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COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus

HUM112 Islamic Studies

Lecture 21 Handouts

Conditions for Acceptable Deeds

Every deed is not acceptable in the view of Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) accepts only those
deeds which are performed in the state of Emaan (Faith), with Ikhlaas (sincere intentions)
and according to Shar’iah (Quran and Sunnah). Allah (SWT) mentioned clearly in the Quran,
its translation is given as,

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, And in
the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” [Al-Imran:85]

The final and ultimate religion near Allah (SWT) is Islam, Allah (SWT) will not accept anything
from those who did not accept Islam. The reward for any action will be according to the
intentions, if a person recites Salat for his own appreciation from people, he will get nothing
from Allah (SWT) in return.

It is proclaimed in Quran:

So woe to those who pray, [But] who are heedless of their prayer, those who make show [of
their deeds] and withhold [simple] assistance. (Al-Maoon 4,5,6-7).

Same is the state of Alms and charity. If it is done with the intention of showoff it is not

Similarly, a Shaheed (martyred) in the name his own fame will also face nothing but the
anger of Allah (SWT).

Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab (RA) narrated that he heard Prophet (SAW) saying that reward of
deeds depends upon the intentions and very individual will be rewarded according to his
intentions. So whoever has migrated for Allah and His Prophet, he will be rewarded
accordingly. The person who migrated for the worldly gains or for a woman to marry, his
migration would be considered for the purpose he migrated and will be rewarded
So the acts of human beings are dependent upon the intentions.

For example, if a person who digs a well with the intensions of providing drinking water to
the humanity will be rewarded accordingly and his action will be considered as Sadqa Jaria.

Accordingly, Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

“The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions”.

From this hadith, it is concluded that the act and the intentions have to be coordinated and
unified. In human life such intentions are always active and dominant like love of nafs, love
for property, jealousy ego, enviousness etc. If these feelings are dominant in our acts then
these actions will be meaningless and without any reward in front of Allah.

Deeds in the Name of Allah (Ikhlas)

The deeds done in loneliness and for the sake of Allah (SWT) are the best and the most
accepted ones near Allah (SWT). Pharisaism is not acceptable in Islam. Allah (SWT)
recommends and rewards the acts and deeds performed for Him alone. If a person performs
an act with expecting the reward from Allah (SWT) ignoring the voices of others about his
work, then he will definitely be rewarded by Him.

Whereas if a person’s good deeds are affected by the words of his friends and people
around, he will although become famous among them for his acts, but will get nothing as a
reward from Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) says,

“And whosoever does not content with the Messenger (PBUH) after guidance has been
made clear to him, and follows the way other than the way of the believers, We shall
leave in the path he has chosen, And land him in hell, What an evil destination.”

Islam is a complete religion, one does not need to add something into it or subtract from it.
To add into this argument, let’s see an example of a person who with full attention to Allah
(SWT) wants to perform prostration three times in every Rakat of Fajar prayer instead of
two times, or he wants to pray three Rakat for Fajar prayer instead of two. Will his deeds be
acceptable in the view of Allah (SWT)? No will be the definite answer.Allah (SWT) has made
every act according to His own wish. We cannot change it according to our wishes no matter
how pure our intentions may be to perform it. If a person does anything with his own wish,
he will be considered out of Islam at once.

Along with the purity of intentions, the strict following of the Shari’ah is also necessarily
required for the recommendation of Allah (SWT) and for His rewards.

A group of companions came to the Prophet Mohammad’s(PBUH) home, they inquired

about the living style of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) after listening about it, they
inspired and one of them said he would fast for the rest of his life, one said I would pray all
night for every single day of his life, one claimed to remain single in his life. When the
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) listened to their vows, He (PBUH) became distressed and His
(PBUH) face turned red and forbade them to perform these deedsand led them a balanced
way of life which is according to his (PBUH) Sunnah.

The Concept of Biddah

An act that looks like Sha’riah, proof of which does not exist in the Quran and Sunnah, doing
it with the intention to get nearer to Allah (SWT) and to seek reward from Allah (SWT) is
known as a Biddah. Every biddah is going astray, and every astray is in Hellfire. Similarly,
Fiqh (jurisprudence) is the knowledge of extracting the laws and provisions from the Quran
and Sunnah. We must perform the authentic acts endorsed by Shar’iah only.
Once HazratJibrael (AS) came and asked the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) when would the
hour (death) come? Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “Allah (SWT) knows better about it.
He (PBUH) mentioned some signs about it”.

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said,“Whoever does any action that is not in accordance with
this matter of ours (Islam), Will have it rejected.” [Sahih Muslim]

In our society, people named different things with different backgrounds as a religion and
has made it sacred because they never got through the authentic books, refused to listen to
the learned men, prohibited reciting the Quran daily has brought them to this level.

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