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A Strong Partner for Sustainable Development

FORC 102

Personal Identification

College of CCJE
BS. Criminology
(FORC 102)

2nd Semester 2021-2022

Instructor I

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


This module would provide you an educational experience while

independently accomplishing the task at your own pace or time. It aims as well to ensure that
learning is unhampered by health and other challenges. It covers the topic about investigation
and intelligence.

Reminders in using this module:

1. Keep this material neat and intact.

2. Answer the pretest first to measure what you know and what to be learned about the topic
discussed in this module.
3. Accomplish the activities and exercises as aids and reinforcement for better understanding
of the lessons.
4. Answer the post-test to evaluate your learning.
5. Do not take pictures in any parts of this module nor post it to social media platforms.
6. Value this module for your own learning by heartily and honestly answering and doing the
exercises and activities. Time and effort were spent in the preparation in order that learning
will still continue amidst this Covid-19 pandemic.
7. Observe health protocols: wear mask, sanitize and maintain physical distancing.

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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


The main task of a criminal investigator is to establish the identity of a suspect. Many
times, cases referred to the investigator are the unknown – suspect category where the
suspects action are known, but personal identification has not been made. A witness can
identify the suspect by describing the physical appearance, height complexion, body built, age
and distinguishing visible marks. This means of identification is termed as a positive
identification. However, such is not an accurate means to identify a person. Tracing
information is another means of identification and this refers to all information indicative of
personal identity of an individual. Fingerprints have traditionally been considered the single
most positive indicator of personal identification and has been proven infallible.

At the end joint of each finger, on the side opposite the fingernail is a rounded area
called bulb that a number of friction ridge patterns appear. The ridges of each fingertip have
definite contours and appear in several distinctive patterns types, each possessing definite
individual peculiar details by which positive can be made.

This module was designed to give fundamental knowledge and skills about Scientific
identification of person in the field of Criminology. As a future Criminologist and as agent of
peace and order we must acquire the knowledge and skills of being effective criminal
investigator and criminologist, with this we provide conclusive and reliable evidence for court


This module contains a series of quizzes and activity all of your quizzes will be
serve as your major exam on this course.

Grading System

20 – Written Works (Quizzes)

40 – Performance task (activity)

40 – Major Exam

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Historical Background of
Personal Identification

The chapter discusses the Development of fingerprint in different country and also
in the Philippines, including the important personalities in a world of personal identification.

A. Learning Outcomes

At the end of learning experience, the students will be able to:

 trace the history and development of fingerprint and identify some of the ancient means
of personal identifications;
 relate the principles fingerprints to personal identification and criminal investigation;
 identify the three principle of fingerprint.

B. Time allotment

1st and 2nd week/8 hours

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C. Pre-test

Instruction: select the best answer; write the letter of your answer before the number.

__ 1. Who is the first researcher address the formation of friction ridges in embryos and
the topographical physical stressors that may have been part of their growth.
a. Arthur Kollman b. H. Klaatsch
c. Harold Cummins d. Govard Bidloo

__ 2. In what country we will find the earliest evidence of ridge detail on the hands and
feet of humans was seen in the 4000 years old mummies.
a. China b. Japan
c. France d. Egypt

__ 3. On this country they used finger seals on legal contracts from 1855-1913 B.C this
practice identified the author and protected against forgery.
a. France b. Japan
c. Babylonia d. Palestine

__ 4. Where do you find the most famous ancient stone carvings, its inner walls are
covered with incised designs systems of horse-shoe form.?
a. Palestine b. Babylonia
c. France d. Japan

__ 5. Which country that using a inked fingerprints are common practice on their official
documents, land scales, contracts, loan and acknowledgements of debt?
a. China b. Japan
c. Babylonia d. France

__ 6. Who stated that is never duplicated in two persons, nevertheless the similarities are
closer among some individuals?
a. Dr. J.C.A. Mayer b. Sir Edward Henry
b. Harry Mayers d. Mary K. Holland

__ 7. Who develop a classification system for cataloging fingerprints based on common

patterns that are present on each finger?
a. Dr. J.C.A. Mayer b. Sir Edward Henry
b. Harry Mayers d. Mary K. Holland

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D. Discussion

History and Development of Finger Printing

Primitive Knowledge


The earliest evidence of ridge detail on the hands and feet of humans was seen in the
4,000 year old mummies of ancient Egypt. The hands and feet of mummies have been
examined on numerous occasions and they confirmed the presence of ridge detail on the
mummies’ digits.


It was a common practice for the Chinese to use inked fingerprints on official documents, land
scales, contracts, loans and acknowledgements of debt. Finger seals for sealing documents to
prove its authenticity.

With the advent of silk and paper “hand prints” became the most common method of ensuring
the genuineness of a contract. The right hand was simply traced or stamped onto a document.
The anthropometric values of hand size and shape, along with a signature, were often enough
to ensure authenticity.

During 1975 in Yven Ming Country in China, bamboo strips were found describing a trial
reported to have taken place during in Qin dynasty (300 B.C). During a thief trial handprint
were entered as evidence.

Another anthropometric method used in early China was the “Deed of Hand Mark.”

The Chinese put notches randomly along the sides of the writing tablets of duplicate contracts.
The notches could be physically matched by holding the' tablets together for some future time
to ensure authenticity. Wooden tablets were inscribed with the terms of the contract and
notches were cut into sides at the identical places so that the tablets could later be matched;
thus proving them genuine; the significance of the notches was the same as that of the
fingerprint of the present time.” The comparison of the use of notches on tablets to the use of
fingerprints established that fingerprints were used to identify people in 650 AD.

Early in the 12th century, in the novel, "The Story of the River Bank” fingerprinting found itself
already in the criminal procedure of China; and in the 16th century, a custom prevailed in
connection with the sale of children. Palm and sole impressions were stamped on deeds of sale
to prevent impersonation.

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A Japanese Historian, Kamagusu Minakata further commented about blood stamping.

Apparently, contracts were accompanied by a written oath confirmed with a blood stamp. The
blood stamp was a print of the ring finger in blood drawn from that digit.

Another Japanese Historian, Chuwo katsurakwawa (1754) wrote, “According to the Domestic
law (enacted in 702 AD), to divorce a wife, the husband must give her a document stating
which of the seven reasons was assngned for action. All letters must be in the husband ‘s
handwriting, but in case he does not understand how to write, he should sign with a
fingerprint." The ma n points of the Japanese domestic Laws were borrowed and transplanted
from the Chinese Laws of Yung Hui.


The most famous ancient stone carvings is found in the L’lle de Gavrinis of the coast of France.
Here a burial d1amber, or dolman, was discovered dating back to Neolithis times. Its inner
walls are covered with incised designs-systems of horse-shoe form, more or less circular
concentric figures, spiral, arching lines sinuous and straight lines and other markings
occurring in various combinations. Many anthropologists interpret these lines as representing
finger or palm print patterns.


An outline of a hand was scratched into slate rock beside Kejiomkujil lake by an aboriginal
Indian. The carving is an outline of a hand and fingers. Within the outline the flexion Creases
of the palm and fingers are depleted. This calving has considerable historical significance.
Although |t does not demonstrate knowledge of the individuality of friction ridges or palmar
flexion creases, it clearly illustrates an early awareness of the presence of those formations.


References by ancient historians have been found describing how finger seals were used on
legal contracts from 1855-1913 BC. This practice identified the author and protected against
References dating from the rule of Hammurabi (1792-1750 B.C) indicate that law officers were
authorized to secure the fingerprints of arrested persons.


William Frederick Bade, Director of the Palestine Institute of Archeology, conducted

excavations at various sites in Palestine and at one place found finger imprints on many pieces
of broken pottery. These “identifications” permitted the confused debris to date accurately to
the fourth century AD. Commenting on this case, Fingerprint magazine (1973) stated that

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“these impressions were obviously intentional and no doubt, represented the workman’s
individual trade mark.”


Identification of individuals was by means of branding, tattooing, mutilation and

also manifested by wearing of clothes of different designs.

In earlier civilization, branding and even maiming were used to mark the criminal
for what he was. The thief was deprived of the hand which committed the thievery. The
Romans employed the tattoo needle to identify and prevent desertion of mercenary soldiers.


In treaty ratification, the Sultan soaked his hand in a sheep’s blood and impressed it on the
document as his seal.

Institute of Applied Science

It is the school established in Chicago, Illinois in 1916 and a correspondence school

specializing in all aspects of identification work originally known as “Evans University,” after
Captain William K. Evans. It was taken over by Sirchie in 1975. This school was instrumental
part of training experts in the identification field.

Early Knowledge of Friction Ridge Individuality.

Early pioneers of this friction ridge identification science were government workers, police
officers, or people who dabbled in friction ridge identification while employed in related
scientific fields. They advanced our knowledge of friction ridges, applied the friction ridge
identification system to various uses, and devised a coherent classification system.

Thomas Bewick (1753-1828)

A British author, naturalist and engraver became England’s honest engraver who
made fingerprint stamps. He made wooden engravings of fingerprints and published their
images in his books where he used an engraving of his fingerprints as a signature. The
engraving demonstrate familiarity with the construction of skin ridge. In two of the books he
added “Thomas Bewick, his mark” under the impressions.

Sir William J. Herschel

He is credited as being the first European to recognize the value of friction ridge
points and to actually use them for identification purposes.

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During his first year at Jungepoor, he entered into a contract on behalf of the Civil
Service with a local native, Radyadhar Konai to supply road building material. Herschel had
observed a local practice of putting a friction ridge print of the hand linger beside a signature
or mark on contracts. Contracts having signatures accompanied by a friction ridge print
appeared to command m0re respect from the locals and disputes were less frequent.

On the back of the road contract: Herschel asked Konai to apply his right palm print
in ink. Later, he claimed to have been the first to use friction ridge prints for personal
identification on purposes. His claim was on the use of the palm print on the contract.

In 1860, he was sent to Nuddea as Magistrate and collector at Hoogly. He controlled the
criminal courts, the prison, registration of deeds, and Payment of government pensions. He
implemented the use of fingerprinting in any area under his control.

Herschel’s experiments with friction ridges resulted in the hrst demonstration of friction ridge
persistency. He first fingerprinted himself in 1859. Over the following years, he reprinted
himself and compared those prints with previously taken prints to ascertain if they had

Dr. J.C.A. Mayer (1788) of Germany

He published the following statements in his anatomical atlas; “Although the

arrangement of skin ridges is never duplicated in two persons, nevertheless the similarities
are closer among some individuals. In others the differences are marked, yet in spite of their
peculiarities of arrangement all have a certain likeness.” This deduction was
published 100 years before the Konai contract.

Dr. Henry Faulds (1843-1930)

In 1875, Faulds had opened a missionary hospital and a year later started a medical
school in Japan where he may have been exposed to fingerprints. He wrote a letter to Charles
Darwin telling him of his studies and requesting assistance. He mentioned that fingerprints
can be classified easily and that ridge detail is unique. He pointed out the value of
fingerprinting as being in “medico legal studies” and commented that photographs of people
change over the years but rugae (friction ridges) never change.

Both Herschel and Faulds published letters in “Nature.” Herschel claimed he had used
fingerprints for years in India and offered the “Hoogly Letter” as documented proof. Faulds
claimed careful study in Japan and to be the first person to publish notice on the subject in
English literature.
Faulds also mentioned apprehending criminals by locating fingerprints at crime scenes.

Thomas Taylor (1877)

A microscopist of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC who also suggested that

fingerprints could be used to solve crime.

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“Hand Marks under the Microscope exhibited on a screen view of the markings of the palms
of the hands, and the tips of the lingers, and called attention to the possibility of identifying
criminals, especially murderers, by comparing the marls of the hands left upon any object with
impressions in wax taken from the hands of suspected persons. In the case of murderers, the
marks of bloody hands would present a very favorable opportunity. This is a new system of

Alphonse Bertillon (1853-1914)

He devised the first truly scientific method of criminal identification in Paris France called
anthropometry or Bertillonage. He conceived the idea of using anatomical measurements to
distinguish one criminal from another. He decided to use various body measurements such as
head length, head breadth, length of left middle finger, length of the left cubit (forearm)/
length of left foot, body, height, face breadth, face height and other descriptions including
features such as scars and hair and eye color to distinguish criminals.

As time went, by he eventually included fingerprints on the near end of his anthropometric
cards as a final check of identification.

He has been described as one of the greatest scientists in the 19m Century. Galton was of the
opinion that fingerprinting might be a better method of identification. He added
fingerprinting to his presentation of Bertillonage and entitled the lecture “Personal
Identification and Description."


From 1870 to 1900, the Bertillon system or anthropometric system of identification

based on measurements of height, head and other parts of body was accepted by the police
department as a means of identification. But it so happened in 1903 that one Will West was
arrested by the police and was identified by a police officer as having a previous conviction.
But Will West denied the same. When his measurements were taken, it was found out that
they were the same as that of one Mr. WEST who was serving a life sentence in a jail for
murder. Further enquiries revealed that there was one Mr. WEST in prison having the same
facial resemblance and also body measurements. In this case, there was a coincidence of the
similarity of names and body measurements according to Bertillon system and similar photo
features. It was the Finger prints only that proved that that WEST in prison and suspect WEST
Were different individuals. The importance of fingerprints came to light from this notable case
of WESTS who were Twin Brothers.

Dr. Henry P. De Forest

He utilized the first official municipal use of fingerprints for noncriminal registration on
December 19, 1902 in the Municipal Civil Service Commission in the City of New York. He
required civil service applicants to be fingerprinted to prevent them from having better
qualified persons take tests for them and put the system into practice.

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Capt. James I. Parke

He advocated the first state and penal use of fingerprint which was officially adopted in Sing-
sing Prison on June 5, 1903 and later at Auburn, Nananoch and Clinton Penitentiaries.

Sgt. Kenneth Perrier

An Englishman and first fingerprint instructor at the St. Louis Police Department, Missouri.
He was one of the pupils of Sir Edward Richard Henry and through personal contact during
the World’s Fair Exposition held in St. Louis, a fingerprint bureau was established on April
12, 1904.

Maj. R. Mccloughry

Mccloughry was the Warden of the Federal Penitentiary of Leavenworth when the office of the
Atty. General of the US granted permission to establish a fingerprint bureau thereon on
November 2, 1904. It was the first official National Government use of fingerprints.

Mary K. Holland
She was the first American Instructor in Dactyloscopy.

Harry Mayers 11

In 1925, he installed the first official foot and hngerprint system for infants at the Jewish
Maternity Hospital, Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA, the first system in the state.

Juan (Ivan) Vucetich (1855-1925)

The fast pace of the advancement of fingerprinting in England was due to the ingenuity of
Juan Vucetich, who was employed as a statistician with the Central Police Department at La
Plata, Argentina. In July 1891, the Chief of Police assigned Vucetich to set up a bureau of
Anthropometric Identification.

He started experimenting with fingerprints and set up his own equipment for taking criminal’s

Rojas Murders

June 19, 1892, two children were murdered on the outskirts of the town of Necochea on the
coast of Argentina. The victims were illegitimate children of a 26-year-old woman named
Francisca Rojas. Rojas blamed Velasquez, an older man who worked at nearby ranch.
However, Velasquez claimed his innocence. On July 8, 1892, the report reached La Plata.
Police Inspector

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Alvarez of the central Police was sent to Necochea to assist the local police with the

Alvarez examined the scene and he noticed a brown stain on the bedroom door. Careful
examination revealed that it was a fingerprint. Alvarez had received basic training in
fingerprint identification from Vucetich. Remembering what he had been taught, he cut out
the piece of the door with fingerprint on it. He returned to Necochea and requested that Rojas
be fingerprinted.

Alvarez compared the fingerprints under a magnifying glass. With his minimal instruction in
fingerprinting, he could plainly see that the print was Rojas right thumb. When this evidence
was presented to her she admitted that she had killed her children. The children had stood in
the way of her marriage to the other man.

When Alvarez returned to La Plata with the piece of door with Rojas fingerprint, Vucetich's
faith in fingerprints was proven. This case was reported as the first murder solved by

In 1894 Vucetich published a book entitled “General Introduction to the Procedures of

Anthropometry and Fingerprinting.” Argentina became the first country in the world to
abolish anthropometry and file criminal records solely by fingerprint classification.

Sir Edward Henry (1850 1931)

He was the head of the Scotland Yard in London at the turn of the 20‘h century and developed
a classification system for cataloging fingerprints based on common patterns that are present
on each finger. This became known as the “Henry Classification System” which he developed
in India at the same time that Vucetich was experimenting with fingerprinting in Argentina.
Today, this Henry system has been replaced by the computerized worldwide database of the

In 1891, he was appointed Inspector General of Police for Bengal Province. Upon taking his
new post, Henry found the anthropometric system was being used to identify criminals. He
developed some doubts about the accuracy of the anthropometric measurements that were
being stored in the files. He also found that close supervision during the collection of data was
very difficult.

In India, his course of action was to instruct that all ten fingers of each prisoner be printed
and added to the anthropometric cards. He assigned two Bengali police officers to study the
classification problem. Henry’s team was eventually successful in setting up a classification
system with 1024 primary positions and secondary breakdowns.

In 1899 Henry was invited by the British Association for the advancement of science to present
a paper at Dover. He returned to England and presented a paper entitled, “Fingerprints and
the Detection of Crime in India.” He also described the successes and uses of fingerprinting in
India. He published a book entitled “Classification and uses of fingerprints.”

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In 1918, The Henry Classification System started what is considered the modern era of
fingerprint identification which is the basis for most of the classification presently used.

Fingerprinting in North America (1877 -1900)

Isaiah West Taber (1880)

In 1880, a photo in San Francisco who suggested that fingerprinting be adopted for
the registration of Chinese immigrant laborers.

Gilbert Thompson (1882)

He used his thumbprint to ensure that the amounts were not changed or altered on
payroll cheques. When issuing a payroll cheque, he would put an inked thumbprint over the
amount This is to prevent fraudulent cheque alternations.

Mark Twain (1894)

An American author and lecturer, Twain enhanced the position of fingerprints when
he included their use in the plot of a novel entitled Pudd’n Head Wilson. In the novel, a bloody
fingerprint is found on the murder weapon and Pudd'n Head, the defense attorney, has the
whole town fingerprinted. He lectured the court and jury on the basics of fingerprinting, how
fingerprints are immutable, and that two fingerprints will never be found to be the same. He
also commented on how identical twins can be indistinguishable in appearance, at times even
by their parents, but their fingerprints always be different.

New York State (1903)

The New York City Civil Service Commission was using fingerprints to prevent
impersonations during examinations. During the same year, fingerprinting was introduced
into the New York Prison System and at Leavenworth Penitentiary. By 1906 there were six (6)
police departments in the US that were known to be the taking fingerprints for Identification

Fingerprinting in Canada ( 1904-1920)

In 1904 St Louis, was the site of world’s Fair. A chance meeting took place that was
to bring fingerprinting to Canada and eventually spell the end of the Bertillon Signaletic
System. Detective John Ferrier of the Scotland Yard was at the fair to guard a display of British
crown jewels. Ferrier and New York State both had displays illustrating fingerprint
Identification. During the fair, the International Association of Chiefs of Police also had a
convention and invited Ferrier to present a paper on fingerprints.

Edward Foster (1863 1956)

Foster, Canadian constable of the Dominion Police attended the World’s Fair to
guard a display of gold. He attended Ferrier’s presentation at the convention and intrigued by
the possibilities that fingerprinting had to offer, he felt that a bureau would be effective than
an anthropometry bureau. He also felt that a national organization in Canada, similar to the

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International Association of Chiefs of Police, would encourage cooperation among Canadian
police departments and be an ideal body to promote a national interest in fingerprinting.

Upon returning to Canada, he presented his new-found knowledge and in July 21 1908, an
Order-in Council was passed sanctioning the use of fingerprint system and that the provisions
of “The Identification of Criminal Act” were applicable.

During 1911 the Chicago Police Department arrested a man named Thomas Jennings for
murder. Jennings had murdered a man when he had been caught attacking the man’s
daughter. The evidence against Jennings was slim except for fingerprint evidence. The
prosecution wanted to ensure that fingerprint evidence would be admitted before the Illinois
Supreme Court, which had not previously ruled on the issue. To strengthen its case, the
prosecution called several recognized fingerprint experts as witnesses, including Eduard

During the cross examination, Foster was asked by the defense if he could raise fingerprints
on various surfaces. He took the paper and developed a fingerprint on it. The Jennings trial is
considered a “landmark case” in the courts. Jennings was convicted and sentenced to hang on
Dec. 22, 1911.

The first conviction in Canada based on fingerprint evidence took place in 1914 Peter
Caracatch and Gregory Parachique broke into the CPR Station in Petawawa, Ontario. They left
fingerprints on glass at the point of entry. Edward Foster gave expert evidence at their trial.

Scientific Researchers Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712)

He is an English botanist, physician and microscopist. In 1684, he published a paper
in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London describing his observations
of the “Innumerable little ridges of equal big ness on the ends of the first joints of the fingers."
He described sweat pores, epidermal ridges, and their various arrangements. Included in his
paper was a drawing of the configurations of the hand displaying the ridge flow on the fingers
and palms.

Govard Bidloo (1685)

He is an anatomist in Amsterdam, Holland who published a book on human anatomy
illustrating friction ridges and pore structure on the underside of the fingers. His comments
were morphological in nature and he did not refer to or mention the individuality of friction

Marcello Malpighi (1628-694)

A professor in 1685 at the University of Bologna, Italy, published the results of his
examination of the friction skin with the newly invented microscope. He has been credited
with being the first to use a microscope in medical studies. His paper dealt mainly with the
function, form, and structure of the friction skin as a tactile organ, and its use in the
enhancement of traction for walking and grasping.

He was known as the “Grandfather of Dactyloscopy” according to Dr. Edmond Locard, the
“Father of Poroscopy.” He originated the terms “Loops and spirals."

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Locard's Exchange Principle
The principle underlying the value of testing associative evidence is that every time
someone enters an environment, something is added to and removed from it.

Named after Dr. Edmond Locard who called physical evidence the “silent witness” and it can
provide valuable information as to the circumstances of a crime.

Edmond Locard in the early 1900’s founded the first forensic science laboratory in Lyon,
France, and his work became one of the foundations of modern-day criminalistics. He believed
that every time two objects come into contact, there is an equal and consistent exchange that
takes place between the two objects.

JCA Mayer (1788)

A German doctor and anatomist whose paper on fingerprint clearly addressed the
individuality of the friction ridges.

Johannes (Jean) Evangelista Purkinje (1787 1869)

A professor at the University of Breslau, Germany, published a thesis that contained
his studies on the eye, fingerprints and other skin features entitled, “Commentatio de Examine
Phisiologico Organi Visus et Systematis." He classified nine principal configuration groups of
hngerprints and assigned each a name he was known as the “Father of Dactyloscopv."

Arthur Kollman (1883)

The first researcher to address the formation of friction ridges in embryos and the
topographical physical stressors that may have been part of their growth. He identified the
presence and locations of the volar pads on the human hand and foot.

H. Klaatsch (1888)
From Germany who examined the walking pads and eminences of several
pentadactylous of live lingered mammals. He was credited being the first researcher to
examine the walking surface s of other mammals. He also referred to the arrangement of the
fundamental limits of the friction ridges as the reason why all ridge formations are different.

David Hepburn (1895)

He is connected with the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, published a paper on
the similarity in appearance of the eminences or walking surfaces of primates entitled, “The
Papillary Ridges on the Hands and Feet of Monkeys and Men.” He was the first to recognize
that ridges assist gripping by creating friction and that they had a function other than
increasing tactile stimulus.

Inez Whipple (1871 1929)

In 1904 he published a paper, “The Vential Surface of the Mammalian Chiridium
With Special Reference to the Conditions Found in Man.” His survey into mammalian palm
and sole configurations has formed an important part of the modern scientific knowledge on
the subject and is considered a landmark in the fields of genetics and ridgeology.

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Harris Hawthorne Wilder (1864 1928)
A professor of zoology at Smith College, Massachusetts that in 1896, while he was
studying monkeys, he was struck by the resemblance of their volar friction ridges to man’s.

In 1918, he published a book “Personal Identification where the quantitative qualitative

analysis of friction ridges can be found.

In this passage, Wilder describes the anatomical formation of the friction ridges. He further
describes how ridge units are subjected to differential growth and, as a result, all areas of
friction ridge are unique. He was considered the leading American fingerprint expert of the

Harold Cummins (1893-1976)

A Ph. D. professor of anatomy and Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine at
Tulane University, Louisiana who spent a great deal of his life studying dermatoglyphics.
In 1943 he co-authored a book “Fingerprint, Palms and Soles An Introduction to
Dermatoglyphics.” with Charles Bidloo.

In 1929, he published a paper, “The Topographic History of the Volar Pads in the Human
Embryo." He described the formation and development of volar pads on the human fetus. He
concluded that the physical aspects of the volar Dads such as location, growth differential, and
configuration variances affected friction ridge development and overall pattern configuration.

Alfred Hale (1952)

A PhD. from Tulane University, an associate of Cummins, published a thesis
in 1952 entitled, “Morphogenesis of the Volar Skin in the Human Fetus." Hale’s paper not only
describes the formation of friction ridges of the human fetus but also describes the
development of friction ridge identification.

Historical Background Philippine Setting

Mr. Jones was the first to teach fingerprints in the Philippine Constabulary sometime In the
year 1900.

The Bureau of Prisons, In the year 1918, records shows that fingerprints already existed in
the “carpetas”.

L. Asa N. Darby, under his management during the re-occupation of the Philippines by the
American Forces, 3 modern and complete Fingerprint File has been established in the
Philippine Commonwealth.
Mr. Generoso Reyes was the first Filipino Fingerprint Technician employed by the
Philippine Constabulary.

Capt. Thomas Dugan of New York City Police Department and Mr. Flaviano G. Guerrero of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, gave the first examinations for Fingerprint
in 1937.

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People of the Philippine vs. Medina, 59, Phil. 330 of December 23, 1933 was the first
conviction based on fingerprint and led to the judicial decision in the Philippine jurisprudence.

Plaridel Educational Institution (PEI), now the Philippine College of Criminology

(PCCr), Manila is the first governmental recognized school to teach the science of Fingerprints
and other police sciences.

Principle Involved in the Study of Fingerprints

I. Principle of Individuality - There are no two fingerprints that are exactly alike.

Why Identical Twins Have Different Fingerprints?

By: Edward P. Richards, J.D.,M.P.H., Professor of Law .aw, UMKC, School

The fingertips are in contact with other parts of the fetus and the uterus, and their
position in relation to uterus and the fetal body changes as the fetus moves on its own and in
response to positional changes of the mother. Thus, the environment of the growing cells on
the fingertip in influx (a flow), and is always slightly different from hand to hand and finger to
finger. More generally, the environment in the uterus affects the phenotypic development of
all parts of twin fetuses. Thus despite, an identical DNA structure of the two fetuses, a very
careful examination of other physical characteristics will show that twins are systematically

II: Principle or Permanency - the configuration: individual ridges and unchanging.

permanency and details of remain constant and changing.

Friction Skin
1. Epidermal layer (Epidermis)

a. Stratum corneum = It consists of 25-30 layers of stratified (layered) squamus (flattened)

dead keratinocytes (skin cells) that are constantly shed.

b. Stratum lucidum = It is present in thick skin (lips, soles of feet, and palms of hands).
Little or no cell detail is visible.

c. Stratum granulosum = It consist 3-4 layers of cell thick consisting of flattened

keratinocytes. At this level, the cells are dying.

d. Stratum Spinosum = These are several layers thick, consisting mostly of keratinocytes.
Together with the stratum basale, it is sometimes referred to as the ' Malpighian Layer ' ' (living
e. Stratum Basale = A single layer of cells in contact / with the basement membrane. These
cells are mitotically active -- they are alive and reproducing the reason why it is ’ often referred
to as the generating layer.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

e.1 Keratinocytes (90%) = Responsible for waterproofing and toughening the

e.2 Melanocytes (8%) = Synthesize the pigment melanin which absorbs and
disperses ultraviolet radiation.

e.3Tactile cells = Very sparse and function in touch reception.

e.4Nonpigmented granular dendrocytes = Cells that inges bacteria and

foreign debris.

2. Dermis = The primary function is to sustain and support the epidermis. It is made up of
connective tissue with fine elastic fibers.

Dermal papillae = the region between the dermis and the epidermis is responsible for the
ridge patterns on the surface of the skin (Fisher, Tilstone, Wovtovicz, 2009).

Importance of knowing the two layers of the skin

Damage to the epidermis alone does not result to permanent ridge destruction, while
damage to the dermis will result to permanent ridge destruction.

Can fingerprints be effaced or erased?

John Dellinger, a notorious gangster and a police character attempted to erase his
fingerprints by burning them with acid, but as time went by, the ridge were again restored to
their natural feature. The acid he applied temporarily destroyed the epidermis of the bulb of
the finger.
As long as the dermis of the bulbs of the fingers are not completely destroyed, the fingerprints
will always remain unchanged and indestructible.

Can fingerprint be forged?

Various experiments were conducted by authorities and although they could almost make an
accurate reproduction, still there is no case on record known or have been written that forgery
of fingerprints has been a complete success. The introduction of modern scientific equipment,
new techniques, and up-to-date knowledge in crime detection will always fall the attempt.

A patch of ridged skin may be removed and successfully grafted In the same individual. In I
skin gran of sufficient thickness to Include the epidermis and at least the more superficial
portion of the dermis the ridges retain all their original qualities.

The first recorded case is that of a man who inadvertently sliced off a patch of skin from the
thenar eminence. Immediately, he restored this piece to the raw surface and applied bandage
The slip of skin engrafted itself and the ridges were preserved. A man: remarkable case is that
of a patient In whom grafts were made to correct distortions and contraction of a hand,
following severe burns. The surgeon interchanged patches of skin of a fingertip and an area of
the palm. Both grafts “took” and in consequences the distal phalanx of the finger now bears a

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

pattern which originally had been at the palm, and the palm carries a finger pattern, both
unchanged except in the marginal zones of scar.

III. Principle of infallibility - Fingerprint evidence is reliable. The reasons why fingerprint
is one of the infallible means identification.

a. Fingerprints are already formed about 3 to 4 months of intra-uterine life and remain
unchanged throughout life until the final decomposition of the body after death.

b. The pattern formation formed by the papillary ridges peculiar characteristics which a
person can always be identified by fingerprints examiners.

c. Almost every police and law enforcement throughout the world accept: adopt, and utilize
fingerprint system as a means of absolute identification of a person.

d. The courts and other authorities had since time immemorial taken cognizance of its
importance as a means of identification.

Admissibility of Fingerprint expert testimony

Expert testimony as to the identity of thumb marks or fingerprints is admissible. The
method of identification of a person by correspondence of fingerprints has been widely
recognized as a relatively accurate system of establishing identity and it is well settled that
evidence of the correspondence or lack of correspondence of fingerprints, when testified by a
qualified witness is ADMISSIBLE to establish the identity of the accused in criminal
prosecution as the person committing the crime charged.

This method of Identification of persons has become a fixed method of our system of
jurisprudence. Proof of fingerprints corresponding in those of the accused found at the crime
scene under such circumstances that could only have impressed at the time the crime was
committed, may be sufficient proof of identity m sustain a conviction.

Use of Fingerprints and their Application to Law Enforcement

1. Identification of criminals whose fingerprints are found at the crime scene.

2. Identification of fugitives through comparison of fingerprints.

3. Assistance to prosecutors in defend in their cases in the light of defendants previous


4. Furnishing identification data to probation or parole officers and to parole boards for their
enlightenment in decision making.

5. Exchanging of criminal identifying information with identification bureaus of foreign

counties in cases of mutual interests.
6. Means of personal identification.

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7. Identification of unknown deceased.

8. Prevention of hospital mistakes in the identification of infants (In some countries).

9. Identification of persons from amnesia whose fingerprints are on tile.

10. Identification of missing persons.

11. Personal Identification in disaster work.

12. Licensing procedures to automobiles, firearms, aircrafts and other equipment.

The ultimate purpose of fingerprints is to provide the most positive means of
personal and criminal identification.

Allied Sciences of Fingerprint

1. Poroscopy - The science which deals with the study of the pores found on the papillary or
friction ridges of the skin for the purpose of identification.

The method was discovered and developed by Edmond Locard in 1912. Locard
observed that like the ridge characteristics, the pores are also permanent, immutable and
individual, and these are useful to establish the identity or otherwise of individuals when
available ridges do not provide sufficient ridge characteristics.

The case of Boudet and Simonin solved by Locard on the basis of the impressions of
pores in the latent prints opened a new chapter in the science of identification but this
technique could not gain much popularity except for a few stray works most likely due to the
following probable reasons:

a. Lack of sufficient and systematic data about the various aspects of sweat pores, such as
shape, size, position and interspacing frequency etc.

b. The sweat pores may not always appear in latent/ inked impressions and their microscopic
nature restricts the finger print experts to give proper attention to examine their details.

2. Chiroscopy - The science palm print identification

3. Podoscopy -The science of footprint/footwear identification

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

E. Activity

Activity A
Instruction: In 200 words summarize the history of fingerprint in the world.


Activity B. Draw the layers of the skin on the space provided and identify every layer of it.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

F. Post Test

Test I: Multiple choice

Instruction: Write the corresponding letter of your answer before the number.
Strictly NO ERASURE/S.

__ 1. Who is the first American Instructor in Dactyloscopy?

a. Henry P. De Forest b. Harry Mayers 11
c. Mary K. Holland d. Sgt. Kenneth Perrier

__ 2. The one who advocated the first state and penal use of fingerprint which was
officially adopted in sing-sing prison.
a. Capt. James I. Parke b. Sir Edward Henry
c. Mary K. Holland d. Will West

__ 3. Who is the first person who teach fingerprints in the Philippine Constabulary?
a. Mr. Generoso Reyes b. Alfred Hale
c. Mr. Jones d. Edward Richards

__ 4. Who is the first researcher address the formation of friction ridges in embryos and
the topographical physical stressors that may have been part of their growth.
a. Arthur Kollman b. H. Klaatsch
c. Harold Cummins d. Govard Bidloo

__ 5. In what country we will find the earliest evidence of ridge detail on the hands and
feet of humans was seen in the 4000 years old mummies.
a. China b. Japan
c. France d. Egypt

__ 6. On this country they used finger seals on legal contracts from 1855-1913 B.C this
practice identified the author and protected against forgery.
a. France b. Japan
c. Babylonia d. Palestine

__ 7. Where do you find the most famous ancient stone carvings, its inner walls are
covered with incised designs systems of horse-shoe form.?
a. Palestine b. Babylonia
c. France d. Japan

__ 8. Which country that using a inked fingerprints are common practice on their official
documents, land scales, contracts, loan and acknowledgements of debt?
a. China b. Japan
c. Babylonia d. France

__ 9. Who stated that is never duplicated in two persons, nevertheless the similarities are
closer among some individuals?
a. Dr. J.C.A. Mayer b. Sir Edward Henry
b. Harry Mayers d. Mary K. Holland

__ 10. Who develop a classification system for cataloging fingerprints based on

common patterns that are present on each finger?
a. Dr. J.C.A. Mayer b. Sir Edward Henry
b. Harry Mayers d. Mary K. Holland

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Test II: Essay
Instruction: answer the following in a brief and concise explanation, please avoid erasure.

1. What is principle of infallibility in fingerprint?


2. What is principle of individuality in fingerprint?


3. What is principle of permanency in fingerprint?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


The fingerprint and fingerprint patterns


This chapter discusses the important terms is the fingerprint, different types of
fingerprint pattern and the different characteristics of fingerprint pattern.

A. Learning Outcomes

At the end of learning experience, the students will be able to:

 know about friction ridge and its structure;

 elaborate the importance of ridge characteristics and demonstrate the ability to identify
the different minutiae;
 enumerate the different types of fingerprint classification;
 identify the different characteristics of ridges;
 understand the important terminologies in the fingerprinting.

B. Time allotment

3rd and 4th week/8 hours

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C. Pre-test

Instruction: select the best answer; write the letter of your answer before the number.

__ 1. What is a fingerprint pattern that there are two deltas and in which at least one ridge
makes a turn through one complete circuit?
a. double loop whorl b. plain arch c. plain whorl d. central pocket loop whorl

__ 2. A fingerprint pattern where the opening end of the loop ridge points in the direction
of the thumb side of either the left or right hand
a. central loop b. ulnar loop c. radial loop d. central pocket loop whorl

__ 3. What is the fingerprint pattern that has a combination of two or more different types
of pattern except in plain arch?
a. double loop whorl b. plain whorl c. ulnar loop d. accidental whorl

__ 4. What is the type of the loop where the opening end of the loop ridge points in the
direction of the little finger side either left or right hand?
a. double loop whorl b. ulnar loop c. radial loop d. central pocket loop

__ 5. What is the ridge characteristics where the ridge path divides forming a Y shape with
legs having the same length?
a. spur b. enclosure c. trifurcation d. bifurcation

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D. Discussion

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E. Activity
I. Instruction: on the space provided, draw your own hand using pencil and label its
divisions and creases. Avoid erasure.

Left Hand
Right Hand

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II. Instruction: on the space provided, draw eight basic ridge formations using pencil. Avoid

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________

3. _________________________ 4. _________________________

5. ________________________ 6. _________________________

7. ________________________ 8. ________________________

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III. Instruction: on the space provided, draw a fingerprint pattern and label at
least 10 ridge characteristics and answer the questions below. Avoid erasure.

1. what is the importance of the ridge characteristics to fingerprint


2. For you, what is ridge characteristics?

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IV. Instruction: label the type lines and patterns areas in the different
fingerprint patterns below using red ball pen.

1. what is the type lines?

2. What is pattern area?

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V. Instruction: in circle the core and delta on the fingerprint patterns below
using red ball pen.

1. what is core and delta?

2. What is the importance of the core and delta in a fingerprint pattern?

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F: Post Test
Instruction: choose your answer from the choices, write the letter that corresponds to your
answer before the number. Avoid erasure.

__ 6. What is a fingerprint pattern that ridges enter on one side of the pattern and flow
towards the other side, with a rise in the center with more than one of the four requisites
for a loop and with no recurving ridge, no angular formation, and no upward trust?
a. accidental whorl b. double loop whorl c. Plain Arch d. Tented Arch

__ 7. It is a point on the ridge formation usually located at the center or heart of pattern
or called as inner terminus.
a. Core b. Delta c. Atom Ridge d. Pattern Area

__ 8. These are objects that are commonly encountered in investigations or the possible
real object that created the evidence.
a. exemplars b. individualism c. dactyloscopy d. furrow

__ 9. It is the application of forensic science to criminal matters.

a. dactylography b. dactyloscopy c. criminalistics d. criminalism

__ 10. What do we call to the portion of the skin lower and between the ridges?
a. delta b. ridge ending c. island d. furrow

__ 11. What is a fingerprint pattern that there are two deltas and in which at least
one ridge makes a turn through one complete circuit?
a. double loop whorl b. plain arch c. plain whorl d. central pocket loop whorl

__ 12. A fingerprint pattern where the opening end of the loop ridge points in the
direction of the thumb side of either the left or right hand
a. central loop b. ulnar loop c. radial loop d. central pocket loop whorl

__ 13. What is the fingerprint pattern that has a combination of two or more
different types of pattern except in plain arch?
a. double loop whorl b. plain whorl c. ulnar loop d. accidental whorl

__ 14. What is the type of the loop where the opening end of the loop ridge points in
the direction of the little finger side either left or right hand?
a. double loop whorl b. ulnar loop c. radial loop d. central pocket loop

__ 15. What is the ridge characteristics where the ridge path divides forming a Y
shape with legs having the same length?
a. spur b. enclosure c. trifurcation d. bifurcation

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This chapter discusses the different tools used in taking fingerprint, procedures in
taking fingerprint, problems encounter and point to consider in taking fingerprints, and types
of fingerprint impressions.

A. Learning Outcomes

At the end of learning experience, the students will be able to:

 enumerate the basic tool used in fingerprinting;

 acquire skills in taking of a fingerprint in a different types of impression;
 identify the problems that may encounter by fingerprint technician.
 explain procedure in on post mortem fingerprinting.

B. Time allotment

5th and 6th week/8 hours

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

C. Pre-test

Instruction: select the best answer; write the letter of your answer before the number that
corresponds the given question.

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D. Discussion

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E. Activity
Instruction: place your fingerprint to the fingerprint card below in a rolled and plain
impression. Follow the procedure in taking a fingerprint.

Right Hand
Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little Finger
For rolled impression

Left Hand

Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little Finger

Left hand Right Hand

For Plain Impression

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Finger Print Classification


This chapter discusses the classification formula of fingerprints; Primary

classification, Secondary classification, Sub-secondary classification, Final Classification,
Major Classification. It also discusses the ridge tracing and ridge counting.

A. Learning Outcomes

At the end of learning experience, the students will be able to:

 understand how to get the classification of fingerprints;

 acquire techniques in identifying classification of fingerprints;
 acquire skills in ridge tracing and ridge counting;
 explain the different rules in doing the classification formula.

B. Time allotment

7th and 10th week/16 hours

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

C. Pre-test

Instruction: select the best answer; write the letter of your answer before the number that
corresponds the given question.

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D. Discussion

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E. Activity

 place your fingerprint to the fingerprint card below in a rolled impression. Follow the
procedure in taking a fingerprint.
 Classify the set of prints by obtaining the primary.

Right Hand
Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little Finger
For rolled impression

Left Hand
Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little Finger



Evaluation question

1. What are the patterns used to obtain the primary classification (PC)?

2. Discuss the steps in obtaining the primary classification.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

B. Instruction:
 place your fingerprint to the fingerprint card below in a rolled impression. Follow the
procedure in taking a fingerprint.
 Assuming that your right and left thumb are amputated.
 Classify the set of prints by obtaining the primary.

Right Hand
Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little Finger
For rolled impression

Left Hand
Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little Finger

Evaluation Questions

1. state the rules and fingers missing since birth.

2. What will be the classification if all fingers are amputated or fingers missing at birth? Why?

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

C. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the primary classification applying
the rules. Use pencil for the drawing and ball pen for the classification.



Numerator PC


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

D. Instruction: in a given set of prints, obtain the secondary classification applying the rules.

Numerator PC SC


Evaluation Question

1. what are the fingers used in obtaining the secondary classification (SC)?


2. Discuss the steps in obtaining the secondary classification (SC)?


3. What are the symbols to be used in the secondary classification (SC)?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

E. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the secondary classification
applying the rules. Use pencil for the drawing and ball pen for the classification.



Numerator PC SC


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

F. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the Sub-Secondary classification
for loops applying the rules.

Numerator PC SC SSC


Evaluation Questions:

1. what are the fingers used to obtain the sub-secondary classification (SSC) for loops?


2. Discuss the steps in obtaining the sub-secondary classification (SSC) for loops?


3. State the rules used to obtain the sub-secondary classification (SSC) for loops?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

G. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the sub-secondary classification
for loops applying the rules. Use pencil for the drawing and ball pen for the


W 5 ridges 10 ridges 8 ridges D


U 9 ridges 12 ridges 11 ridges U

Numerator PC SC SSC


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

H. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, obtain the sub-secondary classification for whorls and applying
the rules.

Numerator PC SC SSC


Evaluation Questions:

1. Discuss the steps in obtaining the sub-secondary classification (SSC) for whorls?


2. state the rules to obtain the sub-secondary classification (SSC) for whorls?


3. Enumerate the steps of ridge tracing for whorls.


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I. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the sub-secondary classification
for Whorls applying the rules. Use pencil for the drawing and ball pen for the

5 ridges above 3 ridges below AMP
U ridge delta right delta U
4 ridges below 3 ridges above 3 ridge below
C right delta right delta right delta W

Numerator PC SC SSC


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

J. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, obtain the sub-secondary classification for Arches applying rules.

Numerator PC SC SSC


Evaluation Questions:

1. Discuss the steps in obtaining the sub-secondary classification (SSC) for Arches?


2. state the rules to obtain the sub-secondary classification (SSC) for Arches?


3. why is there a need to use small letters in the secondary classification (SSC) for aches?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

K. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the sub-secondary classification
for Arches applying the rules. Use pencil for the drawing and ball pen for the

5 ridges above 3 ridges below AMP
U ridge delta right delta U
4 ridges below 3 ridges above 3 ridge below
C right delta right delta right delta W

Numerator PC SC SSC


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

L. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, obtain the sub-secondary classification for loops, whorls and Arches
applying rules.

Numerator PC SC SSC


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

M. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, obtain the Final classification applying rules.

Numerator PC SC SSC FC


Evaluation Questions:

1. What are the fingers used in the Final classification?


2. Enumerate the steps in obtaining the final classification (FC) for loops, whorls and arches?


3. How is ridge counting done for whorls in the final classification (FC)?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

N. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the Final classification applying
the rules. Use pencil for the drawing and ball pen for the classification.

5 ridges above 4 ridges below 12 ridges
R A right delta right delta
U 6 ridges above 16 ridges T 8 ridges
right delta

Numerator PC SC SSC FC


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

O. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, obtain the Major classification for loops applying rules.

Numerator MC PC SC SSC FC


Evaluation Questions:

1. What are the fingers used to obtain the Major classification?


2. Enumerate the rules used to obtain the Major Classification (MC) for loops?


3. In what way the denominator governs the numerator in the Major Classification (MC)?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

P. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, obtain the Major classification for Whorls applying rules.

Numerator MC PC SC SSC FC


Evaluation Questions:

1. State the rules to obtain the Major classification?


2. What is the difference of the Major Classification (MC) for Whorls Sub-Secondary
Classification (SSC) for Whorls?


3. What are the symbols used for ridge tracing for whorls?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Q. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, obtain the Major classification for Arches applying rules.

Numerator MC PC SC SSC FC


Evaluation Questions:

1. State the rules to obtain the Major Classification (MC) for arches?


2. What is the importance of writing small letters for arches on the left side of the SC?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

R. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the Major classification for Arches
applying the rules. Use pencil for the drawing and ball pen for the classification.
22 ridges T 3 ridges above 0 ridge 8 ridges
right delta
T 10 ridges 4 ridges above 3 ridges above 13 ridges
right delta

Numerator MC PC SC SSC FC


Evaluation Questions:

1. How is Major Classification (MC) obtained if the fingerprint patterns are loops, whorls and


2. What will be the MC if both thumbs are amputated or finger missing at birth?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

S. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, obtain the Key classification applying the rules.

Numerator KC MC PC SC SSC FC


Evaluation Questions:

1. What fingerprint pattern is used to obtain the key classification (KC)?


2. Why are the little fingers excluded in the key classification?


3. In the classification formula, where is the answer of the key classification (KC) written?


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

T. Instruction:

 In a given set of prints, draw the patterns and obtain the Major classification for Arches
applying the rules. Use pencil for the drawing and ball pen for the classification.
5 ridges below 3 ridges above 3 ridges below 5 ridges
right delta right delta right delta
11 ridges A 8 ridges 12 ridges A

Numerator KC MC PC SC SSC FC


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Latent Prints


This chapter discusses the classes of latent prints, pointer in producing fingerprint
evidence for court presentation and the different methods of developing latent prints.

A. Learning Outcomes

At the end of learning experience, the students will be able to:

 differentiate the different classes of latent prints;

 acquire skills in searching for latent prints;
 basic skills in development of latent prints;

B. Time allotment

9th and 11th week/12 hours

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

C. Pre-test

Instruction: select the best answer; write the letter of your answer before the number that
corresponds the given question.

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D. Discussion

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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
E. Activity

Instruction: Developed and latent print with an actual print recorded through
the methods of impression, study/compare the question and standard


 Elmer’s glue
 Clear scotch tape (big)
 Scissor
 Red ball pen
 Ruler
 Pencil
 Bondpaper


 Place Elmer’s Glue on one of your fingers and wait the elmer’s glue dry.
 Place the scotch tape on the dry elmer’s glue and remove it.
 Place the scotch tape that have a latent fingerprint on the bond paper.
 Place your standard fingerprint on the bond paper
 Enlarge the question and standard fingerprint by taking picture and print
( 2x3 inches)
 Place your enlarged standard and question fingerprint on the box provided
in the next page.
 Identify the ridges characteristics in question fingerprint that has in same
characteristics in standard (at least 8 characteristics)
 In circle the ridge characteristics by red ball pen and label it by using
 Explain your findings.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Question fingerprint Standard fingerprint


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System


This chapter discusses the classes of latent prints, pointer in producing fingerprint
evidence for court presentation and the different methods of developing latent prints.

A. Learning Outcomes

At the end of learning experience, the students will be able to:

 understand what is AIFIS;

 understand what is DNA;
 relate the DNA to criminal identification;
 explain the history of DNA.

B. Time allotment

12th and 13th week/8 hours

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

C. Pre-test

Instruction: select the best answer; write the letter of your answer before the number that
corresponds the given question.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

D. Discussion

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Your final exam on this course FORC 102 will be given via google form,
wait for the announcement in your group chat.

The discussion part of this module is lifted from my reference.

Reference: Depayso V. P. (2018). The basis of fingerprint, palm print and

footprint. Wiseman’s Boooks Trading , Inc.

Congratulations for completing this module!

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
Student’s Information

Year and Section:
Contact No.:
E-mail address:
Facebook Account:
Messenger Account:

Data Privacy Notice

For this module, we collect name, program, year and section, contact number, email
address, facebook and messenger account when you submit your printed module for
purposes of coordination and communication.

All personal information collected will be stored in a secure location and only authorized
staff will have access to them.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

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WPU: the leading knowledge center for sustainable
development of West Philippines and beyond.

WPU commits to develop quality human resource and green
technologies for a dynamic economy and sustainable
development through relevant instruction,
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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

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