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Discamunonte | The curve C has equation y = k(x? +3), where k is a constant. The line L has equation y = 2x +2. (2) Show that the x-coordinates of any points of intersection of the curve C with the line L satisfy the equation kee? — 2x + 3k-2=0 (1 mark) (®) The curve C and the line Z intersect in two distinct points. (Show that 3 —2k~1<0 (4 marks) ii) Hence find the possible values of k. (4 marks) 5 oq The quadratic equation (k + 1)x? +4ke +9 =0 has real roots, (@)_ Show that 44? - 9k -9 > 0. (3 marks) (©) Hence find the possible values of k. (4 marks) ok The quadratic equation (k + 1)x? + 12x + (k — 4) =0 has real roots, : (a) Show that k? - 3k-40 <0. (3 marks) (b) Hence find the possible values of k. (4 marks) sot The quadratic equation (2k —3)x? 42x + (k—1) where k is a constant, has real roots. (a) Show that 2k? -5k+2<0. (3 marks) (&) (@_ Factorise 24? — Sk +2. (1 mark) (i) Hence, or otherwise, solve the quadratic inequality 2 - 5k4+2<0 3 marks) © — Accircle has equation x? + y? — 4x—14=0. (@) Find: (i) the coordinates of the centre of the circle; 3 marks) (ii) the radius of the circle in the form pV2, where p is an integer. (3 marks) (b) A chord of the circle has length 8. Find the perpendicular distance from the centre of the circle to this chord. (3 marks) (c) A line has equation y = 2k — x, where k is a constant. (Show that the x-coordinate of any point of intersection of the line and the circle satisfies the equation x? —2(k+ 1)xt 2k? -7=0 3 marks, (ii) Find the values of k for which the equation x? — 2k + 1x + 2k? -7=0 hhas equal roots. (4 marks) iii) Describe the geometrical relationship between the line and the circle when k takes either of the values found in part (c)(ii). (I mark) sot & The curve C has equation y=x?+7. The line Z has equation y = k(3x-+ 1), where kis a constant. (a) Show that the x-coordinates of any points of intersection of the line Z with the curve C satisfy the equation x Blt 7-k=0 (1 mark) (b) The curve C and the line Z intersect in two distinct points. Show that 9 + 4k — 28>0 Fe none (© Solve the inequality 942 + 4k —28>0. (4 marks) wot “7 @ = Factorise 2x? — 5x43, 1 mark) (b) Hezce, or otherwise, solve the inequality 2x? — 5y4.3<9 ; (3 marks)

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