Chapter-7 Oxygen Sheet Notes

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Chapter-07 : Oxygen
Oxygen (16O)
8 protons, 8 neutrons, 8 electrons


"Oxygen gas constitutes

20.8% of the earth's
atmosphere. However
monitoring of atmosphere
Outer electron oxygen levels show a global
electron shell
2 electons downward trend, because of
6 electrons
fossil fuels burning.".
7.1 Introduction
Oxygen is a very important gas as it supports life, and human beings, plants
and animals depend on it to stay alive. Oxygen supports burning as well.
Joseph Priestly and CW Scheele (working independently) are credited with
the discovery of oxygen. In 1774, Priestly performed a simple experiment
and discovered a gas by heating mercuric oxide (HgO) with the help of the
7.2 Discovery or oxygen Properties of Oxygen :
Supporter of Colourless,
ACTIVE CHEMISTRY 7.1 combustion tasteless &
odourless gas
Aim O2
Essential for Slightly soluble
Red mercuric oxide (HgO) was heated by focussing the sun's rays on it using respiration in water
a convex lens.
Materials required
Mercuric oxide (HgO), convex lens.
Heat mercuric oxide (HgO) with the help of the sun's rays.
Observation Convex
A colourless gas collected in the jar had remarkable characteristics. A candle Mercuric
burns more brightly in the gas. Sun's oxide
Conclusion Mercury
The newly discovered gas was oxygen which remained uncofirmed.
In 1775, French scientist Antoine Lavoisier conducted his famous 12-day
experiment and published his findings. Lavoisier observed that substances Fig. 1 Joseph priestley's experiment
burnt brightly in this gas. He also went on to prove that air contained one-
fifth of this gas by volume. Lavoisier recognized this gas as an element and
named it oxygen. He named it so because he believed that it was present in
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Pure mercury was heated in a swan necked retort for twelve days.

Materials required

Mercuric Retort Belljar, swan necked retort, mercury, burner.

oxide Bell
Mercury Procedure
cury Heat the mercury in a swan necked retort for twelve days.

Hg + O2 
 HgO
Fig.2 Antoine Lavoisier's experiment
HgO 
 Hg + O2


A 'redpowder' appeared on the surface of the heated mercury in the retort.

On collection and strong heating of the red powder 'Priestley's gas' with the
above characteristics was obtained. The level of mercury in the bell jar also
rose by 1/5.


Lavoisier named the gas 'oxygen' and concluded it supported combustion.

7.3 Occurrence
We have already read that air contains nearly 21% of oxygen by volume,
that is one-fifth of air is oxygen by volume, that is one-fifth of air is oxygen.
Oxygen is the most abundant element on earth. It exists as diatomic
molecules, O2, in the air. The atmosphere also has an ozone (ozone is a
molecule of oxygen with the formula O3) layer. Oxygen is present in almost
every compound from the simplest oxides (like H2O, CO2 and SiO2) to the
complex carbohydrates (like C6H12O6). Oxygen is an important constituent
of materials which make up the earth's crust.
SPOT  7.4 Preparation of oxygen
LIGHT (i) From air : Oxygen can be obtained from air on large scale. At first, air
In the combined state, 8/9th part by is made free from carbon dioxide, water vapours and dust particles. The
weight of water constitutes oxygen. air which now contains only nitrogen and oxygen is subjected to high pressure
Large amount of oxygen is trapped and then cooled and expanded so that it gets liquefied. The liquid air is
in its compounds, like silica (SiO2),
limestone and the oxides of various then distilled. Nitrogen boils and turns into gas again at 195.5°C leaving
metals. behind liquid oxygen which turns into a gas at –183°C.

(ii) From water : In this method water is subjected to electrolysis, i.e.,

electricity is passed through water containing small amount of acid. As a
result water decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen gases. By this method
also oxygen can be obtained on large scale.

Electric current
Water   Hydrogen + Oxygen

2H2O 
 2H2 + O2

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(iii) From compounds containing oxygen : Oxygen can be obtained by
the thermal decomposition of some compounds that contain oxygen.
Some of these compounds are : mercuric oxide, potassium nitrate, potassium
chlorate, hydrogen peroxide, etc.
heating THE
Mercuric oxide
(red powder)
Mercury + Oxygen (g)
(black mirror) SPOT 
2HgO 2Hg + O2 LIGHT
A catalyst is a substance that
Potassium + Oxygen (g) increases or decreases the rate of a
chlorate dioxide (cat,)
chloride chemical reaction without itself
heating undergoing any chemical change.
2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2
MnO2 Different substances are used as
catalysts in different chemical
Nitrates such as potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate also liberate oxygen reactions.
gas on heating.

2KNO3 2KNO2 + O2
potassium nitrate potassium nitrite oxygen

2NaNO3 2NaNO2 + O2
sodium nitrate sodium nitrite oxygen

(iv) From Trilead tetra-oxide (Red lead) :
2Pb3O4  6PbO + O 2 SPOT 
red yellow litharge LIGHT
(v) From Lead (IV) oxide : Thermal decomposition is the
breaking up of a compound on
2PbO4  2PbO + O 2 heating into some of its constituent
chocolate brown elements or other compounds.
(vi) From Silver oxide :
2Ag 2 O  4Ag + O 2
Laboratory preparation of oxygen
From hydrogen peroxide
Oxygen can be easily prepared in the laboratory by slow decomposition of
hydrogen peroxide solution using manganese dioxide as a catalyst. Let us
perform the following experiment. Potassium
chlorate Oxygen
ACTIVE CHEMISTRY 7.3 manganese Water
(iv) oxide
To prepare oxygen from hydrogen peroxide using manganese dioxide as
Equation : 2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2[g]
a catalyst
Chemicals required Fig.3 Preparation of oxygen from
potassium chlorate, using manganese
Flat-bottomed flask, two-holded rubber, stopper, thistle funnel with a stopper,
dioxide as catalyst
delivery tube, beehive-shelf arrangement, hydrogen peroxide, manganese
A small quantity of manganese dioxide, a black powder, is taken in a flat bottom
flask (Fig.4) A two- holed stopper is fixed into the mouth of the flask. Into one
of the holes a thistle funnel is fitted, and through the other, a glass tube is
introduced into the flask. The other end of the glass tube (delivery tube) passes
into a beehive shelf placed in a trough containing water.
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Now, hydrogen peroxide is added drop by drop into the flask with the help
of the thistle funnel (slow addition controls the rate of production of oxygen).
Manganese dioxide decomposes hydrogen peroxide very fast, and liberates
oxygen, which passes through the delivery tube and bubbles out through
the water in the trough. The first few bubbles are allowed to escape, since
SPOT  they contain air from the flask prior to the reaction.
Now, a gas jar filled with water is inverted over the beehive shelf. Oxygen
LIGHT is collected in the jar by downward displacement of water. As the gas keeps
Reasons for preferring H2O2 for labo- collecting in the gas jar, the water level in the jar keeps decreasing and the
ratory preparation of oxygen:
1. No heating is required.
space lying above the water is gradually occupied by oxygen. When all the
2. The rate of evolution of O2 is water has been displaced, the jar becomes full of oxygen. The jar is now
moderateandthereforeundercontrol. covered with a greased lid and removed from the beehive shelf. In this way,
3. H2O2 is a safe chemical.
a number of gas jars can be filled up with oxygen gas.

oxygen gas

peroxide manganese

Fig.4 Preparation of oxygen gas from hydrogen peroxide

As hydrogen peroxide drips from the funnel and onto manganese dioxide,
a brisk evolution of oxygen gas takes place.
Collection of gas
Oxygen is collected by downward displacement of water. When the gas jar
is filled, it is covered with a greased glass lid beneath the level of water in
the trough and removed.
SPOT  Manganese dioxide used should be pure. An explosion can take place if it
contains impurities like carbon.
The following reaction takes place in the flask :
Although mercuric oxide and potas-
sium nitrate gives off oxygen on heat-
ing, these are generally not used for 2H 2 O 2   2H 2 O  O 2 
the laboratory preparation of oxy- hydrogen peroxide water oxygen
gen because mercury vapours are
poisonous and strong heating re-
Role of manganese dioxide
quired for melting of potassium ni-
trate. Manganese dioxide acts as a catalyst. A catalyst is a chemical substance
which changes the rate of a chemical reaction but remains unchanged in
its mass and composition at the end of the reaction.
This method of preparation is preferred over other methods, because :
(i) No heating is required.
(ii) Production of oxygen gas can be regulated by regulating the flow of
hydrogen peroxide in the flask.
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1. Fill in the blanks
) Acatalyst isa substance which ................the rateofthereaction without
itself undergoing any change.
) On thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate.......................gas
is obtained
2. True false
) Oxygen is a colourless gas and odourless gas.
) Oxygen is the most abundant element on the earth.


Why is oxygen collected by downward displacement of water ? Glowing
1. Oxygen is only slightly soluble in water. Therefore, it can be collected
over water without fear of excessive dilution.
2. Oxygen is slightly heavier than air, so it cannot be collected over air.


Aim Add water
To Show that the catalyst manganese dioxide does not undergo any change.
(i) Chemically (ii) In mass on heating with potassium chlorate in the laboratory
preparation of oxygen.
Step-1 Heat
In a glass test tube 2g. of KClO3 and 0.5 g. of MnO2 (catalyst) Filter

Step-2 Introduce
A glowing splint inside the test tube to ensure that all the oxygen is given
Step-3 Cool
The test tube and add about 20cc. of distilled water to the residual contents
of the test-tube.
Step-4 Filter
The above contents through a weighed filter paper. Wash the black powder
(MnO2) repeated with distilled water.
Step-5 Dry
The above filter paper along with the balck powder in an oven.
Weigh the dried filter paper along with the black powder. Gss
Step-6 Remove
The black powder after weighing and heat it with conc. HCl acid. MnO2
Reaction +
conc. HCl
MnO2, + 4HCl  MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2 Fig.5 Active Chemistry 7.4
Mass of MnO2 remains unchanged. Weight of black powder obtained from
the filter paper is the same as the initial weight (i.e. 0.5g.).
Chemically MnO2 remains unchanged.
The black powder obtained from the dry filter paper on heating with conc.
HCl acid, evolves greenish yellow chlorine gas (a characteristic chemical
test for MnO2)
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7.5 Manufacture of oxygen
(1) By fractional distillation of liquid air
Air is a homogeneous mixture of gases like nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon
dioxide, helium, neon etc.
Air is a homogeneous mixture and can be separated into its components

by fractional distillation ofliquid air.
SPOT Method
LIGHT (a) The air is first filtered to remove dust, then water vapour and carbon
The major component of air is nitro- dioxide are removed. If water vapour and carbon dioxide are not
gen (78.03%). The second major com- removed, they would become solid in the cooling process and block
ponent of air is oxygen (20.99%) the pipes.
and the third major component of air
is argon (0.93%). (b) Air is compressed to a high pressure and then cooled. This cooled air
is then allowed to expand quickly into a chamber through a jet. This
expansion cools the air even more.
(c) The process of compression, cooling and rapid expansion of air is
repeated again and again. This makes the air more and more cool.
Ultimately the air gets so cooled that it turns into a liquid. In this way,
liquid air is obtained.

Fig.6 Separation of components of air

• The liquid air is fed into a tall fractional distillation column from near its
bottom and warmed up slowly.
(a) Liquid nitrogen which is present in air has the lowest boiling point of
– 196°C. So, on warming liquid nitrogen boils off first to form nitrogen
THE (b) Liquid argon which is present in liquid air has a slightly higher boiling
SPOT  point of –186°C, so liquid argon boils off next and is collected as argon
gas in the middle part of the fractional distillation column.
LIGHT (c) Liquid oxygen also present in liquid air has a still higher boiling point
The earth's crust is made mainly from of – 183°C. So, liquid oxygen boils off last and is collected as oxygen
two elements i.e. oxygen (46.6%) &
gas at the bottom of the fractional distillation column.
silicon (27.7%). The rest of the ele-
ments are present in lesser propor- Nitrogen
tions. All living things, both plants & (B.P. – 196°C)
animals are made from a few ele-
ments only. These are mainly oxygen

carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium


along with some other elements. Compression

cooling, and Allow to warm up Boils Argon
Air Liquid Air
rapid expansion (Fractional distillation Second (B.P. – 186°C)

(B.P. – 183°C)

Fig.7 Separation of gases from air.

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How can you prove that air is a mixture ?
(a) The composition of air is variable. The composition varies from place
and with altitude. For instance, at higher altitudes, there is less oxygen
in the air. In industrial areas, due to the waste gases coming out of THE
industrial chimneys in the form of smoke more impurities are added
inthe air.
(b) Air has no definite set of properties. Its properties are an average of
In electrolysis, 'electro' refer to elec-
its constituents. For e.g. vapour density of oxygen is 16, vapour density tricity and 'lysis' refers to break
of nitrogen is 14 and vapour density of air is 14.4. down.
(c) The components of air can be separated by physical means. Fractional
distillation of liquid air can separate N2 and O2. Boiling point of a liquid
N2 = –196°C, Boiling point of a liquid O2 = –183°C.
(d) The formation of air does not involve any energy change. No energy
is released or absorbed when the constituents of air are mixed in the
right proportion.
(e) Air cannot be assigned a fixed chemical formula.
(2) By electrolysis of acidified water
To study electrolytic decomposition, i.e., electrolysis of water.
i) Take a plastic mug. Drill two holes at its base and fit rubber stoppers
in these holes. Insert carbon electrodes in these rubber stoppers.
) Connect these electrodes to a 6 volt battery.
(iii) Fill the mug with water such that the electrodes are immersed. Add
a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid to the water.
(iv) Take two test tubes filled with water and invert them over the two carbon
(v) Switch on the current and leave the apparatus undisturbed for some time.
(vi) It will be observed that formation of bubbles takes place at both the
electrodes. These bubbles displace water in the test tubes.
(vii) Once the test tubes are partially filled with the respective gases, remove
them carefully.
(viii) Test these gases one by one by bringing burning candle close to the
mouth of the test tubes.

Plastic Mug
Oxygen Hydrogen
Electrolysis is used for the extraction
Test tube of several metals.

Graphite rod Water

Rubber stopper
Anode Cathode

Fig.8 Electrolysis of water
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Now answer
) Is the volume of the gas collected the same in both the test tubes ?
) What happens in each test tube on bringing the burning candle ?
(iii) Which gas is present in each test tube ?
It is observed that the volume of gas collected over the cathode is double than
that collected over the anode. The gas with double volume burns with a popping
SPOT  sound whereas the other gas supports burning (combustion). Thus, the gas with
double the volume is hydrogen whereas the gas in the other tube is oxygen.
LIGHT Conclusion
Test for oxygen Acidified water undergoes electrolysis producing H2 and O2 gases in the
1.Combustibility : Oxygen supports ratio of 2 : 1 by volume
burning (or combustion) but does
not burn itself, which means it is 2H2O(l) 

 2H2(g) + O2(g)
non-combustible. water Hydrogen Oxygen
2. Neutral to litmus test : Oxygen
is neutral to litmus test. It does not (Burns with a popping sound) (Supporter of combustion)
change the colour of either the red These kind of reactions in which electric current is passed through the
litmus paper or the blue litmus
compound in liquid (or molten) or aqueous solution are called electrolytic
decomposition reactions or simply electrolysis.
7.6 Properties of oxygen
Physical properties of oxygen
(i) Oxygen is a colourless and odourless gas.
(ii) Oxygen is heavier than air.
(iii) Oxygen is slightly soluble in water.
(iv) Oxygen can be liquefied to a pale blue liquid, commercially called
liquid oxygen `LOX' (boiling point – 183°C) by compressing the gas to
very low temperature. Oxygen transforms to a blue solid on further
cooling (freezing point – 218.4°C).
Chemical properties of oxygen
(i) Oxygen supports combustion.
e.g. CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) + Heat
Methane Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water
(ii) This reaction is a combustion reaction as it involves burning of methane
in oxygen with the liberation of large amount of energy.
SPOT  All combustion reactions are exothermic in nature.
(iii) Oxidation reactions : A reaction in which oxygen is added to an
LIGHT element or a compound is called oxidation. These new compounds
Ignition temperature are known as oxides. But different substances burn is oxygen at different
In most cases, a substance has to be rates. Hence oxidation can be of three categories.
heated first, to enable it to burn, The (a) Spontaneous oxidation : Most metals, non-metals and metal
lowest temperature to which a sub-
stance must be heated before it sulphides burn in oxygen when ignited to form their oxides. Such type
begings to burn is called its ignition of burning is called spontaneous oxidation. In this type of oxidation
temperature sometime mere contact of the substance with oxygen triggers
instantaneous reaction.
(i) Magnesium burns in air to form a white powder (magnesium oxide).
2Mg(s) + O2(g)  2MgO(s)
Magnesium Oxygen Magnesium oxide

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1. (i)Increases (ii) Oxygen
2. (i)True (ii)True
To show the nature of rust (iron oxide)
) Take a spoonful of rust and dissolve it in a very little amount of water
and shake it well. SPOT 
) Test the solution with red and blue litmus papers. LIGHT
Observation Gold, platinum and silver do not react
with oxygen (air).
The red litmus paper becomes blue but blue litmus do not get affected.
Reaction involved
Iron+ Oxygen  Iron oxide (Rust)


Red litmus
paper THE
Some of the metal oxides are
Rust amphoteric in nature like ZnO, Al2O3,

Fig.9 Nature of rust.

This activity shows that rust is basic in nature.
To study the burning of metals in air to form oxides.
i) Take samples of sodium, potassium, magnesium, copper and
) Hold sample with a pair of tongs and try to burn it over the flame. SPOT 
Repeat with other metal samples. LIGHT
(iii) Collect the products if formed. Some of the non-metal oxides are
(iv) Let the products and the metal surface cool down. neutral in nature like H2O, NO, N2O
Now answer and CO.
i) Which metals burn easily ?
) What flame colour did you observe when the metal burns ?
(iii) Arrange the metals in the decreasing order of their reactivity towards
oxygen. Are the product soluble in water ?
(iv) How does the metal surface appear after burning ?
Sodium and potassium react vigorously with oxygen.
4Na(s) + O2(g)  2Na2O(s)
4K(s) + O2(g)  2K2O(s)
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Sodium and potassium burns with a golden yellow and lilac colour flame
respectively to form sodium and potassium oxides, which dissolve with
water to form alkali called sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.
Na2O(s) + H2O()  2NaOH(aq)
K2O(s) + H2O()  2KOH(aq)
SPOT  Magnesium also burns easily, to form magnesium oxide
2Mg(s) + O2(g)  2MgO(s)
LIGHT Copper and Aluminium do not burn but on heating in air form black copper
Oxides : Oxides are binary (II) oxide and white aluminium oxide (Al2O3) respectively.
compounds formed by the chemical 2Cu(s) + O2(g)  2CuO(s)
combination of a substance (metal
or non-metal) with oxygen. Copper Copper (II) oxide (Black)
Example : Sodium oxide (Na2O), 4Al(s) + 3O2(g)  2Al2O3(s)
Sulphur dioxide (SO2), etc. Aluminium Aluminium oxide (White)
These metal oxides are found to be insoluble in water.
The order of reactivity with oxygen is :
K > Na > Mg > Al > Cu
At ordinary temperature, the surfaces of metals such as magnesium, zinc
THE and lead etc. are covered with a thin layer of the oxide. The protective
SPOT  layer of the oxide prevents the metal from further oxidation.
Almost all metals combine with oxygen to form metal oxides.
Since sodium & potassium metals are
highly reactive, they react vigorously Metal + Oxygen  Metal oxide
with the oxygen (or air). They catch
fire and start burning when kept open (ii) When charcoal is burnt in oxygen it forms, carbon dioxide.
in the air. So, they are stored in C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g)
kerosene to prevent their reaction with
Carbon Oxygen Carbondioxide
the oxygen, moisture and CO2 of air.
(iii) Sulphur burns in oxygen more vigorously than air and forms its oxide
SO2 which has a pungent smell.
S(s) + O2(g)  SO2(g)
Sulphur Oxygen Sulphur dioxide
(iv) Phosphorus burns in oxygen to form phosphorus pentaoxide.
4P(s) + 5O2(g)  2P2O5(s)
Phosphorus Oxygen Phosphorus pentaoxide


To show the nature of non-metal oxide.
i) Take a small amount of sulphur, powdered in a deflagrating spoon
and heat it on a burner flame, till it catches fire.
) Then introduce the spoon into a gas jar.
(iii) After burning add some water to the gas jar and shake it well.
Test the solution with both (blue and red) litmus papers. The blue litmus
paper becomes red and red litmus does not get affected.
Fig.10 Reaction of sodium with
S(s) + O2(g)  SO2(g)
water and air is vigorous in nature.
2SO2 + O2  2SO3
SO3(g) + H2O()  H2SO4(aq)
H2SO4(aq) + Blue litmus  Red

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Fig.11 Burning of sulphur powder
Some non-metallic oxides are neutral
in nature .
This shows that aqueous solution of SO2 is acidic in nature. Example : CO, H2O, N2O etc.

(b) Rapid oxidation : Combustible substances like methane and carbon

monoxide when ignited burn in air. Such a combustion is called rapid
oxidation. Examples of rapid oxidation are burning of a candle and fuels
such as LPG or kerosene. A candle made of wax burns in oxygen to form
carbon dioxide and water vapour.

Oxidation of food substances - Glucose (Respiration)

Respiration is the process in which oxygen is taken in to oxidise the complex
food material into simpler substances with the release of energy.
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + Heat energy
(Glucose present
in blood)
Inspired air : It is the inhaled air i.e., fresh air taken in during breathing.
Respired air : It is the exhaled air given out after respiration.
(1) The respired air contains a higher proportion of carbon dioxide and
water and a lesser proportion of oxygen as compared to inspired air
or atmospheric air.
(2) The temperature of respired air (37°C) is different from the temperature
of inspired air (room temperature or atmospheric temperature).

Comparison of Respiration and Burning
Similarities : SPOT
(i) Oxygen is needed in both cases. LIGHT
(ii) Carbon dioxide and water vapour are produced in both case. Nitrogen is an inactive gas, but it
makes up the bulk of air, i.e. about
(iii) Both produce heat energy. four-fifths of its amount. Itsmain func-
tion is to moderate the activity of oxy-
Differences :
gen. Thus, its helps in keeping the
Burning Res pira tio n rates of combustion and respiration
and of oxidation of food, at a normal
(i) Both heat and light are give n Only heat energy is given out.
(ii) It is a fast p rocess. It is a slow p rocess.
(iii) It occurs at highe r It occurs at body temp erature
temp eratures. (3 7 °C).
(iv) It has to be started by ignition It is a natural biological p rocess
from outside. which take s p lace with the help
of enzymes.

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(c) Slow oxidation : As the name suggests, slow oxidation is a very slow
process. This process takes place over a period of time. There is no light
energy associated with slow oxidation. The heat energy liberated is
negligible. Examples of slow oxidation are respiration and rusting.
Rusting : When iron is exposed to moist air, its surface rapidly gets covered
with a layer of reddish brown powdery coating. This coating is called rust
(Fe2O3. H2O).
If the formation of rust is allowed to continue unchecked, the iron will get
'eaten' away and we say the iron is corroded. Rusting can be prevented by
painting, greasing or electroplating the iron surface.
Fill in the blanks
Air 1. Separation of liquid N2 from liquid O2 is done by fractional...............
Rusty iron 2. Calcium burns in oxygen with a ....................flame.
3. Nitrogen reacts with O2 to form reddish brown fumes of..........
Water 4. All combustion reactions are .............. in nature.
5. Oxygenis.................tolitmustest.
Layer of oil Aim
(prevents air To show that rusting of iron require both oxygen and water (Fig. 12).
in the water) Materials required
Three wide–mouthed test tubes, iron nails, boiled water, tap water, anhy-
Boiled distilled
water(boiled to drous (moisture - free) calcium chloride, vegetable oil, rubber stoppers.
remove any Procedure
dissolved air)
(i) Take three test tubes, label them as 1-3 and place a clean iron nail in
each of them.
Air (ii) Add a small amount of anhydrous calcium chloride (dehydrating agent)
to dry the air in test tube 1.
Anhydrous calcium (iii) Pour boiled (to remove dissolved oxygen), distilled water in test tube 2
(drying agent) and above it put some vegetable oil to keep out the air.
(iv) In test tube 3, pour a small amount of tap water.
Fig.12 To show that O2 and H2O
are necessary for rusting. Close all three test tubes using rubber stoppers. Keep them undisturbed
for 3-4 days and observed the nails in the test tubes. You will observe that
the nails in test tube 1 and 2 have not rusted, while the one in test tube 3
has rusted.
This proves that both oxygen and water are essential for rusting.
Prevention from rusting
Iron is the most useful metal for manking. It is used for making heavy
machines, bridges, vehicles, railways equipments, utensils, etc.
But iron gets rusted easily in the presence of air and moisture. If rust is
allowed to form unchecked, iron gets corroded, resulting in wastage of
metal. Thus the prevention of rusting of iron is essntila.
Iron can be protected from rusting if the surface of the iron is not allowed
to come in contact with most air. This is done by either metallic or non-
metallic coating of iron.
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Metallic coatings Non-metallic coatings
1. Tin Plating Plastic Coating : Iron coated with plastics.
Iron is coated with tin by dipping Uses : For making underground pipes
iron sheets in molten tin.
Uses : Making petrol and
food cans.
2. Galvanising Enamel Coating : it is a mixture of iron
Iron is coated with zinc by dipping and steel with silicates
iron sheets in molten zinc. Uses : In cooking appliances and
(Excess zinc is removed by passing refrigerators. Vitreous enamels are used
through rollers.) for decorative coatings.
Uses : In the manufacture of roofs,
buckets, gutters, etc.
3. Electroplating Oil paints : Iron is coated with a thin
Iron is electroplated with nickel layer o f red lead used as a base over
and chromium by the process of which the oil paints is applied.
electrolysis Uses : Applied on doors and
Uses : Electroplating in the windows etc.
shining parts of a motor car, Fig.13 Galvanised iron is
used for making this home.
bicycle, door knobs etc
4. Alloying : Iron mixed with small Coal tar : A coating of a coal tar
amount of nickel and chromium to layer forms a cheaper, long lasting,
form an alloy. substitute for oil paints.
Uses : Stainless steel, (an alloy Uses : For pr otecting the lower
of Fe, Cr and Ni) is used in the parts of ships.
manufacture of cutlery, utensils, Grease or Oil : Thin film of oil
etc. or grease forms a Protective
coating on iron.
Uses : For protecting metallic
tools and machine parts.

Oxidation of hydrocarbons (Burning)

) Set up the apparatus as shown below (Fig.14).
) (a) An inverted glass funnel is placed over the burning candle.
(b) The funnel is connected to a 'U' tube. A beaker containing ice cold
water is placed below it such that the 'U' tube is partly immersed in
the water.
(c) One arm of the 'U' tube is connected to a flask containing limewater.
(d) The flask containing lime water is connected to a mild suction pump. LIGHT
(iii) A colourless gas condenses in the 'U' tube. When a drop of this liquid Ninty-seven percent of the water on
the earth is salt water. Salt water is
is tested with white anhydrous copper sulphate, the copper sulphate filled with salt and other minerals,
turns blue, indicating the liquid to be water. and humans cannot drink this water.
Cx Hy + O2  CO2 + H2O Although the salt can be removed, it
is a difficult and expensive process.
(iv) The limewater in the flask turns milky. Hence, other gas produced is
carbon dioxide.
Burning U' tube suction pump


Inlet Cold water

for air
Fig.14 To obtain water by burning a candle.
ALLEN Digital Pvt. Ltd. [51]
ICSE - (Class-VIII)
7.7 Uses of oxygen
Uses of oxygen
(i) Major use of oxygen is for breathing. It is carried in cylinders by
mountaineers, deep-sea divers and astronauts.
(ii) Oxygen mixed with helium or carbon dioxide is used for artificial
(iii) Liquid oxygen is an important constituent of fuels used in rockets.

(iv) Liquid oxygen mixed with finely divided carbon acts like a dynamite
SPOT in coal mining.
LIGHT (v) Oxygen is used for production of oxy-hydrogen or oxy-acetylene
flames which are employed for cutting and welding purposes.
In hospitals : A mixture of 5%
carbon dioxide and 95% oxygen, (vi) Oxygen is used as an oxidising agent in several reactions.
called carbogen, is used for artificial (vii) In explosives, cartridges made of 1 part of coal dust, 1 part of
respiration. petroleum jelly and 8 parts of LOX are used for blasting rocks.
It is givento patientssufferingfromgas Oxygen Cycle
poisoning, pneumonia, drowning, etc.
The continual interchange of oxygen between the atmosphere and
the water, the plants and animals and mineral matter is called the
oxygen cycle.
During the early evolution of earth, oxygen was released from H2O vapor
by UV radiation. This accumulated in the atmosphere as the hydrogen
escaped into the earth's atmosphere. With the advent of plant life,
photosynthesis also became a source of oxygen. Oxygen was also released
as organic carbon in CHO, and got buried in sediments.
Oxygen cycle is critical to both our health and the health of our environment.
We need it for respiration. The oxygen that we breath oxidises the sugars
in the food to generate energy. During this process carbon dioxide is released
in the atmosphere.
• Humans need oxygen to breathe.
• Oxygen is needed for decomposition of organic waste.
• Water can dissolve oxygen and it is this dissolved oxygen that supports
aquatic life.

SPOT  Atmospheric O2
Anaesthesia is a mixture of oxygen
and nitrous oxide is artificialy given Photosynthesis Respiration
to the Dental patients for rendering
the concerned area 'numb'.

Assimilated oxygen in biomass

burial of
organic matter small transfer
burned organic matter
Hydrological cycle

Fig.15 Oxygen cycle

1. Distillation 2. Brickred 3. NO2
4. Exothermic 5. Neutral
2 Digital Pvt. Ltd. [52]

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