6208 Nervous System I Cerebrum and Cerebellum

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Label the followings and their functions.

Describe the major subdivision of brain (1+6+6+2

Cerebrum: 2 hemispheres
Thalamus (relay station to cerebral cortex except olfactory input)
Hypothalamus (autonomic and endocrine system)
epithalamus (pineal gland)
Midbrain (fine motor – involuntary)
Pons (relay station for cerebellum)
medulla oblongata (cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotor centre)
Functions: body posture, fine motor control (involuntary)

Label the followings, and also the lobes

Ans: (longitudinal fissure, transverse fissure), (central sulcus, lateral sulcus), (pre-central
gyrus, post-central gyrus)
Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insular lobe
Describe longitudinal fissure (L.F.)
Ans: (1) falx cerebri dips into L.F., (2) separate L. and R. hemisphere

Describe the location and functions of central sulcus

Ans: from the mid of L.F. to the mid of lateral sulcus L.S., btw pre-central gyrus and post-
central gyrus, to separate frontal and parietal lobes

Describe the location and functions of lateral sulcus

Ans: from the base of frontal lobe horizontally to occipital lobe, separating the temporal
lobe from frontal and parietal lobe

Describe the function of transverse fissure

Ans: separate cerebral hemispheres from cerebellum

What is the difference between sulcus and fissure?

Ans: sulcus – shallow groove, fissure – deeper groove

Insular lobe is deep to which lobes?

Ans: frontal, parietal, temporal (No occipital)

What are the two features of cerebral hemispheres?

Ans: 1. contralateral control – brain hemisphere control the opposite side of body
2. Brain lateralization 腦功能側化 – equal in structure but not equal in function (L.
hemisphere: language, math, logic; R. hemisphere: creativity, visual-spatial skills)

What are the three functions of cerebral cortex?

Ans: sensory, motor, association

Name the black arrows, and green, purple, pink and yellow regions

Ans: primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, prefrontal association cortex

Primary sensory cortex, sensory association cortex

Purple: gustatory region

Pink: olfactory region
Yellow: auditory region
Green: occipital region
More neurons concentrate for which parts of body?
Ans: lips and hands (both sensory and motor)

Where are the locations of different special senses cortex?

Visual cortex: occipital lobe (OCC)
Olfactory cortex and auditory cortex: temporal lobe (SH*T)
Gustatory cortex: insular lobe

What are the regions for language?

Broca’s area: speech production
Wernicke’s area: speech comprehension
(association fiber in between)
Which hemisphere is dominant for majority of people?
Ans: L. hemisphere

Components of subcortical region

1. Basal ganglia – for fine motor control, @cerebrum and midbrain
2. limbic system – control memory and emotion
 HAT, hippocampus (short term memory  long term), amygdala (control
emotion), thalamus (relay station)

Describe the circulation of limbic system

Ans: hippocampus/amygdala  fornix (nerve fiber)  mammillary gland  thalamus (relay
station)  cingulate gyrus (emotion expression)

Describe the location of cingulate gyrus

Ans: superior to corpus callosum

Describe the location of corpus callosum

Ans: superior to the lateral ventricles

Additional: which special sense is the easiest to arouse memory? Why?

Ans: olfactory, nearest to the amygdala and hippocampus

Describe the nervous connection w/in cerebrum (i.e. different types of fibers)
1. Commissural fiber: (eg. corpus callosum and anterior commissure), connect L. to R.
2. Association fiber: interconnect different lobes w/in same hemisphere
3. Projection fiber: (eg. internal capsule 內囊 among basal ganglia), connect cerebral cortex
to spinal cord

Describe the location of anterior commissure

Ans: inferior to lateral ventricles, base of cerebrum
Which gland is in epithalamus?
Ans: pineal gland 松果體

Describe the location of internal capsule

Ans: among basal ganglia

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