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Amino acid (carboxyl + amine) ------> polypeptides

- Essential: from diet
- Non-essential: body

Function of protein (MESTA)

1. Messenger (hormones)
2. Enzyme (amylase)
3. Structural (actin)
4. Transport/storage (transferrin)
5. Antibody (IgG)

Monosaccharides ----> di ----> poly
Energy Storage: ATP
Storage: glycogen (hydrolysis  release to bloodstream)

Function of carb
1. Cell survival (ATP)
2. Muscle contract (ATP)
3. Syn. protein

Fatty acid + glycerol
Types [3 point]
1. Triglycerides
 Glycerol + 3 fatty acid
 Energy reserve
o Saturated (single-bond): ↑LDL
o Unsaturated
o Cis vs Trans
o Reduce heart D risk
o ↑ HDL
2. Phospholipid
Cell membrane
3. Steroid
1. Cell membrane (phospholipid)
2. Energy (triglycerides)
3. Signaling (hormones)
 From diet
Water soluble
 Easy absorption
 Excessive excretion, regular intake
 Vit B, C
Fat soluble
 Absorbed by fat globules (?)
 Easy storage
 Vit ADEK

 From diet
 Cannot be stored (exp. Fe, Cu)
5 macros: P, K, Ca, Na, Mg
Trace element

GI hormones
1. Neurocrine

- Synthesized in neurons
- Eg. ACh
2. Endocrine
- In blood circulation
- Eg. gastrin
3. Paracrine
- To nearby cells, simple diffusion
- Eg. somatostatin

Phases of GI control
1. Cephalic
 Sight, smell, taste, chewing
 Vagus nerve  GI nerve plexus
 Neural
2. Gastric
 From stomach
 Gastrin
 Neural and hormonal
3. Intestinal
 From intestine
 Secretion of small intestine
 Hormonal

Review questions
1. Major absorption and excretion occurs in _____.
Small intestine

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