Lecture Notes - Introduction To Art History

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Lecture Notes - Introduction to

Art History
Art History is the study of visual art and cultural heritage throughout human
history. It helps us understand the historical, social, and political context within
which art is created and viewed.

Prehistoric Art
Prehistoric art, such as the cave paintings in Lascaux, France, provides a glimpse
into early human life and culture. These works often depicted animals, humans,
and abstract signs.

Ancient Art
In Ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, and Rome, art served a variety of
purposes - from religious to political. For example, the Parthenon in Greece was
not only a temple but also a symbol of Athenian power.

Medieval Art
Medieval art is characterized by religious themes. Gothic architecture, like Notre-
Dame de Paris, embodies the Medieval period with its pointed arches, rib vaults,
and flying buttresses.

Renaissance Art
The Renaissance was a period of 'rebirth' in art, learning, and thought. Artists like
Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci created works that emphasized perspective,
anatomy, and realistic representation.

Modern Art

Lecture Notes - Introduction to Art History 1

Modern Art broke away from the traditions of the past, embracing abstract and
experimental techniques. Artists like Picasso and Kandinsky explored new ways of
seeing and expressing reality.

Contemporary Art
Contemporary art, from the second half of the 20th century up to the present, is
characterized by diversity and a lack of uniform organizing principle. It often
reflects and comments on modern society.
Please note: This is a very brief overview. Each of these periods and movements
are complex and contain multitudes of styles, artists, and works.

Lecture Notes - Introduction to Art History 2

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