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5/12/24, 12:43 PM English GL Practise - 29th April to 3rd May 2024

Name: _______________ Date ___________

1. Tick the sentence that is a question.

a) I can swim.

b) Can you see it?

c) The frog was green.

d) It is a hot day.

2. Tick the noun in this sentence.

The tent is green.

a) tent

b) green

c) is

3. Complete this sentence using the correct conjunctions given below.

Are you good at swimming are you better at

a) because

b) if

c) or… 1/3
5/12/24, 12:43 PM English GL Practise - 29th April to 3rd May 2024

4. What does the word these refer to in the sentence below?

When my brother and I go camping with our cousins, we will take a tent
and mats. As well as these, we will need sleeping bags.
a) my brother and I

b) our cousins

c) a tent and mats

d) sleeping bags

5. What type of word is underlined in the sentence below.

Sam went to an exciting party.
a) Nouns

b) Verbs

c) Adjectives

6. Why do the underlined words start with a capital letter?

In September, Simon is going on holiday to Spain arty.

7. Tick the correct verbs so that the sentence is in the past tense.
The dog [is/was] barking so Dad [shouted/shouts] at him to stop.

a) is and shouts

b) was and shouts

c) was and shouted

d) is and shouted… 2/3
5/12/24, 12:43 PM English GL Practise - 29th April to 3rd May 2024

8. Which sentence uses an apostrophe correctly?

a) Brad’s cats are black and have big green eyes.

b) Brads’ cats are black and have big green eyes.

c) Brads cat’s are black and have big green eyes.

d) Brads cats are black and have big green eye’s.

9. Which punctuation mark completes the sentence below?

What a lovely day it is today
a) full stop [.]
b) exclamation mark[!]
c) question mark [?]
d) commas [,]

10. Rewrite the sentence given below by adding comma to it at the correct place.

The cafe sells tea coffee and hot chocolate.… 3/3

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