M10 U6 Revision Paper 2

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Year 10 Unit 6 Revision paper

Name: ___________________ Date:____________

1. The height, h metres of a bamboo is directly proportional to its age, t in days.

A 15-day old bamboo has a height of 1.80 metres.
a) Find the height of a bamboo at its 21st day.

b) A bamboo has a height of 6 metres. How old is it?

2. The time taken, t hours, to make a set of 20 curtains is inversely proportional to the
number of people, n, who work on them.
a) Find the formula connecting the number of hours and number of people knowing that
four people would take 20 hours to finish the task.

b) How many people are needed to finish the task in 1 hour?

3. Sketch the graphs of y against x in the following relationships

a) y ∝ x b) y ∝ √

c) y ∝ d) y ∝

4. Work out


b) ( )


5. Simplify



c) √

6. Consider the following sequence: 4, 7, 10, 13, …

a) Find the nth term.

b) Is 316 part of the sequence? Explain your answer.

7. The 12th term of an arithmetic series is 2 and the 30th term is 38. Find the sum of the
first 45 terms.

8. Work out the size of each angle marked with a letter. Give a reason for each step.



9. Work out the size of angle XYZ. Give a reason for each step.

10. Find the length marked with x.



11. B, C and D are points on the circumference of a circle, centre O. ABE and ADF are
tangents to the circle.

Angle DAB = 66° Angle CBE = 70°

Work out the size of angle ODC.
Give reasons for any statements you make.

12. List these sets



13. A youth group has 31 members. 15 like skateboarding, 13 like roller skating and 8 don’t
like either.
a) Represent the data into a Venn diagram.

b) How many like:

i. skateboarding only,

ii. roller skating only,

iii. both?

14. Represent the following sets on the diagrams.



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