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A Anant Nahat a

Position: Chief Executive Officer

Company: Exicom Group
Location: South Delhi, Delhi, India
Experience: 17 years exp

Cont act Inf o:

Phone: +1 215-805-7798, +91 11 2922 4714, +91 11 2922 8563, +91 124 661 5206, +91
124 661 5209, +91 124 661 5221, +91 81783 75150, +91 98112 75150



Work experience
Jan 2011 - Jan 2016 Co-Founder
I helped create India's most popular fast fashion online platform, which was
featured in prominent magazines and marketed by various influencers on social
Apr 2009 - current time Chief Executive Officer
Exicom Group
I reimagined Exicom after recognizing India's urgent need to bring sustainability
to power telecom networks. In 2019 we shifted from telecom power products
to sustainable initiatives with EV charging. We are currently expanding
internationally and creating new solutions for greater global sustainability.
Aug 2006 - Mar 2008 Analyst
Credit Suisse
I worked in the Investment Banking arm of Credit Suisse researching,
strategizing and executing M&A, Debt and Equity deals.

Educat ion
2002 - 2006 Economics
University of Pennsylvania

Head line
Creative and Growth Architect, CEO of Exicom | Innovation to Move You Forward!

Technology innovation and having new ideas to solve complex challenges are at the core of my ethos. I thrive on
helping individuals embrace the future of sustainability and forward thinking so that they can lead better, more
productive lives while driving positive change. When I originally started at Exicom, it was a straightforward telecom
hardware company focused solely on sales and profitability. Its footprint was limited, with no significant advances or
impactful contributions to society. In short, Exicom had no purpose. When I founded Koovs, which quickly became
India’s most explosive online fashion startups, I had a clear vision for what the purpose of the company was. I
wanted a more purposeful direction for Exicom and I focused on creating the change through innovation and new
ideas. By breaking down complicated challenges and building a resilient and motivated workforce, Exicom's
trajectory shifted. I was able to establish a more meaningful purpose for Exicom – sustainability. Exicom is now one
of India's leading sustainability companies, with a diversified portfolio ranging from EV chargers to power electronic
solutions that make telecom networks run more sustainably. This transformation earned Exicom the title of the most
thriving top EV charging company in India in record time with over 50% market share and is now expanding globally.
Whether it's revolutionizing the Indian telecom infrastructure for greater sustainability or spearheading India's
Electric Vehicle ecosystem, my journey has been about challenging the conventional norms and innovating for a
greener future. So, where are you taking your company? It's time to elevate your vision, think bigger, and generate
groundbreaking ideas that propel you forward!

Native or bilingual
Native or bilingual

Publicat ions
The Technocrat: Anant Nahata, Managing Director, Exicom
Entrepreneur India
Transformation of Koovs
Business Today

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