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Functional English

Assignment no: 02

Submitted to
Miss Tatheer

Submitted by
M. Ali Nawaz
Daniyal Sajid
M. Usman Asim

BSMC Semester # 1

Date: 29th -April-2024

Paragraph No: 1

The Constitution of Pakistan, adopted in 1973, is often hailed as a beacon of

democracy and progress in the region. However, critics argue that its Islamic
provisions are a hindrance to the country's secular development. Despite this, the
Constitution's emphasis on fundamental rights and social justice is commendable.
Some stereotypes suggest that Pakistan's constitution is overly influenced by religious
principles, leading to perceptions of intolerance. Nevertheless, the Constitution's
provisions for a parliamentary system and protection of rights reflect a commitment to
democratic ideals. Overall, while some may view the Constitution through a lens of
religious bias, its core values promote inclusivity and democratic governance.

 Bias: There is bias in favor of the Constitution being portrayed as a beacon of

democracy and progress, despite acknowledging criticisms.
 Tone: The tone is somewhat critical yet appreciative, highlighting both
positive and negative aspects.
 Stereotype: The stereotype mentioned is the perception that Pakistan's
constitution is overly influenced by religious principles.
 Inference: The paragraph suggests that while the Constitution may face
criticism and stereotypes, it ultimately promotes democratic values and

Paragraph No: 2

In a world where sports reign supreme, there's an undeniable bias towards certain
athletes and teams, perpetuated by the media, fans, and even the players themselves.
Stereotypes run rampant, painting athletes from certain backgrounds or playing
certain sports with broad strokes that fail to capture their true essence. Whether it's the
perception of basketball players as naturally gifted but lacking in academic prowess,
or the assumption that all soccer players are prone to diving and theatrics, these
stereotypes shape how we view and judge athletes. This bias can lead to unfair
treatment and missed opportunities for athletes who don't fit the mold, perpetuating a
cycle of inequality and discrimination. While sports should be a meritocracy where
talent and hard work are rewarded regardless of background or appearance, the reality
often falls short of this ideal. It's time to challenge these biases, dismantle stereotypes,
and create a more inclusive and equitable sporting world where every athlete has the
opportunity to thrive and succeed.

 Bias: The bias in this paragraph refers to the unfair treatment or judgment of
athletes based on stereotypes or preconceived notions. It highlights how
certain athletes or teams may receive preferential treatment or face
discrimination due to biases held by various parties involved in sports, such as
the media, fans, and players themselves.
 Tone: The tone of the paragraph is critical and assertive. It emphasizes the
need to challenge biases and stereotypes in sports and advocates for a more
inclusive and equitable environment. The language used is strong and
purposeful, urging readers to recognize and address the issues present in the
sporting world.
 Stereotype: The paragraph mentions stereotypes associated with athletes,
such as the perception of basketball players as lacking academic prowess and
soccer players being prone to diving and theatrics. These stereotypes
oversimplify and generalize the characteristics of athletes based on their sport
or background.
 Inference: The paragraph implies that biases and stereotypes have a
significant impact on the experiences and opportunities of athletes in the
sporting world. It suggests that challenging these biases is essential to creating
a fairer and more inclusive environment where all athletes have equal
opportunities to succeed.

Paragraph No: 3
The ideology of Pakistan is rooted in the idea of creating a separate nation for
Muslims in South Asia, based on the two-nation theory, which posited that Muslims
and Hindus were distinct nations and could not coexist within a single country. This
ideology played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan in 1947, with the partition of
British India into two independent states: India and Pakistan. Pakistan’s founding
fathers envisioned it as a homeland for Muslims where they could freely practice their
religion and culture without fear of discrimination. Additionally, Islam is considered
the state religion of Pakistan, and its constitution and laws are meant to be in
accordance with Islamic principles.

 Tone: The tone of the paragraph is informative and neutral, presenting key
historical and ideological aspects of Pakistan without expressing any
 Bias: The paragraph is perceived as biased towards presenting a positive view
of Pakistan’s founding ideology and its role in shaping the nation.
 Stereotype: This paragraph discusses the prevailing stereotype regarding
Pakistan’s ideology, which is simplified to being solely based on Islamic
principles and perceived as rigid or conservative.
 Inference: The paragraph highlights the core principles that shape the
country’s identity. It emphasizes the significance of Islam as a unifying force
and the protection of Muslims’ rights.

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