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Questions asked by the students

1) Sudden braking might cause injury

2) At what distance will the brakes be applied?

3) When will the alert be generated to notify the driver of the cross road vehicle?

4) How is the distance calculated?

5) What is the power source for operation?

6) In case of no constant power to the signal transmitter, how will the system work?

7) In case the system incorporated in the vehicle fails due to any reason, will it be costly
to repair it/reinstall it?

8) What is the range of the signal transmission?

9) Why did you choose ESP32 for this project?

10) What challenges did you face during the development of your project?

11) How is the speed of the vehicle calculated using the ultrasonic sensor?

12) What does the Real-Time Clock (RTC) module do and how does it help in this

13) How accurate can the readings from the sensor be?

14) What happens if ESP-NOW communication malfunctions?

15) What software did you use for programing?

16) Can this system be used for integrated brakes in the vehicles or will this work by
separate installation?

17) How will you ensure that the brakes are applied only when necessary?
18) Will the system work for all kinds of junction scenarios?

19) How will the system differentiate between vehicles on the main road and cross road?

20) Can the ultrasonic sensor detect the vehicle in all weather conditions?

21) How will the drivers know about such system?

22) What if the driver completely relies on the system and in case the system fails?

23) How quickly are the brakes applied?

24) How will the network be provided to the system in all the areas where the system
would be installed?

25) In case of network failure, then the whole system fails.

26) How strong should the network be at all times of operation for successful
transmission of data?

27) Can the system be powered by renewable energy sources?

28) If renewable energy sources are used then will it not fail to provide enough energy
when it’s cloudy or during rainy season?

29) If electricity is used for the system, how will you ensure there is constant supply?

30) Can drivers also apply brakes manually in case the system fails to do so?

31) How can this system be implemented in existing vehicles?

32) What if there is an emergency vehicle on the main road?

33) Can ESP-NOW communication be used for real life implementation?

34) What changes should be made to implement this project in real world?

35) How is the distance from the ultrasonic sensor be used to calculate speed at km/hr?

36) What if multiple vehicles are approaching the junction simultaneously?

37) What are the different kinds of power sources that be used for powering the system
38) Why is this project intended only for junctions in residential areas?

39) How can the users/drivers report failures or the system?

40) What can be the life time of the system?

41) Will there be a need to reinstall the system after a certain period of time or is it one
time installation?

42) At what angles can the sensor detect the vehicles?

43) What if there are two cross roads at close proximity and one main road?

44) Does the system prevent unnecessary braking?

45) If the vehicle on the main road is moving slowly and there is no chance of collision
with the vehicle coming from the cross road, what is the use of applying brakes by
the system?

46) How will you know how many people faced issue with the system?

47) What will be major upgrades to this project from the present prototype to real world

48) Are there other sensors to detect vehicles?

49) What is the reason for choosing ultrasonic sensor?

50) Will the alert be in the form of a sound or will it be displayed on the screen?

51) Can speed be calculated without using RTC module?

52) What is the function of two circles on the ultrasonic sensor?

53) What other places can this be implemented?

54) How secure is the data transmission?

55) How were the components chosen specifically? Did you consider any alternatives
before proceeding with the project?

56) What does communication protocol mean?

57) Why did you choose this particular communication protocol?

58) What are the features of the ESP-32 microcontroller?

59) Can you explain the existing technology of automatic braking system?

60) How will you ensure the working of the system in all weather conditions?
61) What is the delay you encountered while the system applies brakes?

62) After detecting the vehicle on the cross road, how quickly is the data transmitted to
the vehicle on the main road?

63) How fast will the main road vehicle act in applying the brakes?

64) Will the speed of transmission be same at all times?

65) What factors might affect the speed of data transmission?

66) Will antennas be installed for the transmission of data?

67) Can you explain the working of the code in a simple way?

68) If the concept is implemented in many areas, how will you come to know if the
system isn’t working in a particular area?

69) How will you keep track of all the areas whether the system is working fine.

70) How much time would be required to rectify any error?

71) Will lot of man force be needed to run this successfully?

72) How will you acquire any reports from users/drivers for failure of the system?

73) Will cameras be used along with ultrasonic sensors?

74) Can cameras be used at all places to check the success rate of the system.

75) How will you know that the system might have stopped the car? Driver would have
done so manually?

76) How will you identify the success rate in such scenarios?

77) For what duration will the brakes be applied by the system?

78) Why is the speed of the vehicle on main road not considered?
79) Why is only the speed of the vehicle on cross road considered?

80) If there are multiple vehicles on main road at the same time, will the brakes be
applied to all of them?

81) Will weather act as a major obstacle for this project?

82) What are all the obstacles faced during the development of this project?

83) What made you come up with such an idea?

84) If one vehicle gets detected on cross road what if another vehicle overtakes that
vehicle and drive faster?

85) Can the system detect other vehicles on the cross road soon after detecting the
previous vehicle?

86) Will the system first detect the vehicle on cross road at both instances as mentioned
and then detect another vehicle?

87) What if another vehicle comes quickly before the previous vehicle completes second

88) If there is no proper transmission due to poor network, who is to be blamed?

89) How can the delay be minimized?

90) To how many vehicles can the data be transmitted at once?

91) Will humans, animals and people using bicycles pose as obstacles?

92) Can’t this problem be solved through awareness?

93) Can’t the police take necessary steps to avoid this problem rather than using

94) How much money was spent on the entire model?

95) What are the costs of the parts used?

96) What other sensors can be reliable to use under various weather conditions?

97) Is there a need to implement this in rural areas?

98) Will there be any monitoring center to monitor all the scenarios?

99) Why are the brakes of the vehicle on cross road not applied?

100) Will the speed breakers not solve the problem?

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