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Republic of the Philippines


Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

D-TRACKER: Canine Vaccination Management System with SMS Alert for Pet owners in
Boac Marinduque

Kenneth Paul T. Montero Myca Magallanes

Poras, Boac, Marinduque Cawit, Boac, Marinduque

Johanna Mae Ferrer Charles Mc L. Vigo

Malusak, Mogpog, Marinduque Balanacan, Mogpog, Marinduque

1. Introduction tame and that approach people or human habitations in

the daytime should be suspected of having rabies.
Rabies, acute ordinarily fatal, viral disease of
the central nervous system that is usually spread Infected dogs usually show a short excitation
among domestic dogs and wild carnivorous animals by phase that is characterized by restlessness,
a bite. All warm-blooded animals, including humans, nervousness, irritability, and viciousness and is
are susceptible to rabies infection. The virus, a followed by depression and paralysis After a few days
rhabdovirus, is often present in the salivary glands of they are unable to bite anymore because the muscles
rabid animals and is excreted in the saliva; thus, the of the throat are paralyzed; they seek only a quiet place
bite of the infected animal introduces the virus into a to hide and die from the rapid spread of paralysis.
fresh wound. Under favorable conditions, the virus Sudden death without recognizable signs of illness is
propagates along nerve tissue from the wound to the also not uncommon. Dogs that develop the
brain and becomes established in the central nervous predominantly excited type of rabies invariably die of
system. After a time, it spreads via nerves to the the infection, usually within three to five days after the
alivary glands, where it frequently produces a foaming onset of symptoms. Those that develop the paralytic
at the mouth. The disease develops most often between type of rabies without any evidence of excitation or
four and six weeks after infection, but the incubation viciousness may recover on rare occasions. Paralysis
period may vary from 10 days to eight months. The of the “voice” muscles in rabid dogs may produce a
disease often begins with excitation of the central characteristic change in the sound of the bark.[1]
nervous system expressed as irritability and
Vaccination in pets is widely considered a
viciousness. A rabid animal is most dangerous during
public health success, just as it has been with people.
the early stages of the disease because it appears to be
Take rabies. The disease kills 59,000 people around
healthy and may seem friendly but will bite at the
the world every year, largely because of transmission
slightest provocation Wild animals that appear to be

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

from dogs in countries where dog vaccination is not supplied to Boac by the Department of Health's (DOH)
widespread, according to VMA. Even in the U.S., the Marinduque office. The municipality said that this is
majority of animal rabies cases before 1960 were in on top of the vaccinations the town's health officials
domestic animals, according to the CDC. But today, already had.[4]
thanks to the rabies vaccine, more than 90 percent of
U.S. cases occur in wildlife, not pets—and human With the development of the D-tracker
cases have plummeted from about 100 cases per year System.
at the turn of the century to just one or two per year. This study holds a significant important for
(Many more people are exposed to the rabies virus various stake holders in the realm of veterinarian,
each year but don't come down with the condition patients and clients.
because they get the human vaccine in time.) "Because
we vaccinate our animals, we don't often see the
diseases we're vaccinating the animals for," says Lori
1.1 Objectives of the project
Bierbrier, D.V.M., a veterinarian and medical director
of the Community Medicine program at the American The main objectives of this project is to
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "I design a system that aims to help the veterinarian to
think sometimes people can get a false sense of manage “The vet” record which help to improves the
security that these illnesses aren't around and that they processed used in the pet hospital to generate a
shouldn't have to worry about them." But in reality, management system, to develop a system that will
Bierbrier says, the bugs that cause these conditions are provide accurate and secure record management.
everywhere. even in urban areas. Officials in New
York City, for example, recently warned pet owners to The project specifically aims to:
keep dogs on leashes [2]
1. Analyze the existing process and procedure of the
The Municipality of Boac is the provincial organization’s system..
capital of Marinduque province. Act No. 2280 gave
2. Evaluate the feasibility of developing a new system
Marinduque, which had previously been a Tayabas
sub-provincial, the status of a regular province on 3. Design and develop a vaccination management
February 21, 1920. The capital of the Philippine system
province of Marinduque, Boac is formally known as
the Municipality of Boac (Tagalog: Bayan ng Boac; 4. Test the performance or functionality of the system
Cebuano: Lungsod sa Boac). It is a first-class by usability testing, performance, and load testing, and
municipality. The 2020 census indicates that there are security and manual testing.
57,283 people living there. [3]. The province was
declared in a state of emergency due to a rabies
epidemic; the authorities were initially made aware of 1.2 Significance of the project
the apparent increase in rabies cases when a 16-year-
old boy developed rabies and died away. Shortly after This study holds a significant important for
suffering a dog bite. Since then, other cases of canine various stake holders in the realm of veterinarian,
rabies have been confirmed by municipal patients and clients.
veterinarians. The benefits will be discussed further below;
As a response to stop the spread of rabies
• Clients
among dogs, the municipal authority has started a
➢ Clients are guaranteed to have
large vaccination campaign with the goal of
detailed information in their pets
immunizing 80–90% of the canine population in the
health and medical history.
town. Furthermore, 1,000 vials of anti-rabies
vaccinations for victims of human bites have been

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

➢ Enhance communication through

SMS notifications for vaccination.
Pet-owners in Boac – The project targets pet-owners
in Boac, Marinduque, who are pet owners or
• Patients (Pets)
responsible for the well-being of dogs. It send a SMS
➢ Improved health monitoring
notification to let them know that their pets need a visit
through accurate records and
to the vet.
immunizations, treatments, and

• Veterinarian 1.3.2 Limitations:

➢ Increased productivity with efficient
The project limitation focus on Boac area and
record management system.
may not be directly applicable other locations. The
➢ Improved client satisfaction through
project focuses primarily on canine vaccination
transparent and accessible health
management, and functionalities beyond this scope
was not integrated into this System. User restriction,
veterinarians are the only individuals who can access
the system; access is limited to this particular
1.3 Scope and Limitations of the project professional group. This restriction guarantees that the
system is limited to use by people who meet the
The develop system was designed on
necessary requirements.
addressing the needs of veterinarians, patients and
clients limited to residents of Boac Marinduque. This
project aims to enhance the management of canine
vaccination, highlighting on providing timely SMS 1.4 Definition of Terms
alerts to the residents of Boac. Throughout the
Canine – relating to or resembling a dog or dogs.
development of the system designed to address the
needs of veterinarians, patients, and clients in Boac, Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) – also known as
Marinduque, several key project activities will be post-exposure prevention, is any preventive medical
undertaken to ensure its successful implementation treatment started after exposure to a pathogen in order
and functionality. The project will commence with a to prevent the infection from occurring.
comprehensive analysis phase, where the specific
requirements of veterinarians, patients, and clients in Zoonotic – infections that are spread between people
Boac will be identified and documented. This involves and animals.
understanding the existing vaccination management SMS – SMS stands for Short Message Service and is
processes and pinpointing areas for improvement. commonly known as texting. It's a way to send text-
only messages of up to 160 characters between
1.3.1 Scope:
Rabid – refers to being extremely violent, going to
Veterinarians – The project's features and extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling,
functionalities are designed to fulfill the needs of interest, or opinion, or being affected with rabies.
veterinarians that work in the vaccination
administration process. These could include record Viciousness – the quality or fact of being cruel and
vaccination schedules, and record-keeping tools, client showing an intention to hurt or upset someone.
profile management, and sending SMS alert to the Rhabdoviridae – is a family of single-stranded RNA
client. viruses that are rod- or bullet-shaped, are found in

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

plants and animals, and include the causative agents of unlikely that this probability will occur, but given the
rabies and vesicular stomatitis. significant impact of rabies on animal health and well-
being in humans it cannot be dismissed [9].
Lyssavirus – is a genus of RNA viruses in the family
Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales. Mammals,
including humans, can serve as natural hosts.
2.2 Canine Vaccinations
Ubiquitous – means existing or being everywhere at
the same time. Canine vaccination is a care for the health of
dogs, and to prevent zoonotic diseases. Canine
vaccines are categorized as containing core and
noncore immunizing antigens. These antigens will be
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE recommended depending on the patient's risk factor
2.1 Rabies [10]. With a distinction between "core" and "noncore"
vaccines, vaccination plays an important role in the
The rabies virus, which comes from the prevention of infectious diseases in dogs. Core
family Rhabdoviridae and genus Lyssavirus, is the vaccines, such as those against canine distemper virus
cause of rabies, a zoonotic disease that is highly lethal (CDV), canine adenovirus 2 (CAV-2), and canine
but preventable. The disease is transmitted by the bite parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2), are considered essential for
of an infected dog, which results in deadly all dogs, offering protection against severe, life-
neurological symptoms and death [5]. Due to its strong threatening diseases. Additional vaccines, for example
neurotropic nature, the virus travels through nerves rabies, can be considered to be of great importance
from the site of infection to the brain, where it causes particularly in regions where rabies is prevalent and
fatal a neurological condition called after entering the the administration of this vaccine may sometimes be
body through a break in the skin or mucous membrane. compulsory when travelling abroad. Unlike core
The virus causes the body organs to finally shut down vaccines, they depend on a careful risk assessment by
as it spreads from the brain to other parts of the body. the veterinarians in terms of factors such as vaccine
For millennia rabies has been considered an existential type, geographic location, local environment,
threat to humankind. The earliest records from the exposure to other dogs and dog's lifestyle [11]. In order
Mediterranean and India have linked human illness to to preserve herd immunity in the dog population,
contact with infected canines [6]. The typical "mad- vaccination with canine rabies was carried out. It is
dog" syndrome is the furious version of rabies, known that 20–45% of dogs must always be immune
however it affects all animals. At the least provocation, to interrupt the rabies transmission in a dog
the animal gets agitated and may behave brutally and population, and this coverage is recognized as the
aggressively, using its teeth and claws. The pupils are critical vaccination coverage of rabies. It is well
dilated, and the stance is nervous and alert. A noisy known that a 70% vaccination coverage rate must be
environment may encourage assault. These animals achieved in the annual mass vaccination campaigns for
become less wary and fearful of other creatures. While puppies, which generally take place in limited
young pups are very energetic and seek out human resource countries [12].
company, they will bite even when they are touched
and will turn violent within a few hours [7]. Every The age of far more effective rabies control
year, an estimated minimum of 59,000 people are began in 1885 with the creation of Pasteur's first
reported to die from rabies, with over 10 million vaccine [13]. The World Health Organization advises
receiving post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). More than that vaccination campaigns be conducted annually in
90% of human rabies deaths occur in Asia and Africa, all canine-owning communities, vaccinating 70% of
often following bites from pet dogs [8]. The their susceptible canines, in order to stop the spread of
probability of 8.3x10-5 that even one dog infected rabies from dogs to humans [14]. Mass dog
with rabies can cause transmission of rabies. It is vaccination campaigns is a complex task, particularly

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

in the resource-limited countries of the rabies endemic applications for market information systems, there's a
world [15]. A volunteer-driven initiative to vaccinate growing need for efficient notification systems. One
dogs in two communes utilizing static spot vaccination promising avenue is the use of SMS Notification
and ongoing immunization as part of standard Systems, which can revolutionize the way
veterinarian care are the two vaccination. Several organizations communicate, particularly in fields like
vaccination tactics and estimated important healthcare. However, challenges such as user lock-in
demographic characteristics using dog age data. All and varying gateway functionalities need to be
things considered, they discovered that dog addressed for optimal implementation [20]. In this
vaccination was both possible and available for the context, exploring the potential of SMS becomes
majority of canines. According to the results crucial, given its widespread use, versatility, and
vaccination campaigns aimed at puppies in the proven effectiveness in diverse scenarios, as
community may result in higher coverage. It is demonstrated by successful campaigns and emergency
possible to achieve high coverage and mass dog alert systems.
vaccination, as previously discovered; nevertheless, to
move the country towards elimination, context- SMS is the most widely used form of
specific techniques and public health investment in communication around the world with more than half
dog vaccination will be needed [6]. As long as at least of the world's population using it. Many organizations,
70% of canine in rabies-endemic areas receive governments, and companies use SMS for internal
vaccinations, vaccinations serve as an efficient means communications as well. Advanced SMS-style
of managing the disease in both humans and animals applications on mobile devices such as WeChat,
[17]. One of the most efficient methods of preserving Whatsapp, Twitter, and iMessage.[21] Everyone who
canine health is vaccination, which is the core of have mobile devices receive SMS message, even if
prevention. The well-being, lifespan, and standard of you don't know what it is. For example, if you had a
living of a canine. Vaccinating dogs also contributes to message come in that someone has logged in to your
public health by acting as a barrier against a number account or changed something in some app, you have
of human and canine zoonotic illnesses. Vaccines for received news through SMS notification. They are
canines are generally classified as having used by businesses on a daily basis for many reasons.
Immunization antigen with recommendations for They mainly serve as a source of updates and warnings
dosage depending on clinical assessment risk factors. for users about important changes. The marketing use
The recommendations contain a thorough table with cases and benefits of sending push messages and
canine core and noncore immunizations as well as a notifications are, though, immense [22].
suggested immunization and booster plan for every Haiti conducts an extensive annual dog
shot. [18] vaccination campaign, employing central point and
door-to-door methods, with campaign details provided
to dog owners. To boost awareness, 600,000 text
2.3 SMS Notification messages were sent to phones in Gonaives and Saint-
Marc, encouraging pet owners to attend. A text
Short Message Service (SMS) has become a message was sent on the second day and mid-
ubiquitous and vital tool for communication campaign. Results show that 91.9% of text-receiving
worldwide, especially on Global System for Mobile dog owners found the messages helpful, and 86.6%
Communications (GSM) networks. With its 160- expressed interest in future text reminders. The well-
character limit, SMS has evolved into a powerful received text reminders significantly improved
means of conveying critical information, ranging from campaign attendance, suggesting that SMS alerts are
medicine awareness to warning notifications [19]. The effective in low-resource areas with large free-
adoption of SMS in Africa is rapidly increasing, roaming dog populations [23]. In order to
notably for real-time notifications in various sectors. communicate vital information to the public in case of
As modern societies embrace mobile and web-based emergency, SMS alerts have evolved into an important

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

tool. In the past years, there has been an enormous sales, and manages inventory by manual techniques.
increase in popularity of SMS as a way to Index cards, logbooks, and other paper documents are
communicate warnings. SMS is preferred for its rapid used to document patient data, supply inventories, and
and efficient communications, which allow a large sales records. The system will turn the handwritten
audience to be reached quickly in cases of emergency patient records, printed inventory supplies, and the
[24]. veterinary clinic's sales record into a web-based
system, uniting the three processes and making work
This study proposes the adoption of Web easier, faster, and more continuous while maintaining
SMS technology as an alternative notification system accurate and dependable patient, inventory, and sales
for elementary schools. Utilizing an SMS gateway, the records. City Vets Animal Clinic includes pet
system can directly send information to parents' owners/patients, inventory, and sales records [20].
mobile phones, bypassing costly and potentially
ineffective traditional methods like letters or written Manual methods are difficult, involving an
messages. This integration allows instant information extensive amount of administrative labor, processing
dissemination from computers to phones, eliminating information slowly, being hard to understand, and
the need for face-to-face meetings or reliance on other making it hard to find data through paperwork. Many
sources such as paper notifications. The goal is to businesses or clinics employ web-based management
enhance parental awareness and keep them informed systems to get around all of these problems with
regardless of their location. A usability test with 20 manual processes. All of these systems perform certain
users yielded 100% positive feedback on ease of use, tasks, such as tracking or keeping an eye on patient
with users expressing satisfaction that the system records. The suggested system has the potential to
could effectively replace existing notification greatly replace the manual procedures used by City
methods. Based on these findings, the study Vets Animal Clinic. Since they just utilize logbooks,
recommends integrating SMS technology into the index cards, and other paper products. This will enable
primary school notification system [25]. them to maintain their records more accurately and
monitor the entire development of their company [20].
It highlights the diverse current information A computer-based solution with a hardware and
ecosystem, including mobile phones, social media, software component is referred to as a management
government accounts, SMS, and private companies information system, or MIS. Automation is essential to
utilizing user data. The integration of new all kinds of businesses. This will simplify a
technologies into traditional media is emphasized. complicated procedure into a simple one that will be
Over 60 years of research on public response to alerts helpful. It is doubtful that users will stick to the use of
has informed system design, though gaps in an ineffective system [27].
knowledge exist. The "Emergency Alert and Warning
Systems" book discusses past research, explores The veterinarian information system ought to
improvement possibilities, and proposes a research be an option in order to reduce the waste costs
agenda to enhance national capabilities [26]. associated with this issue. Three different user
categories use electronic veterinary management
(EVM): managers, veterinarians, and employees.
2.4 Veterinary Management Systems EVM is used to solve the documental problem and the
queue management system in small veterinary clinics
Pet owners in our pet-rich society have a using freeware technologies. Administrator
number of responsibilities, including providing proper occupations have the most authority, whereas
medical attention, vaccines, laboratory testing, employee positions have the least. Workers will
grooming, and many more services that contribute to oversee the owner of the pet, pet data, care expenses,
the pets' well-being. The veterinary clinic City Vets, and system queues. Treatment data may be updated by
which also operates a pet food and supply store, tracks veterinarians. The manager is in charge of user
patient histories, gets in touch with patients, calculates authority data and can access the clinic's revenue [28].

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

The Global Alliance for Rabies Control Data Treatment History is a module that produces medical
Logger (GDL) is a custom-developed vaccination treatment history [20, 31].
tracking device and an integrated rabies surveillance
system. This is a labile, hand-held data collection
device that was custom-developed to facilitate the 2.5 Synthesis
rapid collection and storage of dog vaccination data
[29]. The use of the GDL improved the data capture The information derived from the studied
and monitoring capacity of the campaign, enabling the literature can be beneficial to the proposed D-
Namibian government to improve strategies for the TRACKER system. D-TRACKER offers an
vaccination of at-risk areas towards achieving integrated approach for controlling and tracking
adequate vaccination coverage, which would canine health, especially concerning rabies prevention,
effectively break the transmission of rabies [30]. In through integrating features of veterinarian
around three seconds, the GDL can gather the most management systems, SMS notification systems, and
crucial information about each vaccinated animal in canine immunizations. D-TRACKER can be
the field, including its age, species, and sex. Following successful if important components are met, including
confirmation of data capture, the GDL automatically reaching vaccine coverage goals, resolving issues with
logs the date and time of immunization along with the mass vaccination campaigns, using SMS for
GPS coordinates using satellite triangulation. awareness and reminders, and developing electronic
Information that was recorded and saved on the device systems for effective veterinary management.
According to the literature, D-TRACKER
The Veterinary Management System (VMS) may simplify vaccination procedures, boost data
is a product developed by Innovative Business collection and monitoring, improve SMS alert
Systems (IBS), Capron Corporation of Dallas. IBS has communication with pet owners, and promote the
been actively operating and consistently enhancing its general health of canines. Furthermore, the global
software since 1979. The structured programming significance of SMS as a means of communication and
techniques were employed in planning VMS, making the historical background of rabies management
it completely integrated and menu-driven. To ensure emphasize the applicability and potential influence of
user-friendly operation, VMS incorporates extensive such a system in a variety of contexts, including those
error trapping routines, operator assistance, and with low resources. The suggested method is in line
professional data entry screens, enabling individuals to with the primary goal of using technology to manage
manage veterinary businesses without requiring in- canine health in an efficient manner, with a specific
depth knowledge of computers or complex computer focus on rabies prevention and control.
terminology. VMS is versatile, designed to efficiently
operate single or multi-veterinarian practices, whether
they focus on large animals, small animals, or a mix of 3. METHODOLOGY
specialties. This comprehensive system is built with a
range of modules aimed at streamlining tasks and 3.1 Requirements Analysis Procedure
reducing the workload for the user. Linked
Client/Patient Database. It automatically searches the To collect the organization’s essential
primary and alternate animal owners, search by animal information and processes, a series of Questionnaires
name, facility for medical records/text entry for each will be conducted. The target organization is the
client and patient, and cross reference facility for Municipality of Boac, Marinduque. The information
manual client records. Query Data Base Reports that is being collected shall be examined to learn more
Writer is an very powerful feature that allows the about the organization's requirements. Moreover, the
operator to create specific reports for inquiry and unpublished thesis, research, and blogs pertaining to
printing from the database. Automatic Medical the project will be examined to expand understanding
of the developed study.

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

The proponent uses a Gantt Chart to identify Technical Feasibility was used to conclude if
the schedule of the project activities developed that the the developers have the technical resources needed to
development team should be able to accomplish. develop the system. The developers assessed
themselves if they have the capability of developing
The Flow Chart is used to show the sequence the system. The SWOT analysis was used to know the
of processes of the developed system. Usually, a flow strength and weaknesses of the developer when
chart is used when there are less data to be processed. developing the system, they will identify their
The Use Case was drawn to show the strengths and weaknesses using this analysis. As they
processes of the developed system and see how the develop the system, they will be able to recognize
user interacts with it. future opportunities and threats as well. The technical
resources that the proponents have available will be
The Database Schema was used to represents evaluated using a gap analysis; this relates to the
the logical view of the entire database. It also defines software and hardware required for the system's
how the data is organized into the system. development. The minimum technical requirements
will be compared to the features of the technological
resources that are already accessible.
3.2 Feasibility Analysis Procedure
The proponents will utilize economic
To determine whether the system is viable, a feasibility to gauge the project's advantages and return
feasibility study will be carried out. To assess the on investment if it is developed. By doing so, it will be
current system, a prior survey with Marinduque possible to determine whether the system's advantages
Provincial Veterinary Office. The Boac Municipal Hall will outweigh its predicted cost. To determine the cost
will receive an official letter to request permission to of the proposed system and its development cost, the
conduct the survey. The survey entails a set of proponents may apply the cost and benefit analysis.
questionnaires for the organization chairman, The proponents will estimate how much the
secretary and other staff members. organization spends on materials and supplies for its
current method as part of this feasibility study. In order
The organization's capacity to meet the to determine whether any materials need to be added
development requirements will be assessed using or eliminated, the proponents will also calculate the
operational feasibility. A personal survey employing a number of supplies and materials that could be added
number of questionnaires will be carried out to once the system is created.
determine the organization's system process. The
employee will be questioned in a variety of ways.
Interviews are conducted with members of the
3.3 Development and Testing Procedure
Provincial Veterinary office, and a few of the Boac
residents who are the system’s intended users. The The system development model used in this
survey's data will be used as the basis for an analysis project is the prototyping model. In this model, the
of the viability of the organization's operations. The system was partially implemented, allowing the client
proponents will perform a SWOT analysis to identify to see the product earlier. The initial prototype features
the organization's strengths and weaknesses with only the basic functionality according to the client’s
regard to adapting to the potential systemic changes. requirements. The process started in gathering data
Additionally, it will inform the proponent of the that was done by interviewing the clients. The data will
system's possible opportunities and threats that might be examined, and the conclusions will be documented
appear once it is implemented. A gap analysis will be in a requirement document. It will serve as the
used to evaluate and compare the organization's foundation for the initial prototype, presented to the
technological resources to the minimum technical client. It will be put to test and will be enhanced based
need. on the client's feedback. The cycle shall be repeated

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

until the user approves the prototype and found the proponents aim to facilitate a comprehensive
prototype satisfactory. In creating a prototype design walkthrough with the client, guiding them through
Visual Code and Mockplus shall be used. each phase of the system—from data collection to
system display. This interactive guidance will involve
The system was developed with the help of the use of a laptop and a projector to ensure clear
Use Case, as it was used as a guide of the developer communication and understanding
for the needed process and functionality. The Database
Schema was used in creating the database structure. It The user manual contains comprehensive
includes the table, fields, type, rules, and constraints. information on the features, functionalities, and
Then, it was implemented using MySQL. The Visual technical specifications of the system. For end users,
Code served as the source code editor for coding and this documentation is a comprehensive resource that
designing the developed system. It was used as it offers guidance on how to use the system as well as
supports languages like Hypertext Markup Language insights into its capabilities. In order to give users a
(HTML), which was used in creating the structure of reliable resource for their interactions with the D-
the webpage of the website and the PHP Hypertext TRACKER system.
Preprocessor (PHP) and Javascript were used in
creating the dynamic web pages and functionality of
the developed system. The Cascading Style Sheet 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
(CSS) and Bootstrap were used to define the website's
style and layout. The XAMPP served as a server to 4.1 Description of Existing System
manipulate and manage the database of the developed
system. It also provided an Apache used tocreate a Using the use of automatic data creation, the
local webserver to access the developed system. Marinduque provincial veterinary uses the Philippine
Animal Health Information System (Phil-AHIS), a
After the development procedures, a series of system designed to improve and deliver a standard
testing procedures will be done. The system was timely and enhanced quality of information. It is
examined to identify its possible issues/bugs. System modeled after FMD information Management (FMD-
Testing was performed. The functionality of the IMS). Through regular care, vaccinations, and disease
system as a whole was tested to ensure that it is error- monitoring and surveillance, the system provides
free. Another purpose of this test is to evaluate the information from the field.
system’s compliance with the specified requirements.
The testing followed the proper order of the processes The PhilAHIS initiative uses an integrated
based on its function and entered the desired inputs in reporting system to manage data from local
required areas. The actual results were compared to the government offices, requiring less staff to ensure
expected result. The system was also tested in different managers and policymakers have timely access to the
browsers to test its compatibility with all the media data. This will also solve the ongoing shortage of staff
browsers through Cross-Browser Compatibility from local to national veterinary structures, which is a
Testing. It was run using different browsers such as normal course of data submission, and eliminate
Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla repetitive encoding, which raises the possibility of
Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. human error.

To be able to facilitate immediate responses

to disease outbreaks by identifying and isolating
3.4 Implementation Plan afflicted animals to prevent further transmission, the
system may include traceability elements that allow
The D-TRACKER system will be users to track the movement and origin of animals.
implemented after the completion of its development People are advised to consult official sources, such as
and testing phases, and it will be installed at the Philippine government agencies, agricultural
Marinduque Provincial Veterinary Office. The

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

departments, or veterinary groups, for the most up-to-

date and accurate information. e) Health History Tracking – Allow the
recording of other health-related information,
providing a comprehensive health history for
each canine.
4.2 Requirement Specifications

D-TRACKER system is a web-based system f) Multi-Language Support – Include multi-

focuses on the vaccination and health monitoring of language support to accommodate users who
dogs in the Boac area, with the goal having a may speak different languages.
management system that able to facilitate the problem
g) Backup and Data Security – Implement
of veterinarians when it comes keep track of records
regular data backups and robust security
and data. The key features of the D-tracker system
measures to safeguard sensitive information
include: and maintain data integrity.

h) Audit Trail – Create an audit trail

4.2.1 Functional Requirements functionality to track changes to vaccination
records, ensuring transparency and
Functional Requirements define how the accountability.
system should responds to specific input and behave
in specific situations.
a) Information Management – Pet and owner 4.2.2 Non-Functional Requirements
information where veterinarians are able to
create and maintain vaccination old record Non-functional requirements specify criteria
for each registered pet, including information that can be used to judge a system's operation rather
such as owner details, pet's medical history, than specific behaviors.
and any incidents of bites. The system a) Push Notifications – The system shall send
provides a platform for veterinarian to access the pet owner a SMS notification, to remind
the pet's health information and history and update about the pet’s vaccination.
b) Accuracy – The system shall generate
b) SMS Notification System – SMS notification accurate pet information and vaccination
feature to alert pet owners about vaccination records. The system will ensure that the
schedules, and other relevant information. vaccination data will be available on anytime
This aims to increase awareness among pet which the system should be connected to the
owners and encourage active participation in internet for them to see it.
the vaccination programs.
c) Simplicity – The system shall not difficult
c) Comprehensive Data Management – The when user is navigating. Information shall be
system also have comprehensive data accessed quickly and easily.
management the database schema effectively
manages pet information, vaccination d) Scalability – The system should be designed
records, and health monitoring data, ensuring to handle a growing databases of vaccination
data integrity and accessibility for reporting. records and users without a substantial
decrease in performance.
d) User Authentication – Implement secure user
authentication to ensure that only authorized e) Reliability – The system should have a 99.9%
personnel can access and update vaccination uptime, ensuring continuous availability for
records. users.

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Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

consistent internet connectivity pose operational

f) Compliance – The system should comply weaknesses. To address these issues, implementing
with relevant data protection regulations and backup systems, offline functionalities, and user
standards, ensuring the privacy and security training programs becomes crucial. The opportunity to
of user data. expand the system to neighboring areas enhances its
operational reach, providing a platform for broader
g) Maintainability – The system should be impact. Despite the threat of existing technologies,
designed with modular components, allowing strategic collaboration and integration efforts can
for easy updates, bug fixes, and maintenance.
mitigate resistance and foster a cooperative
environment. Emphasizing scalability planning and
conducting pilot programs contribute to the overall
In conclusion the D-TRACKER system emerges operational success of the D-TRACKER system,
as a comprehensive and efficient solution for ensuring its adaptability to evolving needs and a
managing canine rabies vaccination in Boac, seamless integration into existing veterinary practices.
Marinduque. With its streamlined approach to pet and
owner information, the system provides veterinarians
with a centralized platform for effective data
4.3.2 Technical Feasibility
management. The emphasis on maintaining accurate
vaccination records, coupled with the SMS For technical feasibility, the researchers
notification feature, enhances communication required ICT resources for the development and
between veterinarians and pet owners. This proactive ensured that the specifications (Appendix F) could
communication strategy not only increases awareness support the developed system. His two functioning
but also encourages active participation in vaccination laptops will be used to develop and install the system.
programs. The system's database schema ensures data The SWOT analysis (Appendix G) conducted shows
integrity and accessibility, empowering veterinarians that the developer possesses the necessary strengths
to make informed decisions based on comprehensive such as optimism, motivation, and drive to develop the
pet information. The user-friendly interface system. Developers are also familiar with the
contributes to a positive experience for veterinarians programming language used to develop the system.
fostering engagement in the pet health management Regarding finances, the developer has a sufficient
process. The D-TRACKER system stands as a budget for the development of the project. This
sustainable and impactful tool in the fight against weakness indicates that the developer does not have
rabies, contributing to the well-being of pets and the sufficient experience in developing software projects.
safety of the community in Boac. However, there are also people who can criticize the
project and improve the project's ideas and concepts.
This opportunity demonstrates that developers can
4.3 Results of Feasibility Analysis apply the skills learned in previous courses to software
project development. This threat indicates that
4.3.1 Operational Feasibility developers may encounter software and hardware
errors during development but are aware of
The D-TRACKER system exhibits robust
troubleshooting steps.
operational feasibility, leveraging its efficient data
management capabilities and proactive
communication features. The system's strength lies in
streamlining the management of pet and owner 4.4 Description of the Proposed Project
information for veterinarians, ensuring an organized
D-Trackers is an innovative system designed
and accessible database. However, challenges such as
to streamline the management of vaccination records
susceptibility to power interruptions and reliance on
for dogs and their owners. With a primary focus on

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(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

ensuring the well-being of pets, this comprehensive In essence, D-Trackers not only simplifies
platform enables users to create, store, and efficiently the process of managing and storing vaccination
manage vaccination histories for their canine records but also goes the extra mile in promoting
companions. The system's user-friendly interface preventive care by keeping pet owners actively
facilitates easy access to important information, engaged in their dog's healthcare journey through
allowing pet owners to stay informed about their dog's convenient and timely alerts.
vaccination schedule.

One standout feature of D-Trackers is its

proactive approach to keeping pet owners informed
about upcoming vaccine expirations. The system
incorporates SMS notification functionality, ensuring
that pet owners receive timely alerts as their dogs'
vaccines approach their expiration dates. This real-
time notification system serves as a valuable tool in .
promoting responsible pet ownership, allowing
owners to stay on top of their dog's healthcare needs
and take prompt action to ensure the continued health
and well-being of their furry friends.

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Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

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(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.


APPENDIX A (Letter for Interview)

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APPENDIX B (Interview Questionnaire)

1. Can you describe the current process of managing and recording canine vaccinations within the
Marinduque Provincial Veterinary organization?

2. What tools or systems are currently in place for tracking and monitoring the vaccination status of dogs
in the region?

3. Are there any existing challenges or pain points in the current system that you hope the D-TRACKER
system will address?

4. What outcome do you expect if the D-TRACKER SYSTEM is implemented?

5. How do you anticipate the D-TRACKER SYSTEM will enhance the organization’s ability to manage
and monitor canine vaccinations?

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Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

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(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

APPENDIX C (Gant Chart)

Figure1. Gantt Chart

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Figure2. SWOT analysis

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APPENDIX E (Flowchart of proposed system (System interface))

Figure 3. Flowchart of proposed system (System interface)

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APPENDIX F (Creation of new dog vaccination data)

Figure 4. Creation of new dog vaccination data

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(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

APPENDIX G (Editing of existing dog’s vaccination information)

Figure 5. Editing of existing dog’s vaccination information

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APPENDIX H (Deletion of existing dog’s vaccination record

Figure 6. Deletion of existing dog’s vaccination record

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APPENDIX I (Use case of the proposed system (remote interaction))

Figure 7. Use case of the proposed system (remote interaction)

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APPENDIX J (Physical Interaction)

Figure 8. Physical Interaction

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Republic of the Philippines
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(Accreditation Level III) by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.


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