Emcee Script

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the Completion Exercise of Bulwang Elementary School is about to commence.
The ceremony is projected to run for approximately thirty minutes. Please feel free to express your joy
and pride in our graduates by offering applause during the presentation. For the best photo
opportunities, please refrain from taking pictures until after the conclusion of the ceremony. We
promise there will be ample opportunities to capture the memorable moments.

Aldien: A pleasant morning to one and all. It gives us immense pleasure to welcome you all to the
completion ceremony. This is a much-awaited event in every students’ lives, as it gives the returns to the
efforts put in by the students throughout their academic endeavor. Today is indeed a day that is full of
joy and the day about pride and accomplishments.

Behold and welcome to the Completion Ceremony of Bulwang Elementary School with the Theme: “K-
12 graduates: Molded through a resilient Educational Foundation”

With so much cheer, let us rise and welcome the candidates of completion, as they march the venue
escorted by their proud parents.

Ladies and Gentleman, The Processional!

Let us also welcome the beautiful and stunning faculty members headed by our very active and
Supportive School Head together with our distinguished guest and visitors for today. Also, together with
them are our Barangay Officials that is headed by our very own captain “Mrs. Sylindita Arnejo”


There you have it ladies and gentleman let’s give them a round of applause.

To formally start, May I request everyone to please remain standing for the singing of Philippine
National Anthem to be followed by Invocation.

Welcome Remarks
You may now take your seats (Palihug manglingkod). To formally welcome us all to this completion
ceremony, may we invite Charley B. Inoc, candidate for completion, to do the honors. A hand, please.

The Presentation and Confirmation of Candidates for Graduation

Thank you, Charlie. And now the most significant moment in every completion ceremony has come. May
we call Mr Bobbie P. Molit, our School Head for the presentation of candidates for completion. This is to
be followed by the acceptance and confirmation of Mr. Jeramel T. Bragat (The Head Teacher of SIOTES).
A hand please.

Distribution of Certificates
Today marks another milestone in our completers’ academic journey. At this juncture, the graduates will
receive their certificates of completion.

With this, may we invite again our School Head “ Mr. Bobbie P Molit” and as well as Mr. Jeramel T.
Bragat to present the diplomas and to be assisted by our Brgy. Captain, Mrs. Sylindita Arnejo. A round of
applause please.

Message of Jeramel Bragat

Thank you very much. At this moment, We are now about to hear a special message from the Head
Teacher of SIOTES ELEM. SCHOOL, Let’s give a hand to Mr. Jeramel T. Bragat.

Recognition of Performance Awardees

Thank you so much Sir! For your very inspiring and insightful messages you imparted. Your words will
surely guide our completers as they tread a new path in their lives. May your messages motivate them
to strive harder. And now, we are also gathered to pay recognitions to the ones who have done very
well and have been perseverant in their studies. May we request once more our School Head Mr.
Bobbie P. Molit and also the Head Teacher of SIOTES ES Mr. Jeramel T. Bragat to give the award to the
outstanding completers this will be assisted by _______________________________________.

Words of Gratitude
At this juncture ladies and gentlemen, let us now hear words of gratitude from Sophia R. Brigoli,
candidate for completion, to do the honors. A hand please.

Moving Up Song
Thank You Sophia. In every memorable moment of one’s life, there are always songs that will embody
inferred emotions. With a round of applause, let us welcome the completers for their Moving up song.

At this juncture, we are about to close the chapter of this event. To all the graduates, the honor
graduates, and parents, congratulations. This day calls for celebration. Thank you for gracing this
momentous occasion with us. We would like to request everyone to please stand for the exit of School
Administrators, Guests, and Officials. Thank you.

Host: Ladies and gentlemen, the Recessional…


Attention: The Graduation Exercise of Bulwang Elementary School is about to start. The ceremony is
projected to run for approximately 1 hour. We kindly ask everyone to switch your mobile devices to
silent mode and maintain a respectful atmosphere by refraining from loud conversation. Please feel free
to express your joy and pride in our graduates by offering applause during the presentation. For the best
photo opportunities, please refrain from taking pictures until after the conclusion of the ceremony. We
promise there will be ample opportunities to capture the memorable moments.

Aldien: Today is another milestone for our dear students as well as their families and friends who have
supported them throughout their journey. Let us congratulate them and celebrate with so much passion
and enthusiasm for they were able to surpass this stage. But since today’s celebration is not the end but
a beginning, today let us remember the inspiring words from Winston Churchill, “Success is the ability to
go from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm. Good morning and welcome to the
Commencement Exercise of Bulwang Elem School with the theme, “K to 12 Graduates: Molded Through
a Resilient Educational Foundation”.

Behold! let us all welcome the candidates for graduation with their parents.

Ladies and Gentleman, The Processional!

Let us also welcome the beautiful and stunning faculty members headed by our very active and
Supportive School Head together with our distinguished guest and visitors for today. Also, together with
them are our Barangay Officials that is headed by our very own captain “Mrs. Sylindita Arnejo”


There you have it ladies and gentleman.

To formally start, May I request everyone to please remain standing for the singing of Philippine
National Anthem, Invocation and this will be followed by the Sugbo Hymn and Tuburan Hymn.

Welcome Remarks
Good Morning Everyone! Today marks another momentous event in our lives as we witness the
unfolding of dreams of another batch of young individuals honed and molded by God, teachers, parents,
families, and friends. Today starts the beginning of another journey that these young individuals are
about to take. To formally welcome us all in today’s event, may we call on the batch With Honors, May
A. Medalla, for her welcome remarks. A hand please.
Presentation of Candidates, Acceptance and Confirmations
Thank You May!

Now, we celebrate the hard-earned success of the 5 students who navigated the challenges of the 203
school days of the academic year. Their enthusiasm is reflected in their faces, as they look forward to
receiving their diplomas.

And now the most significant moment in every graduation ceremony has come. May we call on our
school Head, Mr. Bobbie P. Molit for the presentation of candidates for completion.

This is to be followed by the confirmation of graduates by the School Principal of PUTAT ELEM SCHOOL,
Mr. Ronnie A. Modejar. How about giving them a round of applause.

Distribution of Certificates
For every hardship and trials that we encounter toward our most desired goal, there is always a reward
that awaits in the end of the journey. After four years of hard work and dedication, graduates, it is about
time to reward your commitment towards education. Reap the fruits of your labor. So, at this moment,
we will distribute the certificates of completion to our dear graduates. Ergo, May I call on once again Mr.
Bobbie P. Molit and Mr. Ronnie Mondejar to be assisted by our Brgy. Captain Mrs. Sylindita Arnejo to do
the honors.

Once Again, Congratulations Graduates!

Everyone, let’s give our sincere felicitation to the completers of Batch 2022-2023. At this moment, let us
be emboldened with the message from the Principal of PUTAT ES, Mr. Ronnie A Mondejar. A round of
applause please.

Recognition of Academic Excellence

Thank you for your words of inspiration, Sir. Despite limitations, some of our graduates have proven that
excellence is never impossible with hard work and determination. This time around, we would like to
take this opportunity to pay recognitions to the ones who have done very well and have been
perseverant in their studies. May we request once more our School Head Mr. Bobbie P. Molit and also
the Principal of PUTAT ES Mr. Ronnie A. Mondejar to give the award to the outstanding graduates this
will be assisted by _______________________________________.

Words of Gratitude
Congratulations completers! It is said that in every success, there are people behind it who serves as the
pillars to strengthen the courage. And it is only fitting to give thanks to these people behind the success.
At this point, let us be all ears as we listen to Jasmine L. Romo, batch With Honors, for his words of
gratitude. A round of applause, please.
Thank you, Jasmine. Remember graduate to always be thankful to the people who extended their hands
just to let you arrive to your destination.

Pledge of Loyalty
At this juncture, We will now witness the graduates as they state their Pledge of Loyalty to their Alma
Mater, to be led by John Renan A. Comeros , with honors. A hand please.

Graduation Song & Tribute to the Parents

At this moment, while Celebrating their achievements and their dreams, our graduates will now present
a lively rendition of their chosen graduation song entitled “Today My Life Begins” and as well as their
tribute song to their parents. Prepare to be entertained! Let’s give them a round of applause.

Thank You Graduates, may you fulfill your dreams and never give up as what the song says, today your
life begins, remember that this day is not the end nor your destination, but this will be the start of your
life, the new start of another journey that you need to walk through. So much for that,

This Commencement Exercise has truly been noteworthy for everyone here. Congratulations to each
and every completer who has successfully accomplished their journey in this stage. This is your time to
celebrate your achievements and get ready for the next chapter of your journey in education. So, the
best of luck and may God bless you!

By the way, Many thanks to everyone who participated and most especially to those who helped in
making this day a successful one and above all to God for granting us this victory. Once again,
congratulations completers, we will always be proud of you!

And now, the time has come! Let’s be prepared for the RECESSIONAL!

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