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Zaozme 4AzroO-me Birth to 36 months: Boys Length-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles Bith 3 6 9 in[em. a1 40" 39: 38: 87: 36: 35) 34: 33) 82: 31 30; 29: 28: 27° 26: 25: 24: 23 22) 21 201 19: 18: 17: 16: 100: 16 14- 12: 10: 8 6 2 Th kg Birth 3 6 9 Published May 30, 2000 (moses 42010), ‘SOURCE: Developed by fe Natal Center for Heath Stasis in cllabocaton wth ‘he tNatenal err fr Corso Disease Prevenson and Heath Promotion [200 Inipiwinnede.govigrowncharts NAME 1215 24 AGE (MONTHS). 18 2427 30 AGE (MONTHS). 42-15 zat fer Mother's Stature Gestational Fathers Stature ge: = = i n 18.24, 30. Weeks Head Ore RECORD # 33 ra0zme 4zro-me Z4ozmr 4ro-m< Birth to 36 months: Girls Length-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles Birth em. 3 6 9 in a1 40: 39) 38; 37; 36) 35: 34: 33; 32: 31 30: 29) 28: 277 26) 25: 24: 23; 22 21 20) 19 18: 17° 16: 100: 95: 2. 1b Birth 3 6 Published May 20,2000 (meted 42901) 9 NAME 42.015 (18 = 2180. [AGE (MONTHS). AGE (MONTHS). 2a} -}97. Gestational Age: Teng 42+ +1518} 2t Mother's Stature ___| Father's Stature Date] Age 30: Weeks Weg Fiead Gre SOURCE: Developed bythe Natnal Cente or Heath Sttsts in callaboraon wit ‘he atonal Contr fr Chronic Disease Prevanon and Mean Prematn (2000, 33, Lee SAPER HEALTHIER: PEOPLE” RECORD # r4o0zmer 4zro-mé mozmamnzZcoz-0 o>mz 4arg-mée Birth to 36 months: Boys Head circumference-for-age and Weight-for-length percentiles Birth 3 6 9 in_fem. 52. 50 om [as 4s 50 52°54 58 58.50 62 in fe 19 2 21 22 28 24 Published May 30, 2000 (mocted 10/16/00) 12 165 68707274 76 78 60 62 84 86 88 GO G04 66 081 NAME RECORD # 15 (18 21 24 27 30 33 36 AGE (MONTHS). LENGTH. em: 52. 50: em 2 27 28 29-90 31 32 33 Ga 35 96 97 38 30 404i] in Date age | weight | engin | Head oie, ‘SOURCE: Dersoped by fhe Nora Carte for Hew Statstcsin collaboration wit thetistonal Gate for Ghrrie Dlsese Prevention and Health romaton (2000, pwede govigronthcharts ‘Comment aise mozmamaZcoR-0 Opmz Azro-me mozmamnZcoz-0 o>mz aro-mé Birth to 36 months: Girls Head circumference-for-age and NAME Weight-for-length percentiles RECORD # Bith 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 3336 inom: ‘AGE (MONTHS) om: 52. 52: 20: 50: 50: 48: 46: 4a a2: 40: 38: 36: 34. 32. LENGTH. 166 6879 72 74.76 78 80 82 84 86 88 00 02°04 06 081 25 27 26 20 si se as 34 35 S65 a7 38 39 40 ai] In Date Wier h_| Head Cire ‘Comment com [a6 de 0 52°54 96 58 60 62 in fe 19 2 21 22 28 24 Published May 30, 2000 ode 10/18/00, ‘SOURCE: Deveioned by tre Natal Cera or Hest Stastcs in cofaborain with thetlaborel Cater fo Ghroto Disease Preverton snd Heath Promoan 2000. Inipsiwrmede govigrowthcharts mozmmmnZcoz-0 Opmz 4zro-me macapa0 4azro-ms 2 to 20 years: Boys NAME Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles RECORD # 12,13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AGE (YEARS) Mother’ State Fathers Stara Dae Waght [Stature /rTo Calculate BMI: Weight (xq) + Stature (om) « Stature (om) x 10,009] ‘oF Weight (b) + Stature (n) + Stature (n) x70, in Fem} 3-4 5-6-7 8-9-1 107 11 160: 155: 150: 145: 140: 135: 130: 125° 120: 115° 110° 105: 100" 95: AGE (YEARS) 234 5 67 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 Published May 30, 2000 (medied 11/210 ‘SOURCE: Developed by fe Natonal Cente fer Heath Stasis in cllabocaton wth ‘he Natenal Centar fr Cross Disease Preventon and Heat Promotion [2000, Iipswinmede.govigrowncharts ‘em: 190: 185: 180: A75: 170: 165: 160: 155: 150: 105: 100: 95: 90: 85: 80: 75: 70: 15: 40: 16 17 18 19 20 muca>a0 ArTQ-mEe mpcari40 4azro-ms 2 to 20 years: Girls NAME Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles 12.13 14 15 Fathors Stature Wagn_[ Suwa AGE (YEARS) [To Caloulate BMI: Woight (ka) + Stature (om) + Stature (ar x 10,009] ‘oF Weight (b) + Stature (n) + Stature Qn) x 703 in Fom}-F 3=F 4 56-78 9 107 17 160: 155: 150: 145: 140: 135: 130: 125° 120: 115: 110: 105: 100" AGE (YEARS) 234 5 67 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 Published May 30, 2000 (medied 11/2100) ‘SOURCE: Developed by fe Natonal Cento fer Heath Stasis in cllabocaton wth ‘he Natenal Centar fr Crocs Disease Preventon and Heat Promotion [2000, Iipuiwinmede govigrowincharts 1617 18 19 20 ‘em 190: 185: 180: 175: 170: 165: 160: 155: 150: 15: 40: k 16 17 18 19 20 RECORD # muca>40 4ArIgQ-mEe 2 to 20 years: Boys NAME Body mass index-for-age percentiles RECORD # Date [Age [Weight [Stature [en Comments 35. 34 33. 32 34 30: ‘*To Calculate BMI: Weight (kg) + Stature (om) + Stature (om) x 10,000 ‘oF Weight (ib) + Stature (i) + Stature (r) x 708 29 28 27 27 26: 26 25. 25 24. 24. 23 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 19 19) 18 18 7 7 16 16) 15 15 14, 14) 13 13 12 12) kg/m? AGE (YEARS) kg/m 239 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pubtsned May 20,2000 sie 10160) ; SOURCE te ana ere fox Cro DcesePrevereon an He Pemton 00) aye hupsiwirwede gov growtheharts ‘SAFER- HEALTHIER: PEOPLE 2 to 20 years: Girls NAME Body mass index-for-age percentiles RECORD # Date [Age [ Weight [Stature [eNir Comments 35: 34- 33- 32: 31 30- ‘To Calculate BMI: Weight (kg) = Steture (cm) + Stature (cm) x 10,000 ‘oF Weight lb) + Stature (Ir) + Stature (in) x 703 29: 28. 27. 27. 26. 26- 25. 25. 24. 24- 23 23. 22 22. at 21 20 20: 19 19. 18, 18: 17, 17. 16 16 15 15; 14 14 13 13: 12 12: kg/m! AGE (YEARS) kg/m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Published May 30,2000 (mocied 10/1800) ‘SOURCE: Dewsoped by te Natal Center for Heath Stassts in coloration wit ‘he ftlonal Center for Chrone Disease Preventon ans Health Promotion (2000) Intpsinwwede govigrowheharts NAME Weight-for-stature percentiles: Boys RECORD # Date_[ Age_| Weight | Stature Comments Bis Ni 8) Biss PSS Sl ells al] ai] Si e|/s)) S/S i882 8: K STATURE: lom| | 80. a5 0 95 {100 105] H10 115) 120 in| 31 92 93 94 95 96 97 38 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Pubithed May 30, 2000 modifed 101600), SOURCE: Developed by te National Cente for Heath Statstesn collaboration wit ‘he National Gere or Chron Disease Prevention and Health Promoton (2000) hitpsiwwode.govigrowthcharts NAME Weight-for-stature percentiles: Girls RECORD # Date_| Age | Weight | Stature Comments BSN) 8) Biss PSS Sele all ai] Si els) S/S i882 8: K STATURE: lom| || 80 a5 <0 95 '100| 1085] H10 115) 120 in| 31 92 93 84 95 96 97 98 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Published May 30,2000 madited 1011600), iia ‘SOURCE: Devsioped by te Natonal Cente for Heath Statstesn collaboration wit ‘he National Gere or Chrone Disease Prevertion and Health Promoton (2000) htpsiwnwede.govigrowthcharts [SAFER HEALTHIER PEOPLE” Taozme 4AzroO-me Birth to 36 months: Boys Length-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles Birth 3° 6 9 12 15 18 21 AGE (MONTHS). 16 oi 42) 15 fi} 2H Mother's Stature an Father's Stature ie eS i 10: 8 6 2 Th kg Birth 3 6 9 Published May 30, 2000 (moses 42010), ‘SOURCE: Developed by fe Natal Center for Heath Stasis in cllabocaton wth ‘he tNatenal err fr Corso Disease Prevenson and Heath Promotion [200 Inipiwinnede.govigrowncharts NAME RECORD # 2427 808388 AGE (MONTHS). zat fart 130, Gestational ge: Weeks a | Head Cre. ra0zme 4zro-me Ta9zme 4Azro-me Birth to 36 months: Girls Length-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles in a1 40: 39: 38: 37; 36: 35) 34: 33: 82: 31 30; 29° 28: 277 26: 25: 24: 23: 22 21 207 19 18 17 16: 1b Birth 3) 6 9 12 15 (18 21 AGE (MONTHS). em 100: 95: 90: 42h 15 fit 2H Mother's Stature —___] Father's Stature__| Date ie] Weght o 2: kg Birth 3 6 9 Published May 30,2000 (moses 42010), ‘SOURCE: Developed by He Natal Cento for Mech Stasis in cllabocaton wth ‘te tlatenal Centr fr Crvorso Disease Prevenson and Heath Promoton [2000 Inipitwinnede.govigrowtncharts NAME 24 FECORD # 2730 ‘AGE (MONTHS) 24 27} 30 Gestational Age: Ta fh Weeks Head Gr. 33, 97 0" 7 5 2 0 5 3 36 ‘em 400 z4o0zmr 4zro-me mozmpmnZcona-0O O>m=r 4zro-ms Birth to 36 months: Boys Head circumference-for-age and NAME Weight-for-length percentiles Bith 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 em. AGE (MONTHS): LENG 198.6870 7274 76 7860 82 64 85 68 9) 92 64 90 58100 RECORD # 30 33 38 25 27 2B 9 81 Sp 33 34 95 96 a7 98 G9 40 ai] In pate | age | weight | Length | Head cic, em |45 48 g0 52°54 58 58.60 62 in fis 19 20 21 22 23 28 Published May 3, 2000 imoted 10/1600. ‘SOURCE: Devsleped bythe Naona Center fr Heath Sittin solaboraton with ‘he islonl Conta for Oran Benace Preventon and Heat Promotion (200 hntpswnwede-gowgromthchars Comment 88/2 8/8/8 8/2 88s ses slg mozmmmnZcoz-0 opmz 4zro—mEe mozmpmnZconz-O OPm= 4zro-ms Birth to 36 months: Girls Head circumference-for-age and NAME Weight-for-length percentiles RECORD # Birth 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 in_fem: ‘AGE (MONTHS) LENGTH (68.6870 72°74 76 76 60 82 84 86 BB 9p da 64 G8 58100 26 27 28 29 0 31 32 3a 34 95 96 a7 38 90 40 41 50. 48; 46: 44: 42: 40: 38; 36: 34: 32, 30: 28: 26: 24: 22 20; em) in pate_| age | weignt | tengin | Head cic. Comment ‘em |46 43 g0 52°54 58 58 60 62 in }19 19 20 21 22 23 24 Published May 3, 2000 (meted 10/1600. ‘SOURCE: Devsleped bythe Nafona Contr fr Heath Stein solaboraton wth ‘he rialonal Conarfr Crone Bcnase Prevention and Heat Promotion (200, Iitp:/waewede gow gromthoharts ‘SAPER-mALTHIER-PEOPLE™ mozmmmnzZcoa—-o o>mz 4zo-—mse macapa0 4azro-ms 2 to 20 years: Boys NAME Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles RECORD # 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Wohers Suure Father Sare_—__ Date Wagh_[ Sure AGE (YEARS) [To Calculate BMI: Weight (xq) + Stature (om) « Stature (om) x 10,009] ‘oF Weight (b) + Stature (n) + Stature (n) x70, in Fem} 3-4 5-6-7 8-9-1 107 11 160: 155: 150: 145: 140: 135: 130: 125° 120: 115° 110° 105: 100" AGE (YEARS) 234 5 67 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 Published May 30, 2000 (medied 11/210 ‘SOURCE: Developed by fe Natonal Cente fer Heath Stasis in cllabocaton wth ‘he Natenal Centar fr Cross Disease Preventon and Heat Promotion [2000, Iipswinmede.govigrowncharts ‘em 190: 185: 180: A75: 170: 165: 160: 155: 150: 105: 100: 95: 90: 85: 80: 75: 70: 15: 40: 16 17 18 19 20 muca>a0 ArTQ-mEe mpcarao 4azro-ms 2 to 20 years: Girls NAME Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles 12.13 14 15 Fathers Stature Wag Suwa AGE (YEARS) [To Caloulate BMI: Woight (ka) + Stature (om) + Stature (or) x 10,009] ‘oF Weight (b) + Stature (n) + Stature Qn) x 703 in Fom}-F 3=F 4 56-78 9 107 17 160: 155: 150: 145: 140: 135: 130: 125° 120: 115: 110: 105: 100" AGE (YEARS) 234 5 67 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 Published May 30, 2000 (medied 11/2100) ‘SOURCE: Developed by fe Natonal Cento fer Heath Stasis in cllabocaton wth ‘he Natenal Centar fr Crocs Disease Preventon and Heat Promotion [2000, Iipuiwinmede govigrowincharts 1617 18 19 20 ‘em 190: 185: 180: 175: 170: 165: 160: 155: 150: 15: 40: k 16 17 18 19 20 a 76: 74: 72: 70; 68: 66: 64: 62: 60: RECORD # muca>40 4ArIgQ-mEe 2 to 20 years: Boys NAME Body mass index-for-age percentiles RECORD # Dae] Age | weight | Staure | our ‘Comments To Calculate BMI: Woight (ka) + Stature (om) + Stature (om) x 10,000, ‘oF Weight (b) = Stature (r) + Stature (in) x 703 20. 20. 19 19 18 18 17 17. 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13. 12 12 kg/m? ‘AGE (YEARS) kg/m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Published May 30, 2000 mosited 1011600), ate ‘SOURCE: Developed by te National Cente for Heath Statstcs in collaboration wth fi the Nahonal Cone fer Chane Diseace Preveriton and Health romoton (2000, WN Itpuiwwewede.govigrowtncharts SAFER: HEALTHIER: PEOPLE” 2 to 20 years: Girls NAME Body mass index-for-age percentiles RECORD # Date | Age | wegnt | Siaue | omm “To Calculate BMI: Weight (kg) + Stature (om) + Stature (er) x 10,000 ‘oF Weight (lb) + Stature Or) + Stature (in) x703 27 26: 25 24 23 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 19 19) 18 18 17 17. 16 16 15 15; 14 14 13 13) 12 12; kgim® AGE (YEARS) kgimnt 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Published May 30, 2000 (modified 10/16/00). P SOURCE Me Navond Sort Gate Dovae Preven sel Fes Promote 20) tpsiwormede.govigrouthharts ‘SAFER: EALTHIER: PEOPLE” NAME Weight-for-stature percentiles: Boys: RECORD # Date_[ Age | Weaht | Stature Comments ‘STATURE 80 85 0 95 100) 105) i140} | | {45 120 in| 31 92,93 94,35 36 97 38 99 40 41 42 43 44 45, 46. 47 Published May 20, 2000 modifed 1/1600) [SOURCE: Developed by the ational Cente for Heath States in calaberation with the Nstonal Carter fr Crone Diseaoe Preverion and Heath Promaran (2000,'growncharte ‘ArEn-HeALT NAME Weight-for-stature percentile: RECORD # Date_[ Age | Weight | Stature 2) 8/8) 21a R88 88 8 ® Kg STATURE. lcm] | | 80 85 90 95 1100) 105) 110 115 120 in] 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Publehed Bay 30, 2000 imosited 10/6'00, [SOURCE: Developed by the Natonel Censor Health Stats In cllaboration wth ‘Re latonal Canter fr Chronic Disease Prevention and Heath Promoten (2000, Ftps/ GAPER- HEALTHIER: PEOPLE”

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