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MAMI WATA is a goddess of water who is worshipped and honored in West, Central, and South Africa.

Throughout history, African individuals who were brought to the America have held various beliefs about
MAMI WATA. The remote village of Iyi had very few ideas until now.

You don't have to believe in a generous water god from long ago to be captivated by Nigerian director C.
J "Fiery" Obasi's traditional tale play "Mami Wata. " Filmed in dark, black and white with strong

First, a girl braids her hair at the beach. She hears a sound from the wind and goes into the sea.

Afterwards, a sad mother who lost her daughter asks Mama Efe to bring the child back to life. Mama Efe
softly says that her daughter hasn't really died, she has gone back to where she came from. This news
makes the mother cry. Watching this, Mama Efe's daughter, Zinwe, gets sad and goes away. Mama Efe
walks behind her, and Zinwe asks why she has totem but can't use it to help the child. Mama Efe thought
for a while and then said that she is not Zinwe’s real mother. Instead, the water goddess Mami Wata
gave her the child because she couldn't have her own. Zinwe does not believe her mother's words. She
thinks her mother is making up stories to get power.

That night, when Mama Efi was sleeping, Zinwe stole and took her mother's totem. She went to the
water goddess, Sea, and showed her the totem, asking for assistance. Nothing changed or occurred.
After that, Zinwe went to her boyfriend's house.

The next day, Prisca adopted daughter of Mama Efi said to her that the people of Iyi were giving very few
offerings. Mama Efi said it wasn't new and had been happening since she was a child, she will
understand more when time comes. Prisca brought Zinwe to the beach and told her it was time to go
back home. But Zinwe said no. She said she didn't believe in Mami Wata and didn't want to be an
intermediary. Then she went away.

One day, Agbo's son fell seriously ill. Mama Efi and Prisca made a liquid medicine and gave it to Agbo's
son, but sadly, the child foamed at the mouth and passed away.

Jabi asked Mama Efi why Mami Wata didn't have as much power? He said they didn't have things like
water, hospitals, or electricity as other villages, and all they had was Mama Efi. Another person from the
village wanted to know if it was true that Mama Efi's daughter, Zinwe, had taken her totem and went
away. Mama Efi didn't say anything and walked away.

During the night, an unfamiliar man named Jasper collapsed unconscious on the seashore. Jasper
regained consciousness and started playing with the children. When Mama Efi asked who he was, he said
he used to fight for his people as a rebel, they killed his wife, He chose to move on from that life. As he
was steering the boat, the sea waves hit him, and he landed on the shore. He said thank you for helping

The following day, a doctor arrived at Mama Efi's home at Prisca's invitation. The doctor mentioned they
had vaccines available for the virus affecting the village. However, Mama Efi strongly claimed that their
village was free from the virus and insisted on sending the doctor away. Mama Efi then scolds Prisca,
urging her to have faith in Mami Wata, assuring her that the water goddess will respond to her.

Zinwe gets anger and throws the totem into the sea. Later, it comes back to shore, and Zinwe picks it up.
The stranger named Jasper regained consciousness and started playing with the children. When Mama
Efi asked who he was, he said he used to fight for his people as a rebel, but then he saw how bad rebels
can be. He chose to move on from that life. As he was steering the boat, the sea waves hit him, and he
landed on the shore. He said thank you for helping him.

Prisca and Jasper become good friends and share stories about their village. They become very close that

Jasper meets Jabi and his group. Jabi says to Jasper that the villagers are mad because they strongly
believe in Mami Wata, share food and things with Mama Efi, and she enjoys it with her daughter in a big
house. Jabi believes that all the people in the village are fools. He believed Jasper didn’t want to join
them in their foolishness, Jasper just smiled.

Mama Efi uses her special power to see the future, and she sees that someone will kill her. Mama Efi
goes to the water goddess and cries a lot. She tells Prisca that she wants to see her child for the last time
before she departs.

Mama Efi and Prisca saw that Jasper joined the Jabi gang. They were talking about how Mama Efi made
villagers trust the water goddess blindly. They are planning to kill Mama Efi today. Mama Efi tells Prisca
to start running. Prisca is running, Mama Efi is facing Jabi's gang, and she is asking Jasper how he is being
treated for saving his life by bringing him to their home. However, Jasper shows no gratitude. Jabi stabs
Mama Efi and she dies. Prisca warns the villagers that the Jabi gang is coming to kill them, and they need
to be prepared.

The next day, Jasper beats Jabi and boldly declares himself as the leader of the gang. When he asks if
anyone dares to challenge him, everyone nervously agrees to accept him as their leader.

When Zinwe comes to the village, everyone gets surprised. Zinwe confronts Jasper's group and asks
about Mama Efi. Jasper says Mama Efi has already dead, which angers Zinwe a lot. She tries to hit him in
her anger. Then, Jabi hits Zinwe and she falls back.

The next day, Jasper gathered the villagers at the beach. He tried to convince them that believing in
Mami Wata, the water goddess, was silly. He questioned why they were giving their food and money to
Mama Efi, blaming her for their beliefs. Then he declared Mama Efi dead. To test if Mami Wata was real,
he threw Zinwe into the ocean. After he did that, Prisca, who was hiding, saw everything. When Jasper
and his group left, she went into the ocean and rescued Zinwe.

Afterward, Jasper and his group seized Mama Efi's house and smashed the statues of Mami Wata. Jabi
and his gang went around the village collecting food and money that villagers usually offered to Mama

Jasper told his gang to use the money they collected to buy new weapons. Later, a foreigner arrived in
the village selling weapons. Jasper purchased the weapons from the foreigner and fired them into the
air. His team got excited and also started firing their weapons into the air. This caused panic among the

Prisca and Zinwe watch Jasper and his friends very closely. Prisca tells Zinwe that she is determined to
fight against Jasper and his men.
Jabi and his men, armed with guns, questioned Prisca's friends about her whereabouts in a harsh
manner. Then Prisca and Zinwe showed up, took control of the situation, and grabbed the guns from Jabi
and his men.

Prisca, Zinwe, and the villagers confronted Jasper, and a fierce gunfight erupted between Jasper's gang
and Prisca's team. When Prisca's side ran out of bullets, she fought Jasper in hand-to-hand combat,
tearing his pants in the process. Taking advantage of the moment, Jabi insulted Jasper as weak for being
defeated by a woman, then shot and killed him. Prisca managed to escape from the chaotic situation.

Prisca approached Zinwe, who was injured from a gunshot. Sensing her own mortality, Zinwe passed the
magic totem to Prisca. Meanwhile, outside, Jabi and his men demanded Prisca to come out. When she
emerged, Jabi insulted her, but Prisca used the totem's power to defeat and kill them all.

As the sun rose, Zinwe walked towards the water goddess with desperation. When they reached the
beach, all the villagers and Prisca gathered there, witnessing a stunning sight: the water goddess
appeared, majestic and more beautiful than ever before. This filled everyone with excitement, including
the villagers, Zinwe, and Prisca. And with that breathtaking moment, the movie comes to an end.

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