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Vivation FAQ’s

Is Vivation safe?

Yes, since 1979 Vivation has proven safe and effective by over 100,000
students worldwide. Although Vivation brings profound results, its power
comes from its gentleness. No one has ever been hurt doing
Vivation. Should you have any concerns about the effect this might have on
your physical or mental health it is recommended you consult your doctor
or mental health professional.

Is Vivation therapy?

Vivation is a skill you learn to do for yourself, so technically it is not

therapy. However, Vivation is extremely therapeutic and can rapidly
accelerate any emotional work you are doing with a qualified therapist.

Is Vivation meditation?

Yes, but unlike most types of mediation, which require a quiet and
undisturbed place, Vivation can be done anywhere – while working,
playing, driving, and in public. Vivation can also be done in a quiet place to
go deep within. Vivation is a physically pleasurable feelings-based type of
“mindfulness”. Vivation transforms bad experiences into good ones, and
good ones into great ones. Because Vivation feels so good, most people find
they naturally start “Viving” any time they want to improve their situation.

Is Vivation breathwork?

Yes, but much more! Vivation has five elements, of which breath mastery
is just one. See the Five Elements of Vivation for more detail.

Is Vivation a religion?

No, Vivation is a physical feelings-based process that anyone can learn no

matter what their belief. Vivation enhances your awareness of the life force
energy within you, helping you feel more alive and empowered, and all that
that entails.

Does Vivation require a still mind?

No, not at all. Vivation actually brings spectacular results for those with an
“over-active” mind. Vivation helps people who tend to live “in their heads”
finally make simple and loving contact with the feelings in their body.
Because Vivation is a “physical-feelings-based” meditation, it gives your
mind a much needed vacation. After a Vivation session, people report
having a much a clearer and sharper mind than they did before.

How long does it take to learn Vivation?

About 14-16 hours. Almost everyone who commits to learning Vivation, can
start doing it well after a few lessons. Each lesson builds on the next,
resulting in your complete autonomy with the skill after just 2-3 days of
instruction and coaching. See our courses page for more detail

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