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When did trade become important in the Arabian Peninsula?

By the early 600s

What was the Hijrah?

The event where Muslims left Mecca for Yathrib.

What are the five duties of Muslims?

Faith, prayer, alms, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca.

What happened to Muhammad in his 40s?

He says the angel Gabriel spoke to him. He believed he was a prophet of God and started the Islamic

Why were Muhammad’s ideas unpopular in Mecca?

People in Mecca did not want to lose their traditions. The people of Mecca forced Muslims to leave.

In what way(s) was the Hijrah a turning point?

Muslims had a place to live and practice their beliefs. The number of followers increased.

Why was Muhammad’s return to Mecca important?

He was able to show the power of his religion. His followers destroyed the idols in Mecca.

What does Islam teach its followers?

There is only one god, and people are responsible for their actions. Believers must reject traditional Arab
belief in many gods.

How does praying affect the daily lives of Muslims?

Muslims need to stop what they are doing, and possibly go to a mosque, to pray five times a day.
Muslims center their lives around their religion and mosque.

How did observing Islamic teachings create unity among Muslims?

They participate in their religion constantly. Muslims unite and form a community.

What is similar about Islam, Christianity, and Judaism?

Followers believe in the same God and use a holy book. Muslims were encouraged to tolerate people of
the other two religions.

How did Abu-Bakr spread Islam?

He invoked jihad, and over time, his army conquered new lands.

How did the Shi’a and Sunni groups arise?

They disagreed with how the Umayyads ruled the empire.

Who were the Abbasids?

A bureaucratic leadership that took control of the Muslim empire.

What did the “Rightly Guided” caliphs use as guides to leadership?

They used the Qur’an and Muhammad’s example as guides to leadership.

What changes did caliphs make during their rule?

They invoked jihad and expanded the empire.

Why were they successful in their quest to expand the empire and spread Islam?

They did not force their conquered people to become Muslim.

What ended the elective system of choosing a caliph?

The elective system ended because of Muslim groups struggling for power and caliphs being murdered.

What changes did the Umayyads make during their rule?

They focused on wealth instead of living a simple life.

What led to the downfall of the Umayyads?

They did not keep the empire unified religiously and politically.

How did the Abbasids come to power?

They killed members of the Umayyad family and took control of the empire.

What changes did they make during their rule?

They created a bureaucratic system and controlled trade between China and Europe.

What major problem did the Abbasids face?

The territory was too large to be controlled by one central government.

Name the four groups of Muslim society.

Muslims by birth, converts, protected people, slaves.

Explain how Muslim scholars helped save the learning of the West.

Muslim scholars preserved and expanded European knowledge.

Name four achievements of Muslim scientists and mathematicians.

Wrote an encyclopedia, discovered how people see, wrote a textbook for algebra, and developed ways
to water fields.

Why was Ibn Rushd criticized?

He blended Greek and Muslim ideas.

State Muslim achievements in each of following area.

1- Muslim society
2- Medicine, math, and science
3- Philosophy
4- Literature and the arts

Muslim society Medicine, math, and science

◼ Created a House of Wisdom ◼ Wrote an encyclopedia for medicine

◼ Focused on using old ideas in new ways. ◼ Used experiments to test ideas
◼ Discovered how people see
◼ Developed algebra

Philosophy Literature and the arts

◼ Translated the work of Greek philosophers ◼ Started using creative stories
◼ Blended ideas of many cultures ◼ Practiced calligraphy

Why, most likely, was Constantinople made the capital city?

The city was near a waterway, which is important for trade.

How did the Ottomans get their name?

Western Europeans mistook “Osman” for “Othman.”

What was the Scientific Revolution?

The Scientific Revolution was a new way of thinking about the natural world, based on careful
observation and a willingness to question old ideas.

What old belief about the universe did the new discoveries destroy?

The new discoveries destroyed the idea that the earth was at the center of the universe.

How did the science of medicine change?

Scientists learned more about the human body and the circulation of blood. They also learned about

What did each scientist discover about the universe?

Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton.

- Nicolaus Copernicus: Planets revolve around the sun.

- Johannes Kepler: Mathematical laws govern planetary motion. Orbits of the planets are elliptical,
not circular.
- Galileo Galilei: Jupiter has moons. The sun has dark spots. The earth’s moon is rough and uneven.
- Isaac Newton: The same force, gravity, rules all matter on earth and in space. Every object in the
universe attracts every other. The degree of attraction is determined by mass and distance.

How were Hobbes’s and Locke’s views different?

Hobbes believed people had to give up their rights and obey a strong king. Locke felt people had natural
rights, and it was the job of government to protect those rights.

Name the types of freedoms that Enlightenment thinkers championed.

The types of freedoms included freedom of religious belief, freedom of speech, political freedom, and
human freedom.

Describe the beliefs of the following Enlightenment thinkers and writers.

Voltaire, Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Cesare Bonesana Beccari.

Voltaire Montesquieu
believed in tolerance, reason, and freedom of advocated separation of powers and
thought, expression, and religious belief; checks and balances to keep any
fought against prejudice and superstition. individual or group from gaining
complete control of government

Jean Jacques Rousseau Cesare Bonesana Beccari

committed to individual freedom; viewed believed laws existed to preserve
government as an agreement among free social order; advocated a criminal
individuals to create a society guided by the justice system based on fairness and
“general will”; unlike other Enlightenment reason.
thinkers, believed that civilization corrupted
people’s natural goodness and destroyed
freedom and equality

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