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12) Impact of consumer ethnocentrism

Ethnocentrism is consumer’s preference to purchase or refrain from

purchasing foreign made products.
Tang is an American drink mix brand that is currently owned by
Mondelez International, a 2012 North American company split off Kraft
Foods Inc. As Tang is a foreign brand therefore, consumer
ethnocentrism can have an impact on Tang in Pakistan for some
customers. For example consumer with high ethnocentric tendencies
may not prefer tang as it’s a foreign product and rather purchase locally
produced products such as Star Mixer, Sun Sip and Energile.

Tang has also been boycotted recently by certain people across the
globe because of the Palestine-Israel conflict. So, ethnocentrism has
impacted the sales of tang this year.
However, as Tang is a well-known global brand with strong reputation
which lowers the ethnocentrism tendencies. Additionally consumer
ethnocentrism does not have much impact on Tang in Pakistan for the
following reasons:
 Marketing techniques: Tang's producer, Mondeléz Pakistan, has
modified its techniques to appeal to regional customers, possibly
lessening the negative effects of ethnocentrism.
 Distribution and accessibility: Tang is readily available to
consumers in Pakistan, where it is extensively distributed and
therefore has the highest sales in Pakistan compared to its

 Product offerings: Tang appeals to customers more since it

provides a variety of tastes and flavors that suit regional

Not only in Pakistan but Tang has introduced new flavors in different
countries according to their preferences.

In conclusion, ethnocentrism did not had a huge impact on Tang

especially in Pakistan as Tang has always dominated the market with a
market share of 80% in the powdered beverage category.

13) Adoption trends

Brands of instant drinks are becoming more and more well-known every
year. Tang has the highest level of brand awareness in the nation due to
its comprehensive marketing campaign and longevity. Market share has
been continuously increasing as the consumer demand increases. Tang
has been successful because it met the changing consumer needs and
adopted the changing trends. Following are the adoption trends by Tang
in Pakistan:

 2000s: Tang was first offered in Pakistan and immediately became

popular as a practical and reasonably priced beverage choice.

 2010s: With a large flavor selection and extensive distribution,

Tang rose to the top of the powdered beverage market.

 2015: The reintroduction of Tang by Mondeléz Pakistan, which

attracted a new generation of consumers and revived the brand
with a fresh recipe and packaging.

 2018: Despite more competition from other beverage brands, Tang

was able to hold onto its market share with the help of successful
marketing and advertising initiatives.

 2020: Tang kept up the innovation with new flavors and

packaging, including a smaller pack size to accommodate single-
serve customers.

2010 2024

 2023: With an extensive customer base in both urban and rural

regions, Tang continued to be Pakistan's top powdered beverage
14) Impact of opinion leader/ cultural influencers/
socialization agents
 Mothers: mothers often serve as both socialization agents and
opinion leaders within their households and broader communities.
Mothers frequently play multiple roles in their homes and
communities, acting as opinion leaders and socialization agents.
Mothers are essential in introducing Tang to their families and
adopting it into their everyday routines. When choosing which
beverages to buy for their homes, they take convenience,
nutritional value, and personal taste preferences into account.
Mothers influence their children's attitudes and behaviors towards
Tang as a beverage option by passing along cultural norms about
food and drink consumption through these interactions.
Mothers also function as opinion leaders in their social groups by
sharing their thoughts and experiences with Tang with friends,
family, and other parents.

 Celebrities: Tang's brand image and commercial presence have

been greatly influenced by celebrities. Celebrities have
successfully endorsed Tang by using their platforms as opinion
leaders and famous personalities to affect public perceptions and
influence consumer behavior. Through a variety of platforms, such
as social media and public appearances, they have promoted Tang,
normalizing its use and boosting its cultural significance. Tang has
thus gained greater exposure, improved brand awareness, and
enhanced customer involvement, all of which have contributed in
the company's growth in the competitive beverage industry.

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