The Spring Semester Calendar of FAS 0210 Year 2023-2024

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The Spring semester calendar of FAS 0210 Year 2022-2023

Phase One: Study Skills

The first phase of FAS will start soon. It is about one’s academic study skills. Hereby, we are going to use the Yellow book or
the e-book. What are you supposed to do?

1. You are going to work in groups of two or three or four.

2. A chapter will be assigned to you as a group from the yellow book /e-book. Which means that you have to change phone numbers, divide the
tasks…who is going to do what? When and where?
3. You read the assigned chapter and you make a Powerpoint…presentation about it. It must be a PowerPoint or prezi or….presentation.
4. The main information must be from the book. You can use extra info; but put the bibliography.
5. Your presentation must cover the whole topic and each member of the group has about 10 minutes talking time, depending on how big the group
is, it could be more.
6. Your presentation must have animations…YouTube videos. The video mustn’t be more than three minutes. Please NO DISCO in class.
7. The grade of the presentation is an individual and a group grade.
8. Each student in class must read the chapter beforehand and take notes about it. Why? You prepare yourself for the information and for the
quizzes already from the start!

Date Session Topic Resources/Homework Student’s name

Week 1 Session 1 ( Monday) Introduction, syllabus…

Jan 15-19 Session 2 (Wednesday) “Do I really need this stuff?”

Course Syllabus and These two presentations will
Session 3 ( Friday) How to give an Oral Presentation Calendar, Study Skills Units be held by the professor

Week 2 Session 1 (Monday) Preparation for the presentations

Session 2 (Wednesday) Preparation for the presentations
Jan 22- 26
Session 3 ( Friday) Preparation for the presentations

Week 3 Session 1 (Monday ) Motivation and Goal Setting Textbook, Chapter 4

J 29 – FEB 2 Session 2 ( Wednesday) Reflection on previous chapter by the professor
Session 3 ( Friday) Reflection on previous chapter

Week 4 Session 1 (Monday) Class –Time listening and Note Taking Textbook, Chapters 7 and 8 Pay attention here: two
connected chapters
Feb Reviewing and using your notes outside
the classroom
5- 9
Session 2 (Wednesday ) Reflection on previous chapters
Session 3 ( Friday) Priority Management Textbook Chapter 3
Session 1 (Monday) Reflection on previous chapter by the professor
Week 5 Session 2 (Wednesday ) Test about chapters about 4, 7,8, 3 and Oral Presentation
Feb 12-16 Session 3 ( Friday) Reflection on the quiz
Week 6 Session 1 ( Monday) Test Preparation and Test Performance
Feb 19- 23 Session 2 (Wednesday ) Reflection on previous chapter Textbook, Chapter 11
Session 3 ( Friday) Critically Thinking /Textbook, Chapter 2
Week 7 Session 1 ( Monday) Reflection on previous chapter

FEB 26- Session 2 (Wednesday ) Reflection on previous chapter

March 1st
Session 3 ( Friday) Memory Textbook, Chapter 10
Week 8 Session 1 ( Monday) Reflection on previous chapter by the professor
March 4-8 Session 2 (Wednesday ) Learning styles Textbook, Chapter 6

Session 3 ( Friday) Break

Week 9 Session 1 ( Monday) Information Literacy Textbook, Chapter 5
11- 15 Session 2 (Wednesday ) Preparation for the quiz
Session 3 ( Friday) Test about Chapters 11, 2, 10, 5
Phase Two:

In this phase, you are going to learn where the database is, what the MLA style is, how to generate a thesis, paraphrase and cite… At the same
time, you are going to work on how to write a chapter review or an academic article review. Finally, you are going to spend the final phase of the
semester reflecting on your study skills.

Most importantly, during all the

sessions, your notebook must
be with you, in a sense that
taking notes is a must and part
of participation, which has a
grade too…

For the coming Sessions Bring your laptop or tablet with you

Week 10 Session 1 ( Monday)  Workshop on Searching Instruction on OPAC and Database searching provided by professor.
the OPAC and
March 18 - Databases.  The homework or the resources that you will see below such as the chapters
22 that you have to read or the links that you have to check or the videos you have to
Explaining Final Research
listen to, must be taken seriously and noted down in your notebook. Note-taking,
asking questions and answering questions in class are part of your participation. You
will get a grade for your participation.

Session 2
(Wednesday )
 Choosing a topic "Concept Mapping: How to Start Your Term Paper Research"
 Narrowing a topic v=KhgxuNvbNrA
 Thesis sentence
"The Research Process: Developing a Topic" (narrowing and keywords)

How to generate a thesis sentence and determine a weak one:

How to write a thesis:

Session 3 ( Friday) Starting the review/ reading the book/ summarizing....

Week 11 Textbook Chapter 4
 Integrating Sources
25-29  Writing References
 Citations
 Paraphrasing Purdue paraphrasing  This website is

your source for MLA style

Integrating sources: see video below:

 Workshop from instructor on:
How to write a book/ article review
References and In-text citations in MLA:

MLA Style in a PowerPoint Presentation

The Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab

Week 12 How to evaluate websites:

 Evaluating Books
April 1-5  Evaluating Periodicals
 Evaluating Websites

Research Paper Checklist:

Annotated Bibliography

 Annotated Bibliography

How to Critically Appraise a Source:

 How to write a Good Introduction
and Conclusion

How to make the intro interesting:

How to write an intro:


April 8 -12

‫عيد الفطر‬+ Spring break

Monday, Students hand in their Chapter/ article Review
April 15th
The Chapter or article review will be handed in to Turnitin via Canvas. The professor will provide you with the
necessary data.
Wed 17
April - May Students are going to work on their reflective essays independently.
5th The reflective essay will be handed in to Turnitin via Canvas. The professor will provide you with the necessary data.
Monday - Students hand in their Reflective Essay
6th May

Mon 8th Last regular class day


** The Due dates of assignments might be changed in case of unforeseen circumstances

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