Geological Survey of India, 27 J. L. Nehru Road, Kolkata – 700016
Ex. Geological Survey of India, 27 J. L. Nehru Road, Kolkata - 700016

Abstract: Following the December 2004 and March 2005 major shallow foci inter-plate earthquakes in the north Sumatra
region, a slab-tear fault located within the subducting Indian plate ruptured across the West Sunda Trench (WST) within
the marginal intra-plate region. Trend, length and movement pattern of this New Tear Fault (NTF) segment is almost
identical to another such slab-tear fault mapped previously by Hamilton (1979), located around 160 km south of NTF.
Seismic activity along the NTF remained quasi-stable till the end of the year 2011, when an earthquake of magnitude 7.2
occurred on 10.01.2012 just at the tip of NTF, only around ~ 100 km within the intra-plate domain west of WST. The
NTF rupture propagated further towards SSW with the generation of two more large earthquakes on 11.04.2012. The
foreshock (10.01.12; M7.2) – mainshock (11.04.12; M 8.6) – aftershock (11.04.12; M 8.2) sequence along with numerous
smaller magnitude aftershocks unmistakably define the extension of NTF, a slab-tear fault that results tectonic segmentation
of the convergent plate margin. Within the intra-plate domain most earthquakes display consistent left-lateral strike slip
mechanism along NNE trending fault plane.

Keywords: Slab-tear fault; New tear fault (NTF), Rupture, Intra-plate Oceanic environment, Northern Sumatra, 2012
Sumatra Earthquake (M 8.6), 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake (M 9.2).

INTRODUCTION faults that abut at high angles to the N-S trending arc. It
Subducting lithospheric slab at convergent margins are was also demonstrated that these sub-vertical tear faults
often characterised by tear faults resulting into segmentation are seismically active and display conspicuous left lateral
of the inclined Benioff zone. Variation in the velocity of strike slip movement at shallow crustal level of the Benioff
subduction rollback along the length of the subduction zone. Such slab tear faults are, however, not restricted to
system is considered prime force responsible for formation tearing only the inclined portion of down-going lithosphere,
of slab tear faults (Govers and Wortel, 2005). The but often traverses across the trench within the proximal
differential rollback velocities within different segments ‘intra-plate’ oceanic domain. The Wecoma fault, a left-
of Benioff zone are accommodated by horizontal motion lateral strike slip active fault traverses the floor of the
near the top part of the descending slab that yields to Cascadia basin, seaward of the Oregon convergent margin
develop tear faults. Slab tearing is thus responsible for the (Appelgate et al., 1992) is an example. Hamilton (1979)
development of segmented lithospheric structural units. from the oceanic domain of the West Sunda Trench (WST)
Examples of such slab breaking faults include among others; mapped a NNE trending left lateral strike slip fault. This
Hunter fracture zone in New Hebrides Arc (Schellart et al., fault (referred as Hamilton fault, HF in Fig.1) is seismically
2002) from North Fiji basin; Palu fault at the edges of the active and display left lateral motion (Dasgupta and
Calabrian, Caribbean and Scotia arcs (Govers and Wortel, Mukhopadhyay, 1993). Subsequent studies demonstrate
2005) on the island of Sulawesi; Tyrrhenian Sea and the that slab tear fault (see Figure 4 of Dasgupta et al., 2003)
Apennine belt in Italy (Rosenbaum et al., 2008; Gasparon cut across the trench and join HF. Similar tear fault cutting
et al., 2009). From the 3500 km long Burmese-Andaman- across the trench has also been mapped from Great Nicobar
Sumatra subduction slab between north Sumatra and north region.
Burma, Dasgupta et al. (2003) and later Mukhopadhyay et In the northern Sumatra, the convergent plate boundary
al. (2009) have mapped several extensive ‘hinge’ or ‘tear’ is highly active with occurrence of shallow focus thrust

0016-7622/2014-83-5-493/$ 1.00 © GEOL. SOC. INDIA


aftershocks occur along a NNE-SSW trending linear seismic

zone (Fig.1) that makes acute angle to Ninety East Ridge
(NER) and disposed perpendicular to West Sunda Trench
(WST), similar to the HF.
In this note, we study the seismotectonics of the region
through three temporal domains: 1964 to 24.12.2004, i.e.,
pre-2004 mega earthquake of 26 December; 26.12.2004 to
31.12.2011; and 01.01.2012 to 24.11.2012, i.e., the period
in which the marginal intra-plate domain behaved super-
active; and argue to bring to focus that a new NNE trending
and ~ 400 km long fault has freshly ruptured the marginal
intra-plate region; propagated from NNE (from the top part
of the subducting lithosphere) to SSW and is essentially a
continuation of slab-tear fault that segments the descending


 In order to summarise present day seismotectonics of

Fig.1. Seismicity map offshore Northern Sumatra region with offshore northern Sumatra in light of the newly active NNE-
earthquake epicentre (data period: 1964-2012) plotted over SSW trending linear seismic zone, earthquake catalogue
bathymetric image (data after Smith and Sandwell, 1997). (source: ISC and NEIC- USGS) from 1964 to 2012 with a
Major tectonic features depicted include the West Sunda cutoff magnitude of 5.0 and CMT double couple fault plane
Trench (WST); West Andaman Fault (WAF); Sumatra solution data (source:
Fault System (SFS); five numbers slab-tear faults [see text
from 1977 to 2012 for the present study area (Longitude
for ref] transverse to WST and the left lateral Hamilton
Fault (HF) [named after Hamilton, 1979]. Note the NNE-
87°E – 98°E and Latitude –4°S – +7°N) are compiled. A
SSW trending seismic zone well within the Indo- total of 890 earthquake events covering a rather wide range
Australian plate making low angle to Ninety East Ridge of magnitude (5.0 to 9.2) with focal depths extending to as
(NER) and almost perpendicular to WST; this higher deep as 250+ km are plotted (Figure 1) with suitable
marginal intraplate seismicity manifested only during early symbols (combination of magnitude and focal depths) over
2012 (compare Figures 2 and 3) after the large events that a tectonic map draped on bathymetric image after Smith
struck on 10.01.2012 (M 7.2, h 19 km) and two and Sandwell (1997).
earthquakes of 11th April 2012 (M 8.6; h 23 km) followed
by M 8.2 (h 16 km). Also note the three nearby convergent
plate margin major thrust earthquakes of 02.11.2002 (M SPATIO-TEMPORAL SEISMICITY PATTERN
7.2; h 31 km), 26.12.2004 (M 9.2; h 26 km) and AND SEISMOTECTONICS
28.03.2005 (M 8.7; h 30 km). MR: Margui Ridge; WB
Spatial Analysis of Earthquakes
Wharton Basin.
Spatially, majority of the earthquakes in this zone are
earthquakes having tsunamogenic potentiality: 2.11.2002 product of strain built up and release along coupled
(M 7.2; h 31 km), 26.12.2004 (M 9.2; h 26 km) and convergent plate boundary to the east of WST, where
28.03.2005 (M 8.7; h 30 km). On the contrary, the proximal earthquakes are originating from both subducting Indo-
intra-plate Indo-Australian plate beyond the arc trench zone Australian plate and overriding Sunda plate (Fig.1). In this
in northern Sumatra is charaterised by sparse seismicity tectonic domain, the Benioff zone, West Sunda Trench
(Figs. 2 and 3), even till the end of 2011. The scenario (WST), West Andaman fault (WAF) and Sumatra fault
changed by the occurrences of three large strike-slip intra- System (SFS) are important seismogenic tectonic
plate earthquake of 11th April 2012 (M 8.6 and 8.2) with planes. Three important shallow focus Benioff zone earth-
a pre-shock on 10.01.2012 (M 7.2). These earthquakes quakes (Figure 1) with tsunamogenic potentiality occurred
(M 8.6 and M 8.2) are the largest intra-plate strike-slip along the Benioff zone are 2.11.2002 (M 7.2; h 31 km),
earthquakes (McGuire and Beroza, 2012) recorded till date. 26.12.2004 (M 9.2; h 26 km) and 28.03.2005 (M 8.7;
The 11th April 2012 earthquake with its pre-shock and h 30 km).



Another set of shallow foci earthquakes locate within segment of the lithosphere (see Fig.4a). Seismotectonic
the marginal intraplate setting beyond the trench axis analyses for these three periods are as follows:
towards west of WST; within this segment three well-
defined linear seismic zones (Fig.1) are noticed: 1964 - 24.12.2004
(i) earthquakes along NER, (ii) a NNE-SSW trending zone This temporal domain indicates the prevailing tectonic
in and around HF defining its activity and (iii) another well- scenario and also delineates the seismically active fault
defined NNE-SSW zone placed in between (i) and (ii). This planes prior to the occurrence of 26.12.2004 Great Sumatra
last zone has produced three large intraplate strike-slip Earthquake (M 9.2). Within this period, there are 298
earthquakes during early 2012 (Fig.1): 10.1.2012 (M 7.2), earthquakes (magnitude range from 5.0 to 7.2), mostly
11th April 2012 (8 hr: 38 mn: 37.3 sec; M 8.6; h 23 km) deeper in-slab events and occurrence of a large thrust
Sumatra earthquake and the largest aftershock of M 8.2 earthquake on 2.11.2002 (M 7.2; h 31 km) along the plate
(11.4.2012; 10 hr: 43mn: 9.4sec; h 16 km). These interface (Fig.2a). The other significant observation is
earthquakes have been tagged as intraplate (within Indo- activity along the NNE trending HF, seaward of WST
Australian plate) seismicity and argued in favour of complex (Hamilton, 1979; Dasgupta and Mukhopadhyay, 1993) and
rupture pattern (Meng et al., 2012; Duputel et al., 2012; its continuation within the inclined lithosphere as slab-tear
Satriano et al., 2012; Delescluse et al., 2012, Yue et al., fault (see Dasgupta et al., 2003). CMT solutions (Fig.2b)
2012 and Pollitz et al., 2012). indicate left-lateral shear along this fault that clearly
traverses from the inclined slab to the horizontal segment
Temporal Analysis of Earthquakes of the Indo-Australian plate across the WST.
Prior to the great Sumatra earthquake of 2004 the region
under study displayed normal background seismicity (see 26.12.2004 – 31.12.2011
Fig.2a) both along the inclined subducting plate and the The temporal domain is characterised by the occurrence
horizontal plate segment to the west of WST. Post 2004, of two shallow foci thrust earthquakes; 26.12.2004 Great
shallow part of the Benioff zone became super-active Sumatra Earthquake (M 9.2) and 28.03.2005 (M 8.7) Nias
(see Fig.3a) along with moderate increase of seismicity to Island earthquake in the plate coupled margin (Fig.3a). This
the immediate west of WST; and finally in post 2011 the period is marked by 491 earthquakes with magnitude
focus of seismicity shifted to the marginal horizontal ranging from 5.0 to 9.2, mostly generated from shallower

Fig.2. (a) Seismicity map with earthquake data for the period 1964 - 24.12.2004. Note the fault (Hamilton fault: HF; Hamilton 1979)
marked in black line that traverses in continuation of slab tear fault (white straight line) in the subduction zone. (b) Plot of strike
slip (CMT) earthquake epicenter for the period 1977 – 24.12.2004 with beachball diagrams showing left-lateral strike-slip
solutions along HF and its continuation within the inter-plate domain. Reference and other abbreviations are as per Fig.1.



Fig.3. (a) Seismicity map with earthquake data for the period 26.12.2004 – 31.12.2011. Note the fresh rupture (NTF, New Tear fault)
marked in black line located 160 km towards north along the trench axis and parallel to HF. This fault (NTF) formed in
continuation of the slab tear fault (white line). (b) Plot of strike slip (CMT) earthquake epicenter for the period 26.12.2004 –
31.12.2011 with beachball diagram showing left- lateral strike-slip solutions along NTF and its continuation within the inter-
plate domain. Reference and other abbreviations are as per Fig.1.

segment of the subduction front. Other important feature is lateral strike slip faulting along the NNE nodal plane for
the development of a new tear fault (NTF) segment (~ 130 all three large earthquakes and also moderate aftershocks
km) across WST in continuation of a slab-tear fault (Figure 4b).
(Mukhopadhyay et al, 2009). NTF (Figure 3a) is delineated We argue that the slab tear fault in the convergent plate
from seismicity pattern and its kinematics inferred from interface has continued in the intraplate zone and generated
CMT solutions. The entire fault segment across WST shows a fresh 300 km rupture as NTF. It is also interesting to note
consistent left lateral strike slip motion (Figure 3b). It is that the 10.1.2012 (M 7.2) and the main shock (M 8.6)
worth noticing that this new fault segment is placed occur at the southwestern tip of the post 2005 NTF (see
~160 km due northwest and parallel to Hamilton fault (HF). previous analysis in section 3.2.2 and Figure 3a, b). This
It is, therefore, prognosticated that the slab tear fault created also indicates stress accumulation and release at the tip of
after the differential stress distribution caused by the 2004 the propagating rupture / fault for subsequent failure deep
and 2005 Sumatra and Nias earthquakes has been activated inside the Indo-Australian plate. Global CMT indicates
and extended to create the fresh rupture, NTF. overall shallow plunging compressional axis along NW-
SE and tensional axis is also shallow plunging along NNE–
1.1.2012 – 24.11.2012 SSW direction. It is remarkable to state that CMT of the
This temporal domain marks the preshock-mainshock- 2004 M 9.2 Sumatra earthquake in the Benioff zone shows
aftershock sequences; pre-shock (10.1.2012; M 7.2), main NE-SW compression parallel to the extensional direction
shock on 11th April 2012 (8 hr: 38 mn: 37.3 sec; M 8.6; h of the strike slip earthquakes described above. Extensional
23 km) followed by several aftershocks including the largest earthquakes in the aftermath of reverse faulting events are
aftershock of M 8.2 (11.4.2012; 10 hr: 43mn: 9.4sec; h 16 not unprecedented (see McGuire and Beroza (2012) for
km). Within this period, there are 101 earthquakes with more explanation).
magnitude range from 5.0 to 8.6 originated from crustal
depths. Disposition of earthquakes has reportedly formed
a complicated pattern with a dominant spread along NNE-
SSW (Figure 4a); CMT solutions indicate consistent left- We infer that the earthquake of 11th April 2012 (M 8.6)



Fig.4. (a) Seismicity map with earthquake data for the period 1.1.2012 – 24.11.2012. Note the fresh rupture (NTF) extended towards
SW and forms a seismic zone trending NNE-SSW that generated shallow foci M 7.2 earthquake on 10.1.2012 at the tip of the
rupture followed by 11th April 2012 Sumatra (M 8.6) earthquake and its largest aftershock of M 8.2 on the same day. The slab
tear fault extends as NTF beyond the trench zone. Reference and other abbreviations are as per Fig.1. (b) CMT solution of
earthquakes along NTF show left- lateral strike slip motion along NNE-SSW fault plane.

has occurred in the Indo-Australian plate due to tearing of reflected predominantly by left lateral strike slip
it along a NNE-SSW trending freshly ruptured zone (NTF), motion on near vertical rupture planes (HF and NTF)
an extension of slab tear fault from subduction interface in and also by tear faults imaged by us in previous studies
response to the differential shear stress generated in the (Dasgupta et al, 2003; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2009).
lithospheric plate by the far-field plate motion. — The convergence between Indo-Australian and SE
Detailed inferences vis a vis the evidence drawn through Asian plate / Sunda plate is accommodated by the
the current study in the line described above are enumerated Burma-Andaman-Sumatra-Java subduction system
below: (Curray et al., 1979; Sieh et al., 1991; Sieh and
— From seismic, gravity data, earthquake focal mechan- Natawidjaja, 2000; Vigny et al., 2003; Simoes et al.,
ism (Subrahmanyam et al., 2008) and deep penetration 2004; Socquet et al., 2006; Simons et al., 2007; Stork
seismic reflection surveys (Maurin and Rangin, 2009) et al., 2008). The oblique subduction along this belt
it is understood that the northern tip of NER collides generates 20 – 50 m of trench-parallel displacement
with the Indo-Burmese arc between latitude 18oN and that could have been accumulated since the last
19oN. The differential stress generated due to very slow megathrust earthquake of 2004, only part of which has
subduction of extremely rigid ridge (NER) with denser been taken up by the Sumatra Fault System (Ishii et
material along 18o-19oN latitude and a relatively faster al., 2013). This also suggests that the remaining trench-
subduction of Indo-Australian plate along 0oN latitude, parallel motion was released during the magnitude 8.6
produces a strike slip motion inside the Indo- earthquake on 11 April 2012 within the subducting
Australian plate. The GPS data (Simons et al., 2007) plate (see Ishii et al., 2013 for details). In our opinion,
corroborate this view; 47 – 55 mm/yr slow movement the residual trench parallel motion coupled with the
along NER and relatively faster movement of ~ 63mm/ normal stress distribution caused by the 2004
yr further east (Wharton basin) below Sumatra along megathrust event has generated the rupture, NTF, in
100o E longitude (Fig.5). This differential motion in continuation of the tear fault. The tear fault (as imaged
adjacent parts of the Indo-Australian plate has resulted by Mukhopadhyay et al., 2009) in continuation of
into extreme torsion deep inside the plate, which is rupture zone (NTF) within subduction domain has



been marked elsewhere as a sharp tectonic boundary

(Engdahl et al., 2007) or by a NNE–SSW ridge (Franke
et al., 2008). Observing the seismicity pattern in this
zone which increases after 2004, it is a possibility that
the tear fault system have been reactivated by normal
stress variation during 26 December 2004 Sumatra
Earthquake and producing a fresh rupture zone (NTF)
to accomplish the recent seismicity. In general, tear
faults in the subducting lithosphere were generated due
to the differential plate motion in different part of the
arc segment as stated above and subduction rollback
that occur time to time in the evolutionary history of
the Sumatra arc system. A schematic three-dimensional
cartoon (Fig.6) is drawn to illustrate the structure of
under-thrusted Indo-Australian plate vis-à-vis the
position of tear faults and its continuation as fresh
rupture zones (HF and NTF).
— Engdahl et al. (2007) have also indicated clear
evidence of increase of strike slip faulting in the outer-
rise and near-trench zone following the 2004 and 2005
earthquake. Further, the Coulomb stress change
calculations (Delescluse et al., 2012) on 11th April
2012 Sumatra (M 8.6) earthquake shows that the co-
seismic slips of the Sumatra and Nias island
earthquakes have promoted oceanic left-lateral strike-
slip earthquakes on pre-existing meridian-aligned fault
planes. The faults (HF, NTF and tear faults) marked
by this study bear the signature. It is to be mentioned
here that HF, NTF and corresponding tear fault imaged
by us are also being subducted below the Sumatra
today and getting activated periodically to produce
profuse seismicity to form the NNE-SSW trending
linear seismic zones.

It is prudent at this juncture to summarise that like the

scenario described above, similar seismotectonic scenario
 and existence of fresh rupture defined by small magnitude
Fig.5. Average GPS derived motions (mm/yr) in the Burma-
Andaman-Sumatra sector with Regional Tectonic Framework
(after Mitchell, 1985; Dasgupta and Nandy, 1995). Arrows with
filled heads represent relative motion between Indo-Australia and
Sunda plates. Single headed arrow represents strike-slip motion
along Sagaing and Sumatra dextral fault system. References:
& Simons et al. (2007), * Sieh et al. (1991), ^ Socquet et al.
(2006), # Curray et al. (1979), @ Vigny et al. (2003). Note the
presence of tear faults from subduction regime cutting across the
Indo-Australian plate in three occasions (refer text for more
inferences). An: Andaman Island, Ni: Nicobar Island, Ch : 
Cheduba Island, o: Mogok Belt, +: Paleogene tin-granite belt, - Fig.6. A simplified and schematic three-dimensional cartoon to
: sedimentary province, HF Hamilton Fault, ET: Eastern Trough, illustrate the structure of under-thrusted Indo-Australian plate
WT: Western Trough, WST : West Sunda trench, IBR: Indo vis-à-vis position of fresh ruptures (HF and NTF) in intraplate
Burma Ranges, KF: Khlong Marui Fault, KI: Kra Isthmus, SF: zone and its continuation as slab tear faults in the subduction
Sagaing Fault. regime.



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places along the Andaman –Sumatra subduction interface. comparable to Sumatra Earthquake (M 8.6) cannot be
These are: (i) along 6o N latitude below Nicobar Island and altogether ruled out. Thus, with caution, these places
(ii) along 18oN latitude below Cheduba Island (see Figure need proper surveillances to receive prior intimation
5 for location). Association of large earthquake within these before any such menace.

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(Received:24 April 2013; Revised form accepted: 15 May 2013)


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