Unit6 LO1,2,3,4 Assignment

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Higher National Diploma in

Construction and the Built Environment

(Civil Engineering)

Assignment Brief v5.0

Student Name/ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 06 - Construction Information

Academic Year 2023/2024

Unit Tutor Mr H M L B Jayathilaka

Assignment Title Producing and reading construction information

Issue Date 16/05/2024

Draft Hand-In Date 15/06/2024

Final Hand-In Date 22/06/2024

IV Name Mr. Soruban Kanagaratnam

Assessment Method(s)/Technique(s) Assessment [1]

Type of Evidence Written task / report [2]

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment Specification (Issue 9) page 447 [1][2]

Submission Format

You are to submit an A4 word-processed document for the Task 01, 03 and 04. Use Arial 12 and 1.5 spacing in your
assignment. In this professional report, clarity and readability are critically important. You are encouraged to use
diagrams and graphics to help to explain the topics. Any material (images, drawings, diagrams, text) that is derived
from other sources must be suitably referenced using a standard form of citation. You must utilize appropriate forms
of referencing and citation in the preparation of the written report. Recommended to use IEEE referencing style.

A report with a recommended word limit of 2500- 3000 words. While you will not be penalised for exceeding this word
count, keep in mind that being clear and succinct are key features of professional documents.

Report Structure to include:

1. Cover Page and/or Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. List of Figures and/or List of Tables
4. Introduction and Summary/Conclusion
5. References and/or Bibliographs

U6_LO1,2,3,4_5.0_16.05.2024 Page 1 of 4
Higher National Diploma in
Construction and the Built Environment
(Civil Engineering)

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1: Evaluate different types of construction information in the context of diverse project types
LO2: Develop construction drawings, details, schedules and specifications in support of a given construction project
LO3: Interpret different types of construction information in order to explain a construction project.
LO4: Assess ways in which construction professionals collaborate in the production of construction information.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

You are recently been employed as an intern by a medium-sized Design and Consultancy firm to aid in completing
a design & build a simple yet modern project. Company’s Managing Director has asked you to prepare a report on
a 2-storey residential project which is to be done in a restrictive budget. The overall report should outline the design
considerations from its inception to completion.

Your report should include an evaluation of different types of construction information explaining its necessity in
different types of project contexts. In order to do so, identify and explain the different types of construction
information in 3 main construction types (one should be residential projects) stating their use of suitability. Compare
the residential project you have been given with any of 2 other construction project types with the specifications and
information by justifying the rationale on the suitability of their construction information. Further, justify the use of
identified specific types of construction information in the given residential project.

Further, the company design team has asked your help to develop a set of drawing aiming to communicate general
construction information about the proposed project to all the stakeholders. You are tasked with the responsibility of
preparing the construction information package including drawings, details, schedules and specifications.

You are provided with the following by the lead architect (refer the annexure 1).
• Floor plans
• Cross section including roof details (Section X-X)
• Door and Window schedule

You are to develop the rest of the information package including the following (plotting to A3 sheets within the scale
of 1:100) adhering to planning regulations. (Recreate the above provided drawings as well - wall thickness 225mm).
• Schedule of drawings
• Front and side elevations
• Longitudinal section (Section Y-Y)

Additionally, you are to produce an outline of Bill of Quantities stating the basic stages of residential project
construction and their considerations. Similarly, your employer expects you to compose a Schedule of Works for
the project as well.

Thereafter you are informed that previously one of colleagues in your company has already produced a set of
construction information documents for the same residential project. Since you are the one in charge of producing
the information package, your employer asks for you to go through the drawing set and relate the construction
information to make sure that they will fit the purpose (refer the annexure 2). Company’s Managing Direction
specifically asks you to evaluate the set of construction drawings and identify any clashes in information. Afterwards
your critique of the discrepancies to be included in the report and propose corrections where necessary using
industry standard forms of notation.

To conclude the report, you are to identify the main stakeholders of a design and build project and assess the types
of different information produced by them in the given construction project. Examine their professional relationships
within the project and discuss the different roles they play to produce different information and to coordinate and

U6_LO1,2,3,4_5.0_16.05.2024 Page 2 of 4
Higher National Diploma in
Construction and the Built Environment
(Civil Engineering)

collaborate throughout the project lifecycle.

Afterwards, your employer explains to you that the given residential design is a unit out of 30 similar units that is
planned to be constructed as a housing community in a certain sub urban area. You are to understand the roles of
CAD and BIM and compare their capabilities to aid in such collaborative production of construction information.
Thus, lastly you are to make a 10-minute (10 slides) PowerPoint presentation to assess the ways in which
construction professionals collaborate in producing construction information.

U6_LO1,2,3,4_5.0_16.05.2024 Page 3 of 4
Higher National Diploma in
Construction and the Built Environment
(Civil Engineering)

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Evaluate different types of construction information in the context of LO1 LO2
diverse project types D1 Justify the use of specific types of
construction information in support of
P1 Explain the use of construction M1 Compare different types of a given project.
information in the context of a project. construction information to identify
P2 Describe the different types of their suitability in specific contexts.
construction information and their
LO2 Develop construction drawings, details, schedules and specifications in
support of a given construction project
P3 Develop a set of general M2 Compose a schedule of works.
arrangement drawings, selected
details and door/window schedules.
P4 Produce an outline bill of
LO3 Interpret different types of construction information in order to explain a LO3 LO4
construction project D2 Propose corrections to
construction drawings and
P5 Relate a set of construction M3 Critique a body of construction specifications using industry
drawings to a specification. information, identifying errors and standard forms of notation.
P6 Evaluate construction drawings discrepancies.
and details to identify “clashes.”
LO4 Assess ways in which construction professionals collaborate in the
production of construction information
P7 Assess the types of information M4 Compare the roles of CAD and
produced by different participants in BIM in the collaborative production of
a construction project. construction information.
P8 Examine the relationship between
different bodies of information and
how they work in conjunction.

U6_LO1,2,3,4_5.0_16.05.2024 Page 4 of 4
When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that
the work is their own.

Student name: Assessor name:

Mr. H M L B Jayathilaka

Issue date: Submission date: Submitted on:

16/05/2024 15/06/2024 22/06/2024

HND in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering)

Unit 06 - Construction Information

Assignment number and title:

Producing and reading construction information

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students
who break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure
that you understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are
expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your
sources of materials for material you have used in your work, including any material
downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if
you need any further advice.

Student Declaration
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of

Student signature: Date:

Pearson Education 2018

Higher Education Qualifications

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