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Compare an Online Global Brand with a competing Indian Brand(within

the same product category)


Apoorva Raghuvanshi
Asmi Sahu
4. distribution channel
5. competitors
Mission Statement
The mission statement of Levi’s Company is “to sustain responsible commercial success as a global marketing
company of branded apparel” (Hackett, 2014, p. 185). The company endeavors to strike a balance between profit,
leading market position, return on investment, and quality. Hackett (2014) maintains that Levi’s Company
understands that it has an obligation to provide quality products and services to customers. Consequently, the
company makes sure that it abides by the established business ethics and takes responsibility for its activities.

Target Market and Positioning

According to McGowan (2002), Levi segments its target market according to gender, income, age, occupation,
and social class among others. Levi’s manufactures apparel products for both sexes. The company produces
shorts and jeans for both men and women. Besides, it creates shirts and T-shirts for both genders. According to
McGowan (2002), women have a wide variety of products that they can purchase in Levi’s. The company
continues to come up with innovative brands of women jeans. Recently, the company manufactured Levi’s Curve
ID for females. The Curve ID constitutes three distinct fits for ladies. They are the bold curve, demi curve, and a
slight curve. It implies that the company can serve all women regardless of their body figures. McGowan (2002)
alleges that Levi’s divides its market segment based on occupation. McGowan (2002) insists that Levi’s
Company mainly targets high-income earners. The company’s brands are expensive. Hence, most middle and
low-income earners cannot afford them. Despite focusing primarily on the high-income earners, the company
does not neglect the middle-income population. Levi’s markets its products at different prices to cater for the
middle-income earners. The company’s brands go for between AUD30 to AUD 600. McGowan (2002) holds that
Levi’s divides its market segment according to age. Today, the company targets infants, teenagers, and adults.
The success of Levi’s lies in its ability to target a broad market segment. The company can hardly lack
customers. The company’s biggest share of the market comprises the youths. Tucker (2008) posits, “Many
teens buy the company’s 514 slim straight jeans, 569 loose fit jeans, and 501 original jeans”

Psychographic segmentation entails splitting the target market based on personality, values, and lifestyles.
Warner (2002) holds that individuals in the same demographic have various psychographic profiles. People have
different values and personalities. Besides, people observe different lifestyles. Hence, it is imperative not to
generalize a target market. Levi’s Company segments its market according to lifestyle. The company endeavors
to appeal to the clients’ distinct personalities. It underlines the reason why the company manufactures
products that bear different styles. Currently, the company has jeans and types of denim that are suitable for
casual and official wear. Besides, the company manufactures T-shirts and children’s apparel suitable for sports.

Market Positioning
According to Anderson-Connell, Ulrich, and Brannon (2004), market positioning is critical to the success of any
business. Market positioning leads to customers developing a particular perception about a company or
product. Anderson-Connell et al. (2004) argue that market positioning determines if customers accept or
reject a brand. Previously, Levi’s positioned itself as a symbol for independent life. The company associated
mainly with cowboys who were known for leading a free life. Besides, the company positioned its products as
appropriate for casual wear. Later, in the epoch of the Baby Boomers, the company positioned its apparels as
“cool”. According to Anderson-Connell et al. (2004), a majority of the movie actors wore Levi’s products.
Celebrity endorsement helped Levi’s to position its apparels as “cool”. With time, the company shifted from
positioning its products as cool to a symbol of teenage and revolution. In the late 1990s, most schools used
jeans as a uniform. Anderson-Connell et al. (2004) claim that today, Levi’s positions itself based on the target
market and geographical location. In the United States market, the company positions its products as
inexpensive and suitable for casual wear. On the other hand, Levi’s position its apparels as appropriate for
prestige in the Russian and Spanish markets.

Retail Sector and Environmental Factors

The contemporary apparel retail industry is full of uncertainties. Warner (2002) claims that changes in
technology and the emergence of new entrants pose a significant threat to veteran companies. Indeed, for a
company to succeed in this sector, it has to ensure that it manufactures quality products at competitive prices.
The contemporary clients are not only concerned with the quality of the goods but also a company’s
contribution to the environment and promotion of human rights.

The problem of sweatshops has led to society being critical of apparel companies. Levi’s requires ensuring that
it enhances the working environment for employees as this might affect its image. Besides, the company should
endeavor to preserve the environment through energy conservation and the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions. The Australian apparel retail sector is losing significant market share to the retailers from the
northern hemisphere. Additionally, the rise of online retail poses a grave threat to the traditional brick and
mortar stores. Warner (2002) insists that the state of the contemporary retail environment shows that sooner
retailers will do away with intermediaries. The retail companies will soon be purchasing apparel directly from the
manufacturers to maximize profit. For clothing retailers to succeed in the future, they will have to embrace
change. Innovation and technological advancement have resulted in disruptions in the retail sector. On the
other hand, consumer demands continue to increase. For the retailers to prosper in the contemporary
environment, they require being innovative. Innovation will enable retailers to exploit emerging opportunities
and counter possible threats.
Retail Marketing Strategy
Retail Format
According to Cohen and Jones (2006), Levi’s operates on a fixed retail format. Before the introduction of this
model, the company was schizophrenic. The company did not have a specific design. Instead, it came up with a
new model every year. The primary objective of coming up with a fixed retail format was to “create a more
emotionally resonant brand and experience” (Cohen & Jones, 2006, p. 143). The contemporary Levi’s retail stores
have a warmer look than usual outlets. The retails’ ceiling and walls are painted red. Besides, the retails have
timber-slatted gates that facilitate the display of products. The timber-slated gates help the retails to stand out
from competitors. The retails’ in-store graphics have also been enhanced. The stores use varnishes and tints to
signify the quality of the fabric. Additionally, they have ‘broken topographies’ that bring out a ‘sticker-like, used
feel’. The apparels are organized according to gender and age. Cohen and Jones (2006) allege that the retails use
a poignant display to present girls’ garments and a cogent exhibit for boys.Location Strategy The location of a retail
outlet is paramount to its success. According to Cohen and Jones (2006), retail stores should be situated in areas
that receive heavy traffic. Levi’s appreciates the significance of location to its performance. As a result, it locates
its retail outlets along the streets with high traffic. Levi’s has opened a store at Perth. The store is located at
Wellington St, Harbor Town. The store stocks popular denim merchandises for both males and females. The
shop targets mainly the youths. The outlet is strategically located on the ground floor to
ensure that people can easily spot it. The location of the store in the city implies that it can target a huge
population that frequents the town. Besides, many tourists visit Perth City. Hence, retail has an opportunity to
target even foreigners.

Retail Mix
Levi’s stocks a wide range of merchandise ranging from denim jeans, shirts, T-shirts to shoes. The availability of
different products contributes to the competitive advantages of the company. Besides offering a wide variety of
products, the company also sells merchandise that suits distinct personalities, values, and lifestyles (Cohen &
Jones, 2006). Currently, the company offers a Curve ID brand that suits all women regardless of their body size.

Therefore, it is hard for one to visit Levi’s outlet and leave without finding an attractive product. As
aforementioned, Levi’s stocks products for all genders, ages, professions, and social statuses. Apart from
clothes, the company sells shoes. Cubitt (2004) maintains that Levi’s outlet also sells different accessories that
compliment the clothes. Women have an opportunity to purchase bracelets, purse, and even jewels that match
their clothes.

In spite of Levi’s selling its products at high prices, many customers like them due to quality. The company sells
hand-made apparel that is difficult for other companies to copy. The company continues to develop modern
products that are in line with changes in lifestyle and fashion. Levi’s capitalizes on its merchandise only. The
company does not mix its products with other brands. It helps to ensure that competing brands do not outdo
their products in the outlets. Additionally, the stocking of a single brand leads to Levi’s stores looking genuine.

Pricing Strategy
The pricing strategy that a company utilizes determines the attitude that the customers develop towards its
products. Most clients tend to associate the cost of a product with its quality. Therefore, expensive products
are related to superior quality. Levi’s targets mainly high-end consumers. The company does not set the prices
of its products based on the level of competition. Therefore, the prices of Levi’s products remain unchanged
regardless of the increase in competition. Thomas (2010) claims that Levi’s sells its products at fixed prices.
The company sets prices based on demand, the level of income of the target market, distinctiveness and
inventive characteristics of the product, and the production cost. The company does not offer discounts on its
products. Levi’s pricing strategy is useful as it leads to customers developing a positive attitude towards its
products. The confidence that the company exudes in setting fixed prices for the products makes customers
believe in their quality. Thus, many customers purchase Levi’s products without asking for discounts.

CRM or Customer Loyalty Program

Customer loyalty program
Levi’s has a customer loyalty program dubbed Levi’s® Loop. Levi’s® Loop is an online program that seeks to
encourage customers to relate to Levi’s brands (Thomas, 2010). Individuals who join the program benefit in
different ways. The members get updates on new products. Besides, they earn points for purchasing Levi’s
merchandise. They can later cash in the points for products.

Client Perspective:

Advantages and Disadvantages


The customer gets updates regarding new products.

Customers earn points that are redeemable.
Customers enjoy the privilege of attending fashion-oriented events.


Opportunities are only open to members.

Customer’s data is prone to cyberattack as Levi’s® Loop is an online program.
Levi’s Perspective: Advantages and Disadvantages


The company enhances customer loyalty.

The program helps to gather vital customer feedback.
Helps the company to understand its customers and provide personalized services.


The program is costly to the company.

Company does not offer consistent services to all members.


Thomas (2010) alleges that Levi’s products are easy to notice worldwide. Besides, the company’s Australian
store is easy to identify because of its paintings and trademark. The shop uses a consistent retail format that
customers can easily recognize. The timber-slated gates make outlet to stand out from rivals. The store is
spaciously facilitating the easy display of merchandise. The shop does not display wares outside the store.


Marketspace refers to the platform that an organization uses to market its products and services. Levi’s uses
both the sales stores and an online platform to sell its products. The company has a website that facilitates
product promotion in Australia. Additionally, the website helps in the collection of customer feedback. The
company has an appealing website that is easy to use. The site bears the company’s trademark as well as the red
colors. Besides the sales store and website, Levi’s uses social media platforms to reach target customers. One
can contact the company through its Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Tweeter accounts. The different
platforms market similar products.


Levi’s uses various channels to advertise its products. The company uses fashion magazines, television, banners,
the Internet, and billboards to promote its merchandise. The company runs innovative and captivating
advertisements that draw the attention of customers. Fashion magazines prefer Levi’s because of its high brand
equity. Warner (2002) maintains that the company’s website furnishes clients with information about its
products. Direct marketing and sales promotion In Australia, Levi’s promotes its products through the creation
of public relations. The company’s sales promotion focuses on the end customers. It aims to convince potential
customers to purchase Levi’s products. The company uses mass selling and personal selling to promote its
products. Public relations and personal selling Levi holds numerous events aimed at strengthening its relations
with customers. Personal selling entails Levi’s employees meeting the last customers where they get a chance
to interact with them and learn about their tastes and preferences. The sales store organizes fashion- oriented
events to boost customer loyalty. However, the events are meant only for Levi’s® Loop members.
Website Quality/Level of Customer Service The objective of a website is to market the brand of an enterprise.
Upon entering Levi’s Australia’s website, the first thing that you come across is the “find a store” link that
assists the customers on how to locate Levi’s outlet. Besides, the website has several links that outline the men
and women merchandise available. The “new arrivals” link enlightens potential customers on the latest
merchandise in the market. In other words, the website helps the customers to not only locate Levi’s store but
also understand the available products before they take the initiative to visit the outlet or purchase products
online. The website offers an excellent degree of customer service.

Website Layout, Design and Visual Merchandising

The site uses colors akin to those of the stores. Information within the site is spread well, thus making it easy
for customers to find their way around the website. At the top are the categories of both men and women
apparel that the company offers. The groups are organized properly to enable customers to choose according
to their preferences. Besides, the website has a “Fit Guides” link that assists customers to select products that
suit their body size. On the top right corner is the “My Bag” link that prompts customers to purchase products
online. In the middle, the website has a link that enlightens customers about current promotions. The website
targets clients who do not have adequate time to visit the store.

Incorporated in 1992, Spykar Lifestyle Private Ltd. (SLPL) is engaged in retailing of affordable to premium
denim wear in domestic market under the brand name of ‘Spykar’. The company provides complete casual range
which includes jeans, fashionable denims, caps, cargo’s, shirts and t-shirts. SLPL does not undertake
manufacturing activity of its own, but primary designing and specific is done at company’s end. The company
has specification for each and every product which is provided to the job worker for procurement and
production of product. The company supervises the manufacturing activity carried out by outsourcing vendors.
As on November 30, 2023, the company has 290 exclusive business outlets operating in various cities across
India mainly in Metro and Tier 1, 2 & 3 cities.

1. Denim Wear: This includes a wide range of denim products such as jeans, jackets, shorts, and skirts for
both men and women.
2. Casual Wear: Spykar offers a variety of casual wear items beyond denim, including T-shirts, shirts,
trousers, sweatshirts, and hoodies.
3. Accessories: The brand also provides accessories such as belts, wallets, caps, and sunglasses to
complement its clothing line.

Market Positioning:

1. Youthful and Trendy: Spykar positions itself as a brand that caters to the youth market, offering trendy and
fashionable apparel at affordable prices.
2. Quality and Comfort: While focusing on fashion-forward designs, Spykar also emphasizes quality
craftsmanship and comfort in its products, aiming to provide value for money to its customers.
3. Accessible Fashion: Spykar aims to make fashion accessible to a wide range of consumers, striking a
balance between style, affordability, and quality.

Spykar’s Brand Positioning

Spykar has firmly established itself as a leading brand in the fashion industry through its strategic brand
positioning. With a keen understanding of the competitive landscape, Spykar has meticulously analyzed its
rivals and identified a unique positioning that differentiates it from the rest.

At the forefront of Spykar’s brand positioning is its commitment to being a trendy and youthful fashion brand.
By offering stylish and contemporary designs, Spykar captures the attention of the fashion-forward consumer
segment. The brand’s product portfolio showcases a perfect blend of fashion and functionality, ensuring that
customers not only look good but also feel comfortable in their attire.

This positioning is reinforced through impeccable product quality. Spykar places great emphasis on ensuring
that its products are made from high-quality materials and crafted with precision. Whether it’s denim jeans, t-
shirts, or accessories, Spykar’s customers can trust that they are investing in durable and long-lasting fashion

In addition to exceptional product design and quality, Spykar’s brand messaging plays a crucial role in its
positioning strategy. Through thoughtful and relevant brand communication, Spykar effectively communicates
its brand values and connects with its target audience. The brand’s messaging focuses on individuality, self-
expression, and embracing one’s unique style, resonating with the fashion-conscious consumer who seeks
authenticity and originality.

Overall, Spykar’s brand positioning is built on a thorough competitive analysis, resulting in a unique and
compelling brand identity. It combines fashion-forward designs, exceptional product quality, and resonant
brand messaging to set Spykar apart in the fashion industry. By understanding the desires and preferences of
their target market, Spykar cultivates a loyal customer base that appreciates the brand’s commitment to
delivering stylish, high-quality fashion essentials.

Retail Strategy:

1. Multi-channel Presence: Spykar utilizes a multi-channel retail strategy, including standalone stores,
franchise outlets, department store concessions, and online sales through its e-commerce platform.
2. Standalone Stores: The brand operates its own standalone stores across various cities in India, providing a
branded retail experience to customers and showcasing its entire product range.
3. Franchise Outlets: Spykar also collaborates with franchise partners to expand its retail footprint, allowing
it to reach consumers in smaller towns and cities.
4. Department Store Concessions: Spykar strategically partners with department stores and multi-brand
retail outlets to increase its reach and visibility in the market.
5. E-commerce: The brand has a strong online presence through its official website and other e-commerce
platforms, offering customers the convenience of shopping from anywhere at any time.
Understanding Spykar’s Target Audience

To develop an effective marketing strategy, Spykar conducted extensive market research to understand their
target audience. They identified key demographics such as age, gender, lifestyle, and fashion preferences. This
in-depth understanding of their audience allowed Spykar to tailor their marketing messages and products to
meet the specific needs and desires of their target market.

Market research plays a crucial role in shaping Spykar’s marketing approach. By gathering data and insights
about their target audience demographics, Spykar gains valuable knowledge about their customers’
characteristics and preferences. This information helps them create targeted marketing campaigns and
develop products that resonate with their audience.

Through market research, Spykar was able to identify the age group that forms the majority of their customer
base. By analyzing trends and patterns, Spykar determined that young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 are
their primary target audience. These individuals are fashion-conscious, seek trendy and high-quality clothing,
and have a penchant for unique styles.

Gender is another important demographic for Spykar. Their research indicated that both men and women are
interested in their products, with each gender having different fashion preferences. By understanding the
specific preferences and needs of each gender, Spykar can develop and promote products that cater to their
individual tastes.
Spykar Marketing Strategy & Marketing Mix (4Ps)

Marketing Strategy of Spykar analyzes the brand with the marketing mix framework which covers the 4Ps
(Product, Price, Place, Promotion). These business strategies, based on Spykar marketing mix, help the brand
succeed in the market. Let us start the Spykar Marketing Strategy & Mix to understand its product, pricing,
advertising & distribution strategies:

The product strategy

Spykar is synonymous to produce more stylish and aspirational denims targeting the youngsters in the country.
Its products also involve shirts, t-shirts, non-denim tops and bottoms for both men and women. Spykar
products are in wide demand for past two decades of its existence. Some of the other products by Spykar
includes other fashion accessories like belts, socks, perfumes deodorants and designer bags and wallets. The
company which initially launched denims started diversifying by introducing variants of products including the
trendsetter cargo and OYO for kids.

The demographics for Spykar products are between 15 to 30 and aspirational urban and semi urban youth.
Therefore the products have witnessed changes in their design and pattern according the changing trends of
the defined style among these demographic groups. Spykar product portfolio in its marketing mix try to be
more resonating with the youth’s needs. The online platform provides a higher visibility of such products and
give a complete understanding of the needs of the consumers.
Pricing strategy-
Spykar offers its products at affordable prices to the customers. The apparels from Spykar are generally
medium priced to capture the large consumer base among the middle class shoppers It has generally adopted
market follower strategy with prices of products being within the limit of other competitors. The pricing in its
marketing mix is based on different segments of products manufactured which range from premium and
materials of the clothes. The same strategy has been adopted for all the accessories produced by Spykar which
are sold at mid-range price value. The major attractive factor for pricing of Spykar has been the discount
features which are available in all the online and offline stores selling Spykar products. This feature has indeed
helped Spykar in retaining consumer base.
Place & Distribution Strategy:

Spykar has vast distribution channels in the form of retail units of Exclusive Brand outlets (more than 200), Multi
Brand Outlets (more than 900) and large format stores in form of Shopper’s Stop, Big Bazaar, Globus, Central
etc. This has helped in easier accessibility of products for the consumers in cities as well as smaller towns
across the country. Unlike its competitors like Levis, Wrangler and Pepe the products from Spykar is limited to
pan India presence with less foreign exposure. The company is currently following a decentralized network of
its distribution and supply chain with the focus to get more market share in southern and north- eastern
regions. Also Spykar identifies the region wise patterns of demands and implements appropriate strategy to gain
major market share. Continuing with the trend of ecommerce and online purchase and shopping Spykar has
focussed on increasing its availability of products for consumers through such internet purchases. This provides
ample opportunity of marketing and providing users with information and incentives in form of discounts to
purchase the product.

Promotion & Advertising Strategy:

Initially Spykar had carried out its aggressive promotion through in-store campaigns. This was done
considering the contemporary and conventional media available for such advertising activities. However the
current trend is towards using the social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube etc. The company promotions
are more inclined towards youth centric themes since they form major customer for the brand. Spykar has
associated itself with various social events like Teach India campaign and also the campaigns associated for
votes to attract the youngsters. The taglines for some of the promotion is focussed on freedom, youth and
challenges. Also various expos and events are conducted as a part of promotion to increase more consumer
awareness of the product. Currently Spykar has involved in sporting events like cricket by being the associate
sponsor of Rising Pune Supergiants. This has been done with the aim of attaching itself with youths from
different parts of country since IPL has a large following. Hence, this covers the Spykar marketing mix.
Spykar’s Digital Marketing Plan
In today’s digital age, Spykar understands the significance of establishing a robust online presence. Their digital
marketing plan incorporates a comprehensive strategy that encompasses various channels, ensuring maximum
reach and engagement with the target audience. By leveraging effective tactics in social media, search engine
marketing, and influencer collaborations, Spykar successfully connects with a broader consumer base, driving
brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Social Media Strategy

Spykar recognizes the power of social media platforms in connecting with their audience. They employ a
multifaceted approach, leveraging popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage with
their target market. Through compelling content, captivating visuals, and strategic storytelling, Spykar creates
an immersive brand experience that fosters genuine connections with their customers.

Search Engine Marketing

As a key component of their digital marketing plan, Spykar prioritizes search engine marketing to ensure their
brand is visible to potential customers. By utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, Spykar
optimizes their website content to rank higher in search engine results. This strategic approach enables them
to capture organic traffic and attract consumers who are actively seeking fashion and lifestyle products.

Case Study: How Spykar buzzed on Instagram through #MovesLikeYnR

Spykar claims to be India’s leading fashionable denim wear brand. Keeping up with the ever-changing dynamics
of fashionable denimwear clothing around the globe has always been at the core of the brand. Backed by a 25-
year legacy, Spykar certainly defines the rules of the fashion arena.
Spykar embodies the ideology of “Young & Restless” which beautifully captures the state of mind of the youth of
today. Youth has been pivotal to the brand – Spykar has been phenomenal at making all the fashion fantasies of
the youth a reality.

From what we started as a men’s denim brand sold at multi-brand outlets, Spykar has expanded its portfolio to
become a one stop shop for casual wear ensemble for both men & women. The future looks even brighter and
stronger now with Spykar becoming a part of the Lord Bagri promoted Metdist Group, a diversified portfolio of

Marketing Objective for Social Media

Spykar’s target audience being the youth – it is ideal to be harp on the platform the millennial swears by!

Problem Statement:

Spykar has launched YnR range of specially curated denims, inspired by global trends – created for the Young &
Restless generation.

The YnR range of denims are designed for the ones who explore their own boundaries and stretch their
potential. The collection celebrates individualistic styles with their subtle nuances. Designed for the young &
restless generation, the YnR denims recreate the stories of travel, exploration and timeless journeys.

Spykar needed to build awareness about this newly launched range and to reach out the younger newer
audience in the most effective way.Also, Spykar embodies the ideology of “Young & Restless” which weaves
aptly with the target audience and the collection nomenclature.


Spykar utilizes a multi-channel distribution strategy to ensure its products are readily available to consumers
across various locations and platforms. Here's an overview of its distribution channels:

1. Standalone Stores: Spykar operates its own network of standalone stores located in prime retail locations
across different cities and towns in India. These stores serve as flagship outlets for the brand, offering a
wide range of Spykar products and providing a branded retail experience to customers.
2. Franchise Outlets: In addition to its standalone stores, Spykar collaborates with franchise partners to
expand its retail footprint further. Franchise outlets are typically located in smaller towns and cities where
Spykar may not have a direct presence, thereby increasing its reach and accessibility to consumers in
these areas.
3. Department Store Concessions: Spykar strategically partners with department stores and multi-brand
retail outlets to leverage their existing infrastructure and customer base. By having concessions within
department stores, Spykar can tap into a broader customer demographic and increase brand visibility.
4. E-commerce: Spykar has a strong online presence through its official website and other e-commerce
platforms. Customers can purchase Spykar products directly from its website or through third-party e-
commerce platforms, offering the convenience of shopping from anywhere at any time.
5. Wholesale Distribution: Spykar also engages in wholesale distribution to supply its products to retailers,
multi-brand outlets, and other distribution channels. This allows Spykar to reach a wider network of
retailers and expand its presence in the market.

By leveraging these distribution channels effectively, Spykar ensures that its products are accessible to
consumers across different demographics, geographical locations, and shopping preferences. This multi-
channel distribution strategy enables Spykar to maximize its reach, drive sales, and strengthen its brand
presence in the competitive fashion industry.

Spykar SWOT Analysis-


1. The company is an Indian denim brand and hence has an Indian mass appeal.
2. The company has strict code of conduct and quality with almost negligible attrition rate.
3. The company has an in-house processing unit giving the company the competitive edge in consistently
producing quality denims
4. SPYKAR is available at over 450 MBOs across the country, apart from the large format stores like
Shopper's Stop, Globus, Lifestyle, Pantaloons etc. and the exclusive outlets.
5. The brand also has a stylish website giving complete information relating to its products, campaigns and


1. The brand has tough competition and there is high brand switching
2. Limited global presence as it restricted to a small market


1. With 100 per cent FDI in single brand retail getting the nod and 51 per cent in multi-brand likely to happen,
Spykar can benefit.
2. The Company can do aggressive marketing in colleges and youth events.


1. Similar designs available in other brands hence switching cost is less.

2. Local market and international brands poses a risk.

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