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What were three factors leading to World War I?

Nationalism, imperialism, and militarism all helped lead to war.

What two groups of nations developed?

The Triple Entente—Britain, France, and Russia—and the Triple Alliance— Germany, Austria-Hungary,
and Italy.

How were the Serbians involved in the start of World War I?

Serbia and Austria-Hungary clashed over Austria-Hungary. After a Serbian killed the heir to Austria-
Hungary’s throne, it declared war on Serbia. Russia came to Serbia’s defense, and soon most of Europe
was at war.

What is Nationalism?

It is deep devotion to one’s nation

What is Imperialism?

The quest for colonies.

What is Militarism?

Policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war and able to mobilize troops
quickly in case of a war.

What is Triple Alliance (1882)?

Agreement crafted by Bismarck, who saw France as a threat to peace; made Germany, Austria-Hungary,
and Italy military allies.

What is Triple Entente (1907)?

Alliance among Britain, France, and Russia, in which Britain pledged not to fight France and Russia.

What is Assassination in Sarajevo?

A Serbian nationalist murders Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his

Who were the Allies and Central Powers?

The Allies were France, Britain, and Russia (later joined by Italy). The Central Powers were Bulgaria, the
Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Austria-Hungary.

What was the war like on the Western Front?

The war on the Western Front was bloody and brutal. Trench warfare began. Outside the trenches,
soldiers faced powerful weapons, such as machine guns, poison gas, and tanks.

What weaknesses and strengths did Russia have during World War I?

Russia’s undeveloped industrial economy was a major weakness. Russian troops had inadequate
supplies. Russia’s strength was its huge population. Millions of Russians could go to war.

What areas outside of Europe were affected by World War I?

Parts of the Ottoman Empire, Arab nations, Southwest Asian countries, areas in the Pacific, colonies in
Africa, and the United States were all involved or affected by the war.

What were three ways that World War I affected people’s day-to-day lives?

The war caused hardship through rationing, limited people’s freedom to disagree, and changed people’s
attitudes about women’s job skills.

What were the final problems that Germany and Austria-Hungary faced?

Exhaustion and supply shortages weakened German soldiers. Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany was forced
to step down. In Austria-Hungary, the emperor was overthrown.

Name one human, one economic, and one emotional cost of the war.

Human cost—8.5 million dead soldiers; economic cost— $338 billion in damage; emotional cost—a new
sense of hopelessness.

What was the purpose of the Gallipoli campaign?

To secure the Dardanelles, the narrow sea strait that was the gateway to the Ottoman capital of
Constantinople; defeat the Turks; and establish a supply line to Russia.

Why did the United States enter World War I?

Public outrage over Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmermann note, bonds
between Americans and English, reports of German war atrocities, and strong economic ties with Allies.

Why did the czar’s government collapse in Russia?

Czar Nicholas abdicated when he was faced with civil unrest due in part to wartime shortages, the
refusal of the army to continue fighting, and the prospect of revolution.

In March 1918, Germany and Russia sign Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. What did this Treaty accomplish?

It ended the war between Russia and Germany.

In July 1918, Allies and Germans fight Second Battle of the Marne. What was the significance of this

The German war effort had exhausted both men and supplies; more than two million American troops
took part in this battle; Allied forces began to advance steadily toward Germany; and the Central Powers
began to crumble.

What events signaled the final defeat of the Central Powers?

Surrender of Bulgarians and Ottoman Turks; revolution in Austria-Hungary; mutiny in Germany; and
forced resignation of Kaiser.

How did the Treaty of Versailles affect Germany?

The treaty blamed Germany for the war and took away German territory in Europe and its former
colonies. The treaty also forced Germany to make payments to the Allies. Germans were bitter about
the treaty’s conditions.

Which groups opposed the treaty of Versailles, and why?

Germany—resented taking all the blame; Japan and Italy—got few territorial gains; colonial peoples—
did not receive independence.

What were the guiding principles of Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

Ending secret treaties; freedom of the seas, free trade, and reduced national armies and navies;
adjustment of colonial claims with fairness toward colonial peoples; granting self- determination; and
establishing a world peace organization.

In regard to the peace settlement that ended World War I. What were the concerns and aims of
France and Britain?

Britain and France were concerned with national security, stripping Germany of its war-making power,
and punishing Germany.

In what ways did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany?

Germany lost substantial territory, had severe restrictions placed on its military operations, and was
forced to acknowledge “war guilt” and pay reparations to the Allies.

Why did the United States reject the Treaty of Versailles?

Many Americans objected to the League of Nations, believing that the United States should stay out of
European affairs.

Who were the Bolsheviks?

The Bolsheviks were a revolutionary group led by Lenin.

Who fought the civil war in Russia?

The civil war was fought between Lenin’s army—the Red Army—and Lenin’s opponents.

What developments helped lead to the full-scale revolution?

A massacre, strikes, resistance to the war, inflation, starvation, weak leadership, and corruption all
contributed to bringing out the revolution.

What changes did Lenin make?

Lenin rebuilt the economy and changed the government to form the Soviet Union.

What are two weapons of totalitarianism?

Police terror, control of schools, propaganda, censorship, or persecution.

How did Stalin’s economic changes result in suffering?

Since Stalin used the country’s resources to speed up industrialization, people lacked food, housing, and
clothing for many years. Those who resisted Stalin’s farming revolution were killed or imprisoned.

Who died in the Great Purge?

Stalin’s enemies.

What benefits did Stalin’s rule bring to women?

Women had equal rights and chances for new careers. People were more educated.

Fill in the web diagram with key characteristics of Stalinist Russia.

Industrial policies Agricultural policies Art/Religion

initiated Five-Year Plans to promote Established collective farms; Controlled media; censored all forms of
industrial growth; limited eliminated wealthy peasants creativity; replaced religious teachings
production of consumer goods with Communist ideals; persecuted the
Russian Orthodox Church

Education Control methods Propaganda methods

expanded and controlled education used secret police and violent used indoctrination and art to
at all levels; opened educational tactics to crush opposition; glorify the Communist state;
opportunities to women. launched Great Purge created state- supported youth
groups to train future leaders.

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