SS5 Answer Key Exam Review S2 SY 2021-22 - Ancient China & Rainforest

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5/31/22, 8:38 PM SS5 Exam Review S2 SY 2021-22 - Ancient China & Rainforest - Ylearn

SS5 Exam Review S2 SY 2021-22 - Ancient China & Rainforest

Answer Sheet

1. Aspects Fact 1 Fact 2

of Daily
a Social Based on occupation, with Strictly followed from the
structure emperor at the top and slave at the Han dynasty;
bottom; There were different rules for
Followed Confucianism each layer of social structure
b Family All decisions were made by the The elderly were highly
life father. respected, even after they
Whatever the father said must be died.
obeyed. Sons were more important
Marriages were arranged. than daughters.

2. It means most people in ancient China were farmers or the economy

greatly depended on farming.

3a. b.

b. Farmers had higher social status than merchants because they

produced food for the people.

4. • Women could not continue the family name since they would
leave their family once they were married.
• Women could not lead ceremonies or rituals to honour gods or
the elders.
• Women could not support the family financially since they
could not work. 1/4
5/31/22, 8:38 PM SS5 Exam Review S2 SY 2021-22 - Ancient China & Rainforest - Ylearn

5. Traditional Main Teachings Founder

a Inner peace is achieved by being in harmony with
Taoism Lao Tzu
nature and living a simple life.
b People are basically evil, so the government must
Han Fei
Legalism issue strict laws with clear reward and punishment
in order to achieve harmony.
c Happiness will come when everyone voluntarily
Confucianism Confucius
obeys the rule to do the right things.

6. A. Clear and strict reward and punishment are needed to maintain


B. We should not be greedy because then we will always want more

and never feel satisfied. We should be grateful with whatever we

C. If anyone hurts us, we should not keep thinking about that and
bear grudge. We should forget and forgive. However, if anyone is
kind to us, we should remember and show our appreciation.

7. a, b, a, b.

8. The Great Wall of China Terracotta Army

a It is still standing until now The statues and other artefacts are well-
since it was first built more preserved for more than 2,000 years.
than 2,000 years ago.
b It is the longest structure on There are more than 6,000 life-size terra cotta
Earth. statues, and each statue has different facial
expression, hairstyle, shape of head.
c It took more than 1,000 The weapons are real.
years to build. 2/4
5/31/22, 8:38 PM SS5 Exam Review S2 SY 2021-22 - Ancient China & Rainforest - Ylearn

9. • It helped the creation of wealth through trading activities.

• It made trading between East and West possible.
• It helped the spread of merchandise from East to West and the
other way around.
• It helped spread ideas, knowledge, invention, culture, beliefs.

10. Great Reasons

a Compass It help navigation in open seas, which enabled people to explore
the world through the seas. This later led to the Age of
Discovery, which in turn led to European colonisation in many
parts of the world.
It is used for weapon. Countries that had the technology to use
gunpowder became powerful and were able to conquer many
b Paper Paper is used for communication, education, art, packaging, and
many other products.

Printing It made copying much faster so it became easier to spread

knowledge and information.

11. Any of these:

• Converting rainforests to plantation destroys the habitats for
wild life and causes forest fragmentation.
• Plantation has much less biodiversity than rainforest because
there are much less species of plants and animals there,
affecting the food web.
• Chemicals are used in plantations for pesticide and fertiliser,
causing soil and water pollution.

12. Many trees are cut down to make plantation, which release a great
amount of CO2, one of the greenhouse gases that cause global
Furthermore, there are less trees in plantations than in the
rainforests, so the amount of CO2 absorbed also decreases. 3/4
5/31/22, 8:38 PM SS5 Exam Review S2 SY 2021-22 - Ancient China & Rainforest - Ylearn

13. Causes Effects

a mining, logging, cattle loss of habitat for plants, animals and people,
ranching forest fragmentation
pollution of rivers and land
b small-scale agriculture many species become endangered and extinct;
less biodiversity
c hydropower plants rainforest people lost their culture;
spread of disease among the rainforest people,
which may kill them.

14. Number Names of Provinces Species Protected

on the National
Map Parks
a 19 Gunung Nanggroe Aceh Sumatran orangoutan
Leuseur Darussalam & North
b 31 Lorentz Papua tree kangaroo,
c 41 Ujung Kulon Banten Javan rhinoceros
d 43 Way Kambas Lampung Sumatran elephant,
Sumatran rhinoceros

15. • Learn about the rainforests and share the knowledge to others
so that more people are aware of the importance of rainforests
and the need to conserve them.
• Do not buy exotica animals from the rainforests for pets.
• Donate money to organisations that conserve the rainforests.
• Use less paper so the number of trees logged to make paper
are reduced.
• Save electricity so that the government does not need to
conserve rainforests to make new hydropower plants. 4/4

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