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Mizan Tepi University

Office of the Academic Vice President

Action plan for SWOT analysis

Team Members
1. Dr. Taye Kassa……………………………………….. Chair Person
2. Dr. Dejene Akayou………………………………… Secretary
3. Shewangizaw H/Mariam………….. Member
4. Mr. Addisalem Haile………………………………. Member
5. Mr. andualem Arimo……………………………… Member


1. Introduction
The basic concern of MTU’s Academic wing assessment is to examine as to whether the University has achieved
its mission and vision regarding teaching learning process. It is also to show the strength, weakness, opportunity,
and threat of the University on this pillar.

2. Team Formation to carry out the task

The team was organized by considering senior professional expertise. The composition of the team consisting of 5 individuals is from
the three campuses. This indicates, the team was formed with the aim of getting professional contribution in the process of assessing
the whole SWOT Analysis of the University

3. Major tasks to be done

In the process of assessing MTU’ academic wing, the following major task will be done:
 Data will be collected using Interview, FGD, and Observation
 Data will be organized, and analyzed
 Report will be presented
4. Assessment Procedures
The Assessment procedure may include the following procedures:
1. Developing data collection instruments
2. Collecting data using different techniques
3. Reporting the assessment result
5. Required Budget
In order to effectively accomplish the task, appropriate budget (of Per-diem and Refreshment including transport) has to be allocated by the
office of AVP.

No Activity Date Sections Performer Target group Resources Remark

1 Submitting the detailed 18/08/2016 The Team -
action plan of the work to
the AVP
2 Data collection tools 19-20/08/2016 The team
development for SWOT
Analysis of MTU’s
Academic Wing
3 Collecting all relevant 21-24/08/2016 Tepi Campus The Team Sampled MTU;s
Data from Tepi Campus  Engineering college  Students
 Computational College  Teachers
 Computing Informational  Heads and Deans
School  Directorates
(documents from all sections
will be collected)
4 Collecting all relevant 30/816 - 03/ Aman Campus The Team Sampled MTU;s
Data from Aman Campus 09/ 16  Health college  Students
 Teachers
 Heads and Deans
 Directorates
(documents from all sections
will be collected)
5 Collecting all pertinent 05-09/09/ 2016 Mizan Campus The Team Sampled MTU;s
Data from Mizan Campus  Agriculture college  Students
 CSSH College  Teachers
 Law School  Heads and Deans
 Business and Economics
college  Directorates
(documents from all sections
will be collected)
6 Data organizing 12- 14/09/2016 The Team Data of 3 campus which MTU;s
collected through
o Interview
o Observation
7 Data Analysis 15-20/09/2016 The Team

8 Report Writing and 21 -29/ The Team

Editing 09/2016

9 Report Submission 30/09/2016 AVP The Team

10 Presenting for the Academic commission of all The Team MTU

university administrators Colleges, AVP

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